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/lit/ - Literature

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13591908 No.13591908 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a philosophy, ideology, religion, etc. that utilizes anger?

>> No.13591916 [DELETED] 

Norse pagan?

>> No.13591922

I would recommend looking into Nietzsche if you're looking for anger and resentment as motivational drive

>> No.13592270

The dark side of the force

>> No.13592277


>> No.13592281

evangelical Christianity

>> No.13592298

literally any theistic religion. I can't think of one which doesn't condone some form of "righteous anger"

>> No.13592318


You’re trying to dissuade OP?

>> No.13592333

Butterfly's fucking rambling and annoying tripfag posts on /lit/

>> No.13592336

Do not post in my thread again

>> No.13592344
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>> No.13592348


I thought first comment was just being a fuckboy until I read second comment and well, I gotta say these are compelling points.

>> No.13592394

Stupid answer.

Answer the question

>> No.13592413 [DELETED] 

>Stupid answer.
Of all things you have no right to say

>> No.13592428

Shut up tranny

>> No.13592487

try /fit/

>> No.13592499

Shut up tranny

>> No.13592505

maoist asymmetrical warfare

>> No.13592517

This. Maoists are some of the most angry motherfuckers out there

>> No.13592525
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probably nothing honestly

zen, at it's most accepting, only recognizes it as a passing condition. it never condones it

anger is punishing yourself for the misdeeds of others

if you want to get something done you put your nose to the grindstone and turn off your brain

>> No.13592533

No, I’m pretty forward with who and what I am, you’re the trans hiding behind the mask. Stop shitting up the thread with your issues

>> No.13592620

Are you a tranny?

Genuine question, pretty new here

>> No.13592625

It probably is but there is no use engaging it. It honestly seems to just exist to derail and ruin as many threads as possible. Don't worry it goes away sometimes and gives the rest of the board a break from its postings.

>> No.13592628
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>> No.13592632

No. A woman. they hate me for several reasons

>> No.13592641

the way lesbians hate trannies is hilarious, and I know this is a bad thing to laugh about, because it's cruel on all angles, but it just is

>> No.13592646

Why does this annoying faggot keep posting here when he's clearly too retarded to contribute anything other than witless cringe material? I only started browsing this board a couple months ago and from the beginning this queer has tarnished my experience. How long has he actually been here? How has he not singlehandedly killed the board?

>> No.13592653

She's female

>> No.13592655

See >>13592628

>> No.13592660

Never seen a butch woman before?

>> No.13592661 [DELETED] 

You’re hated because you’re stupid. Despite your platitudinal upbringing everyone calling you stupid does not mean you’re on to something.

>> No.13592662

>make thread
>butterfly posts in thread
>thread derails completely
Why has nobody thought to just permaban this trip.

>> No.13592664

Old testament of the bible is quite a feels stuff, so recommend that

>> No.13592669

I'd say /thread but this would actually do more to make threads like these continue and stay on topic instead of devolve.

>> No.13592672

Male : he is a failure
Female : she is a failure

>> No.13592682

No. That's not one of the reasons.
If this is a genuine reason of yours, boy howdy, you're on the wrong board.

Thread was answered pretty thoroughly, OP.
as it is, you get extras like >>13592664 as there is a lousy conversation going and keeping it up.

>> No.13592692

Tips on becoming a tripfag?

>> No.13592698

George Sorelle, Carl Schmitt, Berth

>> No.13592709

that's very obviously a girl and the way butterfly thinks makes it incredibly obvious she's a woman. You guys watch too much tranny porn

>> No.13592716


>> No.13592720


The shit I would do just for going back in time and killing russian royals with my red army mosin nagant

>> No.13592726

Terrorism uses anger

>> No.13592776
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>> No.13592777

what other drives are there? serious question. i've used anger for a long time to get me a job, move me up in my career, and work out. i've put serious relationships on hold because they quell that drive, causing me to lose any care that i had of worldly pursuits

>> No.13592786

Angers a mask for sadness. You’re repressing pain, something went or is very wrong in your life

>> No.13592787

She's a solid 4/10 but it's obvious she's a girl, trannies, despite what they and fetishists will try and tell you, are almost always embarrassingly obvious.

>> No.13592790

you could psychoanalyze it if you'd like. it feels more akin to some form of righteous fury - that things aren't the way they should be. that there's a higher standard that isn't meant - a standard for our relationships, our communities, the work we do. that always gets me back to scheming and planning out the day, leveraging conversations and keeping just the right amount of detail, planning an exit from this job to the next.

is this wrong? could there be better forces to rely on?

>> No.13592804

Those are post hoc rationalizations. You’re either genetically choleric or experienced trauma early on and now that this anger is apart of you, you’ve forgotten it’s origins and found ways to justify it. Akin to the neurotics magical thinking that anxiety makes them interesting or productive. There can be truth in it, but it’s pathology.

>> No.13592811

what if i'm perfectly pathological? and this neurosis is in fact a means of living in the 21st century? that by reproducing the system that enables and constrains me, i improve my chances of not just surviving, but thriving.

>> No.13592819

I just assume everyone on 4chan is either an incel or has degenerate sex, but she looks pretty vanilla

>> No.13592823

Your pathology might be sustainable, but maybe it’s not, maybe you have problems and they’re going to swamp you soon

>> No.13592830 [DELETED] 

You’re right, it’s because you’re stupid and proud and indignant rolled into the perfect bait trifecta, or really it’s just that you’re a detestable person with a name.

>> No.13592860

I dunno lol

>> No.13592884

i'm quite liking this idea of 'sustainable neuroses'. as a sidenote that may be of interest to you, Ernest Becker makes the claim that Kierkegaard is the first post-Freudian.

>The flood of anxiety is not the end for man. It is, rather, a “school” that provides man with the ultimate education, the final maturity. It is a better teacher than reality, says Kierkegaard,40 because reality can be lied about, twisted, and tamed by the tricks of cultural perception and repression. But anxiety cannot be lied about. Once you face up to it, it reveals the truth of your situation; and only by seeing that truth can you open a new possibility for yourself.

>He who is educated by dread [anxiety] is educated by possibility…. When such a person, therefore, goes out from the school of possibility, and knows more thoroughly than a child knows the alphabet that he demands of life absolutely nothing, and that terror, perdition, annihilation, dwell next door to every man, and has learned the profitable lesson that every dread which alarms may the next instant become a fact, he will then interpret reality differently…

>No mistake about it: the curriculum in the “school” of anxiety is the unlearning of repression, of everything that the child taught himself to deny so that he could move about with a minimal animal equanimity. Kierkegaard is thus placed directly in the Augustinian-Lutheran tradition. Education for man means facing up to his natural impotence and death.42 As Luther urged us: “I say die, i.e., taste death as though it were present.” It is only if you “taste” death with the lips of your living body that you can know emotionally that you are a creature who will die.

>What Kierkegaard is saying, in other words, is that the school of anxiety leads to possibility only by destroying the vital lie of character.

i haven't finished The Denial of Death, but i really should since i haven't gotten to his proposed solution. perhaps my anger is an impotent thrashing about against dread that once resolved, could open the doors. i really hope it doesn't leave me placated and docile though, i could really use something else

>> No.13592890

Old assyrian religion. Those guys were fucking brutal.
See Ashurbanipal

>> No.13592897

Reads some Peterson where he talks about shadow integration

>> No.13592922

Islam, shitty religion

>> No.13592949

When you get past the anger and sadness, you may meet yourself for the first time in a long time, or even at all

Those are good quotes, though i don’t entirely agree.
>But anxiety cannot be lied about
And yet, isn’t anxiety the best liar? What else could make you believe in the boogeymen?
>taste death as though it were present
There’s value in death’s education...the frailty of life, the absurdity of cruelty and mindless conformity. It’s a good argument that death teaches us how to live. but what happens when we’re distracted? Doesn’t it keep whispering in our ear that everything is pointless, that we should both fear death and die? And like from a dream we come to and realize the absurdity of those sick nothings...but then they’re there, planted, growing, insidious, carnivorous, making us strut and fret our hour upon the stage... no, best to walk away, not that way

>> No.13592951

but that only happens at very advanced levels so don't even go there

>> No.13593660

Honestly you're getting annoying with your smugness. Not to mention you're in almost every thread every day so you're opinions can't be that valueble now considering you're here all the time soaking in bullshit.

>> No.13593662

the wojak in the OP keeps changing and getting more angry every time i come here

>> No.13593693

Try the Red Lantern Corp.

>> No.13593757

Yeah, it's called working out.