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13588620 No.13588620 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on what happens when society is effectively devoid of religion?

Seeing a lot of hijabi girls in odd combinations of conservative and sexy clothing. If Islam is starting to become like Christianity with it's followers becoming lax are we heading to a society where religion is purely decoration?

>> No.13588638
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>> No.13588639

Transitionary period because sharia police can't operate efficiently in the west. Strategic sacrifice of part of the invasion force.

The girls involved are obviously infected with feminism, and will never return to islam, they'll wear it as a fetish because it has immense oppression points value + sandniggers actually find the fashion irresistible (wath towelhead porn sometime), useful to collect orbiters.

>> No.13588651
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>Seeing a lot of hijabi girls in odd combinations of conservative and sexy clothing.
Lol no you aren't. There is the occasional non practicing Muslimah who wears the hijab purely for identity. Most non practicing Muslimahs don't wear it, and praying, mosque attending Muslimahs don't dress like that. Islam is not "liberalizing", all four madihib still consider dating and tight clothes haram, all four still have corporal punishment for fornication, all mosques that are not under takfir still segregate the sexes

>> No.13588657

100% this. The current generations of ME women are sacrificed willingly to establish a beachhead. They are to normalize westerners and to make them think like #NotAllMuslims when in reality the westernized invaders can't be called Muslims at all. Hopefully shit collapses before continued state-funded replacement noticeably impacts European demographics

>> No.13588673

>Transitionary period because sharia police can't operate efficiently in the west. Strategic sacrifice of part of the invasion force.
Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.13588677

What book did you consult to develop these insights?

>> No.13588704

Nobody actually believes religion. If you took a gun to the head of a Christian and made him bet his life on whether or not a donkey talked and Jesus rose from the dead most of them would say no. Unless you're talking to genuine schizophrenics I think most people have the sense to know that it's all bullshit.

The people who profess to believe it are just nominally/traditionally religious. They only say they believe it because they think it's part of their tradition or they agree with the religion's morality.
>whether or not god is dead, you're still going to have to kiss his ass -- tony soprano

>> No.13588706

>sandniggers actually find the fashion irresistible (wath towelhead porn sometime)
What the fuck are you talking about ? Most of you kikes and pig skinned scum working in the garbage porn industry just put hijab over tanned w*hite women because you can't get ours to do porn and even if you can (like with Mia Khalifa) they're Chr*stian kaffir trash
Go renew your Blacked subscription you humongous faggot

>> No.13588723
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>> No.13588729
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You have a big party, OP.

>> No.13588733

There is a sizable Muslim community in my area. Never see hijab drones floating about. Most have been in the area for 2-3 generations or more, most are more secular than devout. The attitude about religion is it's "something that my grandparents did".
Local university had a cluster of exchange students from the sandbox countries. Suspicious because never went to class. Got busted for planning bombing at football stadium. Deported back to camel-land by Homeland security/ICE.

>> No.13588738

Ahlan, fellow rapist pedo worshipper. Yes, they are obviously kaffirs (including the OP pic). Point is, it's still muslims who mostly watch this shit, that the porn models would be good faithful women is ... interesting suggestion you've made here, not me.

>> No.13588764

That has to be the dumbest thing I've read.

>> No.13588782

As if you created any idea when you reflex-posted your /pol/ screed that we've all heard a million time. Even your reply was pathetically predictable, the same tired Soi/libtard/crying wojak meme. You've proven yourself as nothing more than a carrier of received wisdom, and, perhaps most shockingly of all, you don't even recognise yourself as such. Hit the books and comeback when you have something to contribute.

>> No.13588787

They recruit from a circle of inceldom.
Turn secular -> most boys become incels -> so its either school shooting, or get recruited by local mosque imam, and go bomb stuff, join ISIS etc.

In ME there are incels too - mostly those poor young frustrated saps who can't afford to buy a wife. And so they join caliphate where they got a loli dispensers going on the cheap from the conquered territory + ofc the 72 VR virgins insurance if you trip on stairs and get accidentally killed while peacefully executing jihad.

Overall, a lot of islam works only because it's carefully working with incel frustrations, and not just mere "be a good goy" ideology like christfags did.

>> No.13589140

>Overall, a lot of islam works only because it's carefully working with incel frustrations, and not just mere "be a good goy" ideology like christfags did.
Why are you lying kike?

>> No.13589178

>If Islam is starting to become like Christianity
Islam is farther ahead than Christianity. They're killing themselves to kill You because they feel completely defeated.

>> No.13589195

I would say Yes. People said Yes and got estén by lions. I can Well accept a bullet in the head.
If You're insterested in making me a Marthyr, just say the word and we'll get in contact on discord or something.
Milions are like me, or can be made like me by example.

>> No.13589200

>before continued state-funded replacement noticeably impacts European demographics
Anon I've got bad news for you...

>> No.13589225

>because they feel completely defeated.
No, because they take the death cult seriously.

Re Sayyid Qutb’s The Future of This Religion.

>> No.13589241

The West in It's Sorry state today is still enought to hand their own asses back to them. I would feel pretty defeated if a tranny soldier easily defeated me hth and deactivated My suicide vest.

>> No.13589260

do you not get out much mohammed?
i work in london
every day i see muslim women wearing designer clothes and carrying expensive handbags
they wear whatever they can get away with while still calling themselves "modest"
yesterday i saw a woman wearing massive sunglasses, a gold coloured hijab, carrying a gucci handbag, wearing tight satin leggings and pink high heels

>> No.13589448

I am muslim, infidel.

I just don't bother worshipping God since he continously throws shit my way.

>> No.13589496
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Also her name is Marilyn Yusuf.

>> No.13589513

Why should we care about inbred retards and their sisters?

>> No.13589555

try Michel Houellebecq .

Bassically there is only consumption, void lifes, sadomasochism and weird sexual perversions. Just like western europe right now.

>> No.13589729

I am sure you did, let's not pretend most women could even afford that, let alone most Pakistani women.

>> No.13589746

Which is the reason most of us entered the thread.

>> No.13589885

god i wish that was me

>> No.13589960

Look at those sexy butches. Absolutely gagging for it so they are

>> No.13589970 [DELETED] 

Islam can never win against capitalism. Sex and shiny things are too powerful. Saying this as a religious person.

>> No.13590251

my man

>> No.13590357
File: 92 KB, 638x960, 3bf2284aafc7da5ab5457268408824f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shiny things
Coin...or latex?

Capitalism is gonna steamroll over everything. God really made a crap world.

>> No.13590367

But Qatar has one of the highest median incomes in the world, just below Belgium, and their Islam is doing fine.

>> No.13590382
File: 3.86 MB, 240x266, Hmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their Islam is doing fine.

>> No.13590401

You are welcome to indulge in your own degenerate filth, just don’t project your sickness onto us.

>> No.13590404

? They have Sharia, their women dress modestly

>> No.13590681
File: 394 KB, 745x937, 2019-08-05_2139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pakistani women.
who cares about pakis? they're generally poor and smelly
most of the rich muslims in london are saudis, emiratis, iranians
plus a few miscellaneous egyptians, malaysians etc
they come here to get away from their repressive homelands, to drink, gamble and fuck, buy and sell arms and football teams, get pally with russian oligarchs
some don't want to go home afterwards like princess haya

>> No.13590702
File: 99 KB, 624x379, Countries-With-The-Hottest-Female-Football-Fans-Colombian-fans-hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're in for a shock when the rest of the world turns up for the world cup in 2022

>> No.13590703

Lol they look like evil sorceresses

>> No.13590720
File: 163 KB, 290x406, EmperorsRoyalGuardCSWE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't disrespect the emperor's royal guard

>> No.13590750

Most Muslims in the UK are Pakistani or some other Commonwealth country. The woman you're talking about are not Muslims due to wearing the hijab anymore than wearing a fez or a turban. They are wealthy atheists, mosques will literally not allow them in

>> No.13590759

Non Muslim women are not subject to Sharia, they are only required to cover below the knee and generally to the elbow

>> No.13590893

They all drink, gamble and fuck behind closed doors. They spend money like water. Remember those wikileaks where the saudi royal family had black bodyguards that the gay princes would fuck? Bet the same shit happens with the qataris. It's non-wealthy who get punished.

>> No.13590911

>The woman you're talking about are not Muslims
except they obviously are
>mosques will literally not allow them in
mosques in the uk are breeding grounds for pedo rapists. slightly more civilised visitors from UAE etc couldn't give a fuck about going to them.
my wife is asian and we have her friends from her home country, some of whom are muslims, over to visit quite frequently. usually they pay lip service to adhering to islamic rules e.g. only going to halal restaurants, for the first few days they are here, but after that they usually don't give a toss and come with us to pubs etc. and lose the hijab at least when they are in our local area. the further away they get from authoritarian surveillance, they become more like normal people.

>> No.13590924

There's no proof that those martyrs even had a choice to deny Christianity.

>> No.13590944

yeah, i've worked in several muslim countries. i worked in saudi arabia for a bit. loads of the expats there make their own homebrew moonshine in the gated communities and drink it at parties. the locals are not supposed to go but sometimes they get invited and aren't slow in downing the brew.

>> No.13590961

Hypocritical decadent scumbags.

>> No.13591120

yes, that is common amongst religionists of all stripes

>> No.13591272

>except they obviously are
Except they aren't. Islam is not an identity, it's a practice, and according to doctrine refusing to pray five times a day out of laziness makes you a kafir

>> No.13591279

Expats in Saudi Arabia means non Arabians

>> No.13591486

>refusing to pray five times a day out of laziness makes you a kafir
It's out of spite from me though.

>> No.13591672

>Islam is not an identity, it's a practice
so you think it doesn't actually require you to believe in anything then?
that's good, because about 15% of the people who actually practice it only do so out of obligation or fear, and don't hold any belief whatsoever
same goes for all religions

>> No.13591699

Islam means submission and is *technically* distinct from iman

>> No.13591724
File: 79 KB, 638x960, DSC_01111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your beef with him? He's just saying they're not really muslim if they don't practice.

>> No.13591766


Not him (really!) but I think he actually satisfactorily called you on your bullshit, and you sorta-know it, so you're obliged to feint to the image choice (witness also the doubling-down on appeal to authority in your own response).

The idea of the first few gens of pseudo-muslims imported into the west seems to be both novel and tenable. You could instead argue that the idea fits with established stereotypes (and so is "unoriginal" in the sense that it jives well with existing ideas (didn't you want those?)), but I reject the notion that the idea itself is so unoriginal. He's also correct that simple personal observation is frequently useful. Of course, it isn't always right, and therefore should not be uniformly appealed to as an oracle, to paraphrase Kant (Prolegomena, introduction. Hint: you can read the context of the passage I refer to as supportive of your position, and in this you would again be incorrect.)

>> No.13592119

The original two posts claimed "willing sacrifice to establish a beachhead", a "strategic sacrice of part of the invasion force" to interpret multiple generations of migration patterns between the Middle East and the West. If they came up with the idea of there being a conscious thought out invasion plan of muslims to the West - the masterminds behind it haven't yet been named here - as a grand strategy actually being realized based on "simple personal observation" maybe mistrust and fear of the unknown is guiding them, not /lit/erature which they cannot cite.

>> No.13593010

Subhuman liar.

>> No.13593022

He's just on a Crusaders to prove that honest faith is impossible, Since he doesn't have it and envies those who do and so his only recorse is to deny that It even exists.

>> No.13593034

The invasión of the musulims to the west was true, most happened And most Will happen again because of the scars they left on us

>> No.13593041

Why does she wear a̶ the mask?

>> No.13593677
File: 79 KB, 640x567, re103+(2)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Shit about a specific religion

Not a lot whole lot about what a society would look like post-religion in the thread. I was just thinking a lot of religion is just to give people cohesion and explicitly tell people things like "Don't fuck animals" because people are really stupid.

>> No.13594357
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>> No.13594374

The Book of Judges

>> No.13594384

just let the thread die with some dignity

>> No.13594394
File: 134 KB, 500x902, 13t5kz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a Bulgarian model, you stupid kafir, the headscarf is also an Eastern European thing. Stupid dog

>> No.13594490

>she's a bulgarian model
i see you've been doing some 'research,' akhi

>> No.13594594

Yep I just googled

To see if she was a Muslim. Discovered OP is a lying dog.



Then you aren't a Muslim anymore than Iblis is

>> No.13594755
File: 23 KB, 492x713, 69aeaffad1136cdccac9a4654ce67b8d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in minnesota, there's a large somali population here. I've seen a lot of girls wear dresses like this (except black).

>> No.13595002

>Then you aren't a Muslim anymore than Iblis is
Says the dude who surfs 4chan.

>> No.13595019


>> No.13595060
File: 158 KB, 2000x1333, 46082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minessota?, well Somalia does what it can, they have tried many times to steal secrets from us and not to recognize us as part of the society

>> No.13595108

If it's black you can't *really* see the figure right?

>> No.13595126

One of the things I like from Somalia after the 3-0 is that they permited ny grandson to aquire my daugter's last name, so I need to convince here, she will never name him Raúl of course, but at least if I can have the last name not everything will be lost

>> No.13595174

daily reminder that Islam asks for decency, not a scarf to put on your head

>> No.13595193

Well its not cuz she is ugly. Its a fetish thing she is like a 9/10 super hot

>> No.13595207

Anyone who googled images of Somalia women and Minnesota will find that you're lying. Somalians in fact do not traditionally wear black, they dress in bright colors.

>> No.13595216

Covering your hair is part of decency as a woman's hair is awrah. But as I pointed out, the woman in the pic is a Bulgarian. A headscarf is not a hijab, an hijab must extend over the chest.

>> No.13595225

You actually googled that? Why?

>> No.13595228 [DELETED] 

So Bulgarian's can't be muslim?

>> No.13595284

To see if you're lying

>> No.13595285

no only pure arab can be muslim. ajamis = evil kuffar

>> No.13595337
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I do not know if there is one such "mastermind", this is literally a thing stated in the Qur'an to replace your enemies through your seed, if you can't do it by the sword. I live in Afghanistan and a lot of of my friends unironically believe that there is a replacement going on and applaud our "brothers and sisters" who are currently doing it. Personally, i don't really care what happens in the West, so who knows.

>> No.13595353

So you don't actually live in any major western city?

>> No.13595370

the majority of muslims in the world are not arabs

>> No.13595390

He's joking.

>> No.13595488
File: 57 KB, 682x1024, 1564978978130m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kek

>> No.13595553

Kek, is your argument really based on a Google image search?

Go to a college campus doofus.