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13606714 No.13606714 [Reply] [Original]

I am taking the final redpill. What am I in for?

>> No.13606717

Far from the final redpill

>> No.13606725

Guenon BTFO'd those hacks

>> No.13606728

There's a space beyond Deleuze.

>> No.13606837

Guenon is a dumb reactionary islamaboo larper

>> No.13606846

Reading like 10 pages each until the meme high wears off and you move on to your next endorphin spike

>> No.13606946

What is it then?

>> No.13607068

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.13607086


>> No.13607238

Deleuze is a Gnostic though

>> No.13607307

campus conservatism

>> No.13607532

Pascal rejected Spinoza and thus Whitehead and Deleuze by extension

>> No.13607641

Terence McKenna

>> No.13607646

now that is a hack

>> No.13607650

You can not be told the final one you can only find it. its plato

>> No.13607709

Valentine Tomberg

>> No.13607713


>> No.13607734

he doesn't deserve to stand with those giants, or even be thought of with spinoza. burn it.

>> No.13607749

how is this the "final redpill" exactly? good shit besides whitehead though. haven't read the logic of sense myself, sort of want to

>> No.13607813
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>> No.13607983

whitehead is the final boss

>> No.13607989

Treading through your version of fear.

>> No.13608038
File: 84 KB, 572x590, No thank you, no founding fathers or enlightment bullshit for me..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thomas Aquinas.

>> No.13608236


>> No.13608241

He indeed did hack the human brain, consciousness, reason, understanding, and perfected our knowledge of these.

>> No.13608251

Ben Shapiro

>> No.13608256

No, I mean he has no discernible talent

>> No.13608260

Frankly if Whitehead's metaphysics are correct it's a sad state of affairs.

>> No.13608275

the opposite

>> No.13608281

the opposite

>> No.13608283

yea good luck reading ethics. that books is exclusively for autists

>> No.13608308

I don't know if I've misapprehended Whitehead, but Whitehead seems to define reality in terms of processes of which the human experience is one. By defining them in terms of processes and occasions of experience he obviously mitigates the hard problem but it seems to me that he also creates a framework within which death in a permanent sense is logically possible, because "our" consciousness is contained within one of these processes and the occasions of experience that seem to define us can only exist between birth and death, the start and end of the process. That process of becoming (the self) having ended, there is no transcendant self. I know Whitehead's metaphysics include God but that seems to me to be an uncomfortable afterthought that isn't necessarily entailed by the metaphysics themselves.

>> No.13608320

t. knows about Whitehead by browsing /lit/ and scrolling through his wikipedia page

>> No.13608326

Okay but that's not an argument. If Whitehead's metaphysics contain some kind of transcendant element I more than welcome it but it seems to me that there's something pretty bleak lurking in it.

>> No.13608342


>> No.13608354
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>> No.13608361

If your view of the transcendent is alabaster white, then it's really just the classic whitewashed tomb encasing a dirtier, more fundamental lie (a more direct expression of inexpressability, i.e. a more refined double metaphor). You need to engage with the Ridiculous Sublime.

>> No.13608370

>If your view of the transcendent is alabaster white
Doesn't have to be, and you didn't answer my question.

>> No.13608374

I dont know a whole lot about whitehead but from what ive read/heard i think death is something that is left as mostly a mystery in his thought and something to be explored. I think he saw death as still being part of life itself and from what I heard from someone who studies whitehead is that reincarnation is something that is a possibility in his thought as in we become something other and still live within part or the universe.

but yeah do your own reading and dont take this to heart because as i said I dont know a whole lot about whitehead either.

>> No.13608383

I'll answer as long as you ask. What's your question?

>> No.13608392

whitehead is like peirce but a dilettante. learn the categories and semieotic, then go back to the 1890s monist papers if you want a process cosmology that's worth a shit.
there is a reason why whitehead is a meme and peirce is a sign

>> No.13608396

The question really is: What do Whitehead's metaphysics say about the transcendant, specifically what do they have to say about life after death? My understanding is that they don't say very much at all and are open to some very uncomfortable possibilities.

>> No.13608464

I don't think that's what your question really is, and I think you're asking for more than a single answer at once. I can tell you that "you ought to think more about Decay than Death," but it won't mean much to you or anyone else here, however well read. I can leave you with this, though:
>General aspect: it was the instinct of the fatigue of living and not that of life,
which created the "other world."
>Result: philosophy, religion, and morality are symptoms of decadence.
He was a fan of Nietzsche, a very close admirer. And a staunch vitalist:
>There is only one subject matter for education, and that is Life in all its manifestations
I don't like answering multiple questions at once, so I'll leave you with just this.

>> No.13608470

You see anon, placing importance on the transcendent or "afterlife" is part of what Whitehead calls the fallacy of misplaced concreteness, there is no permanent abiding self. Instead it is incumbent upon us to accept our existence as fleeting illusions, no more than than temporary soap bubbles swirling down the drain in the bathtub of the Process. Give up! embrace nothingness, you are only a process after all, down with tradition! Let im all the refugees and become transgender, by rejecting anything to do with order we fill our cosmic objective. Nothing can be truly known as all knowledge outside of sensory data is pointless speculation about mistaken ideas of "permanence", embrace hedonism, we exist only to fry our dopamine receptors before we are inevitably chewed up by the maw.

>> No.13608497

>I don't think that's what your question really is
No it is.

>> No.13608505

Too enlightened for the board desu

>> No.13608506

>Instead it is incumbent upon us to accept our existence as fleeting illusions
Yeah, and that's a problem. I guess that's why you follow up with a sarcastic rant.

>> No.13608527

I havent read Whitehead yet but I really liked this video. The guy makes a lot of other videos on Whitehead as well.

>> No.13608549

In that case, I think I might have accidentally answered it. Oh well.

>> No.13608610
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>> No.13608915


>> No.13608931
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You already know what it is.

1488. Seig Heil

>> No.13608935


>> No.13608939

Realizing the analytics were right all along.

>> No.13608944

You're gonna understand nothing

>> No.13608954

>accept our existence as fleeting illusions
What about circular/repeating processes that continue for eternity? Like how the Greeks thought the fixed stars were gods endlessly repeating their movement in eternal circles as perfect spheres, and that we should strive to become

>> No.13608973

The logic of sense is hard, sure, but it's easier than Process and Reality.

>> No.13608994

>Like how the Greeks thought the fixed stars were gods endlessly repeating their movement in eternal circles as perfect spheres, and that we should strive to become
the greeks were such autists

>> No.13609002

Ending back with the Greeks.

>> No.13609011
File: 311 KB, 1280x720, Eternal dance of the gods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. brain damaged by urban light pollution denying you vision of the heavens
If the fixed stars aren't gods dancing in eternal perfect circles then how and why do they do this?

>> No.13609023

i meant it with love anon, and having lived in the country before I do miss the stars a lot, though I like the blackness as well.

>> No.13609095

I say we smash all telescopes and return to dogmatic Hellenism.

>> No.13609113

i daydream all the all time about an unclear but romanticized nomadic forest existence saturated with pagan animism. used to write poems about this, it was more about such a people existing in the past when the world was much less populated

>> No.13609144

Giving less of a shit, being yourself unironically, and just being happy.

>> No.13609155


Top two were both wrong about god OP. Haven't read the others.

>> No.13609208

my professor translated The Logic of Sense, and I love him!

>> No.13609449


>> No.13609820


>> No.13609864

Nice meme, fat chance.

>> No.13609907

suck his ass faggot, no one care

>> No.13610104

retard go back to /g/ get off my board stem bugman faggot

>> No.13610117

01000111 01101111 01100100 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100100 01100101 01100001 01100100 00100000 00001101 00001010

>> No.13610241

You're not going to read any of those.

>> No.13610246

there's no "final boss" in philosophy, moron

>> No.13610288

This place feels like home

>> No.13610775

the Joe Rogan Experience

>> No.13610788

have sex

>> No.13610833
File: 107 KB, 221x275, redbluepill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To become pic related.

>> No.13610847

Read Langan

>> No.13610852

atheist not gnostic

>> No.13611357


>> No.13611405

is the red blue pill meme the ultimate collective conscious broad hint that we are ruled by chemistry companies and they even rule how you approach knowledge, through taking pills.
Everything is dominated by chemistry companies, the food you eat makes them money, the clothes you wear, big pharma is nothing without them, petrol business comes close but they are making business hand in hand.

>> No.13611454
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Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

>> No.13611476
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I am doing some light summer-reading. What am I in for?

>> No.13611490


>> No.13611790
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>posts chad face

>> No.13612540

> being yourself
What is that?

>> No.13612544


>> No.13612586
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>> No.13613410
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>"dude like everything be process n shiet lmao"
>cannot even distinguish process from activity

>> No.13613415

I lifetime supply of virginity.

>> No.13613420
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Rational trigonometry

>> No.13613422

>cant even read real books and learns philosophy from one lined 4channel shit posts

>> No.13613449
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>Stoker's Dracula
>Books on sketching & painting
Throw that away & get a copy of this.
That's some good stuff.
Some tales are good, some are kind of outdated-ish.

>> No.13613966

reading children's books

>> No.13614081

Why does everyone have that version of Spinoza's ethics. I thought the Curley translation was the best. Pls respond since I just bought the Curley translation and now I'm having second thoughts

>> No.13614129
File: 70 KB, 850x400, quote-the-highest-form-of-pure-thought-is-in-mathematics-plato-73-98-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure mathematics