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13590588 No.13590588[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is 'The Great Replacement' theory real, or is it merely a conspiracy theory?

I see a lot of authors like Renaud Camus are now listed on Wikipedia as 'conspiracy theorists' for supporting it.


>> No.13590599

I don't know what the conspiracy is when open borders and migration are being openly advocated for by multiple sides including most of our ruling elites.

Apparently you're expected to pretend it happens somehow naturally and by itself despite it being presented as a positive change?

>> No.13590603

It’s a psyops, a distraction. The US has no border crisis, though the “white” population will tip to minority by around 2050, this has always been inevitable

Not a book though.

>> No.13590606

The Dayton shooter was a leftist though.

>> No.13590607
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> The US has no border crisis

>> No.13590612

What exactly is it that has made it always inevitable?

>> No.13590613

the only border crisis is that borders still exist.

>> No.13590617


>> No.13590625
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>Private property? Yeah kill 'em

>> No.13590630

but i'm not a leftist dumdum

>> No.13590644

It's not a conspiracy theory or a secret plot, it's just capitalism. Capitalism needs "fresh blood" in the form of immigrants in order to keep growth going, and it's out of that desire for capitalist growth that immigrants keep flooding in.

>> No.13590646

In Texas it doesn't make a lot of sense, there's always been a large Hispanic population since it was a state.

>> No.13590654

>Is 'The Great Replacement' theory real, or is it merely a conspiracy theory?
It's real and a conspiracy at the same time, it's real in the sense that a huge demographic shift is happening that is Browning the west. It's a conspiracy theory in he sense that it's a consequence of incompetence and cowardice on the part of the west and the understandable want for a better life by the nogs (still they have to go back) and not organized by the ZOG.

Strange death of Europe is a pretty good read on the issue desu.

>> No.13590657

CPB? Check the stats. There’s a net zero amount of hispanics coming in. We have more Canadians coming in.

The more prosperous societies have less children. Tiny little Europe with its fire ant imperialists cast their net far and wide, but never actually graced these fellow humans with the deep tans with any of this prosperity. They kept them poor and multitudinous.

>> No.13590659

What are you then

>> No.13590661

In present conditions having no borders is pants on head retarded

>> No.13590664

It's a conspiracy theory in the sense that it's being done to kill wh*Toids, but there's always a smidge of truth.
This is pretty much it. I know you won't like it.

>> No.13590666

>globalism is inevitable
>automation is inevitable
>open boarders inevitable
>progressivism is inevitable
These aren't laws of nature. They are policies.

>> No.13590673

They are inevitable under capitalism, in the search for profits. For example, having kids is much less profitable than just bringing in adults that can go work immediately.

>> No.13590676

It may not be real in the sense that there is a boogyman pulling all the strings (even though there is definitely a vested interest on both sides in replacing whites), but it is functionally real. Europeans settled a new land and it's slipping away. This wouldn't be a big problem if their homelands weren't being invaded but it is. The governments of Europe betrayed their own people.
>immigration legislation passes itself

>> No.13590678
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nice literature discussion itt

>> No.13590682

sounds like you've taken a dose of natsoc

>> No.13590685
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>Check the stats

You are absolutely delusional


>> No.13590688

>The more prosperous societies have less children. Tiny little Europe with its fire ant imperialists cast their net far and wide, but never actually graced these fellow humans with the deep tans with any of this prosperity. They kept them poor and multitudinous.

So is it inevitable that the Japanese will be replaced by Chinese or Vietnamese migration? Why isn't that happening?

>> No.13590689

That's some cool literature you've got there.

>> No.13590693

>this has always been inevitable
pretty true

>The more prosperous societies have less children.
but not really for this reason, it's inevitable because the more people there are and the more equality is yearned for, the more there will be interracial relationships, and the spawn of such are rarely considered white

>> No.13590695

Nah, he's a communist.

>> No.13590696


>> No.13590697

>this has always been inevitable
Only after the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, you disgusting tranny

>> No.13590699

ach too accurate image

>> No.13590705

nazbol is the real deal

>> No.13590710

So white guilt is ineveitable? Is that the main explanation? Yikes, if white people are this big of pussies and cant tell people to fuck off we deserve it

>> No.13590716

You say this EVERY TIME!

>> No.13590718

>propaganda for authoritarian statists
Dumbass. Anarchists want to erase borders.


Not all of those are inevitable, just under current conditions are they going to happen. For instance, if you want to make the inevitable automation stop, you blow up a dozen nuclear bombs in key places.
You probably dream of changing demographics in a similar way. Maybe by releasing a race specific plague, no?

Chinese outnumber Japanese, but is there any space for them in Japan? Think about it, fellow paleface

>> No.13590737

This isn’t your country.

Shoot yourself.

>> No.13590753


ay caramba

>> No.13590760

I don't hate you. I swear I don't. Just please. Please.

Think about my cock nonstop for the entire night. Post with a dildo against your face or something. :3 I can tell you are getting anxious or excited, just give in already. Thank you.

>> No.13590763
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>Anarchists want to erase borders.
And by doing so, and basing their entire ideology in things such as that, they fall under the commie/socialist spectrum.

>> No.13590764

>This isn’t your country.
Of course it isn't, i'm not the descendent of those who created it.
Also, not an argument.
You can't make the claim that something was inevitable, when it clearly was a result of a legislative mistake, which by the way wasn't approved by the people.

>> No.13590768


>> No.13590779

>but is there any space for them in Japan
Not if the Japanies are alive

>> No.13590786

>Chinese outnumber Japanese, but is there any space for them in Japan? Think about it, fellow paleface

Population density in Japan is less than in the Netherlands, yet the Dutch are being replaced by massive immigration and the Japanese aren't taking in any. Must be some other reason, any guesses?

>> No.13590788

Natsoc is capitalist.
Well, it actually is. There's a ton of Nepalis and the like there. But the fact that there's no mass immigration means the economy stagnates. Japan's economy has stagnated for a long just because of that. Dutch economy is growing.

>> No.13590794

Capitalism is the only responsable of this atrocity. It allows fucking everyone to come here.

>> No.13590796

They are socialists. Not SOVIETS

Instead they’re in Africa. Intermarrying even. Guess what else is inevitable?

My argument is anarchist.

>> No.13590803


>> No.13590807

Be that as it may, it looks like it is actually possible for people to actually control how much migrants they take in and it isn't some force of nature that happens inevitably.

Anyway, regardless of short-term stagnation I'd wager quite a lot on Japan having a better living standard than non-white Holland a few generations into the future.

>> No.13590808

Are you having an intellectual conversation with a dildo pressed against your face?

>> No.13590809

God you are such a insufferable cunt, just neck yourself already, so we can all be free of your disgusting drivel, you mentally ill crossdresser.

>> No.13590810

Nationalism is a disease. If it weren't for capitalism and its exploitative ideas I would support globalism 100%.

>> No.13590813

Nationalism is a reaction to the disease. That's how it is every time, mate

>> No.13590816

Yeah, the disease is capitalism. Silly me.

>> No.13590819
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>the current situation which is the result of specific laws that were against the desire of the people, was somehow inevitable so deal with it
>by the way me anarchist

Are you just pretending to be retarded, or is the hrt destroying your brain?

>> No.13590820

The capitalist's idea of replacing natives by non natives is to seperate any bonding between individuals and land. Achieving this land is just another property one can obtain contractually and thus it becomes something arbitrary. Therefore, land, a country, a nation lose every surplus value for an individual and become replaceable. There is nothing worth fighting for.