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/lit/ - Literature

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13601374 No.13601374[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the nintendo switch of literature?

>> No.13601378 [DELETED] 

Ready Player One

>> No.13601380

God I would love to guy Boogie, that fat manipulative disgusting pig

>> No.13601383

Free verse poetry

>> No.13601388 [DELETED] 

you'd love to what?

>> No.13601389

I want to murder that fat piece of shit Boogie you guys have no fucking idea. What a waste of skin

>> No.13601394

Infinite Jest

>> No.13601396

Harry Potter or some shit I imagine. I’m so glad I got out of my videogame stage and grew up

>> No.13601399

I like vidya as much as the next guy; this I don't understand. What's causing this? Is it the aluminum being scattered across the skies, the general collapse of The Real, or what?
I just don't get it.
What's happening? Feminization of the male archetype to promote docility while woman become the breadwinners in the Family Unit. Meanwhile, gender rejectors proliferate through K-Space?
I just don't know, anymore.

>> No.13601410

Young Adult literature is the switch
Michael Crichton and Tom Clancy are xbox
Stephen King is playstation
They are all a waste of your time if you’re not a child.

>> No.13601411 [DELETED] 

it's just the US. everyone's a faggot there. that's what happens when you have it so easy and have all the commodities.

>> No.13601428 [DELETED] 

why? what did he do?

>> No.13601432

>everyone's a faggot there
honey, you try sucking cock and tell me it isn't par none. America was founded on man-love

>> No.13601435

He’s a fat centrist. What hasn’t he done to upset people online?

>> No.13601438

he asks his subscribers to pay for his healthcare instead of getting off his ass and losing weight so he doesn't die from a heart attack

>> No.13601443


Yeah it's reddit but take a look

>> No.13601452 [DELETED] 

>He’s a fat centrist
>What hasn’t he done to upset people online?
I don't know, that's why I'm asking. I don't frequent YouTube nor live in the US.

>> No.13601460 [DELETED] 

lmao the absolute state of America. Is it illegal, though?
will read, thanks lad

>> No.13601478

All of the above and more.

>> No.13601487

I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where can I be left the fuck alone and still enjoy the commodity cushions? Maybe even a conjugal visit now and again.
Please don't say prison.

>> No.13601492

Drop iceberg chars NOW!

>> No.13601516
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He's gonna get you

>> No.13601530

Men with beards are allowed to enjoy video games. There is nothing objectively wrong with it

>> No.13601540
File: 172 KB, 709x669, 1562699777757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood Meridian. Almost every time /v/ talks about books it's always brought up by everyone as their favorite

>> No.13601541

Slavo Zizek of course and without a doubt.

>> No.13601551

ITT: """"Anons""""

At what point did anons forget that they were giant fucking nerds/geeks/weebs/gamers? Now every newfag anon is "ironic" in their love for vidya and anime, and have this bizarre perception of themselves of being "Chad" or trying to achieve that ideal.

I guess it's not the newfags' fault. Geek culture morphed into something uncanny when it entered the mainstream. Money (and social media) destroys everything it touches.

>> No.13601556

nietzsche or schopenhauer

>> No.13601570

and evola

>> No.13601599

Dude just make fun of these bearded guys with glasses with the rest of us

>> No.13601605


>> No.13601607 [DELETED] 

I can't picture them reading anything but Stephen King

>> No.13602167
File: 330 KB, 500x279, __alice_margatroid_cirno_fujiwara_no_mokou_hakurei_reimu_hijiri_byakuren_and_others_touhou_drawn_by_kataro__e4ab090f1c1d14ad7640db95ad037064.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because 4chan does not wear a beard, is most likely skinny due to being a shut-in (outside of the fatasses at /ck/ with their daily fast food thread), doesn't watch mainstream anime at Crunchyroll, and does not respect and suck a woman's vagina like a submissive faggot (outside of /s/).
4chan is not a Chad but neither is a faggot cocksucker who will think that discord trannies are "human" or whatever related liberal ideology.

And on a unrelated note, is it me or the "muh not an anime board" leddit faggots have been gone since a while ago?

>> No.13602190

I left /v/ to get away from this shit

>> No.13602194
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To answer OP; pretty much every book that becomes a movie.

>> No.13602317


You're quite new to 4chan aren't you?

>> No.13602361

>Because 4chan does not wear a beard
>is most likely skinny due to being a shut-in
Neckbeards were a big thing for anons, and anons were either fatasses or skinny twigs.

>doesn't watch mainstream anime at Crunchyroll, and does not respect and suck a woman's vagina like a submissive faggot (outside of /s/).
>4chan is not a Chad but neither is a faggot cocksucker who will think that discord trannies are "human" or whatever related liberal ideology.

You have to be a newfag, who only has third-hand information on who anons were back in the day. Most of what you said doesn't even answer the question.

>> No.13602390

literally who/?
is this some dumb nolife gaymer shit?

>> No.13602424


Anyone who adopts "geek culture" as a lifestyle is a major fucking faggot.
Being "anon" is a lot more about feeling alienation with normies than it is about being a geek. Certainly more than outwardly projecting as a "geek" to belong to subculture centered on "geek culture". That sort of pretentious bullshit is entirely against the idea of being anon.

>> No.13602484
File: 27 KB, 616x347, playdate-crank-operated-handheld-game-console-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now to the real question, what is the Playdate of literature?

>> No.13602508

And Peake, Wolfe, Stewart, Miller and Cowley are PC

>> No.13602584

Where 2 cop those shorts?

>> No.13602627

I get irrationally angry looking at this pick.

Why can't everyone else read On the Heights of Despair and be miserable like me?

>> No.13602639

He uses Medicaid at the expense of your taxes I thought?

>> No.13602650

Read Kierkegaard's "Sickness Unto Death" and be comforted to know that most of mankind is an a state of despair, especially those who imagine they aren't in despair.

>> No.13602655 [DELETED] 

looks fun, will check it out

>> No.13602665

>instead of getting off his ass and losing weight so he doesn't die from a heart attack
Except he actually did lose a shitload of weight, retard.

>> No.13602708

>t. retarded boogie fan

>> No.13602715 [DELETED] 

>burgers have to pay for fat cunt's healthcare

>> No.13602848

Americans are violent jackasses who want to kill each other over trivial bullshit, and I do not recommend ever coming to this country. If social order were to breakdown in USA, a lot of people would die, and it would make the French Revolution look mundane in comparison.

>> No.13602942

The switch equivalent in literature? what ever is deemed to be "good" objectively by other people. they would eat it up. I cant think of a specific book because anything that could compare to Nu male ideology id fucking piss on and burn. Can the phenomenon of the nu male be explained with out just being called beta. I think it might be a combination conforming and consuming, like a product of modern thought, they are limited to what society deems a man should be, because they cant think outside of it. the glasses and open mouth combo make me wanna sock these fuckers holy shit.

>> No.13602947

Yes, (((why)))?

>> No.13602949

Ulysses, James Joyce. Proceeded by boring shit that people only like to be contradictory. And the wii/dubliners which was moderately enjoyable but massively overrated by people who don't read a lot of video game consoles. And as James Nintendo Royce continues to inhale nothing but the retard adoring community's farts he will probably produce a uselessly esoteric product next gen that alienates everyone and will cause him great mental harm so that they exhaust any compotence as a developer they might have had as some fascist carries on their legacy in a consumerically dead post-IGN world (even though video game development accomplishments had ceased to mean anything as far back as 1993, before Joyce even held a pen.)

>> No.13603126

Suika doesn't drink vodka faggit

>> No.13603142

Center left and bottom right are actually sweet.

>> No.13603158

What's wrong with that picture? I just see a bunch of young men excited to have the new Nintendo console.

>> No.13603209

>Being "anon" is a lot more about feeling alienation with normies than it is about being a geek.

Remember that page by Maddox on who was or wasn't a nerd/geek? I think he made it when "geek chic" was coming into vogue and the gist of the page was basically that you were *given* the title of nerd/geek by other people because it was uncool (and it required genuine interest and effort on your part)...

>Certainly more than outwardly projecting as a "geek" to belong to subculture centered on "geek culture".
...it's just that now this shit no longer has it's outsider status AND it's popular with everybody, even those who never had interest in it to begin with, everyone is in a rush to prove how of a geek they are. And it doesn't help that the internet and (companies mass-producing plastic tat) have made it so easy to be a fan of something without any effort.

My main point is that it's bizarre watching newfags take dumps on hobbies that *they participate in* and "ironically" do these hobbies, and pretend that 4chan wasn't full of neckbearded, fedora-wearing, samurai-sword-welding atheist weebs.

>> No.13603218
File: 196 KB, 1696x2560, 71KBsWtC6RL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13603262


>> No.13603510

I re-read this recently and for the first time noticed how fucking cliche-ridden it is. A guy gets a gun and tests it out by shooting everything in sight, including the bell in the main tower in town and the bell rings out a big ding. Guy walks into a store and dumps a bag of coins out on the counter. People spitting constantly. It's like someone watched a bunch of Sergio leone movies and decided they knew what the West was like

>> No.13603513
