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13608966 No.13608966[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it, I just had sex and I'm still thinking clearly. Granted, I don't fap three times a day. What's the science behind this, and what's the deal with burnt-out dopamine receptors?

>> No.13608999

Both cumbrains and nofappers are wrong. The key is balance here. Abstaining for a few days is healthy, because semen retention acts like storing up energy. Energy takes the form of heat, that's why you feel a burning sensation down there when you're aroused. But just like excess heat is bad for a power plant, so is abstaining for too long. The semen that once was a source of vital energy becomes a poisonous pollutant that needs to be evacuated, and which the body will eventually do during nocturnal emissions if you still won't fap.
tl;dr just wank every few days, don't wank too much or abstain indefinitely

>> No.13609603

>Energy takes the form of heat, that's why you feel a burning sensation down there when you're aroused.

>> No.13609623
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>When the armchair reddit pseudo psych shows up and thinks his bullshit stands against real research

>> No.13609626

>muh moderation meme
nope. the only solution is castrating yourself.

>> No.13609657

this, testosterone is a bleep

>> No.13609846

>real psych research exists

>> No.13609924
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>> No.13609938

>Someone actually wrote all this shit because they want other people to masturbate
Very cringe and Jewpilled.

>> No.13609997
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bleeps are a spook

>> No.13609998


>> No.13610004

Just set goals and do everything you can to achieve them. If you can achieve your goals while jacking off fifteen times a day, great.

>> No.13610049

Hunter gatherers and primitive human tribes literally don't know what masturbation is.
Chimps jerk off only in captivity

>> No.13610056
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How about you all just do what the fuck you want. You want to fap? Just fap.
You want to be abstinent? Be abstinent.
Why does everyone feel like they need some kind of pseudo father figure that tells them what to do?
Also, what the FUCK does this have to do with literature?

>> No.13610077

>not fapping
I shiggy diggy wiggy tiggy

>> No.13610100

I'm wiggling my willy right now and none of you can stop me.

>> No.13610128

I went to therapy for porn addiction and the doc told me good honest sex uses completely separate reward pathways from fapping to porn because the brain recognizes the actions leading up to the dopamine hit were different, not part of the addiction cycle. She prescribed me the 90 day porn abstention thing to allow the addiction pathways to fade, but said sex during that time is fine because, as I said, the pathways are different so the addiction doesn’t get triggered.
She even said jerking off without porn would be fine. That’s easier said than done of course

>> No.13610135

Imagine the addict who made this chart

>> No.13610143

you got scammed lol

>> No.13610164

Literally anything can become a habit and psychological addiction.
There are ways to convince your body you're having real sex while you're just jacking off though.

>> No.13610219

hence why getting rid of "porn addiction" isn't even about semen retention (which is a myth since sperm cells break down and get recycled into new ones all the time and energy is just some new age bullcrap), it's about having a healthy amount of sex and not letting it impair your daily life. 99% of all "proof" in favor of nofap is either anecdotal, cherry picked/taken out of context or it's some /x/-tier bullshit that no one in the 21st century should even consider believing in unless their brain is literally made out of cum

>> No.13610352

real research does not support NoFap

>> No.13610364

>I just had sex a
did you do it for free, like a true janitor?

>> No.13610370

No, I always charge for my services.

>> No.13610449

>Energy takes the form of heat, that's why you feel a burning sensation down there when you're aroused
I never thought I'd see the day when someone posted something even more retarded than NoFap posters.

>> No.13610460
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>Hunter gatherers and primitive human tribes literally don't know what masturbation is
>Chimps jerk off only in captivity
Yeah, you're gonna need to sauce those hot statements bub.

>> No.13610479

The problem is not having sex once. For people to procreate, usually they need to have sex.
The problem is doing it too much. Or believing that having sex is necessary to be happy (like many people believe).

Our society led people to have too much sex by separating it from procreation.

>> No.13610544

All sexual losses are harmful.

>> No.13610692

I find that if I am on nofap and I have sex with my gf then the next day I will always break my nofap streak. I think honestly releasing any semen on nofap is detrimental, so now I have just started to count having sex as failing nofap.

>> No.13610704

when i did nofap for 3 months (i also quit "the internet" no weed, no alcohol) i had enhanced focus, i had a urge to work out and i suddenly had the desire to make money to start a family.
Then i tested fapping again and porn, all of these things vanished, women suddenly disgusted me instead of me wanting to be with them. If you can not abstain from sexual activity for +3 months, then you are not allowed to talk about the whole cumbrain/nofap thing.
No expierence, no opinion.

>> No.13610821

Why do jannies delete good threads about literature while tripe like this hangs around for days?

>> No.13610832

Look at the jew, the porno-peddler, the Christ-hater.
Look at him seethe.
What do You think This means?

>> No.13610878

How much is too much? Seems like you’re arbitrarily setting a limit on what is conceivably healthy sexual behaviour, when the truth is it’s never going to be as consistent as you’re making it out to be.

>> No.13610885

this is 800 BC tier greek pseudo science

>> No.13610892

i think food (maybe only sugary food though, but including fruit, raisins) has a more jumbling direct effect on the mind then an ejection. im scrambled for hours after consumption. reading becomes a blur. that said i tend to eat a LOT of the sugary fruits at once, and only emit once every two weeks. if you're beating off all day it's kind of obvious that it'll interrupt and disarrange your thinking.

>> No.13610896

Adding to this, women’s wombs are filled with earth so if you want to increase your chances of fertility you should forcefeed your wife worms and industrial fertiliser

>> No.13610899

Do it when you want to reproduce. Doing more often than that, for the sake of pleasure is where you start to be hedonistic.

>> No.13610901

What IS True is that the utherus absorbs genetic material from everyone the girl fucks. Marrying a non-virgin is litteral Honest to God cuckery.

>> No.13610907

>How much is too much?
At all except for reproduction or in the days of the month when It's safe. About twice a month.
No It's not healthy for either You or her fucking any more than this.

>> No.13610908

Yeah, marrying a non-virgin is cuckery.
No matter if she sleeps with other men before or marrying you, the fact is she did sleep with other guys.

>> No.13610941

OP here. I was thinking this, too, they keep tearing down my read/expected/got threads before they even take off.

>> No.13610959

>nofap is wrong because 1ad hominem 2 ad hominem 3 ad hominem 4 ad hominem 5adhominem
>nofap is cancer because cancer is everything I don't like

>> No.13610972


>> No.13610997

I've always felt greater clarity of thought immediately after fapping, as I don't have any more libido. I wish I could get that feeling indeterminably. I tried NoFap because I thought that after enough weeks of hardship, I would rise above the libido and get that clarity, but even after 60 days, I was still horny all the time, so I relapsed. Now I'm looking into voluntary chemical castration.

>> No.13611008
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> what the FUCK does this have to do with literature?

>> No.13611013

What if you slept with several other girls? Should no girl marry you?

>> No.13611030

I personally would not marry myself.

>> No.13611033

Girls to decieve, but mostly males you must know her she may not be a bad person for sleeping once or twice. Correctness says she might be virgin, but we are in modern times so rights get more equal for boys and girls.

>> No.13611040

>Falling for obvious bait

>> No.13611057

>that's why you feel a burning sensation down there when you're aroused

Nice trips, but that burning sensation is an STD anon. Sorry to break it to you.

>> No.13611074

>[The problem is] believing that having sex is necessary to be happy (like many people believe).

Absolutely this. Society today paradoxically holds sex as all-important ('you can't be happy unless you're having GREAT sex') and cheap ('it's totally ok to be a slut/manwhore; you should have sex whenever you feel like it with any and all willing participants').

That fucks up people's ability to create and maintain healthy and loving relationships and partnerships. It particularly hurts young women.

>> No.13611086

based #2

>> No.13611129

>have sex with chick
>don't know what to do with her afterwards
>leave her behind like I've done with everyone else in my life
>feel psychic pain whenever I see her
>don't know why I can't stop doing this
I advocate abstinence
the sexual instinct is useless without return

>> No.13611136
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Marriage and a family is the answer to your psychic pain.

>> No.13611169
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this is what I want

>> No.13611177

it lets them hide the fact that they don't actually read

>> No.13611178

based and humane vitae pilled

>> No.13611183

>still thinking clearly
>making a thread as a substitute for couple minutes basic google search because you're a mouthbreather born in 1999

>> No.13611188

contraception and especially condoms disgust me on a biologically spiritual level
purposefully taming and retarding our virility with technology
this is NOT godly

>> No.13611211

I think fine enough, I'm just lazy. Plus, I didn't think the thread would last longer than 30 minutes before being pruned.