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13614232 No.13614232 [Reply] [Original]

Meditationfags btfo

>> No.13614279


>> No.13615453

But it works

>> No.13615496

I read the synopsis. It seems to be by a Marxist who's miffed because if meditation makes people happy then they won't revolt.

>> No.13615898

Not surprised.

Mindfulness works. It doesn't even have to be during meditation per se, but almost any activity. You can be mindful of when your attention is waning and bring it back.

>> No.13615906

>t. obedient worker drone

>> No.13615936

The only people who feel hard for mindfullness and typical Buddhist-meditation only did so in the first place because they never read advanced enough eastern writing. There are certain texts that the mere reading of can you lead you to spontaneous and long-lasting (or even unending) states of being far surpassing anything reachable through meditation, but people don't realize this and remain in the limited-hangout of mindfullness because they get memed into thinking that if they just accumulate enough mindfullness-points they'll get rewarded with enlightenment or transcendental experiences like those man-children who post those charts on reddit that their wives use to reward them with sex if they do enough chores.

>> No.13615956

What are the texts?

>> No.13615963

No, the texts only would work in conjunction with a certain person who’s had certain experiences, a certain predisposition to thinking and feeling in certain ways, and a certain level of energy in their system. And texts that may work with one person may not work with another person. Don’t make what was a subjective experience for you become objective for everyone.

>> No.13615965
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>> No.13615967

I didn't read it but i could see his point in modern western ""spiritual"" practices of yoga and meditation that are usually either just an identity to be wore to seem more "elevated" and "healthy" than others or it is just barely more than any physical activities for the purpose of enhancing one's health, sometimes with an unhealthy mindset of fetishism of purity and "happiness".
When you actually understand the philosophy behind, which often leads to rigorous asceticism, detachment from material life and consumerism then it becomes much less glamorous and opposed to the current system.
But as an ego-boosting, happiness seeking activity then yes it fits in perfectly.
To meditate for the purpose of happiness is not bad per say but it won't give it to you because of the very nature of happiness. And then some people stick to it by pride because they don't want to admit that they are not getting anything out of it when they see all the other people around them pretending that they ar getting something out of it.

>> No.13616027

The Yoga-Vāsiṣṭha, Ādi Śaṅkarācārya's writings, Ibn 'Arabî's Fusûs al- hikam, Abhinavagupta's Tantrāloka/Tantrasāra, Dölpopa's Ocean of Definite Meaning, Longchenpa's writings, Jñāneśvar's Jñānēśvarī and Amritanubhav, to name a few

>> No.13616040

Funny to see people here suddenly defend cucked Silicon Valley mindfulness as soon as it emerges that there’s a criticism of it from the left.

>> No.13616060

>I read the synopsis
/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.13616067

Maybe mindfulness can actually be helpful and rewarding but also can be bastardized from its original context and used as an opiate?

>> No.13616106

I always thought it was simply a way to "clean" your mind of clutter. There's nothing normative about that, some people will gain access to "useful tools" that will make them more effective in whatever they're already doing and some people will have an existential crisis and completely reject the kind of games they were previously playing. And some people will be far too "gone" and simply use it as a performative activity

The "dangerous" part is probably the fact that the most intimate feelings we have are not related to politics. They're usually innocous small things from childhood related to wonder and excitement with no big political ramifications; we simply want to exist in a context where there's growth and activity. Remove all the "clutter" and we're nothing but balls of light that wish to shine. Flowers with human faces. Moral puritans/political activists are unnerved by that because it's clearly not something they can control

>> No.13616117

nobody was going to revolt anyway under a system as prosperous as capitalism.

>> No.13616142

>caring what commies think

>> No.13616174

true, suffering must reach a critical point to entice an actual revolution, there's just not enough true suffering in the west, at least not for now

anyway, I read an interview with this author and he's absolutely cringeworthy, he basically claims practicing mindfulness and being "woke" are mutually exclusive, and implies being woke is being a commie

>> No.13616182

Imagine being this pozzed

>> No.13616186

What do you mean?

>> No.13616202

>A marxist who's mad that people are happy
What else is new.

>> No.13616210

Really appreciate this.

>> No.13616230

Nobody is defending cucked mindfulness. Asceticism is clearly incompatible with capitalism. Anyone who claims to practice mindfulness but is still attached to the material world and uncontrolled consumerism is not actually practicing mindfulness.

>> No.13616236

>don't think about things, just be mad when things dont go your way and cry for a nanny state to enforce it!

the absolute state of leftists

>> No.13616302


>> No.13616333

Wouldn't this only reinforce the views of people who meditate within the context of actual Eastern religious traditions: that secular McMindfulness is a trash shallow money-making meme which makes a mockery of the depths of real meditation, used as a last defense against consumer-capitalism on steroids as a "relaxation technique" to cope when your boss screws you out of a decent pay and good working conditions?

>> No.13616358

He's right. Buddhism is the only religion that is silent on usury.

All great geniuses from Hegel to Guenon hate Buddhism.

>> No.13616463

Props to you simply for putting all the culture-specific linguistic symbols in there.

>> No.13616665

Yah it actually, from my understanding, appreciates authentic forms of asceticism but shits on McMindfulness, i.e. apps on your phone

>> No.13616670

Yeah thats literally the point, but as you can see on this thread it makes brainlets SEETHE

>> No.13616677

you misspelled preposterous

>> No.13616703
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It's a little more than that anon.

>The onus is completely put on the individual to make the right lifestyle choices, which downplays the whole notion of the social and environmental context. What’s happening with corporate mindfulness is a complete denigration of critical thinking into the causes of stress, which are all privatized into the individual. There is also an implicit denigration of collective action and building solidarity. This trope is so common—“Change always starts from within. We first have to change ourselves, take self-responsibility, do self-care.” It’s really similar to the Protestant ethic in some ways. Rather than submitting to the will of God, instead there’s a moral imperative to take care of your own health and well-being. The fact that these corporate initiatives are also [do it yourself] undercuts social change. It’s sending individuals a message that they are the problem, they need to be calm, and they need to regulate.

>In terms of other social movements, the mindfulness movement is an elite social movement, which started with white elite males like Dale Carnegie and the prosperity-gospel guys. It’s quite unlike more grassroots activist movements like the civil rights movement, where you could see a more communitarian strand of mindfulness, run by people of color. There was coming together, talking about our oppression, sharing our vulnerabilities and working together to resist. That was very spiritually and religiously motivated and required a tremendous amount of mindfulness, but in collectives. Nonviolence takes a lot of mindfulness to pull off, but you can’t do it alone. It’s a stark contrast to what we see with these very rich, wealthy white men who are the promoters, who I call mindfulness merchants, and they’re spouting that mindfulness is good for everybody, it’s universal. These differentials in power trouble me, and I think we need to interrogate these differentials.


>> No.13616709

The problem with capitalism, at least in its industrial form, is that it's too large in scale and is exploitative. We need an economy that views us as stewards of the land, not exploiters. Also, unlike in the past where the rulers felt an obligation to be magnanimous towards the ruled, we have a system of winners and losers, wherein the winners feel no such obligation, and thus the losers are simply ignored. We need an economy that helps foster community. Competition is only valuable within limits. Capitalists are too interested in short-term profit, and as we know short-term practicality is long-term idiocy. Industrial capitalism has been a monumental failure. It tries to solve problems not by addressing the root causes but by dealing with the effects - usually once the damage has been done.

>> No.13616844

then again you get spiritually clotheslined gullibles hopping on this type of critique as solace for their laziness. its just the next step of eternal selling points, back to materialist skepticism. you can even see it as sourgraping for failing their own individuation. bottom line is you reap what you sow. it doesnt take away that it does work and lessens stress and wouldnt rule out how theres a significant number of those corporate workers who got redpilled from their very own 'programmed meditation'.

>> No.13616858

Based af

>> No.13617261

You know this would be much more prescient if he dropped the anti white shit. This is a class issue and a corporate issue that idiots like him keep trying to shoehorn into a race issue, which is why this book never made deep waves. Its alienating and the majority of white people literally discard these statements when its framed this way. Instead of making this an issue that can gain popular support it’s now just the ramblings of a bitter anti white consigned to the dustbin.

>> No.13617411

What we need is some kind of epicurean economy, an austerous, naturally necessity-driven system of production, that means no celphones and electeodomestics, no cars, no trash food, less meat, and probably less potential consumers, that is less people

>> No.13617436

mindfulness has made me:
-less materialistic
-less emotional
-less judgemental
-less lazy
-less impulsive
-find enjoyment in the little lings
-more willing to be open to other ideas
-more able to concentrate
-more dedicated at my job
-more happier (or perhaps this bit was a result from the benefits of what midnfulness gave me as in it's not directly caused by mindfulness but the resutls of mindfulness have made me happy who knows)
that's all I can say about it, I've never done cucked shit like read philosophy or what not in regards to it. Given that it's a practice and not a way of thinking or an idea, it's something that it should speak for itself when you do it and remain with it. And that's what it has done for me.

>> No.13617437

>Blah blah blah ooga boogas praised jesus together to get rid of old mister whyt man. Whyte man bad. Whyte man BAD.

>> No.13617452
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Let me guess, you'll have to read them in their original in ye-olde Hindu so you can TRULY be enlightened. English translations have sullied the true meaning. Buckle up, its time to spend 3 years learning Hindu.

>> No.13617509
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Prove it or get BTFO, /pol/shitter.

>> No.13617696

I'm about halfway through this.
His criticisms are not against meditation per se, but against capitalists appropriating meditation from Buddhism and selling it as a way to make people complacent. His main beef is that it is packaged in a way so that the consumer believes it is their own fault that they are not happy because they are not mindful enough, rather than questioning the external systems that are the true cause of their unhappiness. He's against people like John Kabat-Zinn, but doesn't have much to say about real Buddhists who also try to live by the Buddhist moral code.

>> No.13617755


What meditation routine do you follow?

>> No.13617758

Kinda true. McMarxists resent having to get jobs and think that work is the source of all evil. Thats where he gets the notion that work is responsible for Americans being stressed, which could definitely be true. So he sees meditation as a sort of bandaid solution, where the real solution would be destroying capitalism

>> No.13617857

I bought it and didn't read it :(

>> No.13617896

That's helpful but not necessary, especially if you supplement your reading with some of the secondary literature on those thinkers and school.

>> No.13617910

>people here actually defenfing capitalism

>> No.13618228

>waah if you don't fellate my life-denying soul-denying pseudo-religion you're this one person

>> No.13618287
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he looks like Alita's cousin

>> No.13618307

He looks exactly how you think he'd look.

>> No.13618314

Nondualism is nonsense.

>> No.13618324

> His main beef is that it is packaged in a way so that the consumer believes it is their own fault that they are not happy because they are not mindful enough, rather than questioning the external systems that are the true cause of their unhappiness.
100% most mindfulness-type books, programmes aren't packaged remotely this way and most of the hippy-dippy mindfulness advocates I've personally met are champagne socialists. He's literally arguing with a point nobody ever made, he is shouting at an enemy of largely his own imagination. Utterly bizarre behaviour.

>> No.13618349

It's the curtural war against postmodern neomarxists and their liberal agendas. They always starts from the weakest link. Even the book(not the bible but OP pic) insists that even our millitary should stop meditating because every war is bad. Freedom is a chain, blood vessel of the society; even the tiniest hole can draw out all the blood:our rights.

>> No.13618449

>all the other people around them pretending that they ar getting something out of it.
Or those people confuse their petty gains from meditation for profound insights or enlightenment.

>> No.13618511

>great geniuses
Guenon, who rightly identified Hegel as the confused word-fumbler he was, later revised his take on Buddhism.

>> No.13618522

Then Jesus said to his disciples: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. (St Matthew 16:24)
>reeeee the state has a responsibility in carying my cross too reeeeee what about solidarity

>> No.13618539

>if only the state supplied my tendies all would be well

>> No.13618563
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>mindfulness merchants

>> No.13618600

darwinism still applies even if you remove the free market. socialism is will instead hard-select for people with a high verbal intelligence which is not necessarily an expression of empathy, constructiveness, forward-thinking or a sense of fairness. verbal people should be kept on a leash and stay in their corner

>> No.13618611

Nobody here is defending Capitalism. The problem most anons have with the book is that its argument has too much of a Marxist bent to it that it goes into "woke" territory.

>> No.13618619

what out nonverbal society's attractiveness hierachy?

>> No.13618666

I can't understand what you mean, are you talking about non-verbal people (which aren't necessarily stupid, there are plenty of them in STEM) and what they look like? attractiveness probably correlates with intelligence to some degree, at least in middle range. there's also the halo effect so I'm sure that it's a useful thing to be attractive but they're hardly a homogenous group and certainly not a political group.

though it would be cool with a political party consisting only of hot people, insisting that their genes must be protected and cared for

>> No.13618702

I don't think you know what Epicurean means.

>> No.13618771

What I'm trying to said was that there's no guarantee that I won't be cucked because I'm weak cavemen/peasant/proletariat/low iq/effeminate jawline etc etc. Even if we are all blind and have no language, there will still be a Chad with the attractive voice. The only and true equality comes from forced monogamy roulette, untill then we are all just a slave of darwinism, either you are the winner or the loser of the game.

>> No.13618781

That's a good concept for a sci-fi book; 100% reproduction of every human that exists and everyone is given the exact amount of resources
obviously you'd need to have to complete control over the entirety of society for this to function, like a zoo keeper taking care of his animals.
also I have no idea what would happen, most likely everyone would go insane and start engaging in all kinds of dysfunctional behaviors before committing suicide. In the YA-version of this story they storm the zoo keeper and regain their freedom or whatever

>> No.13618793
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Would it not be a simple task? To prosper when, purely out of fortune, a time emerges when millions and millions of seasons of condensed and concentrated energy from our sun become easily exploitable?
What system wouldn't prosper with such ample forces at their disposal? What God could not be crafted out of even the most crude and wasteful machine with such oceans of momentum to feed it?

Can your short-sighted mortal mind conjure our industrial revolution out of a world without coal and oil? Our current present from the trail like that? Shift the life-essence of ancient aeons by half a pace, less than that, and none of the fuels the our worldly cogwheels live and die by would exist. And, most likely, neither would our present economic system.

>> No.13618796

Made you a more dedicated waggie eh? Epic. The rest can be done through reading 'cucked philosophy'

>> No.13618799

only the blackpilled have seen the cage now, the zoo will just reveal the system for everyone.

>> No.13618816

OP McFaggot

>> No.13618823

Besides capitalism bait, the book's another major argument is that army wants soldiers to be mindfull, so they can kill more efficiently.

>> No.13618827

The people who are clever enough to be "blackpilled" also have to mental faculties to be more proactive about it. The stuff making you feel bad are just as base as the stuff that motivates normies; you're afraid you're not as good as someone else. The true and joyful experiences are those you get when you honestly excavate and explore yourself and your own inner landscape

>> No.13618899

>-more dedicated at my job
You have cucked yourself and made yourself a loyal goy for your boss who is exploiting more labor out of you for those shekels. You are the very kind of McMindfullness drone the author talks about.

>> No.13619011

t. brainlet

>> No.13619038

holy shit lmao what a weak chinned little faggot

>> No.13619103
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White people practicing Eastern religions was a mistake.

>> No.13619220

>he doesn't get with all the toned, tall, pretty white women with anti-materialist inclinations at his local yoga studio, wowing the panties off them by dropping red-pills on eastern esoterism and wisdom

>> No.13619224

Im pretty sure thats not him

>> No.13619435

except I like my job? it's something mundane, mind you, but being able to do a job I like and being able to do it well brings me satisfaction.
I like how commiecucks always presuppose that labor is awful and being a worker is suffering, it's like they forgot that humanity has been living for its own sustenance pretty much from its inception
sure maybe the situation has changed drastically, no little thanks TPTB and their little scheme of converting people to little sex addicted drones, but even if that is true, the problem lies in with society and not with working itself.

>> No.13619464

>Marxist who's miffed because if meditation makes people happy then they won't revolt.
Every time.

>> No.13619485

>You know this would be much more prescient if he dropped the anti white shit.
Agreed. He starts off with a sound analysis of the way "mental health" and "stress" are used to pathologize showing symptoms of distress within an unhealthy system, and ends with batshit cultural analysis buzzwords and virtue signalling about civil rights. Just a microcosm of the problem with left wing social movements... they understand the problems, but then they decide that only PoCs and Trannies are allowed to wield the moral authority and agency that comes from having suffered unfairly.

>> No.13619488 [DELETED] 

>I can impress w*men

>> No.13620020

>yoga facebook addicted thots
>anti materialists

>> No.13620027

I think "anti-materialist" just means "believes in bullshit" in this case.

>> No.13620234

Lord Mara's really slumming it these days.

>> No.13620394

Mindfulness has stopped me from serial/mass killing.

Good deal.