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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 540x441, 5378b67a-0764-4cf9-88c1-e6482845cdea-Toni_Morrison_by_Michael_Lionstar_jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13594002 No.13594002 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13594020

first Soprano, now Morrison

>> No.13594029

sticky pls mods

>> No.13594057

>female writer

>> No.13594061


>> No.13594063


>> No.13594072


>> No.13594074


>> No.13594095


>> No.13594098

What are the best books by that guy?

>> No.13594127

I’ll give her an F.

Never bothered with her books, but I might give one a try now.

>> No.13594144

may she rest in peace.
how bout a sticky

>> No.13594146

>female black writer

>> No.13594152

I didn’t hate Song of Solomon. F.

>> No.13594163


>> No.13594171
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>> No.13594208


Absolutely nobody:

Not a single soul:

/lit/: Rip Toni Morrison

>> No.13594219


>> No.13594220

>normie meme

>> No.13594223


>> No.13594227


>> No.13594230

I was hoping you guy would post this...thanks

Sula was my favorite

>> No.13594249

If you're shutting on Morrison, good job, you've outed your self as either someone who doesn't read good books, or as a retard

>> No.13594259

F. Tar Baby is underrated

>> No.13594266
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>who, who.

>> No.13594267
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>> No.13594271

and for me, it's Sula

>no sticky for a Nobel laureate
ffs c'mon now, mods

>> No.13594272


>> No.13594274


>> No.13594275

Bob Dylan died?

>> No.13594276 [DELETED] 


>> No.13594284


>> No.13594285


>> No.13594287


>> No.13594288


>> No.13594293
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>> No.13594302


>> No.13594306

Literal who? May she rest in peace but she's pretty irrelevant.

>> No.13594307


>> No.13594308

Dylan is alive he took his own distilery, something once I dreamed off. Now I do not drink alcohol anymore, where are you from New York or Washington?

>> No.13594319
File: 6 KB, 236x205, 55907328-7CE8-4C47-B4FA-3CCE2F713CC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the only fucking reason I’m here on /lit/ right now is because someone died lol

>> No.13594333

Reported dead in twitter

>> No.13594337 [DELETED] 

finally another dead nigger

>> No.13594340

I knew Toni professionally for the last 15 years or so. She was an ok lady, but you could definitely tell she was prejudiced against white people. And she was certainly propped up by her Ivy League Jew friends in some capacity. She was earthy in demeanor, mostly cool, liked to have a good laugh, and certainly never came off as an academic or anything like that. Hell, most of the time she was chain smoking American Spirits watching trash daytime TV in the spare bedroom upstairs. Her son, Slade was a fucking character as well. And by character, I mean a failed Basquiat rip-off junkie “artist” living in his own filth until he died. She was bedridden and suffering pretty bad the last several months, so I’m glad she’s not feeling anymore pain.


>> No.13594344

I read the bluest eye because Morrison is supposed to be so good. It wasn't good, and if it wasn't so short I probably wouldn't have bothered to finish it.

>> No.13594347


Well done gentlemen, a little fractured, but a fine hour.

>> No.13594353

>hurr durr racism lol am i cool yet, 4chan? xD

>> No.13594358

Indeed, my fellow poster, indeed. Maybe one day the faggots and trannies will stop propagating shit taste in our board.

>> No.13594371

Femoid, faggot or tranny, seethe harder. You shit writter will not rest till we had done.

>> No.13594380

*tips fedora

>> No.13594404


Rest In Peace, Tony

>> No.13594406

She's second-rate at best, why she won the Nobel is beyond me.

>> No.13594411

I will tip my fedora, the i will take out my fingerless gloves(they are sweaty) and you faggot, whiteknight ass can't do anything about it.

>> No.13594432

What the hell, I thought she was still fairly young and chipper. Cool lady, F

>> No.13594433


Not wanting to stalk you or anything, but where did you usually had contact with her?

>> No.13594449

In the brownest eye

>> No.13594456

Who the hell names their daughter Tony?

>> No.13594463

At her home on the Hudson River.

>> No.13594475

Yeah, no chance this literal who didn't have a chip on her shoulder about whatever leftist whining point.

>> No.13594498

literally who

>> No.13594514


That is way too detailed to be made up. The shut-ins here don’t realize we lost a very good writer and there aren’t a lot of those being mass-produced.

>> No.13594527

Am I being trolled by the “literal who” comments or do our recently arrived friends actually not read?

>> No.13594533

>people on /lit/ reading
Hello, newfriend

>> No.13594539

>reading black authors
>reading female authors

>> No.13594543


>> No.13594589
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her books were boring, her hair looks filthy, who cares

>> No.13594850

Express the title of your next book in the form

The _(adjective)_est _(noun)_

>> No.13594968

>reading authors who were/are still alive in 2000

>> No.13595392


>> No.13595527

You had me until McEwen

>> No.13595543

>black female author

never read any of her books but I'll bet 10 bucks they were shit

>> No.13595568

Beloved is low tier

>> No.13595569

jellyfish hair cunt

>> No.13595607

Atonement is great, I was mainly thinking of that.

>> No.13595658
File: 53 KB, 550x566, FEA7DAE9A4DB4EC396DFE0E946F8C43C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>becomes editor at random house
>starts promoting woke books

Yeah fuck her.

>> No.13595660


>> No.13595668

>reading insane people
lmao you idiot

and i am not your fucking friend

>> No.13595771 [DELETED] 

how do i tell apart a minority writer who is genuinely great and one who is upheld only for diversity's sake?

note: i dont have time to read every signal boosted black book

>> No.13595783


>> No.13595792

imagine all the gaseous discharcge and emulsifying fat inside that fat ass of hers right now

>> No.13595894

Damn, Sowell looks like THAT now?

>> No.13595918 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13595945
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Which one of you racist incels did this

>> No.13596021


>> No.13596039 [DELETED] 

Why should I care about some fat neoliberal nigro wymyn?

>> No.13596078 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13596333

>This article is being heavily edited because its subject has recently died. Knowledge about the circumstances of the death and surrounding events may change rapidly as more facts come to light. Initial news reports may be unreliable, and the last updates to this article may not reflect the most current information. Please feel free to improve this article or discuss changes on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove this template message)

>> No.13596339


>> No.13596419


>> No.13596500


>> No.13596587

>doesn't read good books

>> No.13596647

big F

>> No.13596672

Yes I also can read

>> No.13596919

favorite works from her, /lit/? i enjoyed Song of Solomon when I was young.

>> No.13596923

For me it's a tossup between Oogedy Boogedy Grew Up Poor and Finna Bouta Complain Again

>> No.13596931


>> No.13596957


>> No.13596972

>implying anyone on /lit/ actually reads anything beyond /pol/ infographics

>> No.13597003

Dumb ass nigger. I'm glad she died. Wish I could've been there to see her stupid ass die. Author my ass. Niggers can't even read let alone write. I haven't even read her work and I already know it's "I'm a nigger and my life is hard and da white man made it dis way."

Stupid nigger. If I was there in person I'd burn her fucking casket. Niggers don't deserve to be given proper burials like humans. Throw her on the fire and burn her corpse so any potential nigger diseases she had won't spread. I'm getting malaria just looking at her stupid nigger face.

>> No.13597013


>> No.13597017


>> No.13597037


>> No.13598022
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>> No.13598026

top post

>> No.13598428

beloved is so fucking overrated