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13615457 No.13615457 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has finally settled, what do we think about The Bell Curve?

>> No.13615463
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>> No.13615471

racism is bad desu

>> No.13615472

Flawed and outdated

>> No.13615478


>> No.13615486

If you actually read the book, you'd know that the race topic is a small part of the book.

>> No.13615490

It’s a racist book and should therefor not be consulted

>> No.13615494

It used samples obtained under different methodologies, which makes the study irremediably flawed. It's still the best work in the field since a newer study with better methodology is unlikely to be performed for decades given how politically sensitive the issue is.

>> No.13615497


>> No.13615513
File: 23 KB, 387x499, 41GPsaEMw1L._SX385_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's still the best work in the field since a newer study
no it isn't

>Even though the percentage of blacks with IQs under 70 is about 6 times the percentage of whites, in one study only 4% of those blacks were actually classified as “retarded,” i.e., as behaviorally impaired, while 15% of the whites were! 47 The reason is not that whites are being discriminated against, but that in whites a low IQ is usually due to a genetic abnormality such as Down’s syndrome, which causes obvious physical deformities, but low IQ blacks usually do not have a genetic defect and are normal in behavior and appearance; in Africans and aborigines these low scores are normal. 48 “Black children of IQ 70 routinely learn to speak, to play games, learn names, and act friendly with playmates and teachers. They appear quite normal, whereas White children with similar IQs ‘look’ abnormal."

>> No.13615518

This is very obvious if you consider the fact that genetic disorders have negative side effects other than lowering IQ.

>> No.13615988

His main point, that meritocracy is ripping society apart in a way that’s going to end badly for everyone, is just and sound. All of the social science (including the race stuff, which IIRC is a small part of the book) is pure snake oil, and it detracts from his otherwise defensible thesis, so I don’t have much sympathy for him.

>> No.13616135

i'm surprised /pol/ hasn't visited this thread yet

>> No.13616309

I'm floored that Americans, particularly /pol/acks, support this book. It takes a giant watery shit on the poor in a way I thought had died with the British Empire. Don't Americans and /pol/acks identify with the working cla- I'm sorry, I mean blue-collar workers?

>> No.13616399
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>they´re talking bad about black people wahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

grow up kid

>> No.13617124

Flawed but not as flawed as the usual suspects want You to believe.
All in all a good starting point for further research.

>> No.13617627

focus on fledgling symptoms of a larger problem, problem depends on your preferences

>> No.13617988

People cite this book because of the section regarding of racial inequality regarding inteligence as defined by iq researchers. The academia advanced so much that most of his arguments became a simplistic narrative about correlations. It was at the time highly speculatory. Today most of what he believed is being justified through the identification of genes that have positive and negative impact on the development of certain areas of the human brain. This research not only will allow us to do precise genetic editing regarding intelligence but to make acurate predictions about inteligence based on the genetic code of subjects.
The missing link between his work and the new research is one that wont be solved by academia. The question to be answered is a rather simple one: what are the frequencies of these genes in different races? If the difference regarding the distribution of those particular genes among different races is statistically significant and matches the results of iq research then we have evidence favorable to Murray's hyphothesis.
In synthesis, his observations offer an hyphothesis that may be confirmed in the near future. Our hopes lie with the chinese academia. Most of the chinese geneticists believe in "race science", so they are going to be the spearhead of the scientific inquire regarding it. Thank God for the maoists.