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13601931 No.13601931 [Reply] [Original]

>28 Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.”
Well, atheists? If you're so sure...

>> No.13601943


>> No.13601953

oh god will you stupid fuckers just fuck off

>> No.13601989
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>oh god will you stupid fuckers just fuck off

>> No.13602002

It's impossible for atheists to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth, but genuine atheists don't have anything to do with truth. In order to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit you have to not just believe that God exists but know that God exists, like the Pharisees who witnessed Jesus perform the exorcism and recognized that He is the Son of God yet still denounced Him. There's no room for doubt. That sin is unforgivable because it is the permanent rejection of forgiveness, the final rejection of one's own conscience. Leave it to New Atheists to misinterpret Scripture and misunderstand theology and organize something like the Blasphemy Challenge, though.

>> No.13602115
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>> No.13602209
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Great thread, not shit at all. Also you cannot blaspheme the Holy Ghost unless you are witness to it.

>> No.13603363

does this mean ill go to heaven?

>> No.13604421

Not without faith in Jesus, no.

>> No.13604428

i once said in my mind 'fuck the holy spirit' because I was a state of misery over not being able to understand anything, and couldnt experience anything like God or truth, and so impulsively said it like an unhappy child. I have genuinely wondered if that would qualify as enough for condemnation.

I am not really capable of saying 'fuck the spirit of truth', i have no idea what that even means honestly.

>> No.13604436

The blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is to enter a state of willful, knowing rebellion comparable to Satan’s. More specifically, it’s to have revealed knowledge of God but the Holy Spirit and then reject the same—denying or gainsaying the truth of God, the purest form of blasphemy. If you’ve never had a supernatural experience you cannot commit the sin.

>> No.13604438

Thoughts are movements of the mind, and therefore action, so yes, you will go to hell.

>> No.13604480

I have had one though, and I even identified it with the holy spirit. Im honestly not sure if I was saying 'fuck that' or just being spiteful towards the Christian doctrine because i thought it was wrong, since id been very far removed from the experience at that time and was confused and unhappy. all i wanted to do was get back to it, but then sometimes Id angrily reject the possibility because I thought it was just mental illness, and I should live in the world instead.

I have no idea man.

>> No.13604493

kind of sucks

>> No.13604534
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Muslims believe the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth is...Muhammad.

>> No.13604553

No. That's not what's meant here.

>> No.13604555


>> No.13604634

Is denouncing the trinity blasphemy against the holy spirit?
Because the trinity is fucking retarded

>> No.13604636

The child rapist and warlord?

>> No.13604639

I don't care. I have never felt as connected with the divine as when I'm in prayer with the Old Gods.

I'm sure as hell of my convictions. Are you?

>> No.13604679

If you're still worried whether or not you've committed the unforgivable sin, you haven't. Pray to God for forgiveness.

No, that's just heresy.

Thanks for LARPing.

>> No.13604684

Which gods?

>> No.13604689

how do you pray to God properly?

>> No.13604698

I am not sure yet. For my ethnicity, one would expect the Roman Gods, but I got a hunch they are dead or weakened by an unknown event.
I pray to nameless Gods. When I pray, I address whoever may be willing to listen for the sacrifice given at the time and has the power to help. As far as I know, there may be hundreds. Whoever helps is who I may return to or give my thanks.
Did that answer your question?

>> No.13604701
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>I pray to nameless Gods
You are one sad larping incel fuck

>> No.13604707

>Denouncing the trinity is heresy
Nigger the Council of Nicaea was heresy

>> No.13604842

Yeah, like Moses and Joshua except far more lenient.

>> No.13604852

Lol. And he's arguably praying to the Christian God.

Acts 17:22-31 (WEB): 22 Paul stood in the middle of the Areopagus, and said, “You men of Athens, I perceive that you are very religious in all things. 23 For as I passed along, and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription: ‘TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.’ What therefore you worship in ignorance, this I announce to you. 24 The God who made the world and all things in it, he, being Lord of heaven and earth, doesn’t dwell in temples made with hands, 25 neither is he served by men’s hands, as though he needed anything, seeing he himself gives to all life and breath, and all things. 26 He made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the surface of the earth, having determined appointed seasons, and the boundaries of their dwellings, 27 that they should seek the Lord, if perhaps they might reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. 28 ‘For in him we live, and move, and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also his offspring.’ 29 Being then the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold, or silver, or stone, engraved by art and design of man. 30 The times of ignorance therefore God overlooked. But now he commands that all people everywhere should repent, 31 because he has appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by the man whom he has ordained; of which he has given assurance to all men, in that he has raised him from the dead.”

>> No.13604870

Find a secluded place where no one will see you or overhear, get on your knees, and repeat these words. You can read them but try to memorize them.

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever. Amen.

>> No.13604872

No, it's orthodoxy.

>> No.13604875

>my little pictures will make me feel better about my dying religion

>> No.13605277

My jew worshiping religion is better than your jew worshiping religion

>> No.13605311

>And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

>> No.13605401

What board do you think you're on? Fuck off back to /b/.

>> No.13605407

Allah is the true God and Mohammed (peace be upon him) is HIs messenger.
Get away from your corrupted books, trinnie.

>> No.13605651

>Humans are flawed and fundamentally corrupted beings
>God will forgive any sin
>Except for one (1)
>If you do it, you are fucked forever with no hope of salvation
This is psychological manipulation at its finest

>> No.13605679

Christians themselves can't decide what Holy spirit actually is

>> No.13605680


>> No.13605692


>> No.13606975

What if I have intrusive thoughts? always bugs me.

>> No.13607954


the "unforgivable sin" is rejection of the offer of salvation even on your deathbed. it's a sin of pride, the reason it's "unforgivable" is because you'll be dead-thus it is a "final rejection" of sorts. It's also probably very difficult to commit mortally as im not sure what would constitute "full knowledge" of what is being rejected. In short the 'blasphemy against the HS" is probably limited to the sin of Lucifer

>> No.13607968
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Listen to this.
>St Alphonsus: On Bad Thoughts

>> No.13607975

also God is not limited in how he acts. we are unsure of what exactly constitutes 'judgement' after death-their might be a final offer of salvation. This is called 'universal reconciliation' and the Church has never commented on it fully. Same with how unbaptised babies can go to heaven-God is not limited in his sacraments. Incidentally this is why a strict "no salvation outside the Church" Feeneyism was condemned as heretical last century

>> No.13607985

An insult against infinite majesty is deserving of infinite punishment. To turn from the sovereign, immutable, infinite good rightly should be punished forever. If it wasn't, then it wouldn't be punishment because what would those chastisements matter in the scheme of infinite, and even if they did correct, they were done under duress. The soul is still rotten. The eternity of hell is the only possible thing that can atone for wicked men.

>> No.13608219

>The ass-unwiped greek that wrote the New testament 2000 years ago were intending it to be read the way the christian right interprets it on 4chan today

>> No.13608229


at least there is definitive proof of his existence ;)

>> No.13608232

>calling God an 'ass-unwiped greek' and blaspheming the Holy Ghost
Imagine doing this after reading the thread.

>> No.13608267

How is it possible to confirm or deny that something which was authored by a human being was "guided by the breath of God"? How do we know that all the gospels and sections of the new testament were written by God? Who was responsible for curating what exactly the christian canon entails? How do we know if they were really speaking on behalf of God?
are you trying to tell me that the new testament's compilation was completely in accordance with the will of God? If so can you provide evidence of this assertion?

>> No.13608271

Yeah, I've never put too much stock in Moses or Abraham either. Mohammed and Jesus are the historically verifiable ones.

>> No.13608284
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>mfw I'm part of the christian old left

>> No.13608289

And yet Jesus's history categorically disproves Islam. Almost every Jesus historian (apart from the ones who think he didn't exist) agrees that he was put to death by crucifixion, and yet the Qu'ran denies that.

>> No.13608299

It wasn't, clearly. If you read The Canon of Scripture by F.F. Bruce you'll see that the compilation of the biblical canon was a very human undertaking.

>> No.13608338

>And yet Jesus's history categorically disproves Islam. Almost every Jesus historian (apart from the ones who think he didn't exist) agrees that he was put to death by crucifixion, and yet the Qu'ran denies that.
Imagine being this blinded by the Christian heresies.
I will take a moment enlighten you, fool of the West. The fact that historians believe Jesus was crucified does nothing to disprove the Quran. In fact, it affirms what the Quran said about the matter.

>> No.13608348

I was tempted to start this post with "What Islam says:" but that's a tricky statement, so instead; What the compiled ahadith seem to indicate, and what the majority of muslim scholars believe: God saved Jesus, the one who betrayed Jesus was made to resemble Jesus and was crucified, and this was so Jesus could be saved. All except jesus' truest disciples, including spectators, the roman officials, historians, and some contemporary christians went on believing that Jesus was crucified.

>> No.13608366

doesn't the humanness of the entire process of the creation of the new testament, as attested by conservative believer Doctor Bruce, throw a shadow over the assertion that this particular compilation is the word of God?

>> No.13608377

>All except jesus' truest disciples
No, Jesus's "truest disciples" were all convinced that he was put to death on the cross. There's no evidence that any of the early Christians denied this. Indeed, this seems to be a unanimous view among them.

>> No.13608410

Maybe at the time that's true. But soon afterwards they learned the truth, such that after many years had passed, the true followers of Jesus were aware of his cheating death

>> No.13608498

The process of the composition and collection of the Koran was an absolute gongshow, but you don't even follow the Koran. Like the Pharisees and their Talmud, you follow the Hadiths instead, which makes the Church Fathers look like like ballroom dancers by comparison. Get out of here.

>> No.13608515

You mean 600 years later in the revelation of Muhhamad?

>> No.13608544

The Gospels were written either by the Apostles (Matthew and perhaps John) or by the disciples of the Apostles. Luke was the disciple of Paul, and Mark was the secretary of Peter. Jesus was crucified. Judas hanged himself. Your traditions about the matter were written 600+ years later.

>> No.13608552

Irreligious Asian American here. What do you honkeys get out of this jesus mohammed stuff that I can't get out of contemplative meditation? It always looked like weird fetish cult to me.

>> No.13608571
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that's because there's an oceanic wealth of second and third hand accounts of the life of the Prophet with a systematic method of verifying or contradict their accuracy

The Quran is the unfiltered voice of God, the ten commandments except 6000+ verses. The entirety of the hadith literature is comparable in form and substance to the gospels, except the gospels have no accredited authors or any chain of transmitter.

>> No.13608608

It's not even mine to say "yours". Whether you like it or not, there are billions of Muslims, so Islam is a piece of humanity, including mine and yours. I don't even know why there's so much butthurt from the christian right and modern christian apologists regarding Islam, especially when the Quran pretty much says that Christians who don't convert yet are doers of good have a place in Muslim paradise. The early founders of Islam could have very easily chosen to condemn christianity and all christians, especially how as an outsider and architect of a new religion the old and new testament are at odds tonally and philosophically, with the old testament having come first, and the vast reservoir of near eastern sources to draw from, but they gave Jesus a rank comparable to Muhammad. I guess they're just butthurt that that entire region along with Egypt and north Africa and Persia succumbed to the expansion of Islam. Shame, because if they didn't, Christians from the west would have killed them anyways exempli gratia the crusades

>> No.13608701

>that's because there's an oceanic wealth of second and third hand accounts of the life of the Prophet
There wouldn't be enough books in the world to contain all the acts of Jesus. I'll take four books of quality about a righteous man over a mountain of garbage written to glorify some bloodthirsty warlord.

>with a systematic method of verifying or contradict their accuracy
I have a systematic method of verifying or contradicting their accuracy. It's called "none of it is accurate at all."

>The Quran is the unfiltered voice of God
A demon afraid of sunlight and animals tortured your false prophet in a dark cave until he listened to his whispers. Muhammad was a demoniac. Christ gave us signs by which to identify a false prophet.

>the ten commandments except 6000+ verses. The entirety of the hadith literature is comparable in form and substance to the gospels
The Koran is less explicitly repugnant than the Hadiths and is subtler in its dressing up of a barbaric genocidal political ideology as a religion (at least the early parts, which are surely the most important, right?), but that's irrelevant because you don't follow the Koran, you follow the Hadiths. To compare either to anything found in the Bible is merely insulting. Islam is wholly of the world and will perish with the world if not sooner, burned like so much straw.

>except the gospels have no accredited authors or any chain of transmitter.
See above.

>> No.13608741

>Islam is a piece of humanity, including mine and yours.
I'll pass, but thank you.

I'm not in the west. I live in a place that was under Muslim military control once. I'm not concerned about the Christians your creed has granted martyr's crowns. Every Christian you've persecuted over the centuries is richly compensated in Heaven. I hate Islam for the love of Muslims' souls.

>> No.13608755

ah, of course, a balkan poster. now it all makes sense

>> No.13608760

Not even the right continent.

>> No.13608761

there wouldn't be enough books to contain all the acts of jesus because he might not have even existed, according to columbia historian richard carrier

>> No.13608763


>> No.13608765

And Shakespeare might not have existed either. Why are you on /lit/?

>> No.13608780


>> No.13608824


>> No.13608958

I'd be butthurt too if I was a giaour. The Balkans are basically just Iraq with better food and EU subsidies because of the Ottomans. Living down there made me want to kill myself.

>> No.13609871


>> No.13609879 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13609887
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>> No.13609890

What was illegitimate about the western half of the Roman Empire, Voltaarii?

>> No.13609894

Holy Spirit is piece of shit

>> No.13609902

No questions please

>> No.13609908

You're gonna have to explain yourself bud. I'll tell my pal Vlad to invade your precious Finland if you don't give me an explanation in ten minutes.

>> No.13609912

>You're gonna have to explain yourself bud

>> No.13609923

Your loss.

>> No.13609933
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Why holy spirit is a pigeon?

>> No.13611314

The trinity is a revealed truth. The Catholic encyclopedia admits that the idea does not accommodate itself to our human reason

>> No.13611331 [DELETED] 

The Gospels were written by Paul's disciples, do you think Pilate would actually crucify Jesus instead of Barabbas out of fear of Caesar when Barabbas killed Romans and was an insurrectionist. He crucified Yeshua Barabbas

>> No.13611333

It’s about opening your heart to his love. Just talk to Him as honestly as you can. Don’t hide anything from Him. He loves you and wants to talk

>> No.13611383

You are not liable for the sins you do not fully consent to. It’s even a bit of a gift from God, as you have the chance to say to each one “I don’t accept you, I love Christ instead.”

>> No.13611498

Bruh... we gotta help Islam

>> No.13611507

It’s about love as love, not selfishness disguised as love. Kind of like End of Evangelion

>> No.13611533

Doves are all around us in every city and we don’t see them or notice them. That’s how it is with the spirit. They’re easy to send away by any form of violence... that’s how it is with the spirit. The Spirit is too intangible to be represented accurately by any created thing, so God uses something subtle and humble. That’s all I can imagine

>> No.13611569

You're wise and based. I like you.

How does one know when one is "in rebellion" or simply having a rough time?

I've had periods where I've known that I'm not doing the best I could or being the purest of heart, sometimes even approaching rebelling, but the fear of God that had been instilled was always there.

>> No.13611574

I know what you're going through anon

How old were you when it happened?

>> No.13611923

Huh? All the weird rules and infighting is about love? For who? What do you mean by selfishness disguised as love?

>> No.13612349

>what is text interpretation

>> No.13612365

You defile dear God by proposing these ludicrous rules and obligations. He'd never harm his children with hellfire.

>> No.13612539

dio cane

>> No.13612684

>with a systematic method of verifying or contradict their accuracy
That was literally an afterthought by Islamic scholars. All of the early Hadith we have have absolutely NO CHAINS. Only later on, as the years go by, do we start seeing elaborate chains when people felt the need to "prove" what they rambled on about was in line with the Sunnah of the Prophet. Recommended scholar to read on this would be Fred Donner and his book "Mohammad and the believers" or his more in-depth essay titled "From believers to Muslims"

>except the gospels have no accredited authors or any chain of transmitter.
See point above.