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/lit/ - Literature

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13597371 No.13597371 [Reply] [Original]

>discourse and discussion on /lit/ is so shit these days that I'm actually reading the books I always wanted to read instead of browsing here
Thank you, /lit/.

>> No.13597379
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>tfw /lit/ is so shit it brought down your IQ so low that you can't read books anymore

>> No.13597416

>tfw /lit/ is so bad you start seeing poetry threads on /pol/

>> No.13597427

I unironically made a literature thread on /pol/ and it was quite a refreshing one.

>> No.13597436

perhaps this is the containment board now

>> No.13598463

Hopefully by then you'll be able to contribute an actual decent post.

>> No.13598474

same op, its p bad

>> No.13598483

it's an eternal truth of imageboards that offtopic threads on boards are often way better than the threads on the boards meant for those topics.

Im not sure why this is, maybe boards get kind of fossilized by culture and consensus, maybe only people who really care will contribute to an offtopic thread on a different board, rather than the people who just dwell on specific boards and post in every thread, maybe its fertile crosspollinization of fields, but I've seen this happen so many times it can't be coincidence.

>> No.13598499

post 4/10 /pol/ poets

>> No.13598689

fucking KEK, that's unironically what i'm doing right now. i used to shitpost here all the time because it's fun shitposting with like minded people, even if the thread is off topic, but /lit/ has been absolutely unbearable in the past 3 months or so. i'm reading books again, i'm on a rereading of the odyssey and absolutely enjoying it. thank you /lit/!

>> No.13598694

It's been that way for years t b h.

>> No.13598698

All this suggests is that your idea of what a good /lit/ thread is, is a thread contaminated by retarded /pol/acks - doesn’t really lend any credence to your argument that /lit/ is bad.

>> No.13598722

Not him but /pol/ is unironically more intellectually stimulating than /lit/ even now that it's full of overt shilling and fedposting. It's not even an ideological or political issue, /lit/ is just that stagnant, boring, and irrelevant these days.

>> No.13598729

>muh jews
>muh niggers
>muh libtards
>amerillard politics
kill yourself retard. /pol/ is cringe and so is politics.

>> No.13598740

You just can't face the facts, /lit/ is dead and tryhard pseuds like you killed it.

>> No.13598747

/lit/ is dead for quite a long time. saying that you find ameritard politics 'stimulating' just outs yourself as part of the brainlets that killed it

>> No.13598756

In relative terms compared to /lit/ it absolutely is. You come off as a midwit desperately clinging to delusions of intellectual superiority.

>> No.13598876

>/pol/ is unironically more intellectually stimulating than /lit/
I've browsed a /pop/ thread, but boy, this comment sure made me laugh. Excellent job, Anon.

>> No.13598878

Kys nigger