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13600478 No.13600478 [Reply] [Original]

I just bought a bunch of Everymans and a WoW novel for a few bucks each. Dubs pick what I read

>> No.13600515

The Last Guardian is good but we all know Christie Golden makes the best WoW books

>> No.13600524

oink oink

>> No.13600565
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>> No.13600580

Great stack OP. Everyman is the patrician choice

>> No.13600592

Yes, especially when bought used. It feels like I got them for free. I got them for free anyway since I'm a NEET. Which of those is the comfiest book to read?

>> No.13600611


Lucky shit good finds. I got the following today just now for about £20 or so.

Watership Down-Richard Adams
The Satanic Verses-Salman Rushdie
The Black Cloud-Fred Hoyle
The Secret History-Donna Tart
Paris Echoes-Sebastian Faulks
Lazarus is Dead-Richard Beard
Animal Farm-George Orwell
My Childhood-Gorky
The Tin Drum-Gunter Grass
Dirty Havannah Trilogy-Pedro Juan Gutierrez
Journey to the East-Herman Hesse

I have both Secret History and The Goldfinch but I'm not so sure which one I should start with first.

>> No.13600616


I missed off Magician by Feist and Space Merchants by Pohl and Kornbutch

>> No.13600623
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>> No.13600640

Extremely meme stack, not even used books. Do you read books or just buy them?

>> No.13600642

Read Finnegan's Wake

>> No.13600649

Used books stink, literally. They fucking smell.

>> No.13600663

>Finnegans Wake*
I have a copy but you don't have dubs.

>> No.13600665

>Which of those is the comfiest book to read?
Ulysses :3

>> No.13600713


Read Monte Cristo

>> No.13600717

It depends. These Everymans are literally unread and unopened apparently.

>> No.13600723

I can't risk it. I've ordered pre-owned "new" books and when they arrived the smelled awful. I will never buy a book used if I can avoid it.

>> No.13600914

you belong in the gulag

>> No.13600925

Explain to me why I should buy used books over new ones?

>> No.13600928

just air em out

I have cheap used books with orange paper that I got for less than a dollar and they smell fine

>> No.13600938

>new: $24.95
>used: $3.50
>library sale: grocery bag full of books for $5
idk you tell me

>> No.13600945

Money isn't an issue for me. I don't want to sit holding a book someone has had their greasy disgusting hands all over every page. Makes me gag just thinking about it.

>> No.13600953

>Money isn't an issue for me.
Doesn't matter, take the miserpill.
A penny saved is a penny earned.

>> No.13600959

I know right hahahah common people are all so fucking disgusting. We should just kill them all and live in a utopia by ourselves.

>> No.13600968

>common people

no, all people that aren't me

>> No.13600976

I save money in other areas. New books are a must.

>> No.13600999

>I save money in other areas
NOT miserpilled. You mustn't allow splurges in any area. Buy store brand food, take cold showers, buy used books.

>> No.13601029

>t. I bought a whole bunch of memes from the same publisher to not look like a pseud for reading my vidya nerd book

>> No.13601055

>Everyman is the patrician choice
The only time I've found an exception to this is with The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbon, only because it was abridged and they neglected to mention that clearly in whatever edition it was I got.
Aside from that they're incredible value for money.
Speaking of value for money

>> No.13601138
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>The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Another reason to buy used is to get out of print books. The Heritage Press decline and fall is really good and not very expensive.

>> No.13601170

>The Heritage Press decline and fall
Never once seen this for sale, unfortunately

>> No.13601192
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rate this

>> No.13601233

Read Finnegan's Wake faggot

>> No.13601251

I bought a bunch of books from a based publisher that happened to be on sale at a great deal and a WoW book also because I've played it for thousands of hours and heard the books are not so bad

>> No.13601255

Now u have to bitch

>> No.13601257

Ok I will. I'll post a reading later

>> No.13601265

Dubs confirm dubs.

>> No.13601274

Brekkeked and kekkedpilled

>> No.13601301

It was an American publisher so you probably won't find it outside of the US. You could look online or do what I did and inherit them.

>> No.13601406

My eternal nigga. Lord of the Clans was childhood kino

>> No.13601613

Yeah no thanks.

>> No.13601681

You posted this shit like a year ago. Did you even read any of those books yet?

>> No.13601687

meant to quote

>> No.13601691

dude read the replies

it's bait

>> No.13601715

how does lit acquire used books btw

>> No.13601733

I browse charity shops, ebay, and independent amazon sellers

>> No.13601741
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Checking in. About to start daydrinking and continue on with the book on the bottom (it's good, it's an academic book but not very dry at all).

>> No.13601757

I'm gonna spit on the cover of the next new book I come across, just for you.

>> No.13601766

Unless you work in Amazon's warehouse, sure, go ahead.

>> No.13601787

I tried to read American Gods and hated it with a passion. One of the very few books I was unable to finish. Terrible. Disgusting. Plot, characters, style... everything is gross. Burn it.

>> No.13601829

a frickin leaf

>> No.13601889
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apparently there was a 50 year old used books market here which closed 3 days before i found out about it.

>> No.13602091

ebay, amazon, thriftbooks, abebooks, discover books, better world books, used bookstores, library sales, antique shops.

Recently, I’ve paid around $300 for over 60 used books, so the average comes out around $5 a book. If I had bought them all brand new, I’m sure I would have paid over $1,000.

>> No.13602096


based ted

>> No.13602313

6 volume edition? That's the best edition

>> No.13602410

Based thrift store find. Spent a total of $9 for all of these

>> No.13602425 [DELETED] 

based and bookpilled

>> No.13602429
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>> No.13603417

I started reading Ulysses today and cried in the first 15 pages I think.

>> No.13603425

(the parts where Stephen looks over the sea and thinks of his mother)

>> No.13603435

Monte Cristo

>> No.13603437

Joyce' or homer's?

>> No.13603443

Very good stuff and well done on not being poor. It does feel a bit wrong to see something like Chandler in a fancy Everyman edition and not a mass market with a cheesy noir cover though

>> No.13603470
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Shirer? Pleb tier. You should read Irving!

>> No.13603752

If you don’t read Monte Cristo right now God will smite you down.
It’s the greatest work of fiction in history

>> No.13603765 [DELETED] 
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Monte cristo reminds me of where a lady voted, Monte VI it is a catholic school

>> No.13603827
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>> No.13604330

This isn't true at all.

Used book from 3.50$
>doesn't ship to this address
>doesn't ship to this address
>doesn't ship to this address
Used book actually starts at 20$, with the new being 25$, and maybe I'll find it for 23$ if I buy it new from a big retailer in my own country.

No control, no reviews, half the "very good" books I've bought arrive covered in mold and stains.

Ebay: genuinely cheap and good books to be found, but only for specific titles.

>> No.13604427
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Mfw too broke to afford physical books.

>> No.13604695

buy locally

>> No.13604780

fuck off

>> No.13604791

If you've already read Homer, start with The Aeneid.
Otherwise, pick up Monte Cristo and read a Poe story whenever you feel like it inbetween chapters.
Throw away Ulysses, it's a meme and pseudcore.

>> No.13604799

based, but idk how you can get bored of dumas

>> No.13604849

The novel is very long an there's a noticeable lull in the pacing once the Rome part starts (although definitely not in the quality of the prose). I'm pretty sure I read that Dumas himself felt that way and aborted the Rome arc prematurely during serialization.

>> No.13604888

oh damn, someboday was memed in here

>> No.13604934

I havent read it in years but I do recall the transition seemed very abrupt out of Rome, like the pacing was slow and building then bam we outta here

>> No.13604940
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>Throw away Ulysses, it's a meme and pseudcore.
I'm already reading it and it's great. You're the meme

>> No.13605548

No :3

>> No.13606257


>> No.13607441
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I'm gonna start Monte Cristo.

>> No.13607449

Not me

>> No.13607636

Their version is abridged? I thought it was like 6 volumes or whatever. Jesus Christ, how long is Gibbon's book?

>> No.13607706

So who are the best hardcover publishers, besides Everyman's of course? I generally buy paperbacks, but I always buy hardcovers for my favorites and stuff I'm going to re-read a lot. If you want something that's going to last a lifetime, hardcover is obviously the way to go. A well-produced hardcover with smyth-sewn binding and acid free paper can supposedly last centuries!

>> No.13608148

There's Everyman's, and then there's Library of America for American titles, but other than that... it's depressing how few options there are. I guess since there are so few people who read, there are even less who re-read, so why make anything other than cheap disposable paperbacks? Plus, there's all the zoomers who don't care about physical media at all. Penguin has their Clothbound Collection, but IMO, the designs on these are gaudy, and they're not smyth-sewn. Oxford has a hardcover series, too, and the designs are more tastefully done, but I can't speak for the quality of the binding. As far as I can tell, if you want quality and durability, your options are basically Everyman's or LoA or some out-of-print publisher like Heritage Press or Limited Editions Club.

>> No.13608217


i have it too

>> No.13610007


>> No.13610091

Umm so what?

>> No.13610203

That makes this an interesting stack.

>> No.13610797


>> No.13611856


>> No.13612121

Im lmaoing @ ur life.

>> No.13612172
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decadent and not miserpilled

>> No.13612209

Miser my ass. You're probably poor. It's ok Anon theres no shame in admitting it. Keep doing whatever it is you're doing and I'll keep buying fresh and mint copies without mold and highschool tier marginalia.

>> No.13612266

Where/when did you get that copy of the Sot weed factor?

>> No.13612546

German Amazon had one copy left in stock around 8 months ago before prices went crazy. Paid 18 euros for it.

>> No.13613850

I got a $1 copy at Half Price Books Outlet

>> No.13614047


oblomov was quite good

>> No.13614073

You are neet
You are a neet

>> No.13614085


>> No.13614276

>Edith hamilton's mythology
Replace it with bulfinch's and you're good

>> No.13614368
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I get most my books from library sales and estate sales. Usually when you go on the last day the seller will slash it 75% and they'll give away books for 25 cents. Estate sales you can just haggle and take everything.