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13611491 No.13611491 [Reply] [Original]

Post the craziest and most incoherent thing you've ever written. What were you going through?

>> No.13611504
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>> No.13611508
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I am bipolar and wrote this in a mania a few weeks ago and spammed it everywhere thinking it mattered. This is going to be several posts so sorry:

"Solve et coagula' is a Latin phrase associated with alchemy. It can be translated as "to dissolve and coagulate" or "to separate and join". This is a principle which has relatives throughout the modern fields of science and philosophy, such as Hegel's idealism, the Scientific Method and even, to some degree, Marxism's conception of dialectical materialism. Two Marx's most famous statements exemplify the debt to the alchemical principle some dimensions of his thought owe themselves: "Thephilosophers have only interpreted the worldin various ways; the point, however, is to change it" from his 'Theses on Fuerbach' and "All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind. The need of a constantly expanding market for its products chases the bourgeoisie over the entire surface of the globe" from 'The Communist Manifesto'.

The principles of Gestalt psychology which today still make up the bedrock of cognitive psychology, propose that beyond a certain point humans can't break down sensations without them becoming incomprehensible. We naturally seek put patterns in the sensory information available to us. Thus, if we deconstruct things to better understand them, we must also reconstruct them in order to move forward.

Postmodernity, as it has been managed by the ruling class and culturally embedded throughout the era of neoliberal globalization, generally incentivizes solve and discourages coagula. To be sure, those who were originally labeled "postmodernist" and their precursors probably didn't intend for this to be the outcome of their activities. Nontheless, the present incarnation of postmodernity as a cultural force insists that only in the ruins of deconstruction can anything resembling liberation be achieved, that all disassembled social constructions must remain fluid lest they reinforce oppressive social structures.

This attitude essentially posits that the base has progressed about as far as it will go and that all which is left to do is argue about the nuances of the superstructure. It ignores any challenge to the end of history model or cynically folds such challenges into their arguments for its continued relevance. Rather than view 9/11 as a refutation of their utopia, Western elites argued that it merely showed the west hadn't done enough exporting of its values across the globe. Rather than resurrect the old welfare states of the mid 20th Century to temper the anger of the masses during the 2008 crash, the ruling class doubled down and imposed austerity. Solve's dominance persisted and continued to demoralize any organization which aimed to move beyond it and preemptively eradicate even the potential for a much needed mass coagula."

>> No.13611513
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Part 2:
Schizoanalysis, initially conceived as a challenge to bourgeoise control measures, became another tool to open new markets for the perpetuation of the consumer economy so essential to neoliberalism's self-preservation. Detournment became the advertisement. Any challenge to the cultural mantra of bourgeoise individualism and infinite growth was deemed antiquated and implied to be the work or grumpy old white men who were actually reactionary despite their progressive posturing. All was dismantled until it couldn't be dismantled any further without making everything incomprehensible. Then it was dismantled even more anyway.

Now there is an ocean of atomized and confused individuals who have been taught by the tv which babysat them that they can only truly actualize themselves through consumption. Networking rather than friendship and solidarity was further driven down their throats in the charter schools and increasingly privatized universities. From this perspective we can begin to understand why Identity Politics have been so influential to political organizing on both the Right and the mainstream Left in the first world. Because identitarianism allows these atoms to cluster together and use their masses of atomic energy to influence the State to give them space in the current order or things. They may be unaware that this is what they are doing but nontheless, they are doing it.

This is why "Intersectionality" has replaced solidarity in the Leftist discourse of the 1st world. Because all intersectionality does is ask the State to incorporate the oppressed and marginalized into the function of its structures, whereas the old solidarity implies a cross-identity coalition to abolish the system which necessitates oppression and marginalization in the first place. Likewise, the Right cums in its pants when Trump does something any of the "cuckservatives" they despise would have done, and what their most reviled villains such as Obama and Bill Clinton were already doing, because he points at them while he is doing it, he makes them feel special, he elevates them, however briefly, from their status as consumerist automatons into someone who matters. Obviously identitarianism on the Left and the politicians and intelligentsia who preach it as gospel serve the same function.

>> No.13611520

Part 3:
The glaring contradiction, of course, is that this managed diversity robs multiculturalism of its potential to be a progressive force and creates a new form of conservatism, along with a monoculture. Each identity or cluster of identities is given their space and allowed to do whatever it takes to preserve it, and the private sector profits handsomely as massive corporations offer their commodities to these spaces in support of this task. Thus, the tools used by the myriad of identities all come from the same monopolies, making any individuality a mere narcissism of small differences, usually dependent upon who has the most money to continuously update their identities ability to present itself as unique among the ocean of the marginalized. In this scenario, multiculturalism functions as little more than an ad campaign which reassures the oppressed and the marginalized that reform of the system, and certainly not revolutionary work aimed at overthrowing the system, is necessary because Amazon Prime will sell to you no matter your creed, color, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

Karl Popper developed a scenario wherein a man decides to devote himself to science with the same amount of passion as a priest does to serving the Lord. He spends all day everyday observing everything he possibly can-from the daily fluctuations of the stock market to the level of cosmic radiation permeating the universe at any given moment-and recording these observations in mountains of notebooks. On his deathbed his life's work is delivered to the Royal Academy and they store it away without even so much as a glance at its content, for they know it will be nothing but a meaningless hurricane of facts.

On one side, the Internet appears to be our real life formation of Popper's priestly scientist. It has brought knowledge, facts, and the most obscurantist perceptions to people the world over and for what? One doesn't even have to be a cynic or a pessimist to see that the negative aide effects of the Information Revolution are more numerous, or at least are more immediately perceptible, than the positives. Mountains of vlogs, cringe compilations, and Tik Tok embarassments, not to mention the emergence of bizarre movements such as a resurgent Flat Earther theology and the Q Anon phenomenon, to get the feeling that, on the whole, the Internet has caused humanity to retreat into the "new Dark Age" referenced in the opening paragraph of Lovecraft's "Call of Cthulu".

>> No.13611524

>t. pseud that thinks postmodernism exists as a cultural force

>> No.13611529

Part 4:
As these movements have also shown, the ruling class is experimenting with how it's going to tackle the management of this new era. Will it be a return of the overt fascism which threatened Europe in the 20th Century? Will it be a return to the social democracies and welfare economies of that time? Or will they reach even further back and impose upon the world a sort of techno fuedalism? Or will there be some combination of these approaches depending on the time and place in which the coagula is co-opted?

Whatever the case, the Left must recognize the age in which we are living and attempt to take the reins before the ruling class gets a grasp on how to move forward. If we assume that the ecological crisis doesn't end human civilization as such, we must accept that an era of coagula without a true left wing alternative will almost certainly become that "new dark age". But what is to be done? Unfortunately I still don't have an answer to that question, but ending the tolerance of identity politics on the Left is probably a good place to start, along with a newfound emphasis on and celebration of solidarity rather than vacuous fealty to "intersectionality".

As Alan Moore once said: "Perhaps it is time in the arts for a little more coagula. Perhaps we really should be starting think about putting everything back together."

>> No.13611532

Not really crazy, just rant about yellow fever:

Stage 1: Asian girls exist and look purty. But I am dating a white girl.
Stage 2: I know where the Asian girls hang out. Download some Asian porn but just as a sideline. Delete browser history afterwards.
Stage 3: I get to know an Asian girl and she's purty and frenly. I start to treat my white girlfriend badly as she's not so feminine, given she can drink me under the table. Asian porn ratio at 50% including some Japanese stuff, download alternate browser so I can keep history of "the good stuff".
Stage 4: Dump white girlfriend and date Asian girl, she's so feminine etc. It's not a big deal, never dated one before, the world is a melting pot, etc. Melting right into her pot as often as possible. Asian porn ratio maxes at 100%, starting to see through pixelation.
Step 5: Realize that every Asian girl I see is super hot now, may have chosen girlfriend prematurely. Justify my actions by judging other men dating Asian girls - "players in China". But start wondering "Where do you engage, at work, in the clubs or in the street". For science. Study Chinese, for the culture.
Step 6: Can't take it anymore. Broke up with first Asian girlfriend. I spend my time at work, in the clubs and in the street. Find girl #2. Start asking "do good guys become bad in China or is it just that I was bad before moving to China?". Answer unclear and I don't care much anyway. Study dirty Chinese.
Step 7: Find girlfriend #3 who is crazy hot, tell her about girlfriend #2, and she doesn't care. Yes! I am a fucking predator! Make friends with a local dude and go to KTV. Study hanzirs so I can chang the ges!
Step 8: Juggling KTV girls #4, #5 while girlfriend #2 bitches about how I am never available to climb the mountain anymore and girlfriend #3 tells me she's pregnant. Fluent in the zhongwenz by now, so can jiangjia with the hospital to get a good rate.
Step 9: Turned 45, still handsurm but considerably more fat. #2 has long left me for a Latino lover. #3 peeked at my bank balance and some debt notices from laojia and scrambled. A seat at the expat bar has my name engaved on it. #6, #7, #8 pass quickly after seeing my alcoholism.
Step 10: Yellow fever has advanced to my liver and my skin has become one with the object of my affection. #9-#100 won't even connect with me on TanTan. Discover that treatment is not covered by Happy Giraffe. Return to laojia.
Step 11: Email #1 and ask her if she will burn hell money for me as I will need beer money.

>> No.13611535

Final part:
The human tendency toward Solve which gave rise to all pre-industrial escapes from the primitive world always had a failsafe in place in case the pace of fracture quickened excessively. This failsafe is Premature Coagula or unnecessary Coagula. Premature Coagula is the intentional imposition of coagula before solve can disseminate to its fullest potential from the top down in order to postpone the self demise of the ruling class which dominates a particular epoch. Occasionally the organic conservative movements to frightened working class and peasant groups are cultivated and co-opted to give Premature Coagula an heir of legitimacy.

The process of Solve originally functioned at a subconscious level but as we moved away from primitive communism and developed hiearchichal city states the ruling class needed to manage the ptocess so that dynamic development could further consolidate its power rather than lead to yet another new epoch. By seizing, managing, and redirecting these energies various ruling class elements could slow the progression of their epoch towards Total Solve and thus entrench themselves further. The last large-scale attempts at Premature Coagula were the Red Scare and the New Deal in the USA, the USSR after the death of Stalin, the rise of Fascism and it's more mainstream children's institutionalization throughout Europe during GLADIO, the rise of social democracy and welfare capitalism after world war 2.

Capitalism, in passing from the era of imperialism into the Globalist era, or the era of neoliberal globalization, significantly weakened the potential for a new Premature Coagula project to make a substantial difference and halt the arrival of Total Solve of the current epoch. Trump wad more than likely an attempt at this but said attempt has largely been a failure as will be the next welfare capitalist Democrat such as Sanders or Warren

Total Solve is the quickening of the Solve process past the point where any one party can manage or control it in a way which hastens the obliteration of the epoch's remaining coagulated elements. Total Solve is avoided by the ruling class at all costs. In an inversion of Premature Coagula, it is sometimes used cynically by groups at the bottom who wish to ride its waves into the status of a new ruling class of the epoch. This almost always results in failure and in the few instances where it succeeds the tenure of the New ruling class is short lived as Total Solve can not be halted once it begins.

It would behoove radical groups to take notice of Total Solve and do everything in their power to accelerate its pace as this will lead to the emergence or Necessary Coagula and New Epochs.

From the end of the Cold War until today we are and have been in a period of Total Solve and it picks up pace everyday

>> No.13611536

You really don't think postmodern discourse has had an enormous influence on 1st world culture?

>> No.13611537
File: 1.91 MB, 750x1334, 656B0019-0989-4D3D-90C5-86A1C0077845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a woman reading my post right now. She's thinking about me, if even for a fleeting millisecond. Her eyes are touching the letters and words I've written. She's wrapping her retinas around these words and holding them in her head as little pixels of light. There's a woman with my thoughts in her head now and we've never really bonded. It can feel like a little secret, a little thing in the air between us now. And now I know something big, deep, real, there's been some strange change in that. Something I would love to hear or touch or feel about her. It must be something she could care about. Because for some reason if I did, I could be more than willing to listen. Or think or open up about something or give her insight she isn't ready for. Or maybe we'd find something to talk about. We've already spent a good amount of time thinking about our own present lives, her and I. Or about the past. or about how those we know and love are. About family, love, death, and the unknown, and what it means to take it for granted forever. Her mind seems to just float by with it's own threads. Its own energy. Its own sound. Maybe this one moment is just a piece of the puzzle.

>> No.13611545

For that to be the case one would have to be able to actually define postmodernism so to identify where and how it has impacted the culture

>> No.13611548

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like a gypsy queen

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle all dressed in green

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle ’til the moon is blue

Wiggle ’til the moon sees you
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle in your boots and shoes

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, you got nothing to lose

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like a swarm of bees

Wiggle on your hands and knees
Wiggle to the front, wiggle to the rear

Wiggle ’til you wiggle right out of here

Wiggle ’til it opens, wiggle ’til it shuts

Wiggle ’til it bites, wiggle ’til it cuts
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like a bowl of soup

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like a rolling hoop

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like a ton of lead

Wiggle—you can raise the dead
Wiggle ’til you’re high, wiggle ’til you’re higher

Wiggle ’til you vomit fire

Wiggle ’til it whispers, wiggle ’til it hums

Wiggle ’til it answers, wiggle ’til it comes
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like satin and silk

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like a pail of milk

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, rattle and shake

Wiggle like a big fat snake

>> No.13611550

You write a bit like zizek - lot of words to say too little.

Reader, after suffering through it, is all like "dude, just say i hate neoliberalism, why smear it into 3 pages of boring platitudes of no consequence or direction".

>> No.13611580

Made me laugh

>> No.13611628

A very good piece of coagulation I must say. I like how you fearlessly try to make sense of all of the big pieces. Shifting tectonic plates is always going to result in messy details but it’s the kind of sigh the planet needs sometimes. Take every paragraph and expand on it, take every idea that you explain and explain it a little clearer as if the reader didn’t know who or what the concepts you were referring to are or about, Do this a few times over the course of a week or two, add a preface and prologue and you got yourself a possible seller

>> No.13611663

bob dylan is so hot

>> No.13611702

This is sad. You are sad.

>> No.13611712


>> No.13611731
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bing bong bingbingbong
bingbing bong bing bingbing bong
bing bong
bingbing bong
bingbing bong bingbingbing bong
bing bong
bingbing bong
bingbing bong
bing bing bing bonk

And yes, I do readings

>> No.13611747

Did I say I was happy?

>> No.13611794


Wake the fuck up.

We are in the netocratic age. Right now. What does that mean?

First and formemost, that means attention is the "currency." It means that its the power, NOW. Not next week, not when you think it's convenient, it is now and has always been the currency.

The Event has always been at the root of humanity. The Event was there when Moses said we're parting the Red Sea. The Event occurred when Gahndi got the Muslims and the Hindus to stop killing each other. The Event occured when the Declartion of the Independence was signed. The Event occurs every year in deserts at Burning Man.

The Event has been with us since time immemorial. It's the reasont why Hitler was able to rise to power. It's the reason why Trump was able to become the President. For that matter, it's the reason why Barrack Obama because the President. The Event.

What is the Event?

The Event is simply, fomo.

(part 1)

>> No.13611798


Attention is a libidinal stake being put into the ground. This stake has been with humanity from time immemorial. The Event is decentralized, yet libidianl. Metaphysically, a libidinal dividual will stake their claim in reality.

To date, we have confused the Metaphysical Event. We have conflated the Event with faux phallic entities (like Hitler) we have confused the Event for the Messiah.

We have used the Event since the tribe. The Elder of the outer circuit would say we're going here. X marks the spot. Then, the tribe followed along. The bandwidth was slow. Attention followed at the speed of human movement.

Then, in the feudal age, the Event arrived again. This time, at the bidding of Kings and Tyrants. Their Kingdom were the metaphyiscal stake. Why are we going to travel to there, when you all can just come here! This Kingdom is where the Event will occur. This Kingdom is where your attention will lie. Thus, Cathedrals and Castles were erected all to create physical representations of the Event.

Next, the Individual came. We created the Celebrity. Individuals decided that staking the Event post at phyiscal object makes absolutely no sense. Why would I do that when I can stake it on myself!? This is a phenomena that works so well because it hijacks our biology. This is the false idol. This brings you Kardashians, Manic Kanye, and Hitler.

We have transcended. We know that the Individual is a metaphyisical blackhole. The Event is placed beyond (not so ironically) The Event Horizon. It's like the collective psyche has been searching for the idea all along and its right in front of our face.

The dividual realizes the power of the Event and realizes that the Event can be placed anywhere. The Event is what brings attention. It is the Original Titan power. It's creating a beacon outside yourself via libido, haki, whatever you want to call it, and engaging the NPCs to follow.

It's hilarious as I write this down. I can't believe it wasn't obvious before this.

You create a Metaphysical Stake in the ground, like the Original Titan, the NPCs follow. The attention is set to your Event.

(part 2)

>> No.13611801


Interestingly, I realize this is why everyone is afraid of the concept of Pump and Dump, but they know it's the only way to gain money to begin with.

Let's break this down:

Prior to cryptocurrencies, there was a club called "accredited investors" where if you were a member of this elite club, then you had access to "good investments." This is because, in the capitalist paradigm, a good investment, is basically where the business looks like a credible organization, the accounting matches up, there's more profits than liabilities. It all checks out. Then, when the company is having a hard time making ends meet, "brand" is what's important, you create an IPO and dump your assets on the Market. The market is of course the NPCs following the metaphyisical stake. What's a great opportunity that Uber is going on the market at IPO, I bet no one else has this same idea. All of the masses flock to the stake, the price inflates. All the capitalists made their money, and then this company is worth billions.

Crypto, ironically, has exposed this game for what it is. It's all bullshit. No literally, it's all a big pump and dump.

satoshi nakamoto, God Bless his fucking heart was the dividual par excellance. He set up the Metaphysical Stake on 1 million BTC (which was worthless at the time). The eyes gradually accumulated, then, when it started to get enough attention, he did the smartest thing any dividual has ever done. He went radio silent. He made sure the stake was set to the 1 million BTC bounty and not to him. This of course is certifiable evidence that Craig Wright is not satoshi. He is a faux phallus trying to place the Event on his Ego.

If you want to make "money" in the informationalist age, you need to set an Event beacon in cyberspace (like the Original Titan) then get the horde to follow like NPCs. The NPC hordes (consumtariat) have not learned to separate the Event from the Ego and as such, they can't help following a libidinal leader. Someone who can tell them what to do! Someone who can bring them back to the order they so crave.

Set a stake for the horde, collect on their fomo. That's how you wield attention. You're welcome.

(part 3 -- final)

I was tripping on acid and reading /biz/

>> No.13612895

shut the fuck up woman

>> No.13613866


>> No.13613937
File: 183 KB, 900x308, ltv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

streaming i am following the liquids the melted ice the whitegrey river it draws into a field of white i am going there to find there is a fox red and orange black rimmed eyes jumping he transforms to bird stuff but sits still on snow watching nothing i am fell down black ness void and temperament which i have none i am not shoulder pain and thought and hunger just want want want will have and sit and stare as lights mutate be for me and take the liquid into me take the light into me i am a toad but sleek a frog but rough no a rooted man thing that forgets what i am

>> No.13613949

Top kek

>> No.13613952

This is really good.

>> No.13614048

right so it wouldn't be a clone since you don't have the same predicates. Idk man

>> No.13614228

>people like promises of eventual comfort
Thanks for the insight, Sherlock

>> No.13614322
File: 156 KB, 960x960, F1ED6184-FBFD-4B99-8B85-4B070AA9AD1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before postmodernism
>after postmodernism

>> No.13614383

All of my writings are crazy and incoherent
Links in this twitter thread:

>> No.13614398

No one's gonna open it if you don't share at least some of it

>> No.13614423

I guess I'll randomly post the craziest sounding quotes out of context from each thing as one giant incoherent block of text then:

"“Our metaculture began with a single visionary: a schizophrenic, transgender therian of humble beginnings, named Topaz. Topaz had a vision while on a spirit quest in Europe: a completely incomprehensible vision, the content of which had nothing at all to do with dragons. Subsequently, Topaz was struck by inspiration, and set about trying to solve some of the hardest social and economic problems of the 22nd and 23rd centuries, seemingly anticipated solely through the faculty of advanced mental illness. “Long ago in the age of the mystical darkpast, when the only axioms were pre-aetheric molecules of psionic energy that had not yet differentiated into subject and object, antecedent and consequent, cardinal or ordinal weight, there were beings lurking in the waters. The greatest of these beings were the first Gods, if they can be called that, for in those days there was neither above nor below, either in substance or in concept. If we begin with primitives, and primitives are selected against in a minority of cases, creating life, and life is selected against in a minority of cases, creating brains, are brains being selected against in a minority of cases, creating computers? Brains have given rise to computers, certainly, and to the extent computers have been used as a substitute for memory and thought, reliance on computing technology has diminished the amount of brain processes extant in a total sense. Certainly it has also enabled new thoughts and new memories, permuting them in novel ways. But the closer to zero-sum the information encoding trade-off becomes, the flatter information becomes distributed across space rather than time. Computer processes can be forked, merged, throttled up or down, and bifurcated into components without any process cessation. If all of these things are also possible with consciousness, then a number of important things become possible:
1. The duplication of consciousness
2. The subsumption of consciousness into other consciousness
3. The subjective increase or decrease in rate of time flow
4. The removal of unwanted aspects of consciousness
5. The division of different aspects of consciousness into different discrete consciousnesses
In particular, 3 is very important to the creation of an artificial hell. 2 and 4 have more relevance to doctrines of reincarnation and corrective hell, respectively. 5 has potential relevance to some concepts of the soul as expressed in Gnostic, Hermetic, and Pythagorean philosophy.

>> No.13614429

Knowing that socialization is an iterated game with the potential to kill people, do we learn anything by exploring its origins? Probably not, but it is a common intellectual vice to explore origins and I see no reason to break from tradition here. Human beings are perhaps best thought of as “the mentally unstable ape”. We do most of our learning at a young age by anthropomorphizing phenomenon that have no apparent intentionality or personhood, and if they did, almost certainly wouldn’t have it qua themselves, as defined by our grouping or boundaries of them. At the same time, we keep track of levels of ability and intentional capacity and so forth and when things break, we tend to blame someone human for breaking them. It is almost formulaic, a mixture of temporal and spatial proximity compared against degree of inferred malice. Hence the burning of witches, the holocaust, and so forth. It is likely a new holocaust is about to happen in the United States based on this “hunt for intentional culpability”, on the basis of economics, this one targeting immigrants, homeless people, political dissidents, and perhaps sexual deviants. Gosh! It makes sense to begin my pitch by explaining some of the flaws in the Malatora brand. Now, I am not an economist or a social scientist, and in fact there is much that limits my analytic capacity. Like Mencius Moldbug, I am a college dropout, though in my case I made my exit from undergrad. I’m also a schizophrenic. And I have brain damage. And I may just possibly be autistic as well. And besides that there is the fact that I scarcely attended K-12 school and got most of my education from shitposting on the internet, in a series of campaigns that saw me permabanned from almost every major forum ever to grace cyberspace. Even so, a few small flaws stand out to me in this whole communist post-human environmentalist autarkic dragon micro-state idea. As prophet and founder of a future society of dragons, it would make good sense to lay down the law, establishing my own revealed knowledge as an eternal standard on which to base the future norms and mores of all dragonkind. I am unwilling and unable to do this. To begin with, it seems to me that most good social norms and mores arise organically in relation to the environment in which a people originates. While it is certainly possible that I have some non-trivial role to play in this organic process, it is probably not the role of dragon Moses: God would have said something. Additionally, I still have some conflicted and paradoxical devotions to liberty, to the open society, and to existential philosophy. Just as importantly, I’m not able to construct the kind of intense genealogical and semiotic investigation into essentialist concepts of dragons that would be necessary to establish a dragon essentialism credible enough to function in a traditionalist context.

>> No.13614439

Deleuze said stuff about rhizomes, I am not sure what. There is something rhizomatic about the demonic components of these worlds, and something tree-like about the angelic components. When a tree partially asserts itself over the rhizome, its roots go down into it but without totally reorganizing it. The effect, if perceived internally in a phenomenological sense, is of something rigid and deterministic asserting itself over something either free or stochastic. I think of video games with branching and web structures. If a video game has a main quest line, then even if it is an Elder Scrolls or Fallout game, the tendrils of a tree are asserting themselves over something rhizomatic. But this is merely in relation to time and choice. This structural confluence has some relationship to spirit as well, which is difficult but important to grasp. Demons are all metastable but important aspects of the soul, while angels are stable forms that in a healthy person keep a hierarchy. I’m schizoaffective. In spite of that I manage to function reasonably well, simply because of my knowledge of time; of how to condition myself in a given series of moments so that I can make it through the next series of moments. In place of an ever diminishing memory, I substitute a kind of recursive reflex that establishes an unbreakable momentum. There’s enough in my environment to carry me forward and prime me for whatever comes next, so it doesn’t actually matter that my memory is terrible. While some of these factors have traditionally driven intelligent and capable people into developing new fields, establishing start-ups and so forth, as soon as these fields are developed they succumb to the same tendencies and pressures. The fact that anything has ever progressed at all is mostly an artifact of the entirely circumstantial truth that there have always been new fields to develop and compete in; IE, the human race functions through an iterative process of diffusion and development. An ethnic minority is displaced from warm and friendly lands to cold and harsh lands, but there they find and develop some valuable resource, which they subsequently use to establish themselves. Then they displace some new minority to some new wasteland and the process repeats. This is the biological instantiation of the principle, in which the unwanted are basically fed into cube-like death mazes until value comes out.

>> No.13614445

It’s wildly politically incorrect to suggest that there are different tiers of people, even though this hypothesis is one of the oldest known ideas on record. The gnostic division of hylics, psychics, and pneumatics shows that people were thinking about fundamental differences in human character and functionality long before the slow sorting hat of history conferred its small advantages to intelligence, making possible (but not necessitating) the disenfranchisement and destruction of the unintelligent. The murdering of the mentally handicapped under Nazi Germany is contrasted with the murdering of the intellectuals under Pol Pot. It doesn’t make sense to caste either the intelligent or the unintelligent or average as oppressed or oppressors in any absolute sense. Rather, they form an ecosystem that can sometimes become dysfunctional in various ways. If I was asked to build an ideal harm maximization machine, it would have the following properties: It would help the vast majority of people substantially. It would iteratively improve itself. With remarkable consistency, it would reward positive actions with positive consequences. It would be intuitive, simple, and accessible. It would have positive compounding effects at different rates based on the value of a person’s conduct, and even low value conduct would generally receive effects sufficient for survival at iteratively increasing levels of quality of life over the course of generations. The visibility of any exceptions to this would be minimized, and their etiology would either be superficially agreeable or perfectly opaque in all cases. These exceptions would become iteratively more disqualifying from the positive utility functions of the machine over time (for efficiency). They would also be compounding, at a rate in fixed proportion to the compounding of positive utility. And it would severely penalize anyone who tried to build a better machine.There is a type of game people play with me, when they find out what a terrible attitude I have. It is a game of displacement, in which it suffices to find a single example such that:
That person’s suffering appears worse than mine to the average person
That person is either quieter or more successful than me.
It only needs to appear worse, it does not have to actually be worse. This is because any investigation of the empirical weight of each harm is a prohibited move (it’s prohibited because, circularly, it’s taken as proof of my bad attitude). The disjunction in 2 is very intentional: A successful social activist is as much a repudiation as a quiet sufferer.
This game has always struck me as a non-sequitur since it seems to me that individual cases of suffering are both independent events and non-zero sum. The idea that a person wins anything from me by suffering more than me, better than me, seems ridiculous.

>> No.13614462

Our story begins in Europe. Having just been expelled from college due to fallout over defending a psychic mind dragon who may or may not have also been a demon, I found myself critically low on cash and credit. So I decided very reasonably to go to Europe and die. Fate, however, had other plans. To make a long story short, I encountered the Archangel Michael in the form of a tour guide in Belgium, and then in Germany experienced a variety of extreme sensory experiences injected directly into my brain, including: The sensation of being at the gates of Heaven and the depths of Hell simultaneously, extreme burning sensations (in both a positive and negative sense), multiple simultaneous intersecting sequential events (as if experiencing my own perspective from multiple parallel universes simultaneously), a false Internet that existed entirely in my head (including messages from people from the future), voices, visions, extreme synchronicities, a sort of cognitive highlighting in which otherwise meaning messages took on very specific and targeted alternate meanings based on some external force guiding my interpretation, the suspension and subsumption of my consciousness into that of other entities including Lucifer in both a Gnostic-Luciferian and a Catholic modality, the co-presence of other conscious beings in my stream of consciousness including many dragons, my death, and a large number of other things. Some things seem apparent about the future. Contrary to the insistence of leftist revisionists, no fascist state has ever really been plutocratic. Our country seems poised to become the first. The conjunction of law and order fetishism, the conflation of wealth and character, the just world fallacy, and this country’s worship of financial success seem to be perfectly suited to enable this. What is most ironic about this country’s love of wealth is that it stems from a romanticism that was born in the west, a worship of everymen who built fortunes and powerful families largely independently of established infrastructure. Our country is today not nearly as ossified as some would think in terms of wealth, but it is nonetheless telling that corrupt corporate executives today fancy themselves as James J. Hills, even as they steal from the taxpayer in the form of subsidies and bailouts; that Wall Street traders, who use automated software to game the market, consider themselves Red Adairs; and that all of these people, even as they plunge the country to its death through insider trading, complex gambits with derivatives, incompetent management, short-sighted policy, general moral hazard, and the looting of the public treasury, quote Ayn Rand readily and without the slightest hint of irony. There is a class of people in this country who have stolen this country’s authentic ideology and convinced others it rightfully belongs to them..."

>> No.13614493

You are implying that philosophy influenced other fields and not factual necessity.
Kings were not kings because of an ideology, but because of they owned farms and won them over.

Revolutions during periods of slavery were not driven by ideological ideas, they were driven by slaves being raped/murdered/mistreated in any possible ways.

Natural rights refer to the rights that naturally arise among all people with no social bias.

There is no such thing as ideology.

US needed "freedom" that all it came down to was: A place full of criminals and a lot of land, we need the right to own the land and weapons to defend ourselves.

There is no such thing as "ideology"
Fucking idiots.

>> No.13614506

>there is no such thing as an ideology
Nice ideology you have there, m9

>> No.13614534

I wrote a couple dozen pages about Chernobyl and posted an excerpt of the intro a while back, but it's mostly intuitive in the first place.

>> No.13614537
File: 1.11 MB, 2192x3120, IMG_20190809_225809_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13614573

Where to begin.

Here is a random journal entry:

It could be argued that this fundamental differential access to space, real or abstract, is the primary mark of distinction between rich and poor. Material wealth itself is secondary and simply provides a means to more spaces. The development of a person is so intimately tied to their environment, and not just their environment as a static backdrop but as an array of openings or closures that afford or deny a directionless search after one's self and relation to the world.

Just as we experience the world as a space the mind is modeled after a space. That it can grow, change, or expand impllies it has room to grow into. This is true of both the figurative and literal planes . What ends up defining a person is what they can discover or must face in the circumference of whatever's in reach. Who you become is so often what you can find and for the poor, what they can find is all the trash funneled into narrow streets. The rich are not absolutely spared the worst... [i'm not even going to finish this part because it's so crackpot]

For the poor that ugliness is inescapble. While the walthy have both the benefits of extra availabilities and the luxury of sidestepping the trash on the street as it were, the poor must, to stay sane, dig into their surroundings, make the best of it, adapt to its dirty demands and learn its perverted logic. To make a fort of the rubble. The rich sees their limits extend to the limits of the world. Everything the world can affoord, in all its varied combinations, could be accessible. They learn how to navigate and control this copiousness of possibility, which becomes its own burden and has its own problems associated with it. For while the poor are surely the more afflicted, their problems are simple and direct.

A certain mania is linked to the powers of wealth. The openess of it threatens to spread a person into a thousand divided peices each in a directionless pursuit of a new experience. Such unbridled opportunities to consume is consuming. Here raises the frequent allegation that the rich lack authenticity. They are nomads of pleasure and leisure, never settling and becoming disciplined by the congested forces of one city or place, and by that fixation, acquiring a kind of tribal certification.

A lifestyle of boundless potential in theory throws back and highlights the failures of the rich to achieve it; we often judge the children of the wealthy who fail to aspire to anything good more harshly than we judge the children of the poor who after all have fewer chances. Mediocrity in light of extraordinarily beneficial circumstances is a worse mediocrity than otherwise.

>> No.13615232

post it

>> No.13615254

i cant read that shit nigga

>> No.13616377

becoming a bum on the train today and fell asleep, muslim man with grave expression held my shoulder for a good minute trying to wake me up. felt his ramadan sympathy and also had a nap in the library. was kicked out (of the room).

After I went to maccas and there were suburban teenage kids, with burgeoning self awareness, each interaction intense yet crude in a struggle for social identity/ came a bum, talking in candid parrot chatter, who rummaged through the food the kids had left. turns out there was an untouched big mac. pretty unperturbed he ate his lunch and his conversations became increasingly angry. oh theres fries too, he quipped to himself. it was clear this was a routine for this man. so he goes, the modern bum, feasting like a king, burger king. we are proud of our decently fed bums with shoes on their feet and enough dough to fund their cigarette and alcohol habit.

P values and confidence, are you confident in your p? A sensible man, James, was becoming a bum on the train. Who could blame him, in the packed onto a seat, more intimate than he is with his own mother, James fell into a deep spell against his peers. Machination, a monstrous drill, with cold determined technique, gnawed at the brown earth. That giant being of steel, no blood but still with a certain Krauff spirit, with machine indifferent, continued its duty of viscerating the earth. James watched but against this mindless giant what could he do? He was no David. He had reached the end of the line but too invested into his dream, a man, with Ramadan kindness, held his shoulders with rebuke and sympathy. Jameswalking, walking into the data centre.