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File: 27 KB, 335x400, aleister-crowley1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1360342 No.1360342 [Reply] [Original]

I've noticed this guy being mentioned around here alot lately. Where's the best place to start with his work?

>> No.1360353
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I lvoe you Deep&Edgy.

>> No.1360354


>> No.1360350


You're serious?

Why not go down the street and listen to the rambling of hobos instead? You might actually learn something.

>> No.1360357


I see him mentioned in practically every philosophy thread. I'm only going on what I've seen here on /lit/. What's wrong with him exactly?

>> No.1360369

he's not plato or bertrand russell

>> No.1360416
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The guy in your picture was yelling and screaming on his deathbed about how hell was grabbing him and he didn't want to go there. Scared the every living shit out of those that witnessed it.

And you want to read his mental ramblings that somehow made it to print?

>> No.1360452

So you apply intrinsic value to your preconceived notions of sanity?

To quote Thoreau, "All this worldly wisdom was once the unamiable heresy of some wise man."

>> No.1360461

didn't he eat his own feces

>> No.1360475


>> No.1360510

Crowley was an incredible scholar--in his books you will find a nice selection of the esoteric from around the world--his intellect is undeniable and people who are hating have not read anything by him (hence all the ad hominem) or they are so far up the ass of academia that they wouldn't know a good time if it was chewing their dicks off (you don't want to be like them). Start with "Liber ABA or Book 4"..all of his books are worth a read and they are a CHALLENGE, which means you will have to bring some knowledge and ability of your own to the table--most writers don't attempt this with their audience and those who do (Zizek, Derrida, etc.) are consistently hated on by /lit/ (they want their philosophy given to them with KY Jelly)

>> No.1361177

Probably the fact that his entire life's work consists of a bunch of bullshit occult scribblings and instructions on how to summon biblical demons.

Wow, what profound philosophy, amirite?

>> No.1361183


>how to summon biblical demons

I coulda told you how to do that.

First, go on /b/.

Then, post your email, phone number, and address.

You will then be visited by the demon Legion.

>> No.1361199

He liked to tell people he ate babies and his own faeces.
Most people knew he was full of shit and just trying to be edgy so they called him The Prince of Lies.

However he was homosexual and very likely mildly autistic.

>> No.1361200

The Lords of Dus by Lawrence Watt-Evans

>> No.1361202

Anyone know about his epic adventure with Aldous Huxley? Some say he introduced Aldous to Peyote.

>> No.1361222

My earliest childhood was overwhelmed with fundimental Christianity. Around my tweens I turned to paganism and the occult and, of course, Crowley was one of the most popular names around that area so I started reading his work. While some of it was incredibly interesting and meaningful, a lot of it was complete pompish I'm-a-wizard-and-you-can't-understand-this-cause-its-too-deep bullshit. I would suggest first reading stuff written by other people about Crowley and his writings first, then when something is mentioned (if you're interested) delving further. Do not start with his own writings. You'll get nowhere and get bored/annoyed before you get any grasp of what he meant to say or do.

>> No.1361517

i lol'd when reading "The Magickal Record of the Beast 666", in which Uncle Alice earnestly explains that cocaine isn't addictive, while writing two hundred diary entries about three minutes apart, bounded by snorts of cocaine.

>> No.1361589

Sounds like me on a bad day

>> No.1361617
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>> No.1361636

yes he did

>> No.1361939

Crowley's ranting reads like something a schizophrenic would be scrawling in crayon on the padded walls of his cell in the mental institution.
None of it makes any sense, because it is bullshit.

>> No.1361944

Only twelve year old goths and kids on drugs take Crowley seriously.

Sorry bro.

>> No.1361949

Aleister Crowley is George W Bush's grandfather

>> No.1361954

Actually his grandfather was a senator during World War 2 that gave substantial funding to Hitler and the Nazis.

>> No.1361957

seriously, just read it...don't listen to all the same shit people have been saying to put crowley down this whole time and judge for yourself.

>> No.1361966

ITT: people who are butthurt over the reality that not all knowledge can be taught on a college course

These people are so bitter and zealous they would do away with Zen, Confucianism, the hegemony of the reptillians

>> No.1361970
File: 6 KB, 110x110, williams8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the hegemony of the reptillians
is that like David Icke books?

>> No.1361972

Zen and Confucianism actually have a cultural basis and help people understand the world.
Crowley's writing, on the other hand, is /facepalm worthy.

>> No.1361974

Crowley attempted to make the works of eastern philosophy and the more esoteric aspects of our own western tradition accessible to those willing to seek it and at the same time have a lot of fun and be a fucking celebrity and u mad?