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13588561 No.13588561 [Reply] [Original]

What is power?

>> No.13588564

Power is constituted through accepted forms of knowledge, scientific understanding and ‘truth’:

>> No.13588565
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Someone or something who brings actions into manifestation.

>> No.13588645

Power is not will, it is a phenomenon of physically making things happen

>> No.13588649

So is it time?

>> No.13589655

voltage times current

>> No.13589673


>> No.13589804

Being able to do things for yourself and not give a shit what other people think of you. You must also be very self disciplined.

>> No.13589807
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absolutely based

>> No.13589858

making people do things they usually wouldn’t

>> No.13589920
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Power is an attribute of God

>> No.13590057

in what context?
all the previous answers have a form of merit.

>> No.13590076


>> No.13590243

The ability to exert your will on the world and others in it

>> No.13590360

power is human potence (potence as in potence and act)

>> No.13590364

potency* not a native english speaker, my bad

>> No.13590370

from Anglo-French pouair, Old French povoir, noun use of the infinitive, "to be able," earlier podir (9c.), from Vulgar Latin *potere, from Latin potis "powerful"

>> No.13590385

"quality of being able, ability to do or act, power," Middle English might, from Old English miht, earlier mæht "bodily strength, power; authority, dominion, control; ability," from Proto-Germanic *makhti- (source also of Old Norse mattr, Old Frisian, Middle Dutch, Dutch macht, Old High German maht, German Macht, Gothic mahts), a Germanic suffixed form of the PIE root *magh- "to be able, have power."

>> No.13590397

It’s obvious from these definitions that those who are obsessed with power are extremely wanting

>> No.13590939


>> No.13590957

Control over will (self and other's).
Control over Nature's will (physical reality)

>> No.13591100

Will is physical.

>> No.13591153

I'm sure it is for materialists.
Regular people don't believe that shit though when compared to lived experience.

You're not going to convince many people that they're will is an illusion of chemical reactions.

>> No.13591229

It's not an illusion. Yet they believe in that your head being blown off is "real".

>> No.13591440

Yeah we're not really that kind of retard, you'd probably find that garden variety of narcissist on /pol/. We're still retards, but less averse to reading.

>> No.13591443

Over others.

>> No.13591461

That's the opposite of power: the view of power from powerlessness, the view of the infinitely self-limited point.

True power is with others: love.

>> No.13591481

>the view of power from powerlessness, the view of the infinitely self-limited point
Calling me a peon in itself does nothing to invalidate my point, true power is power over others.
>True power is with others: love.
Kill yourself.

>> No.13591484

Despite all the meme beliefs, power is the core of human life. There are two kinds of people: those who decide, and those who obey. Life is a struggle for dominating or being dominated. And it's all, obviously, meaningless and futile, given the eternal non existence that awaits us all and transient nature of everything.

>> No.13591737

All these fucking replies yet I can't get a single uniform answer.

>> No.13591739


>> No.13591764

the ability of doing things, not necessarily things you want to do.