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13611873 No.13611873 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books on individualism?

>> No.13611878
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>> No.13611880
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The Ego and Its Own

>> No.13611888

Individuality is a developmental disease, faggot

>> No.13611913


>> No.13611914


>> No.13611934


>> No.13611957


>> No.13611965

individualism is a spook

>> No.13611972

Book are the result of collective knowledge accumulation.
Go alone in a jungle and unlearn how to use language and you will be free.

>> No.13611996
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>people tell me I have to choose between being pro-choice and pro-life

>no I don't

>> No.13612005

This is unironically true, although I'm not sure it's possible to unlearn language

>> No.13612007
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>everything I don't like is collectivism
Crawl back down into your rusty deep-sea mausoleum, Ryan.

>> No.13612028

That picture implies you think racism, sexism AND social justice are bad. Wouldn't defeating racism and sexism be social justice?

>> No.13612065

No. Social justice is about imposing thought control upon people.

>> No.13612093

>Wouldn't defeating racism and sexism be social justice?
You can be friendly to niggers without putting them on a pedestal.

>> No.13612097

The World as Will and Representation
The Bible, believe it or not

>> No.13612103


>> No.13612108

No, it's about social justice. Stop listening to right wing propaganda.

>> No.13612120

>defeating racism
>you can be friendly to niggers
Oh wicked, thanks bud, I guess that's racism solved. Good work.

>> No.13612138

Why what?
>Don't believe your lying eyes.

>> No.13612141

I’m not going to reveal my political beliefs but I don’t like that nationalism and socialism aren’t together.

>> No.13612147

Subjective experience is not a reliable data source when making claims/establishing world views

>> No.13612150

>social justice is about social justice
Amazing how they don’t realize they’re the bad guys

>> No.13612152

You might as well give up, because there's nothing you could possibly say that would change my mind. I'm correct and you are attempting to deceive me for political purposes.

>> No.13612153

It's about hair dye and tote bags.

>> No.13612168

>I'm not sure it's possible to unlearn language
It's called brain damage

>> No.13612171

It’s about replacing the current population with another one. When that population is the majority then it will be replaced by another one. Everyone deserves to be replaced, this is the essence of the left.

>> No.13612179

Well, I suppose. But being mentally defunct is not what I'd call being "free"

>> No.13612214

Happens to minority kids all the time.

>> No.13612230

I don't mean *a language* but language as a faculty or general thing

>> No.13612246

>Not being allowed to say the n-word is thought control
See you further down the pipeline when you realise that the only individualistic ethnicity is white people and that libertarianism only can exist in a western society.

>> No.13612256

>>social justice is about social justice
>Amazing how they don’t realize they’re the bad guys

So much this mein bruder, when are you next shooting up a mall btw? praise kek

>> No.13612258

>blacks are equal but need help
Not how it works

>> No.13612268

Or maybe you do realize you’re the bad guy

>> No.13612271

1984 is bretty good

>> No.13612273

I never said that but do you call having progressively augmented capacities being "freer"? Perhaps but not necessarily. Freedom's just a state of affairs regardless.

>> No.13612292

Not necessarily, but I assumed we were talking about freedom within the human form. People are naturally capable of language and a brain injury removing that capacity would, in my view, mean we aren't talking about freedom in a human.

>> No.13612319

All of those except racism and sexism seems fairly collectivist

>> No.13612327
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>> No.13612330

>Social justice cannot be right wing
Only in the modern, neoliberal left conception of the term, where you flagellate yourself for being white.

>> No.13612336

>reliable data source
ASS must leave.

>> No.13612363

If you avoid using and thinking in terms of language, having no one to socialise with will make it degrade and perhaps you will lose it altogether. Of course having no one to socialise with for a long period of time will likely produce mental illness and a weakened mind in general. Like old people sitting in their homes not doing anything, socialising updates you and keeps things sharp. NEETs have 4chan and Discord so it's not even close for them.

>> No.13612366
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>this pic

>> No.13612458

Social justice paired with virtue signalling means everyone is schizophrenically clambering to display their adherence to the ream of triggers thrown their way. They become unordered and incoherent even in their own minds, though they continue being tugged along, getting worse and worse. The perfect specimen for the present day. Now realise this isn't some individuals but at the highest level of all institutions. Retarded shit ensues, including authoritarianism that has no checks or intelligible purpose. Not to mention it essentially involves baseless discrimination and subversion or elimination of dissent.

Social justice was and is most strong and coherent in a nationalist ideology. As is socialism. History can show you that too. 'Nationalists' are often the name given by the big powers to their puppets or will-be puppets, contrasted by 'socialists' looking to give their people due sovereignty. Looking after your people and ensuring your society is well. Liberal social justice was just a tool, quite a murderous one (civilising natives was social justice and it retains the same logic today). Social justice as we know it today is more an unhinged, hungry, and destructive homeless man that the top just lets roam the streetlevel unmolested with the occasional bone thrown to put him on a shortlived path of some use before he's off to the next one, never once thinks about the origin of the bone, its implications, past bones, or what he's doing in general.

>> No.13612519

I found Evola's individualism pretty moving, dunno what book in particular though. Perhaps 'A Handbook for Right-Wing Youth'.

>> No.13612537

Expect the whole part of them banding together in unions to support their interests

>> No.13612637

Write your own, are you an individual or not?

>> No.13612675

really amazing that people can invoke george orwell or some other thought policing dystopia because they got yelled at for saying the n-word on discord. extremely sorry that you can't denigrate women and minorities anymore, but please shut the fuck up about how in modern society having social repercussions for being a prick is somehow like the french revolution

>> No.13612677

Ever heard of Dayton Ohio?

>> No.13612708

If you're not even allowed to say mean things any action, however just and reasonable, can be condemned on the grounds of being "mean".

>> No.13612720

Yeah, and it was perpetrated by a hopped up white right-winger like every other mass shooting. Grow up

>> No.13612753

He was an internet commie moron

>> No.13612765

except that slippery slope argument doesn't really work here. any intelligent person would be able to make the distinction between using what are quite obviously and universally accepted as slurs and just speaking without the intention of being inflammatory. people are trying to preserve their rights to say disparaging things about people based on immanent characteristics of their humanity. It's not like it wasn't an asshole thing to do to refer to a racial minority or homosexual by a slur in the 1970's, it's just that now our society has decided that these people should suffer some kind of social consequences for their actions. I don't really see it leading to something more sinister unless it falls into the hands of people who will use it in bad faith (as it already somewhat has), but I don't really find that a convincing argument for abandoning social justice altogether; there should just be an inquiry into whether it comports with the actions of the individual, or whether it's in bad faith.

>> No.13612787

Social justice is an empty term, just toss it out already. It has absolutely nothing to do with justice.

>> No.13612793

except there's no evidence that his political convictions contributed to the massacre at all. compare that with *El Paso*, Christchurch, Parkland, Charlottesville, or the dozens of other right-wing extremist attacks in the past few years, and you'll find that every single one was directly motivated by feelings of "replacement", being "invaded", or other general antipathies towards minorities they see threatening whatever the fuck judeo christian values are. right-wing extremists are undoubtedly, unambiguously, unquestionably the bad guys; they're responsible for about 75% of the deaths from domestic terror in the past ten years. the fact that you even need to cite the tenuously political Dayton shooter is proof that you have no legitimate argument against this absolute fact.

>> No.13612805

I think social justice has some explanatory value as a term; it's justice derived not from de jure conviction or legal guilt (it's not illegal to be a racist), but that doesn't mean that it's something that society should accept or provide platforms for. It's kind of a separate concept that implies that, while, of course, freedoms to expression should not be abridged, there should be some kind of social recognition of what we should and should not be providing platforms for.

>> No.13612807

Cool, now let's do Islamist attacks in Europe.

>> No.13612839

Islamic extremism is also right-wing extremism.

>> No.13612850

The anti-immigration parties are the real antifascists... At last I truly see...

>> No.13612881

> About eight-in-ten U.S. Muslims (82%) say they are either very (66%) or somewhat concerned (16%) about extremism committed in the name of Islam around the world, about the same as the share of the general public that feels this way (83%), according to a new Pew Research Center survey. Only about one-in-six U.S. Muslims (17%) and Americans overall (15%) say they are “not too” or “not at all” concerned about extremism carried out in the name of Islam worldwide.
compare this with Tucker Carlson and the vast majority of right-wing politicians either completely ignoring or actively downplaying the very real and ascendant threat of right-wing terror.

>> No.13612903

Conflating Islamists and Muslims is disingenuous, as I'm sure you're well aware.

>> No.13612912

Based. I am the Emersonist above all other emersonists.

>> No.13612920

>Dayton Ohio
So right wingers in america has killed more than, blacks have killed blacks?? sure bud

>> No.13612925

I am well aware, and that was the point I was making with my post; it was in response to the ingenuousness of the poster who insinuated that the "anti-immigration parties are the real antifascists" because they're preventing Muslim immigration, and ostensibly therefore Islamic extremism.

>> No.13612931
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>literally equating all crime committed by an entire race to right-wing extremism
piss poor bait but it still made me mad

>> No.13612950

Killing is black people culture, white people killing black people is cultural appropriation, that’s what this is all about.

>> No.13612953

Just pointing out, violence isn't exclusive to right wingers, lefties have killed millions in Russia with their extremism, kinda retarded to compare ideology to race, when i think of violence it happend to be blacks.

>> No.13612982

So when nut cases finally decide to take action and shoot some mother fuckers, because of minority culture infesting america , its now the worst thing ever? but them killing each other is okay? doesn't that imply something inherently is wrong with the culture? Right wingers should just sit back and let them destroy themselves. White guilt and self cucking never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.13612989

comparing state terror to lone wolf right-wing extremism is just as ridiculous as comparing race-wide violence to it. If you really want to ascribe the USSR as left violence, then the right now has to shoulder every death in WWII (which the Nazi regime and fascism was undeniably the cause of), deaths as a result of colonialism, Pinochet, Stroessner, Diem, Thieu, the Contras, Somoza, etc. to right-wingers. I think you'll find a more substantial body count than the right is willing to take responsibility for. But state violence is a different issue, and one must bring different standards to bear in evaluating it, so I don't really think making that comparison is particularly constructive for this discussion. Also
>when i think of violence it happened to be blacks

>> No.13612994

to add on to that, if immigration is the cause for terrorism and lefty's are willing bringing them in and burning their own country, is right wing violence not a effect of leftist fuckery?

>> No.13613017


>> No.13613018

>kinda retarded to compare ideology to race
yes im aware, yikes?? really man is that the best you can offer, if you wanna know, its because ive personally been robbed multiple times and have had friends aswell, guess what, they were black. anecdotal doesn't make it right, my point was that extremism goes both ways, im not looking for a fucking body count list you tool.

>> No.13613025

0/8 this is an entry level no true Scotsman fallacy. You clearly have a bone to pick and you're approaching the issue with the expectation that current even by default confirm and reinforce your ideology of anti-liberalism and "social justice".

>> No.13613048

*currents events

>> No.13613051
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Spoken like a social insect

>> No.13613058

>really man is that the best you can offer
I don't start to prepare a counter-argument whenever someone barfs on the floor.
> its because ive personally been robbed multiple times and have had friends aswell, guess what, they were black
insinuating that this is somehow "extremism" is patent nonsense and I know that you're smart enough to realize that.
>my point was that extremism goes both ways, im not looking for a fucking body count list you tool
to the argument that violence occurs on both sides -- no shit, that's obvious and not something you really have to prove. The question is which one is a more significant threat to society, and the answer in modern times is undeniably violence from the right-wing. *You* invoked lefties having "killed millions" so you introduced the body count angle; don't get all flustered and angry because you didn't phrase your argument in a way that would get you the response you wanted.

>> No.13613087

What is the greatest threat to society: the dissolution of all meaningful relations and alienation created by liberal capitalism OR half a dozen deranged murderers each killing a few random people. Clearly it's the alienated outcasts who are the issue here.

>> No.13613091

This is like saying that the majority of Christians (including orthodox and protestants) are concerned about Catholic paedophile cover ups. Being a Muslim doesn't mean you have identical benefits and many 2nd generation immigrants do become more liberal and statistically the people who are killed most by Muslims are other Muslims. Knowing this we can still look at the very real problem of Islamists and state-sponsored terrorism that is being allowed to foster due censoring any critics for fear of offence.

>> No.13613093

So you think being progressive is good? our opinions clearly differ here, i don't consider myself rightwing, but all this social bulllshit its all propaganda our western civilization has been fine up until now, excluding capitalism, now its going to shit when, the youth who i think its something like 75% are okay a form of socialism , and you expect me to believe its the right.?Whom preserve tradition rather than go into unknown territory and destroy itself, globlist bullshit.

>> No.13613103

>the dissolution of all meaningful relations and alienation created by liberal capitalism OR half a dozen deranged murderers each killing a few random people
do you think these two things have no impact on the other? this is a false and nonsense dichotomy; the latter is an effect of the former which, like the former, must be stopped before it becomes irreversible.

>> No.13613111

See, a man who can see behind the veil of mainstream nonsense and collectivism.
try reevaluating what you know, reality itself isnt what is seems, social issues are the least of our problems in the scope of the universe.

>> No.13613120

Dough Stoy Jet Ski

>> No.13613132

This seems schizoid, i dont mean they should't be dealt with, just saying those limited to the material world don't see the big picture

>> No.13613134

>all this social bulllshit its all propaganda our western civilization has been fine up until now
blacks couldn't drink at the same water fountains as whites until fifty years ago, and gay people couldn't marry until four years ago. Calling western civilization "fine" until now belies either a profound ignorance or willful omission of the most profound sicknesses of our society, all of which have hundred of years of history behind them.
>Whom preserve tradition rather than go into unknown territory and destroy itself, globlist bullshit.
I don't really know what this means, but "tradition" tout court is not really, in my opinion, something that should be preserved indiscriminately. what's the point of continuing to do something purely because that's how we've done it before? show me some real benefit to a particular tradition and I can be convinced to keep it, but "tradition" by itself is not an argument which makes much sense to me.

>> No.13613141

>social issues are the least of our problems in the scope of the universe
so what should we focus on? asteroids? what exactly are you talking about here?

>> No.13613146

Why is gays marrying in any way desirable?

>> No.13613155

>why is people having equal rights desirable
it benefits a disadvantaged group at nobody's expense?

>> No.13613167

it won't make sense to "slept" people, i hate sounding like some spiritual guru but, spirituality if we could connect with the universe like we possible have before, my advice to anyone curious, is diet, semen retention and meditation, wish you luck friends.

>> No.13613188

I agree we are sick, why are we looked at as a beacon of civilization, and envied by other cultures then? well lets think of why blacks are their in the first place, oh because their chiefs willing sold him, like the Voltaire quote, i dont think discrimination is right(what does that even mean) but why is their a inferiority complex in the first place? the genetic differences are irrefutable

>> No.13613195

Move to a desert island
do whatever you want

>> No.13613215


>> No.13613218

when did this become a conversation about the differences in race? If you're asking why African countries are so persistently poor, it could have something to do with the century or so of exploitation they experienced during their formative years, or the arbitrary borders imposed on them that don't comport with the ethnic, linguistic or cultural differences of the country, or the continued modern exploitation by multinational corporations? You don't think those so-called "genetic difference" could have anything to do with lack of proper nutrition or health services due to the crippling of governments, embargoes, deliberate sabotage, etc. perpetrated by the Western world?

>> No.13613228 [DELETED] 
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fuck negroes
fuck spics
fuck shitskins and kikes

>> No.13613240

>it could have something to do with the century or so of exploitation
they had thousands of years and enourmous amount of natural resources to develope, they never did it because they are unironically retards and not in a ahahha just joking way but in the oh shieet they kinda have down syndrome way

>> No.13613248

Lmao fuck off, 100 years is a minuscule amount of time, empires flourished and fell wayyy before evil white men persecuted them. These people havent evolved past the WHEEL and somehow that's someone else's fault

>> No.13613281

And most importantly fuck jannies and mongoloid justice

>> No.13613293

This discussion is over, my point is not the differences between races, but thier BIOLOGICAL MAKE UP, you clearly are a apologist and if id were to guess, a complete utter pussy. you brought up blacks being segregated to? to what? get empathy like it was my problem or fault? Black people make up their history because there is shit all besides a f noteworthy empires. it became about race because, there are differences culture so why are we expected to be the forerunners and let them in all while running the world? I could post a IQ map. but you dont seem to hear anything i say, just attempting to refute it with mundane bullshit. im not asking why they are poor, they are poor because they are fucking stupid and need our help and allows use to exploit them retard.

>> No.13613302


>> No.13613330

We wuz not allowed to live among whiteys that we hate some much, and dis bad cauz whitey create society, technology, wealth and shieet
Gib MONEY for oppression craker

>> No.13613339

>my point is not the differences between races, but thier BIOLOGICAL MAKE UP,
what? are these not synonyms?
> you brought up blacks being segregated to? to what? get empathy like it was my problem or fault?
I brought it up to refute your fucking idiotic point that "western civilization has been fine up until now". It seems like you can't follow a line of argument, so it really does appear that this discussion is over.
> it became about race because, there are differences culture so why are we expected to be the forerunners and let them in all while running the world?
I don't know what this means.
>I could post a IQ map
then you'd be not listening to my point and just regurgitating the tepid bullshit you hear on /pol/ without having any sort of argument to back it up.
medieval and early modern Africa absolutely flourished with successful trade empires and political coalitions that went well beyond simple agriculture, what the fuck are you people talking about?

>> No.13613341

>expects help, with out ever doing anything themselves, and surprised when evil people are exploit them, evil is at every walk of life. its not just whites, china is building infrastructure in Africa. several country are in dept to them.
>muh white man
hows the blue pill taste?

>> No.13613356

>medieval and early modern Africa absolutely flourished
What were the African technological innovations?

>> No.13613377

>(((American Individualism)))

read Junger and Stirner for real individualism

>> No.13613380

I've never been on pol quit trying to paint me as someone, how can you not understand that? there was a typo but can your brain not connect dots? Wow they were successful? cool link me some philosophical and scientific achievements. life is not some song that we all walk holding hands into nirvana that's not how it works, if the universe is predetermined, not everyone was destined to make it. biological make up and genetics arent synonyms? dude you gotta be fucking with me

>> No.13613399

I think you read “are these not synonyms” as “these are not synonyms”

>> No.13613414

Based too bad you will get banned by cuckchan janitors

>> No.13613421

salt and gold whyte boi

>> No.13613500
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Both socialism and communism come in many varieties, such as anarchist versions.
And what do they anyhow have to do with exclusively with "collectivism", when establishing workplace democracy and shit like that could as easily be considered individuals taking additional control over their own lives? Fucking hell, you could in a sense consider capitalism to be collectivist as all hell, as people surrender themselves to the whims of "the business", "the boss", or "the market".

To quote Stirner, the most OG individualist to have ever lived:
>The laborers have the most enormous power in their hands, and, if they once became thoroughly conscious of it and used it, nothing would withstand them; they would only have to stop labor, regard the product of labor as theirs, and enjoy it. This is the sense of the labor disturbances which show themselves here and there.
>The State rests on the — slavery of labor. If labor becomes free. the State is lost.

>> No.13613551

Based retard

>> No.13613880
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>> No.13613892

Blacks could not experience racism if they were not in contact with White people in any way. Segregation to separate continents is, objectively speaking, the only way to end racism.

>> No.13613926

>blacks are exploited
I’m tired of this shit. Blacks sold the slaves but europeans are at fault for creating the demand? Is the drug dealer exploited by the addict? The same goes for hunting endangered species, done almost entirely by the local populace. And plastic pollution, of which 90% comes from the third world. The past few hundred years doesn’t prove blacks were exploited, it proves they are criminals.

>> No.13613932

are there any non-white countries that are individualistic?

>> No.13613936

Individualism is literally an aspect of western culture

>> No.13614053

*Blacks were extremely unlucky at the turn of the century and then collectivity shit on for 100+ years*

>> No.13614109

Slaves were used to build america right why shouldn't they be allowed to reap its benefits also if america didnt want black people they should have sent them back after they were done lol.

Honestly blacks forcing gibs is hilarious.

>> No.13614203

Black americans have not experienced anything worse than plenty of other racial groups have in the past. Do you know why there are no blacks in Saudi Arabia demanding reparations? Because the Saudis just castrated all their black slaves. I guess America would be better off without blacks. At least there wouldn't be racism.

>> No.13614247

What about asian- americans and Hispanics? Also Racism exists all around the world dumbass not just in the us.

I like Alan Watts the book paired with Carl Jung the undiscovered self. Maybe carl rogers shit too.

>> No.13614296

If were talking about america which we are right now then the only ethnic group that faced the same amount of persecution are the natives Americans.

>Do you know why there are no blacks in Saudi Arabia demanding reparations?
They are still black Saudis.

Because the Saudis just castrated all their black slaves. I guess America would be better off without blacks.
Funny you say that since america would never under any circumstances get rid of there black population especially after the civil war.

At least there wouldn't be racism.
Yeah cause Saudis Arabia isnt racists at all.

>> No.13614433

What's the quickest way to turn a libertarian into a fascist?

>> No.13614503
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Have you even given thought to how "individualism" could serve to instill conformism and uniformity? 'Individuality' is rather probably what you're after.

>> No.13614830
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>> No.13614928

> implying Ryan wasn't based