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/lit/ - Literature

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13618313 No.13618313 [Reply] [Original]

I want to start assigning myself essays to write about some of things I read. Does anyone have any ideas on how to go about doing this? Have you ever done anything similar?

>> No.13618332

Pick some issues that actually concern you and write about them.

>climate change
>mass porn consumption (psychological effects)
>technological addiction
>deteriorating interest in the arts and humanities
>shitty education system that prioritizes statistics and marketability over learning

etc, etc

If you want it to be more "profound" or whatever just write about your interpretation of your favorite philosopher and apply their ideas to a modern concept.

It's not that hard, anon.

>> No.13618347

You should print a picture of my face and frame it on your wall. You would worship it every morning, and whenever you act like a naughty boy, I'd kick your door down and start whipping you. You would respond with elation by being whipped by your big Daddy.

Write an essay about that.

>> No.13618348
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search for the hidden absurd and dwell on the unspeakable, make the author face the unpleasant version of himself