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13617735 No.13617735 [Reply] [Original]

Recommended Dionysian reading?

Hard mode: No Nietzsche

>> No.13617741

Reading is Appolionan in nature, listen to instrumental music

>> No.13617743

Nonnus' Dionysiaca
The Orphic Hymns
Euripides Bacchae

>> No.13617745

Just get drunk

>> No.13617754

I'm tempted to say fpbp, but there must be some reading that enhances such things.

>implying i'm not already

>> No.13617759
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Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.13617860

based and redpilled

>> No.13617872
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>> No.13617933

I just found out he has a podcast where he's blabbing in a heavy slav accent. Highly recommend.

>> No.13618001

Stop promoting your own book Mike.

>> No.13618021

Omnicide by Mohaghegh

>> No.13618161

The NuRight is just as much a cancer on this board as the trannies.

>> No.13618205


>> No.13618259

conan the barbarian

>> No.13618271

Narcissus and Goldmund by Hermann Hesse

>> No.13618783

The Immoralist by Andre Gide

>> No.13619504
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>> No.13619911

>female """author"""

>> No.13620196

This could actually be an interesting question. Where are the maenads of modern thought? The feminist writers have instead attempted to participate in a strange form of order, and are notably absent from any sort of counter-culture or revolutionary group. Even in legitimate society they tend to play the safest roles possible.

>> No.13620235

/fitlit/ here
How does he have bowlingball shoulders and huge arms but literally zero chest?

>> No.13620368
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no benching

>> No.13621162

Naturally. As the anon below you pointed out. The maenads followed Dionysus. His was a throwback cult to the time before Zeus
But if you don’t get it, fine. Just leave the thread.

>> No.13621178

Story of the eye
Rimbauds complete works if you like poetry.
Irenes cunt