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13597160 No.13597160 [Reply] [Original]

All my favorite authors and creators smoke and after thinking about it i'm convinced that smoking is a nice way to relax and destress yourself when critically thinking. I hope to improve my writing in short time. Comments or concern?

>> No.13597164 [DELETED] 

Funny, I'm quitting.

>> No.13597173

It relaxes in the beginning but it soon loses its effects and it becomes a placebo thing

>> No.13597175

No concerns. Smokers deserve whatever happens to them. Just don't do it around other people.

>> No.13597179

I always used to buy a pack of cigarettes for finals week at uni, and I enjoyed taking short breaks to clear my head and smoke. Otherwise, I've never found them to be that useful or stimulating, just a nice head rush. I'm surprised I never got hooked, haven't smoked in over a year.

>> No.13597190

So what you're saying is that most creators who smoke now smoke out of habit?

>> No.13597212


>> No.13597235

If you're doing it for aesthetic purposes, which I assume you are, try some kind of herbal cigarette first, and only later try tobacco if you're certain it's for you.

>> No.13597239
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I disagree, smoking is fucking awesome, there's nothing like a good cigarette after a meal or a beer, even waking up the first thing to do is lit a cigarette and think about life, it relaxes and helps me keep my anxiety away, also the urges to masturbate is very weak, whenever I feel like fapping I just lit a cigarette and it goes away

>> No.13597429

I strongly recommend you don't. Not for some pussy moral reasons, but for the fact that it makes other aspects of your life much harder:
>you will frequently cough. It will be really bad when you first start, you'll slightly get used it so it will seem like it went away, then it will become frequent, harsher, and more unpleasant.
>when you have a cold, it sucks really bad and last an extra day or two
>in many social situations, you'll be heavily craving a smoke but the opportunity won't be there so you'll get distracted and anxious.
>why saddle yourself with a vice that's so difficult to quit? Because you WILL want to quit someday.
t. former smoker

>> No.13597474
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If you get easily addicted to shit then don't do it bro. It's fake relaxation if you're addicted because it's the need for a nicotine hit that is making you nervous in the first place. If it's a cigarette occasionally, when you're stressed or something, then no harm I guess. It could give you a nice headrush and all, but there are better ways to relax.

>> No.13597478

Op please don't do this. I work in an ER and without fail the patients who come in looking ten years older than they actually are have smoking in their current medical history. Open heart surgery? Smoker. CPAP every night for COPD? Smoker. I've seen so much lung cancer, so many blocked arteries. A half a pack a day is all it takes to destroy your body. Please think about what will happen when you get addicted, because you will get addicted, and you've been smoking for twenty years. Every round of even mild chest pain will send you running to the hospital in a panic because you know it's going to kill you one day. Smoking is the most foolishly destructive thing any person could ever do.

>> No.13597503

I've seen people who are 70 that are still smoking, what gives for them?

>> No.13598674

I don't trust you

>> No.13598680

>A half a pack a day is all it takes to destroy your body.
don't smoke half a pack a day then, lel

>> No.13598685
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That's a damn shame, pal

>> No.13598802

Great-grandfather died at 95 smoking three packs a day til the end. He was famous for lighting a cigarette while holding another one in hand
My guess is that it becomes placebo and you’re addicted to the gesture more than the actual nicotine hit
Herbal cigarettes are a fucking meme. They cause cancer the same way as tobacco does, and quitting after trying some and not enjoying it comes normal

>> No.13598819

>anon don’t you know smoking will give you cancer?!
don’t care virgin

>> No.13598822

Yeah, I'm a writer and I can tell you for certain that you have to smoke to be a writer. The reason is that while we're writing we often find ourselves in the situation of not knowing what the next sentence should be. This is when we sit back and take a drag of a cigarette. After the drag we sit there for a few more moments and a line occurs to us. This is how writing works. If you don't smoke it doesn't work. Then you're just sitting there.

>> No.13598830

sounds like bitch problems to me

>> No.13598835
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Buy a pipe.

>> No.13598837


>> No.13598894

yes, do it OP. it's an excellent idea.

>> No.13598915

I used to smoke frequently during stressful periods of my degree, and I always used to hate how hard it was to exercise cardiovascularly afterwards. I’d only recommend picking it up if you have no intention of doing any sport, because smoking will ruin it for you.

>> No.13598928

If this is true you are 100% retarded. It only relaxes smokers because they are constantly going through nicotine withdrawal and the next hit feels 'relaxing'. They are at a different baseline to you if you don't smoke at all. What a fucking stupid idea, you probably just want to look 'cool' as well you massive nigger. I would tell you to kill yourself but sounds like you're already on board with that anyway.

>> No.13598940

I can't speak for cigarettes but smoking a pipe is definitely a meditative contemplative experience. It's an entirely different thing to be sitting on a park bench smoking a pipe as opposed to sitting on a park bench not smoking a pipe.

>> No.13598959
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Pipe tobacco quality, variety & price point is superior to cigs & cigars, with a range of nicotine levels between blend genres if that's your thing in particular.

>Great-grandfather died at 95 smoking three packs a day til the end.
Some smokers' gentle raw vs. sucking probably a factor (flavor vs. hit), with lesser smoke volume inhalation/at lower burn temps.

Snus & vape for the least invasive/risky nicotine application; if you smoke, smoke for flavour, an savoring it.

>> No.13598965

Listen here anon, I never even smoked once, and I've been experiencing lung problems since last November. It's fucking nasty. I thought it was an infection and took antibiotics for 15 days, but it is still there. X-Ray was negative, so it can't be that bad, but it still sucks. Don't fucking do it, it's not worth it, you'll get addicted and get COPD or lung cancer, and that's not a /lit/ way to die. Funny thing is I actually dreamed about starting a smoking habit last night.

But seriously OP, don't do it.

>> No.13598972

YouTube: muttonchoppiper, canerodpiper, matches860 -- stories, pipe maintenance, drawing methods

>> No.13598980

>not a /lit/ way to die
correct, you ought to drink yourself to death instead

>> No.13599011

Smoking a pipe is even worse you retard. Not only you are smoking more it is even more full of cancer just like you.

>> No.13599076
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>I hope to improve my writing in short time
It'd better be the case because if you start smoking you won't have that much time.

>> No.13599114

I don't smoke a lot, I'll smoke a bowl when I'm basking in the sun in my favourite place outside, then when the pack runs out I won't buy another for a while. Of course it's not healthy for the body but it's good for the mind. Can't explain what's so good about it and you wouldn't understand anyway, you have to try it yourself

>> No.13599132

most in this board can not wait for their meaningless life to come to an end, yet they are clinging on their health and puristic virtues. Oh look at me i dont smoke, i eat no white sugar, i do everything just as the authority commands me.
Then they seethe out of rage that no women comes and picks them by default, for being the polished citizens that they are.
Op smoke if you want to do it, but beware of the dangers, i smoke sometimes and then i am battleing my way oout of it, most low willpower niggers will not be capable of it and smoke their whole life. Smoking out of neurotic driven urges is shit tier, smoking for contemplation and relaxation is god tier. Nicotine is a well known nootropic and all these npc's with their angsty muh nicotine withdrawal inducing stress can fuck themselves

>> No.13599139

> I'm gonna start smoking
Are you gonna smoke cock?

>> No.13599142

Smoking literally makes you smarter. I've yet to met any no-smoking individual who wasn't a complete retard.

>> No.13599301

>im convinced that smoking is a nice way to relax and destress yourself when critically thinking.
The stress a smoker feels is caused by nicotine withdrawal. So the act of smoking itself causes the stress, that a smoker quells by smoking another cigarette.

>> No.13599316

I don't feel any stress. But I take breaks so maybe I'm not addicted.

>> No.13599322

Do you feel a need to smoke first thing in the morning?

>> No.13599329

Nope, never have smoked in the morning.

>> No.13599331

k well you arent addicted yet then quit while you can.

>> No.13599349
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>never smoked a day in my life
>still crave ciggies twenty four seven

>> No.13599354

the virgin cigarette fag vs The Chad Pipe Smoker

>> No.13600992
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>> No.13601007
File: 62 KB, 598x599, 2FC6EBCC-F4F1-4108-BC34-2FB668B6B787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you OP

>> No.13601187

Is it safe to smoke, say, a pack of 24 Marlboros a week?

>> No.13601250

one hand-rolled cig per day gang here

>> No.13601267

As safe as anything else desu

>> No.13601323

You will just develope a habit that way. Smoke a cig only when you need to.

>> No.13601358

I've been smoking as long as I can remember, and I'll smoke myself into the grave, but don't you fucking do it OP. Nobody should smoke, ever, and the only reason your favourite authors smoked is because back when they were still alive, everybody smoked.
Smoking says nothing about a person except that they smoke, and it's ridiculous to think that it'd somehow make you a better writer. It introduces complications to your lifestyle and every smoker comes to regret it, if only less than they'd regret the life they'd live without it. You only smoke to see your sighs.

>> No.13601999

With all due respect to my grandfather, he smoked his whole life and yet he wasn't the sharpest of tools. Love the man, but this sort of thing was not his area of expertise.

>> No.13602020

>All my favorite authors and creators smoke
You need to be depressed and chainsmoke for at least 20 years. You can't just decide to become a pseud, it's a lifetime of hard work and poor health decisions.

>> No.13602771
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You're saying I gotta be a bum, that sounds about right

>> No.13602965

I smile maybe 1-3 cigs a month and a few times a year have a cigar or pipe, any health concerns about doing this?

>> No.13602985

No. The smoke out of addiction. Because if they don't they get the shakes.