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13586474 No.13586474 [Reply] [Original]

Any anons here get an English degree? What are you doing now?

>> No.13587283

contemplating suicide

>> No.13587322


I have a Master's in English. I am a high school English teacher. Do not do it.

>> No.13587329

mostly posting

>> No.13587351

SSDI recipient.

>> No.13587356

I have a computer science degree and I work all the time and don't read anymore

>> No.13587358
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>intern at a shitty local school teaching fucking zoomers
>fortnite dances, memes, autistic adhd retards screeching for no fucking reason all the time and i am forced to cooperate with them

>> No.13587860

Don't think ill ever be a teacher, good luck.

>> No.13587872
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English degree = you're teaching English. Which can be awesome, but I think teaching English is something you should do when you're an old eclectic fuck and ready to stop grinding the thing you were a little more passionate about.

>> No.13587881

what do you do before you're an old eclectic fuck asking for a friend haha

>> No.13587884

I have a PhD

>> No.13587887

Become an architect, filmmaker, or astronomer

>> No.13587890
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>> No.13587893

Working part-time as a supervisor

>> No.13587895

is it actually possible to become an architect with an English degree? Don't you need some mathematics or drawing ability at least?

>> No.13587897

English Lit BA here, I work part-time as a librarian and make up the rest of my income by gigging regularly

I honestly can't complain, although I'd like it if I could drop the library job altogether and become a full-time musician.

>> No.13587907

The point is that you shouldn't get an English degree, unless it's at Yale/Berkeley or under some other exceptional circumstance.

>> No.13587911
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>> No.13588087


>> No.13588519

I research and write for an online publication. I got a Master’s degree though.

>> No.13589301


>> No.13589325

Why the hell do you need an English degree.You basically have all the tools available to give yourself a rudimentary English 'degree'. Study something useful.

>> No.13589379


I graduated with an English degree at the end of 2018. During my final semester I took a capstone that was focused on analyzing the value of the degree itself... If I had known at the beginning what I learned in that class, then I wouldn't have majored in English. Now I'm seven months out of school with no offers. It's not like I don't have the necessary experience either: I had a year-long internship as a communications officer for a local government agency, and I worked with my college's student newspaper for over two years including as its editor-in-chief. I have not gotten a single interview, and to be quite honest I feel like I was duped. I'm currently pursing an apprenticeship in a trade. I'd be making just as much if not more as a skilled laborer than what the average English major earns anyway.

>> No.13589602

Useful things are boring and I would rather kill myself than be a coding monkey. I already have enough issues as it is.

>> No.13589654

Me too, but I didn't get an English degree, I got a different degree. You're not a fan of the profession?

>> No.13589735

>Do not do it.
Is being a high school English teacher really that bad?

>> No.13589750

well if being a high school english student is anything to go by

>> No.13589753

It's not, but teachers love to be dramatic about it.

t. teacher

>> No.13589828

Girls are only willing to fuck the STEM teachers for better grades and the PE coach for daddyness. Nobody gives a shit about the English teacher. In fact you're one of the most likely teachers to be seen as effeminate and pathetic, prone to being laughed at and humiliated. Expect to be doxxed for any vulnerabilities that can be used against you.

>> No.13589832

Bruh you should try nofap

>> No.13589901

I have a double major in English and Philosophy. Im in law school right now. Law was always the goal, but English and Phil was a pleasant way to fulfill that goal.

>> No.13591129

>You basically have all the tools available to give yourself a rudimentary English 'degree'.
Unless you're an idiot savant, its unlikely you'll develop the same kind of close-text analysis skills and appreciation for the finer gradients of the art. Dependant on the teaching, naturally. Why implicate something as banal as utility with the lofty towers of knowledge?

>> No.13591137

High School English Teacher. I love my work. I get to teach seniors this year.
I own a brewery on the side.

>> No.13591140

not necessarily true. I know people who used their English degrees to get jobs in marketing, and project managing.

>> No.13591158

Going for an English ba and my teaching certification. Where do you live? My only concern is that I'll have trouble finding a job in NY. I'm willing to suffer for a bit tho because once I get in, pay is pretty good here and that pension is sweeett

>> No.13592094

Bumping because in between degrees and lost currently. Not really ever an /academia/ thread up and I don't feel like I need to make a new thread for just myself really.

>> No.13592131

Is your IQ greater than 125? Do a philosophy degree.

>> No.13592189

Is teaching high school English really the only option for people with English degrees?

>> No.13592213

You can teach english overseas although typically any 4 year degree qualifies you

>> No.13592227

Making the best damn pot of coffee I can for mininum wage plus tip.

>> No.13592237

Tech writing. It's fine and I can work on my novel at night.

>> No.13592242

What is tech writing

>> No.13592255

What city do you live in? Do you think there a lot of technical writing opportunities in nyc or would I have to move to california or some shit?