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13617200 No.13617200 [Reply] [Original]

this is THE most important book of decade.

>> No.13617215

what a gay title

>> No.13617235

Would love for him to win, a US president of Taiwanese descent would probably trigger the fuck out of China.

>> No.13617255

If we got UBI, I'm certain a vast amount of americans would move to the countryside and start farming. The only thing getting in my way right now is property tax/utilities. Not sure if it would work though

>> No.13617262

>lets trigger the foreigners by voting other foreigners into power
Why not just stop being an absolute cuck and vote for someone who represents your own race.

>> No.13617264

>normies think they are being antagonised

>> No.13617267

He's not a foreigner, he was born and raised in the US

>> No.13617273

America has always been a country of mutts.

>> No.13617274

He's a citizen who's lived here all of his life, how would that make him a foreigner?

>> No.13617275

>Yang was born in Schenectady, New York,[11] to immigrant parents from Taiwan.[12] His parents met while they were both in graduate school at the University of California, Berkeley.[13] His father graduated with a Ph.D. in physics and worked in the research labs of IBM and General Electric, generating over 69 patents in his career.[13] His mother graduated with a master's degree in statistics and later became an artist.
He was born in America; he's not a foreigner.

>> No.13617277

This so much. Normalfags and moralfags are absolutely seething telling themselves they are "different".

>> No.13617288

civic nationalism is so fucking gay

>> No.13617296
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Yang is more pure than most Americans.

>> No.13617308
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Without liberal nationalism we wouldn't have Andrew Yang. Liberal nationalism is awesome.

>> No.13617320

Yeah, fuck those germans, and those irish guys, and anyone who's not part of the original makeup of this country

>> No.13617330

I'm an immigrant in Britain. My parents emigrated here from Eastern Europe when I was four. You'd have to be crazy to tell me I'm not British. I speak perfect English with a North-English accent, I grew up on fish and chips and Lidls, I went to a British school, was taught British history, socialised with British friends, wore British fashion, spoke British lingo, etc. The only way my experience has been un-British is (1) I speak Lithuanian and (2) retards like you have tried to antagonise me for being a foreigner. But if I was sent back to where I came from, as your kind often wish, I would feel much more of a foreigner there than I do here. And I'm someone who emigrated when he was four; you're talking about a guy who was BORN in America.

>> No.13617340


checks out

>> No.13617343

>But if I was sent back to where I came from, as your kind often wish, I would feel much more of a foreigner there than I do here.
See, the process of immigration turned you in such a screwed up abomination that you would feel out of place in your native habitat lmao.

>> No.13617354

What? My "native habitat" is america, I didn't immigrate anywhere

>> No.13617356

It's about racial characteristics. You're not British no matter how much you want that to be true, because your ancestors lived thousands and thousands of years in a whole diferent environment than that of the British isles, and thus, went on a physical, spiritual, and mental evolution different from that of the British race. You can call yourself white but not British, because under that facade of "i speak perfect english" and "grew up in Britain", lies a different ethnic background which makes your behavior, line of thought and action, different from those that share their lineage with Shakespeare and so many other greats.

>> No.13617359

Your parents should have stayed in Eastern Europe, and Yang's parents should have stayed in Taiwan. By having the both of you raised outside of your ancestral homes your parents committed the greatest crime upon their own offspring, they made your own ancestry off-putting.

>> No.13617363

>as your kind often wish
you're white, so it's not half bad, though. stop larping as a butthurt POC.

>> No.13617370

What amount of "british" dna makes you a british person? When does this distinction become arbitrary?

>> No.13617374

>Native habitat
What are we, fucking monkeys? The Earth is my native habitat.
It's not though. Culture is an entirely environmental construct. I'm culturally British, whether you like it or not.
How is my ancestry off-putting?

>> No.13617379
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>The Earth is my native habitat.
pahahahaha, what a faggot

>> No.13617386

>race wars


>> No.13617387

Probably between 90-99%. But anyway, just as we can see light in an dimly lit room, but can't detect exactly where does light start and darkness ends, i say the same about percentages of DNA. The more, the Britishier, of course.

>> No.13617388

He's literally assimilated and European like white nationalists want. This is why civic nationalism is so much better than ethnic Nationalism.

>> No.13617393

>He's literally assimilated and European like white nationalists want.
He did and that's alright. He sounds like some self-loathing white leftist adapting American tier SJW talking points, that's why i'm making fun of him.

>> No.13617394

I see you're new on /lit/ and race-realism. I suggest you to research on it, because no, culture is not environmentally constructed, and where your ancestors lived determine a good percentage of your line of thought, and actions.

The earth is also the native habitat of monkeys, worms, and snakes.

>> No.13617398

fair enough.

>> No.13617405

He may be "assimilated" but he's never going to be British, because that is an innate characteristic.

>> No.13617417

Why would you call anyone currently living in britain british after they have been so thoroughly mongrelized and mixed up throughout history? You could say "western europeans" are more related to eachother than they are to africans, but after a certain point, you're making an arbitrary distinction between who does and doesn't fit your particular mold of british. What's the point of making this distinction? The aforementioned racial characteristics (the jungian stuff that was mentioned) has no basis in science, it's pure speculation. I'm not talking about IQ, but moral values and the like.

>> No.13617421

>where your ancestors lived determine a good percentage of your line of thought, and actions.

>> No.13617425

What talking points have I adopted? Someone was trying to brand Yang a foreigner and I gave my two cents.
You're retarded if you think that. Culture is highly malleable. Just look at how sharply things changed since the 1950s. Every old man in every age has complained about the decay of the new generation with their new customs and ideas. The idea that culture is this innate genetic characteristic is laughable.

>> No.13617426
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>source plox
>gib ncbi link
>muh study

>> No.13617427

The different mixes produce new races. You are not part of those mixes. You are not part of that race. You are not british.
>You could say "western europeans" are more related to eachother than they are to africans, but after a certain point, you're making an arbitrary distinction between who does and doesn't fit your particular mold of british
>What's the point of making this distinction?
Because the distinction is real, created by nature, after thousands and thousands of years of evolution.
>The aforementioned racial characteristics (the jungian stuff that was mentioned) has no basis in science, it's pure speculation.
No one mentioned this.
>I'm not talking about IQ, but moral values and the like.
No one mentioned this, we're talking about how you understand the world, a thing which has been shaped by evolution.

>> No.13617451

>The different mixes produce new races. You are not part of those mixes
That's what I'm saying dude, the people who lived in britain before they were mixed would still be called "british", what's the difference between a race being mixed before and it being mixed now? If what makes someone's dna "british" is arbitrary (the definition is the same regardless of genetic makeup, as you just admitted) there's no reason to make the distinction at all, because the basis of said distinction is arbitrary.
>No one mentioned this.
Yes they did >>13617394 >>13617356

>> No.13617506

No they wouldn't. Roman Bretons have nothing in common with the Anglo-Saxons that surpassed them, just as you have nothing in common with said Anglo-Saxons. There was no significant degree of mixture after the Anglo-Saxons, as you try to imply. They are the true British.
>If what makes someone's dna "british" is arbitrary
It's far from arbitrary because it comes from Nature itself. Again, process of evolution shaped both races which intermingled and produced a new one. You are not part of that new one. If you have a kid with an Anglo-Saxon, it will be a new race, without any history whatsoever.

>> No.13617513

school trip is over, back to larp board faggot

>> No.13617519
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>school trip is over, back to larp board faggot

>> No.13617535

If you also think as a byproduct of this worldview the majority of individuals on earth a part of different races due to admixture, I don't disagree. Very few people define "british" as "a person with the exact genetic makeup of people directly after the introduction of saxon DNA" but rather "a person born and raised in britain." If the full extent of your argument is that every person with mixed ancestry has nothing in common with their parent races (even though they LITERALLY share the same DNA) then we have nothing to argue about, that's a difference of opinion.

>> No.13617545

Andrew "3 minutes" Yang is a meme candidate and his book is fucking stupid.

>> No.13617551

Your particular valuation of nature IS arbitary

>> No.13617592

>Yeah, his eyes are different, thus not 'merican. Trump 2020.

>> No.13617599

Why bother? You know he doesn't have one. These people make this shit up as they go along. The only consistent thing about them is that they are deeply insecure and that brown people scare them on a visceral level.

>> No.13617604
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>brown people scare them

>> No.13617606
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Most trump supporters are civic nationalists anyways.

>> No.13617607

It's the easiest way to remove all credibility. If nobody asks for a citation, some people will take everything he says for granted. 90% of the time they don't respond or post something like this >>13617426

>> No.13617623

You know it's true. You're cowardly, useless, little boys who desperately cling to silly stories about race and some made-up glorious past your "race" had and derive pride from it because you know you have nothing else. It's comforting to know that demographics are destiny. We are building a better tomorrow and the most you can do is slow us down a little.

>> No.13617632

>implying he's some sort of expert gremium that has the authority to approve or dismiss sources and studies
>implying he will truthfully engage with any sources posted or even accept them if they deliver
let's be honest, in cases like this asking for muh source is just a rhetorical device to disrupt the ongoing conversation.

>> No.13617634

Love the guy for his policies, been a fan since march already and would without hesitation vote for him if he gets nominated but I doubt the book will actually be worth it. I would only buy it to directly support the campaign not expecting to learning much from reading it.

>> No.13617644


>> No.13617646

yang will run for presirdent his entire life and be cucked from his own daughter

>> No.13617658

In this case, it's more important to disrupt said conversation than attempt to actually argue against a source if it is posted. 4chan is generally not the place for intellectual discourse, any source posted supporting either world view can usually be dismissed easily. People here aren't convinced to change their opinions by sources, but rather memes, insults, and argumentation. It's especially true for crime stats, leftists can easily just say blacks are less educated/poor due to slavery, and rightists can just say they genetically have a lower IQ. I've stopped trying to convince people about stuff like this because it never ends up in a change of opinion, just two people continuously trying to get the high ground over eachother.

>> No.13617672

>a thread about Yang and UBI that could be interesting derailed by retarded racist /pol/goloids yet again

You should all consider ending your lives for shitting up everything.

>> No.13617676

>In this case, it's more important to disrupt said conversation
Why is it important? It doesn't achieve anything.

>> No.13617687

So how come the United States which is the most culturally and genetically mixed country is also a global superpower?

>> No.13617711

The United States is primarily a Anglo-German-Jew creation. The rest just inhabits it, like the Southern Europeans.

>> No.13617713

It makes their viewpoints less credible, that's important IMO.

>> No.13617719

It doesn't, you're thinking too highly of yourself and your random interjections on 4channel.

>> No.13617720

Why do people like this guy?
Automation is a stupid meme and is not going to replace every job. UBI is a novel idea as a replacement to the bureaucratic mess that is the US welfare system -- Only problem is we shouldn't have welfare anyways, and he'd just end up adding UBI on top of the programs we already have.

>> No.13617724

It has nothing to do with my self image, I think it's a pretty basic concept that if a belief is questioned with no response it becomes less credible. Would you disagree?

>> No.13617726
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>United States [is] a global superpower
not anymore

>> No.13617731

>It has nothing to do with my self image
>Would you disagree?

>> No.13617732

>he'd just end up adding UBI on top of the programs we already have.
At least read his plan before criticizing it. If you go on UBI that makes you ineligible for any other type of welfare.

>> No.13617757

>If you go on UBI that makes you ineligible for any other type of welfare.

How convenient. How do people not realize that this is precisely the shit that makes it obvious Yang is a neo-liberal shill for Silicon Valley?

>> No.13617760

Based singlewordresponseposter

>> No.13617761

Assimilated to what?

>> No.13617762

>Yang is a neo-liberal shill for Silicon Valley
no lol

>> No.13617769

Not an argument fag.

>> No.13617778

>your statement is not an argument even though my statement is not an argument either

>> No.13617794

fuck trump i'm talking pol pot for white people, revolutionary satanic genocide bro

>> No.13617804

Wanting to cut all welfare is literally something both rich liberals and rich republicans agree on you fucking faggot.

If Yang argues that UBI is better than all the other current welfare programs, it's almost guaranteed that this is because his overlords have done the math and figured out it's cheaper for them to literally give the masses 1000 bucks than for them to pay for medicare/medicaid and social security.

If you actually fell for this shit, you're a delusional zoomer.

>> No.13617822

If you're still the same person that was complaining about welfare and bureaucracy like a libertarian why are saying that cutting welfare is bad now?

>> No.13617855

I am definitely not any kind of libertarian.

>> No.13617937

That's really not an argument either. It might or might not be true, but you could say that about any social program. No matter how socialist a candidate is, you could claim that in the end it will be simply cheaper for the government. It is not a real argument without numbers.

I don't even say that you are wrong, simply that you provide no real proof or argument.

>> No.13617959

My question is why anyone should support a candidate that wants to slash every welfare payment that already exists in favor of a direct handout that barely covers rent in large parts of the U.S.

>> No.13617985

Lol? Foreigners can't be elected president of the US.

>> No.13617996

>If we got UBI, I'm certain a vast amount of americans would move to the countryside and start farming
Funny you say that. That's exactly what I would do. It has been my dream for years now, but it's taking me forever to save enough money. You a fan of Wendell Berry?

>> No.13618013

they might as well be at this point
>le free tendies chinaman
>socialist jew
>hindu amerimutt surfer/army brat
>fake injun succotash mommy
>schizo meditation mommy
>joe "i got caught diddling kiddies on video several times but i'm pro immigration so it's no big deal" biden
>beto "i had a skateboard and some punkrawk cd's in the 90's" o rourke
you'd have to be insane not to vote for trump and i'm not even an amerilard

>> No.13618043

I'll take Bernie over Trump this time around. Trump didn't do fuckall to accelerate the contradictions in the system and stir up the hornet's nest. Bernie won't either, but I don't know, maybe he's so old he'll try to spite the establishment and actually do something real.

>> No.13618079

>you'd have to be insane not to vote for trump
Yeah, you're obviously not American. If you were you'd have known about Trump and his contemptible business practices, his long history of failing to deliver on his promises. Only the ignorant, the willfully ignorant, or the deeply cynical can support Trump. He's shown time and again that he's not someone who can be relied upon. Americans have known about Trump long before he became president or appeared on his reality TV show. Just to show how untrustworthy, consider his promise that he would "drain the swamp" and help blue collar America. Well, what does he do once he's elected? He appoints a bunch of rich lobbyists and gives tax cuts for the rich that we have to pay for. The socialist jew is the only one who is committed to limiting the power of the corporations who have been destroying our country now for decades.

>> No.13618097

>"tax cuts for the rich" canard
>appoints a bunch of rich lobbyist
who the fuck else is he supposed to appoint nigga, a bunch of broke hobos? lmao.

>> No.13618119

For starters, not the people he said he was going to remove from politics. These Wall Street lobbyists are the people who have perverted our political process. Maybe instead of appointing people who are only looking out for their own interests he could have appointed people who are actually qualified for the job.

>> No.13618130

I know, im saying that politically realistically it would just end up becoming another program on top of other welfare. But it isnt really realistic that Yang becomes president anyways. And his plan isnt popular with democrats.
Doesnt matter anyways because socialism is a shit idea

>> No.13618139

It's amusing when American race-realists post this and then refuse to send niggers to Africa and themselves to Europe. Just look at how they treat Amerindians, who are the ones who evolved there.

>> No.13618146

>Amerindians, who are the ones who evolved there.
They came from Asia initially.

>> No.13618155

>socialism is a shit idea
UBI isn't socialism. As Yang says, it's capitalism except your income doesn't start at zero. Also it's long been popular among libertarians, who think that by giving people the $1000 indiscriminately you don't need the bloated bureaucracies monitoring recipients as you do with most welfare programs. You simply give them the money and they're free to do what they want with it. The hope is that it encourages entrepreneurship and stimulates economic growth by enabling people to consume more. For those who think consumers are already wasting too much money on things they don't need it's probably not a very attractive idea.

>> No.13618166

The function of American "race-realism", is to make sure that the American upper class stays 100% white.

If it wasn't, /pol/goloids wouldn't constantly whine about "Hollywood Jews" and how rich and powerful Jews are in general. It's literally projection; their racism is literally just a gigantic butthurt at not being part of the ruling elite in society.

>> No.13618177
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Fuck off

>> No.13618179

The only thing UBI would do in practice, is make landlords across America a lot of money.

>> No.13618206
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#20190811 CHINA MONASTERIO - El monasterio tibetano de Labrang, entre los mochileros y la paz interior - EFE

>> No.13618216

define white

>> No.13618218

Pure Anglo

>> No.13618222

blue eyes, european descent

>> No.13618225

so i guess america is indeed a mutt land

>> No.13618229

white skin + brown hair = white
white skin + blonde hair = snownigger

>> No.13618240

/pol/ = Low IQ mutts
/lit/ = High IQ purebloods

>> No.13618248

how is your blood pure if it's full of HRT and HIV my nigga?

>> No.13618250

At least we Europeans aren't 25% black, 25% Mexican, 25% Mayan and 25% European.

>> No.13618256

/lit/ is mostly americans, and americans, by definition, can't be purebloods due to the mutty nature of their genetic makeup

>> No.13618261

i'm european and not american.

>> No.13618264

I've never met an intelligent person who cares about race. Anyone who has bothered studying genomics knows how arbitrary our racial divisions are.

>> No.13618266
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Decennial reminder that commodified, nostalgic, and antagonistic ethnic nationalism at this stage in the cosmic narrative is hubris.

>> No.13618278

on the other hand, the only people i've met who rejected any sense of ethnos were manboobed midwits.

>> No.13618286

The midwit is still far more intelligent than the race-obsessed dimwit. There are far more important and interesting things to spend your time thinking about.

>> No.13618293

>racially aware = race-obsessed
>implying people spend every waking minute thinking about race
this is why your opinion is worthless

>> No.13618299

I never implied such a thing, but racial discussions are common on 4chan, which suggests to me that a lot of people waste a lot of time thinking about race.

>> No.13618302

Ethnos can mean many things though. For example, if someone in my country was born here and thus acted precisely like me culturally, and had all the same reference points, but incidentally they had black skin, I don't see how I can justify not calling them a member of my ethnos even if their genetics come from somewhere else. People really aren't their genetics in any social sense.

>> No.13618308

thankfully in my country, an african will always be considered an african.

>> No.13618317

Which is something you shouldn't be thankful for because it'll bite you in the ass in the future, just like it has in the United States.

>> No.13618327

Hm, never heard of him

>> No.13618328

enjoy your replacement in the name of progress, i guess.

>> No.13618331

I'm not a progressive. I'm just not a racist.

>> No.13618343

If you're interested in agrarianism you should check out his essays.

>> No.13618345

>I'm just not a racist.
it'll bite you in the ass in the future

>> No.13618357

No it won't. Identity politics needs to die.

>> No.13618359

Sorry, but it's the construction of 2 antagonistic identities within the same country that produces problems. Which is not what I am for. I am for assimilation.

>> No.13618364

>Identity politics needs to die.
They never will, you can bury that pipe dream right now.

>> No.13618375

But this describes every American?

>> No.13618377

>a racist engaging in pure fatalism

No wonder you guys shoot shit up. I bet you don't even have a job.

>> No.13618386

>says identity politics NEED TO DIE
>"they won't, though"

>> No.13618397

I'm gonna assume you're an adult, and if you are, you should know that history doesn't tell the tale of things staying the same way forever, so why should identity politics stopping be a pipe dream?

Just admit that you don't want it to stop you fucking faggot instead of feigning some kind of fatalism.

>> No.13618400

In a thread full of retarded posts, you’ve managed to stand out as the most imbecilic. Congratulations!

>> No.13618401

Whenever I read the term "identity politics" I see some fat tranny in a Mao shirt spitting venom before my inner eye

>> No.13618409

If you're already referencing history in such a pompous way, you should at least be aware that identity and the quest for it has always been a part of awareness and a part of "being". You feeling uncomfortable with your own identity is not a valid reason why everyone else should be forced to give up theirs.

>> No.13618411

Sadly identity politics is alive and well on the right and the left. The right has their wacky racial ideas just like the left has their wacky gender ideas. Both are pathetic.

>> No.13618422

You're not a Brit. You're a guest.

>> No.13618444

Because he's smart and honest enough to diagnose some real problems then prescribes more neoliberal bullshit to fix it.

>> No.13618455

The question is why you think that your identity is under threat because your potential neighbor has a higher melanin count.

>> No.13618459


Stop projecting mutt categories onto Europe

I suppose you'd do just fine in Antarctica, it being your native habitat?

>> No.13618466

*tips fedora*

>> No.13618468

He has some of that Yuval Noah Harari middlebrow flair that mediocre minds like to decorate themselves with to show that they are both intellectual and with the times

>> No.13618476

>why is it a problem if my organically grown community and the social cohesion holding it together is being torn to shreds by a large influx of invaders who share nothing with me
Yeah, what's even the issue here? Let's nitpick about melanin, tee-hee.

>> No.13618494

But that's the point. You can make these people share everything with you, and you can make them into people like yourself. That's the whole point of assimilation.

The only thing left after the immigrant has been assimilated is their skin color, and skin color is as retarded a metric to discriminate based on as red heads or short people.

>> No.13618533 [DELETED] 

So you acknowledge that identity is a real thing but I just have to let go of it because fuck wh*toids, right?
>But that's the point. You can make these people share everything with you, and you can make them into people like yourself. That's the whole point of assimilation.
The fact that ethnic divide in the Americas, South Africa and parts of Europe still exists still exists (except in urbanite bourgeois circles where coexistence and multiculturalism are being pushed as cultural propaganda) just goes to show that assimilation works with those who are already very similar to yourself or if the foreign elements to be assimilated are introduced in absolutely miniscule amounts. Even Australia's cities are divided into ethnic neighborhoods.

>The only thing left after the immigrant has been assimilated is their skin color, and skin color is as retarded a metric to discriminate based on as red heads or short people.
Maybe you're successfully baiting, maybe you're just willfully pretending to be blind on race because it's part of your retarded egalitarian worldview but there's no way that you're genuinely believing this.

>> No.13618585

>maybe you're just willfully pretending to be blind on race

Well, I have been trying to illustrate to you that the concept of race becomes meaningless the moment a person is culturally assimilated.

Do you think it makes sense to call Barack Obama a Kenyan? Because it doesn't. If he went back to Kenya, all the Kenyans he met would overprice their goods because he has no idea Kenyans engage in haggling.

And the same shit applies to white Americans. Nobody would call John Smith from New England a fucking Brit just because he moved back to Dorset. But his great-grandkids? They would certainly not be Americans.

>> No.13618595
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>Do you think it makes sense to call Barack Obama a Kenyan? Because it doesn't. If he went back to Kenya, all the Kenyans he met would overprice their goods because he has no idea Kenyans engage in haggling.

>> No.13618607

The point is, he’s right. Your ancestry effectively means jackshit when it comes to your overall cultural assimilation. Race has some attributes that effectively separate people generally, none can differ in that, but I think culture is obviously so important that a black Brit wouldn’t get along with the black youth of America like a white aristocrat from America would :3

>> No.13618608

It's true though. Nobody in Kenya would think Obama was a Kenyan, just like I, being Norwegian, don't think Minnesotans are Norwegians, even though a lot of their genes come from Norway.

Which is my whole point. You think that your national identity is under some kind of threat because of immigration, when the likely scenario is that the culture they bring with them is the culture that will be destroyed, which is what history actually shows.

Blacks in America, are American. They aren't Hutu or Tutsi, or Yoruba or Kenyan or Somali. They are Americans.

>> No.13618613

No higher form of argumentation than a green frog holding a book

>> No.13618618

>Do you think it makes sense to call Barack Obama a Kenyan? Because it doesn't. If he went back to Kenya, all the Kenyans he met would overprice their goods because he has no idea Kenyans engage in haggling.
Barry would just claim the Kenyan government is violating human rights, bomb the place, take their shit for free and then instruct the media to blame it on the guy that came after him.

>> No.13618624

You're pretending to be retarded and it's pretty obivous.

>> No.13618628

Which is typical American behavior and not Kenyan behavior tbqh.

>> No.13618633

And you aren't even pretending to have arguments, you just have none.

>> No.13618651

>And you aren't even pretending to have arguments, you just have none.
I've made my case pretty clear and all I got from you is a failed attempt to dress up your lack of arguments with relativist verbiage. Enjoy your black Norwegians, though.

>> No.13618657

You didn't even make a case, you just garbled "foreign invaders" and think this constitutes argumentation.

Which is typical of your ilk. Whenever you get the shit kicked out of you in a serious debate you shit-for-brains always concede that you don't care about debates nor argumentation in the first place.

>> No.13618663

So it's $1000/month for kids too right? Because my family has 8 people but only makes $5000/month. Time to accelerate?

>> No.13618670

lmao, typical scandicuck

>> No.13618690

Anon, this is not what happened here and you know that exactly. Your emotionally charged language is just proof of you being disgusted by your own dishonesty right now.

>> No.13618706

You got your shit shoved in /pol/goloid so it's time to stop talking.

>> No.13618727
File: 45 KB, 600x485, somalia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just like I, being Norwegian
The eternal Scandinavian...
>I don't think Minnesotans are Norwegians
They're rapidly becoming pic relateds, thanks to the eternal Scandinavian.

>> No.13618739

So Somalis can't become American?

>> No.13618746

Clearly even allowing Scandoids to become "American" was a mistake...

>> No.13618748
File: 199 KB, 1098x1200, EAyxTIgW4AA4dN8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s-shut up!+1!!
There, there.

>> No.13618749

American isn't an ethnicity, retard. Somalians are as american as any other group. You don't have a history, you don't have a culture.

>> No.13618752


Well you're just factually incorrect. Just like you would be if you said the same thing of Italians or Germans or Chinese.

>> No.13618760

lol at trying to erase over 400 years of Anglos living in America and creating a history and culture. I can only assume you're one of those thrifty fellows.

>> No.13618761

American definitely is an ethnicity. People have been living there for over 400 years.

>> No.13618762

>Somalians are as american as any other group.
I'm pretty sure most Americans pre-1968 or so would be baffled by this statement.

>> No.13618768

What a bunch of cliché-ridden and meaningless tripe.

>> No.13618772

Most Americans pre-1900 would also be baffled by the idea that a Sicilian or an Irishman could be American.

And yet they are both Americans today and nobody even thinks about it.

>> No.13618776

Yeah and how well did that work out? The Sicilians gave us the Mafia and the Irish, the police. To this day there's still Irish nepotism in Boston and half of them LARP as real Irishmen and fund the IRA.

>> No.13618785

Just for adults.

>> No.13618788

Totally disagree. When you give people the means to live comfortably without earning it they become lazy. Why do you think rich kids are notorious for being lazy fucks? Same applies to the average middle class American, no work ethic.
Exactly, Harari is the ultimate midwit magnet. He just gives you little quips that make you sound smart around people that havent looked into the field.

>> No.13618790

It worked as well as it could given the circumstances. The history of the U.S from 1900-til 1990 is the history of a country that went from 90% of the population being poor as shit to being a rich, global superpower with 50000 nuclear weapons.

And yet here I'm supposed to be impressed by the /pol/goloid idea that ethnostates are somehow superior, even though the most powerful ethnostate in history was completely destroyed and lost so hard that they still hate themselves for losing 80 years later.

>> No.13618792

america basically died in the 20th century and became a muliracial empire. The only group that ever somewhat assimilated in the 19th were the Germans, the eastern euros and meds never did, the culture itself just was swallowed up in the insanity of that century. There are still people with a vague connection to the old cultures of the south, new england, the midwest, texas, etc that exist today, but it's a bit of a meme in comparison to how much the increasingly globalized mass culture controls everything.

>> No.13618802

there are not a lot of data points for ethnostates with modern technology, but places like Japan and Norway, very homogenous high iq populations, seem to do pretty well.

>> No.13618815

The bit about "Irish not being American" is a bit of a lie, Ireland was a part of Britain and the Irish were disproportionately represented in the Continental Army.

Reminder that the Taoiseach is the ONLY world leader guaranteed a state visit with the President every year and Irish-descended Congressmen often push for pro-Ireland legislation like Paul Ryan's Irish visa bill as he was leaving office.

>> No.13618859

Japan and Norway are literally countries where people barely have replacement level of children, which sounds like a culture that has given up on itself and not a society that should be emulated.

>> No.13618881

"replacement level" is a meme enforced by neo-liberal economists and those who pay their salaries.

>> No.13618883

So much this. Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

>> No.13618896

>infinite growth
>replacement level
>we need immigrants
How to pimp out and ruin a nation in three steps.

>> No.13618901

>your own race

>> No.13618917

This is the law: things grow, or they die. If a nation wants to succeed, it grows its population. If it does not or cannot, it becomes the bitch of its more powerful neighbors and eventually disappears. /pol/ worship of Japan is pants-on-head retarded, just like weeb worship of Japan.

>> No.13618925

Japan won't die, retard.

>> No.13618940

The only country that doesnt suck with replacement is Israel, who while not an ethnostate, are hyper aware of their ethnicity.

>> No.13618947

I said they were doing pretty well. I dont care about japs at all, ive read like 3 of their novels and that's the extent of my engagement with their culture, but their country still runs well. im aware they have lots of problems as well.

>> No.13618961
File: 6 KB, 201x250, soyjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>race is only about skin color

>> No.13619111

>immigrants need to pass genetic screening.
>not an ethnostate
What is it then?

>> No.13619226

ummm sweetie, yes it is

>> No.13619321

Nonsense. You'll never hear the end of Chinese talking about how it's the "Chinese century" if an Asian became president now

>> No.13619331
File: 576 KB, 972x830, 486C0F32-A5EF-425D-BB4E-EE6BC23EE538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You goddamn stupid chimpanzee

>> No.13619340

Never gonna happen, such is not the path of efficiency. It’s just a liberal cope.

>> No.13619391

The whole idea behind $1000 though is that it's not enough to live comfortably, especially if you live in a city. It's just a little extra security, perhaps a little more disposable income. Right now the average American doesn't even have $500 to spare.

>> No.13619396

The reason yang didn’t get any traction offering yangbux is because welfare whores already make more than 1000 a month and we’re going to take a hit. You would have had the average people voting against the rich and the poor.

>> No.13619398
File: 81 KB, 640x420, 2vho2w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vote for someone who represents your own race
Who do you have in mind?

>> No.13619769

Honestly you guys should ban all dual citizens from political office, I don't know how on earth dual loyalties are seen as ok

>> No.13619875

>Stop projecting mutt categories onto Europe
Why would he do that when Europe is mutt central.
>"Frenchmen" of Spanish, Italian, and Jewish descent
>"Englishmen" of Welsh and Irish descent
>Germans of god knows what

>> No.13620195

I believe the Normans greatly shaped Britain. As did the Vikings to a certain extent. Since Anglo Saxons originate from Northern Europe, can I, as a Norwegian, pass as a Brit?

>> No.13620406

Not American but I find Yang impressive.

I think he has the most accurate view of the future of American than any of the other candidates.

>> No.13620424

>your own race
I though /lit/ was relatively free of this kind of brainlets

>> No.13620521

That's still culturally diverse though. Unless you actually believe Europe is one culture like the brainless american /pol/tard you are.
Also, one can argue that America is still very diverse ethnically and racially. Literally 12% of the population are permanent citizens that have been there since the countries conception(black Amerians). The only country in the world that surpasses the U.S. in terms of racial diversity is brazil.
>inb4 memes about how Brazil is shit
Yeah but, there is literally only one country that surpasses you in terms of racial diversity, that says a lot.

>> No.13620648

>You'll never hear the end of Chinese talking about how it's the "Chinese century" if an Asian became president
/aznmasculinity will never shut the fuck up if a chink leads the US and China

>> No.13620649

>what is sleeper agent

>> No.13620718

A dog born in a stable is not a horse.

>> No.13621079

we took over a long time ago

>> No.13621194

If you’re a minority and believe in race you’re a brainlet, if you’re white and believe in race minorities are brainlets. You just can’t win.

>> No.13621231

It's not a bad book, but it's written from a limited and pozzed perspective of a mainstream politician. So he cannot really speak his mind freely, but has to be tactical.

>> No.13621336


>> No.13621385

You're right, don't listen to these morons. Civic nationalism is a scam. They'll realise it soon enough when they'll get their throat cut by their muslim "countrymen" in their own streets.

>> No.13621450

>Americans think 400 years is enough time to have a history

>> No.13621464

I guarantee that the majority of the Americans in this thread are not Natives and should therefore fuck off back to Europe.

>> No.13621478

then get the shitskins out of europe

>> No.13621509

Honestly not sure if I would trade the shitskins for burgers.
By the way, it was the burger who got us into all of this mess in the first place.

>> No.13621521

It's not even the stupid Americans fault for derailing my thread. It's your fault for responding to him.

>> No.13621774

>eurotards think they have any relation whatever to their medieval progenitors