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/lit/ - Literature

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13586830 No.13586830 [Reply] [Original]

Sup guise. Just wanted to drop by and encourage the writers on the board to keep plugging away at their projects. That’s it. Stay at it. Get up early and make a little more progress each day and you’ll have a finished poem/short story /novella/screenplay/ novel before you know it

>> No.13586842

yeah whatever fuck you

>> No.13587008

I honestly identify with this image but in my defense at least I don't have an english degree or a career in publishing

>> No.13588050

I'm currently writing 9 novels at the same time.
They're all set in the same storyline of alternative history and slowly move from sci-fi to fantasy in terms of setting.
Where would be the best place to publish them though ? Maybe Amazon ?

>> No.13588056

Do you at least have a comfy sweater?

>> No.13588062
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I do not understand how people write for 8 hours at a stretch, like all the great writers claim to do.

>> No.13588109

Longest I've done is 15

After about 10 hours continuously the end of my index finger goes completely numb, usually takes a day for the feeling to return

>> No.13588117

How in the fuck do you even get into such a groove and stay there? Do you at any point exhaust your creative faculties and start getting redundant? That's what I don't understand.

>> No.13588126


I mean it's not 12 hours of continuous scratching, I spend a lot of time staring into space and making notes in the margins. I also actively edit as I write which drags out the process.

Hardest thing for me is getting started on a given day. It's like getting a boat up on plane, you need a lot of throttle initially but once you're up out of the water you can throttle down and cruise. Tiny meals and short breaks to stretch really help with focus.

I think I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to this particular thing. I couldn't never concentrate in school at all, but once I started writing for myself it was like I'd tapped enormous reserves of nervous energy. It can be hard to sustain though and you always have to know when to stop for the day. I think physical fitness really improves mental stamina a lot. Too many intellectuals are in horrendous shape and it takes a toll on their cognition.

>> No.13588762

12 hours over the period when you are awake during the day isn't that hard. Starting is the hardest part but even when I'm not actively writing I'm thinking of things I could use for the story.
You need to take short breaks during a long slog of writing but even when taking a break if you keep your mind active about what you're writing more ideas will make themselves.
The best advice I can give is simply write short scenes of what you think you could use, first starting with the outline of each scene and then adding dialogue.
Eventually you'll have amassed a huge amount of scenes to work with and make a story.
This makes writing something much easier since you're simply putting scenes in a logical order instead of trying to write in sequence.

>> No.13589396

Be consistent. 6:00am-730am are dedicated to writing right off the bat. You become what you practice

>> No.13590329

As I writer I would like dispute this. Writing ever day regardless of your mood or mental state is a good way to creatively sterilize yourself.

>> No.13591489

Oh shit it's gaskun! Do you ever speak to any of the others from tinychat still?

>> No.13591505

Post them on /lit/

>> No.13591511

It’s over dude, butterbabe posted while sucking on my cock earlier :3 she made sounds like ‘Mm’ and stuff in her posts. 4pm - 5pm est was really a magical experience

>> No.13591525
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>> No.13591532

Hello /lit/, you might be just responding to a random fag who won't follow any advice, or you might help me starting to write great stuff
I will try to keep it short:
I haven't written anything except a few poems in years. I have also read very little in the last, and when I did read I was a teenager so it wasn't exactly all non forgettable stuff, I've read just a tiny bit of the classics.
I had ideas of writing and was supported in those ideas by some people I really admired regarding their character and their knoweldge of art and literature, but I stopped writing and haven't started since.
It's like I've gotten a blcok where I just fucking lost it, and I get anxious every time I try to write and I look to my stuff as very bad.
I have been depressed for years and in retrospect I always probably felt something gnawing at me for not writing or expressing myself creatively, since that's what I dreamed to do.
I'm not exactly on a native level regarding English but there is a thing I did start and which I really hoped I would've finished and tried to get published, and I still think it's a great plot idea, however I feel like I would be incapable of doing it succesfuly.
It all just feels like I've wasted so much time and potential and that I've dulled out my brain and that I can't ever be able to pick up writing again.
Should I try writing shitty pulp fiction and try to sell it on Amazon or some shit? That might be able to free me up and let me just type away shit as opposed to always feeling like the writing would be inadequate. I don't browse /lit/ so I definitely assume I'll get responses which will amount to >lol just read ur not that talented, or simply no responses at all, but it felt really nice anyways to get this off my chest and write it down, so I guess thanks to the fucking tripfag OP

>> No.13592202

Seriously you are worse than "she" is.