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13586631 No.13586631[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what he readin?

>> No.13586637

An Essay on Criticism

>> No.13586640

>gilded edges
>red silk bookmark

the bible

>> No.13586643 [DELETED] 

the latest edition of his diary desu published by Yale University Press with a forward by William Lane Craig

>> No.13586646


>> No.13586651

Why you should say you make more money than you actually earn and save all your actual money in order to pay more in taxes to the IRS so you receive full $2850 a month SSDI Benefits for the rest of your life and never need to work again, ever by Berkley.

>> No.13586653

wow, that makes me depressed

>> No.13586654

>When, long ago, the gods created Earth
>In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
>The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
>Yet were they too remote from humankind.
>To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
>Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
>A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
>Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

>> No.13586671

Have sex.

>> No.13586802
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>> No.13586806

absolutely based

>> No.13586811

What else would Popeposter be reading? ;)

>> No.13586972
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>> No.13586993

it makes me so sad knowing that most girls want a man like this. that even if i had a crush, and even if she were kind to me, she'd ultimately pine for a man like him and feel very flustered around him compared to when with me. it makes me almost feel like i should be subservient to such men, because they are "better" than me and i have no value before them. it just feels so bad

>> No.13586998

Take the cuckpill, brother. I have a girlfriend now with multiple fuckbuddies and I often watch them fuck. It feels so good to know the girl I love is having mindblowing sex with guys much manlier and more handsome than me. I'm such a worm and I love it.

>> No.13587025

fuck off. don't give bad advice to people.

>> No.13587031
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Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.13587039
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>> No.13587042

Incel cope. I'm happier than I've ever been, can you say the same?

>> No.13587044
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>> No.13587060

Women aren't as obsessed with the looks of their partners as much as guys are despite what you may feel. Lots of girls like skinny guys, lots of short girls refuse to date guys who are way taller than them, lots of girls are turned off by the bodies guys on /fit/ aim for, and so on. You need to be confident and you need to be able to make her laugh and you need to make her feel loved and special. As long as you aren't legitimately ugly you shouldn't let looks hold you back. If you don't know whether you're physically attractive or not you're probably average like your father, his father, his father, and so on. They all got pussy so stop being an incel bitch cause it's not attractive.

>> No.13587068
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>> No.13587071

>weak jawline
>hairy hands
>ugly haircut
>borderline obese

>> No.13587074

The most virgin post in this thread

>> No.13587082
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t. cumbrain incel

>> No.13587084
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>> No.13587089

Have sex

(or be in a threesome like I am :3)

>> No.13587090
File: 44 KB, 400x204, 1563659158309.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme magick is getting out of hand
praise Kek

>> No.13587093

t. schizo tranny

>> No.13587106

>strong Germanic facial structure
>succulent lips
>slender hairless body
>beautiful skin
>pensive brow

1000% more chap than OP’s pic

>> No.13587109

Fuck I wanna cum inside him

>> No.13587111
File: 1.20 MB, 1281x694, lies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just be kunfident bro
Once again it's all about funny extrovert chads. I'm not a bad guy, but I'm considered worthless because I'm not a sunshine face overtly excited with everything and everyone. I've seen girls go for guys objectively uglier than me because of their personality. FFS I've been on a date and the girl laughed at the jokes of the guy on the other table.
Personality is genetic, I didn't choose to be neurotic, anxious introvert and now I have to suffer my whole life because of it.

>> No.13587113

Fuck I meant to quote >>13587084

>> No.13587120

theres more to life than looks bud. just like you yourself will always have a slight wandering eye to other majestic women. it doesnt mean anything. love is stronger than primal urges

>> No.13587127

Cope. Take the cuckpill >>13586998

>> No.13587140

nah thats gay and im not gay. its also adultery which is immoral and extremely distasteful to all good senses

>> No.13587144

>>13587120 is right. If you've ever been in love their physical flaws become lovely.
Stop making excuses for yourself faggot nigger incel.

>> No.13587159


>> No.13587188 [DELETED] 

you are being abused and you can be with someone who won't hurt you like that. you are not a worm, you're a human and deserve love and compassion from the person you're with, not humiliation at the hands of their hedonistic impulse.

>> No.13587218

Bro you’ve just got to find a girl that like neurotic, anxious introverts. My bud found a girl in college bc he never said anything in any class. The girls thought he was austere or something so one struck up a conversation with him and hit it off.

>> No.13587231

imagine sneakily taking picture of another man
he must think ur gay OP

>> No.13587236

how do you know i deserve love? or if i even want it for myself? i am going to torture my body and soul just to spite God for creating me

>> No.13587240

Judging by the fact that the page is sticking half in the air, nothing

>> No.13587247

12 rules for life

>> No.13587248

No it was me. I was reading An Essay on Criticism and had to take a picture of myself at the airport for my parents. Set it up on another table with a timer cause I was alone. Not sure how OP got this pic.

>> No.13587252

Fake it till you make it

>> No.13587253

There are lots of girls who like edgy 4chan types. Just put yourself out there even if it feels awkward at first.

>> No.13587263

i dont want to be better
thats why i hide my problems and stay along and depressed all the time
i hate myself, body and soul, and i will force this body to succumb to the rope

>> No.13587267

Yeah dude women love obnoxious guys that get made fun of constantly

>> No.13587276

Glad that I don't have glasses

>> No.13587279

Talk to a doctor please
I'm not obnoxious and I don't get made fun of. If you're referring to yourself then quit being obnoxious.

>> No.13587284 [DELETED] 

because you are a living thing that experiences pain and happiness, and everything that lives should be loved and should feel ok.

>> No.13587290

because you mean something, everything u do has meaning. whether u believe it or not. if u torture yourself, others will follow suit. dont be the chain reaction, end it and make something of yourself. clean ur room faggot

>> No.13587296

>lol just be yourself girls don't care what you look like
It's convenient that it's only ever very attractive people that say this shit

>> No.13587303

why is it so hard for you people to understand
if you have Ted Bundy in your room, do you feel like giving him food and shelter?
No, you want to punch him in the face and possible rape him there and then just to show him how much you hate him
thats how i feel about myself, i hate God for creating me, and i am going to break and destroy His image

>> No.13587311

Have you ever thought maybe there's a reason people keep telling you to be yourself? I'm far from a chad and I'm awkward as fuck and I never even held a girl's hand till I put myself out there this summer. Already got to play with two sets of tiddies.

>> No.13587319

You write like an AI generates text

>> No.13587330

Don't go up and shoot someone mate

>> No.13587333

he already did some atrocious acts so yeah hed get punished somehow. u havent.. ur just despondent and in need of something. go find help. your own mind is poisoning you and unfortunately its not an answer so easily given. keep reading and finding ways to improve yourself because it always matters that you matter.

>> No.13587344
File: 9 KB, 220x273, 220px-Alexander_Popezzz_by_Michael_Dahl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an Alexander Pope thread


>> No.13587350 [DELETED] 

yeah bro Ive hurt people and hated myself too, you and I are not Ted Bundy, we are not that bad, and even Bundy could have been put in a place where he'd just not hurt anyone, and could have deserved love even in his broken fuckery because he still existed as a thing that wanted to be ok.

God did not just create you, he is a part of you, and you can no more destroy his image than you can destroy the world. Your image is always of God, you might just not really get what God is because people have poisoned the thoughts about it.

There is is immense wrong in the world and in us, and we don't know why that is, it came from our our tasting the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in eden, and we will live ever in this confused state of judging things as being good or bad, but that is not the truth, and you can see in your heart it is not the truth, you see the beauty in creation, you see the meaning that cannot be explained in the workings of the world, even when you are in misery and pain, you remember some moment that spoke to that transcendent and healing forgiveness and world that exists beyond what we can see.

I know you have at least a faint sense of that beauty and meaning because Richard fucking Ramirez evinced in certain interviews where he spoke about why he killed, the ruined beauty he tried to achieve in his broken mind.

you know not what you do until you accept God then you see everything as glowing harmony and go forward in the way that makes sense. let go of pride and evil

>> No.13587352

'Tis hard to say, if greater want of skill
Appear in writing or in judging ill;
But, of the two, less dang'rous is th' offence
To tire our patience, than mislead our sense.
Some few in that, but numbers err in this,
Ten censure wrong for one who writes amiss;
A fool might once himself alone expose,
Now one in verse makes many more in prose.

>> No.13587353

i am a weak man who let people trample over me all the time
i would hurt dare to hurt an ant because i feel like i dont deserve even that
maybe, perhaps Tolstoy was right to hide his gun, cuz i would have definitely proof yet again that the head doesn't do well agaisnt bullet

>> No.13587603

seems to be the case
shit or get off the pot. either fake it till you make it and jump through all the hoops (by the way, they smell this and find it repugnant and subhuman, and it is) or stop complaining and amor fati your way into some kind of interesting life for yourself. are you an american? are you young? what can a girl's laugh or an estimation of worth (???) from your peers get you?
try to watch into great silence or read about wittgenstein's life. or think seriously about how men lived a hundred and fifty years ago. just pleez don't be a simp. i love you <3

>> No.13587607

Intellectuals and Society.

>> No.13587711


looks like Book of Mormon. Lots of mormon chads, it's a shame they've gotten brainwashed by a literal jesus fanfiction. Mormons are not even christians but I will say their hearts are in the right place. Pray for the conversion of mormon chads to the true Church

>> No.13587716

Unironically looks like the Bible, ironically Jordan Peterson.

>> No.13588022

God damn this is pathetic. He's better than you because he works for it and your'e lazy and insecure. That dude works his ass off 6 days a week in the gym, eats right, watches his calories and macro nutrients, runs, has a skincare routine, and is passionate about self betterment.

He's reading the bible in his free time, you can guess the dude is compassionate and cares about bettering both himself and others. Who knows, maybe he even leads a youth group.

What do you do besides whine about others and waste your time on 4chan? Stop sitting in envy and start working on yourself. Stop wasting your energy worrying about better men, when you should be becoming a better man.

>> No.13588027
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Probably the Moomins!

>> No.13589255

>He's better than you because he works for it
The genetic and personality characteristics that enable and even motivate him to do so are arbitrarily assigned.

Nobody is better than me.

>> No.13589347

how convenient that you have no personal responsability responsability

>> No.13589352

Responsibility is a spook.

You can blame me for whatever you want and I can deny it as much as I want.

>> No.13589367

yes, instead of improving yourself like the chad in OP's pic. your explanation lets you keep being lazy, it's very convenient for you

>> No.13589370

>it's very convenient for you
I assure you it is not.

>> No.13589588

Good for you.

>> No.13589597

>2/10 wouldn't bang

>> No.13589620

These dumb cunts would look better if they didn’t all get the same fucked square glasses and shit haircuts, at the very least

>> No.13589734

This image legitimately makes me frustrated. It makes me realize why people gate keep. He already has it all, does he need to be an intellectual as well?

>> No.13589767

Have sex.

>> No.13589784

I want to. But I don't look like this

>> No.13589870

99% of guys don't

>> No.13590349

Heaven forbid Chad becoming more educated

>> No.13590433


>> No.13590440

ur egocentrique faggjort

>> No.13590455

How To Stop Holding Cups In Mid-air For No Reason

>> No.13590767

My Dairy Desu

>> No.13590838

> rape him
Jesus christ nigger

>> No.13590843

Okay gay ESL incel

>> No.13590945

The Holy Bible

>> No.13590950
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Rich dad poor dad of course.

>> No.13591086


good advice. i need to be more confident

great advice. need to work on myself. my post was not envious though, it wasn't saying "i want to be him", but rather just lamenting at how cruel this world is that even if i have a big and soft heart which i'm willing to hand over completely to a sweet and kind girl, "alpha" men like in OP are what many girls are deep down drawn to and pining for. i wish the alpha archetype didnt exist and girls only wanted to be in wholesome, celibate relationships with shy virgins like me and the other kind men who frequent this site and elsewhere. i wish we could all be Pure, rather than accept the state of unwholesomeness which takes over after adolescence is reached

this is my second post here btw. anyone else in the thread isn't me

"love is stronger than primal urges"
I really hope so. that's a really comforting sentiment, since my fear is the very opposite: that nothing wholesome can survive in this wicked world, that baser animal instincts almost always overthrow our higher, transcendent expressions

>> No.13591205

are the photos all of the same guy? this is the garlic shooter guy?

>> No.13591323
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>> No.13591329
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What religion/denomination is Chad?

>> No.13591330

any good books on this

>> No.13591337

>He's better than you because he works for it

yeah, if i get myself in the gym i can spurt up to 6'2 and grow perfect facial development and a thick head of hair too. kek. keep coping retard

>> No.13591372
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>Paying taxes to maximize meager allowances in benefits instead of investing in property.

>> No.13591407
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>> No.13591408

Not coping. Everyone is capable of self betterment and should be improving themselves through hobbies, fitness, and lifestyle doing what they can to be a better person. Not for others, but for yourself. Be that with reading, working out, volunteering, or even just treating yourself to a movie you wanted to catch up on. Personal development is important and everyone should do it. Rather than focusing on the people next you, you should focus on yourself.

Two years of focusing on myself has changed my life. I'm not where I want to be yet, but my life is the better for it.


>> No.13591419

>You can blame me for whatever you want and I can deny it as much as I want.

>> No.13591643

I'm curious, does it make you unease to know that there are men like that who are as well read as you guys?

>> No.13591661


>> No.13591686


>> No.13591744

Bible definitely

>> No.13591767

yeah Garlic Onions boy, El Pasoy and Gaylona

>> No.13591852

What makes me uneasy is knowing that there are men who cut their cocks off and dress as women who read as I do.

>> No.13591920

No, it is. You’re lazy at heart and hate yourself for it. You live in a world where you think you’re entitled to the good life but your current circumstances are at odds with that world, and it makes you uncomfortable. But hey you weren’t born one of the lucky ones. Everything in your life was a product of outside influences. You let go of the wheel as soon as you were born, and let life steer you further and further from your ideal self as you sat like a dummy in the drivers seat, waiting for the inevitable crash. You knew the crash would eventually come, but you didn’t care and couldn’t bring yourself to care because that would mean you had to try and not be lazy. That meant you needed to exert effort. That meant doing something. That meant failure was an option. But you’re not only lazy, you’re a coward too, because failure can’t be an option. It would be proof positive of your inadequacies. Better to live your life untested, unproven, with doubt, and with hope in that you had all the tools to prove it, you just couldn’t be fucked to do it. Because you think you don’t need to, you’re better than that. Right?

>> No.13591941


>> No.13592012

Limb lengthening surgery + lifts
>subhuman face
Plastic surgery

All you need is money really

>> No.13592201

No. They're the best people with whom to discuss literature, since they're actually habituated with conversation and human interaction.

>> No.13592244

I'm a complete manlet (5'6") but getting laid still isn't super difficult. Just don't be a complete fucking loser faggot.

>> No.13592253

Same, the book is probably as full of crap as Pure Protein bars. Those aren’t muscles, that’s glycerine.

>> No.13592267

The dude looks pretty natty..

>> No.13592283

>dude just deadlift yourself into having grest facial aesthetics and height lmao
Based retard

>> No.13592286

>consuming a glycerine bar
Sure, I guess

>> No.13592290

>bruh women don't care about looks it's all about personality dude
Peak cope


>> No.13592306

>stop being an incel bitch cause it's not attractive.
I think this is a large part of hating incels, they seem to have clashed with a major cult in our society, a cult of being attractive. It’s not that incels are wrong, it’s that they’re uncool and that’s what matters most to these people.

>> No.13592317
File: 75 KB, 506x506, IMG_E0589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadlifting and working out does improve facial aesthetics. It also strengthens jaw muscles and defines the jaw more. Here's before.

>> No.13592321
File: 108 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face after exercising and bulking up around 100 pounds. Not where I want to be yet, but it's an improvement.

>> No.13592327

It's that their annoying and full of hate for themselves and others

>> No.13592338

But being an an incl, by it's very definition, is not a choice

>> No.13592347

It is a choice. They could choose to change that anytime they want to stop being pathetic.

>> No.13592352

Do you even know what incel stands for you knuckle scraping moron?

>> No.13592355

And such an idiotic cult too.

>> No.13592361

You still look like an idiot

>> No.13592365

No it doesn't lmao
That's called finishing puberty

>> No.13592368

Yeah I do.

"are members of an online subculture who define themselves as unable to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one, a state they describe as inceldom."

Literally their own fault. They can change that anytime they want to, it's not that hard to get laid. They just actually have to get out of the house and work on themselves.

>> No.13592373

I was done with puberty. That's when I was 18 before I worked out and the other is when I'm 22.

>> No.13592374

>They just actually have to get out of the house and work on themselves.
Is there anything more boomer than inceltears posters

>> No.13592377
File: 209 KB, 615x361, Nakamura calling you a retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means involuntarily celibate you drooling drinking lobotimte. You want me to break down those words too you retard or can you use google like a big boy?

>> No.13592385

You sound insecure bro

>> No.13592390

I know what it means. I just wrote out the googled definition for you my man. Sorry you're having trouble getting laid. You could change it if you want, up to you. Hope your life turns up.

>> No.13592392

Your endocrine system isn't fully developed until around 23-25. There's no evidence lifting actually changes your facial bone structure. Some confuse the chiseled face due to low body fat with a bigger jaw.

>> No.13592404

I didn't say it changed bone structure, I said it improves facial aesthetics by lowering body fat percentage and strengthening jaw muscles.

>> No.13592409

ironically, just leave him alone advice posters can't comprehend anything more complicated than the advice they give

>> No.13592416

This is the best post Ive seen all day

>> No.13592417
File: 181 KB, 303x311, 1557135125723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems your idiocy knows no bounds, and you've mistaken me being offended at your low intelligence level with having anything to do you wrongly assuming i'm an incel. Fun fact, did you know people with an IQ below 84 can't enlist in the US army? So i guess that means you don't have to worry about being enlisted. Although they don't let trannies in in the first place, so I guess that was never really an issue.

>> No.13592419

Based, fuck lefties so much

>> No.13592427

Why are you talking like a cartoon character? You don't even sound smart. And what's sad is "intelligence" is the only thing you have to cling to, and in reality you're not good at that either.

I'm entering my masters program, I'm happy, and I get laid because I choose to better myself. But sure, stay hateful and resentful, it's a great look on you buddy and clearly it's worked out well for you.

>> No.13592430

Only marginally if you weren't fat
To have a face like OP's pic you need the genes for it, most men will never look anything like it

>> No.13592442

I'd disagree. I was 6'3 and only 127 pounds, I had no jaw line. Now I'm 6'5 and 210 pounds and actually have a jaw now because of strengthened jaw muscles.

>> No.13592461

It's hard to know how much can be attributed to lifting and how much to your natural growing process.
I have never seen men well into their 20s drastically changing their faces after lifting, unless they lost a lot of body fat %

>> No.13592471
File: 238 KB, 637x430, Nakamura laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do type like a redditor? Sorry you got exposed for your very apparent mental deficiencies, and that it's making seethe this damn hard. But that doesn't give the right to attack my character with such lies. I'm going to be the bigger man here and not let it get to me. I'm sorry I made you so upset by pointing out to others that you were not smart and were even a transsexual, i see know that that was rude of me and was something to be broached in private. I do hope your next lobotomy goes well, I hear it was because you kept telling people you were entering a masters program despite never attending education. I'm not sure what you mean by typing like a cartoon character, maybe you didn't take your pills today, so I forgive you.

>> No.13592472

Lifting increases testosterone which contributes to the development of your jaw. A 35 year old man will have a better jaw than a 20 year old even if he never worked out. A 35 year old man who worked out will have a better jaw than a 35 year old man who didn’t.

>> No.13592477

how do i get skin like that

>> No.13592481

Be white and get a healthy amount of sun

>> No.13592482

That makes sense, probably plays a big part in it.

>> No.13592483

Good genes

>> No.13592488

Facial cleanser, sunscreen, moisturizer, and a derma roller used once or twice a week.

>> No.13592492
File: 469 KB, 500x775, My Diary Desu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13592495

>Lifting increases testosterone

It does, but not nearly as much as you think, and jaw development is defined far more by your testosterone in the uterus than in your 30s. You don't grow bone at that age

>> No.13592501

Yes you do, testosterone continuously develops your jaw throughout your life. Your ears and nose never stop growing either.

>> No.13592511

Outside of medical cases, bone growth is marginal past a certain age. This isn't debated by anyone

>> No.13592514

>bone growth is marginal past a certain age.
And it’s literally millimeters that make the distinction, either way all men develop their chins over the course of their life and difference between age 20 and age 40 for your masculine features is immense.

>> No.13592529

And I have never seen either scientific or personal evidence that lifting spurs meaningful jaw bone growth in adult men.
I don't know why people show so much resistance to the idea that physical attractiveness is mostly genetic. Well, I do know, but you get the idea.

>> No.13592542

Whoa man you’re preaching to the choir. Testosterone affects bone growth and so it should be obvious that lifting does tangentially. Just as well attention from the opposite sex increases testosterone, so the facially advantages have a leg up on you there too. Being a virgin and being a chad are self fulfilling prophecies.

>> No.13592552
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>> No.13592562

>Testosterone affects bone growth
Of course, but not in the way you think it does. Bone growth is also dictated by aging, such as the fusing of growth plates.
And according to scientific literature, increases in testosterone due to lifting isn't that dramatic e.g. it won't help someone with low testosterone to reach a normal level.

The idea that men can get prominent jaws by lifting is mostly broscience

>> No.13592571

I’m saying you can get a prominent jaw by aging and that lifting assists in that effect

>> No.13592576

Why are there so many god damn incels here?

>> No.13592577

Should change to “people who think about wealth inequality” and replace incel with poor people

>> No.13592581

Incels are a third of just YOUNG men, also philosophers being generally misogynistic has attracted the incel crowd.

>> No.13592586

No a third of young men just haven't got laid yet. Incel is a mindset, not a status.

>> No.13592588

It's not a book of mormon, the spine doesn't match

>> No.13592591

We’re reaching levels of denial that shouldn’t even be possible...

>> No.13592611


>> No.13593178
File: 53 KB, 724x720, Cz4-zGuXUAA4WvB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something plebeian, I suppose.

>> No.13593204

Yes I could really Go for industrial society And it's future

>> No.13593208

Yes I have not discussed any of the important martes such a pity

>> No.13593267

Anyway, it doesn't make me uneasy, it makes me happy.

Off-topic P.S. Almost no one who is well-read is well-read.

>> No.13593357
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, 1559304901967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13593362


>> No.13593440

Imagine being an incel hater and being this behind on the social reality.

>> No.13593454

Unironically good advice. Subhumans like you must submit to us superiors

>> No.13593477

>Lots of girls like skinny guys, lots of short girls refuse to date guys who are way taller than them, lots of girls are turned off by the bodies guys on /fit/ aim for, and so on
Because they're weak and can't handle those things, it's too much for them, they don't have the self esteem. Your advice is to stay weak and lame and get with another weak lame person to comfort and rationalize one another's weakness. What if one of you does the right thing and stops being weak?
>average like your father, his father, his father, and so on. They all got pussy
They also got cucked and died alone.

>> No.13593495

Whoa, what a speech! Hahah! Let's listen to some uplifting music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U06jlgpMtQs

>> No.13593510

Yeah, your genetics suck. You don't have an option but to live with them. He has way more genetic attractiveness than you will ever have.

Why is that not a reason to try and do your best with what you've got anyway? Anyone better than you doesn't care about you because they're too busy enjoying their own life, so you don't need to worry about them.

So, you're absolutely right. Your maximum potential is lower than other peoples'. Even if you strive to be your best, you won't ever be as good as they will if they strive to be their best. That's a dark truth that no-one is willing to admit, and that people are too afraid to tell you because they don't want to hurt your feelings. You were right all along about that.

Let's look at the other side: a large majority of women flock to a small minority of men. You argue that your genes won't ever allow you to be in that small minority of men who get all the women.

So what do you do? Do you just stay in your category because life put you there? Do you believe that your life just couldn't improve from where you are? Even 1%? If not, does that mean you've reached your genetic and social potential already?

>> No.13593543

Cross-referencing the original Mandarin of Pound's translations whilst shooting peripheral glances at the anime titty bookmark slipping out from the previous page

>> No.13593813

Cool anon. Next time I look at the stumps where my legs used to be I'll remember that the reason I need a wheelchair is because I'm lazy.

>> No.13593866
File: 80 KB, 500x375, you-look-at-him-and-tell-me-theres-a-god-48123360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
