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13586150 No.13586150 [Reply] [Original]

>Debord drank a liter of vodka a day
Is there any other alcoholic writer who matches Debord? A liter a day seems absolutely fucking insane

>> No.13586163



>> No.13586206

Jack Kerouac, bless his soul.

>> No.13586211

I mean spread across a day, he didn't fucking down a litre bottle and then go out doing that walking shite whatever he called it

>> No.13586241

How do these guys write when drunk? I can barely remember my name when drunk, let alone produce good prose.

>> No.13586267

Dylan Thomas

>> No.13586288

His diet of bugers, apple pie, and booze is legendary

>> No.13586299

he was probably wandering around drunk when he came up with that tho
If you write punch prose like Hemingway and Debord I could understand. How Faulkner wrote long prose passages while fucked up is beyond me

>> No.13586338

Sartre took amphetamines to write, and countered with alcohol, hash and barbiturics

>> No.13586342

Truly an epic belly on that guy. 'Magine how comfy that musta been

>> No.13586388

The man fucked his health up and eventually had a stroke and went blind. The Family Idiot is hella comfy.

>> No.13586393

he raelly eat buggers??

>> No.13586397

across the USA

>> No.13586404

is that the key to writing nice i wonder

>> No.13586411

sometimes seems like the good writers have their own ingredients and we just have to find our own

>> No.13586423


>> No.13586427 [DELETED] 

How the fuck this cracker can affords a liter of vodka a day... I can barely afford to take the motherfucker bus in town to buy condoms

>> No.13586436

>A liter a day seems absolutely fucking insane
lmao sure thing, mutt

>> No.13586441


once you get to a certain level of drug abuse, you need them to function. they could probably do anything a sober person does while blasted out of their minds, but not the other way around

>> No.13586442


>> No.13586511

>A liter a day seems absolutely fucking insane
did this for a few months once and now have some actual nerve damage from it

>> No.13588209

A liter a day is pretty standard for serious alcoholics.

>> No.13588234

>he didn't fucking down a litre bottle and then go out doing that walking shite whatever he called it

lol. the french are experts at renaming banal shit and tricking you into thinking they've discovered something new

>> No.13588247

That explains a lot.

>> No.13588302


Did this a few years ago when I truly hated myself, + around 600-1000mg of DXM a day. When I stopped after a few weeks I had terrible withdrawals combined with psychosis, ended up with seizures in the hospital. Thought I finally saw God while convulsing in the ER, a indescribable jolt of euphoria came over me and everything, the whole world finally made sense. It felt like every bad thing that ever happened to me was worth it just for this one instant of pure clarity and joy. But then the euphoria and the insights quickly turned into despair, fear, paranoia and convulsions. Started screaming „God exists! God exists!“ over and over, it seemed so clear to me then, I needed to repent by announcing my belief until I die, for the slight chance that I would be forgiven for fucking my life up this badly, I never felt so scared. Then I believed I died and was in hell, forever damned to spend eternity in this fake hospital, in this illusionary room, with unreal people, trying to keep me in here forever and ever. Even my parents in the room were replaced my malicious demons. I convinced myself that the only way to get out was to kill myself again in this hell, tried to jump out the window and had to be heavily sedated with benzos and strapped to the bed. Spent a week in the psych ward.
Just don’t overdo it with drugs and alcohol kids, it is not worth it.

>> No.13588356

Faulkner wrote sober and binge-drank in his free time, especially after finishing a novel.

>> No.13588635


Didn’t Dostoyevsky or Tolstoy have epilepsy and describe the beginning of his seizures the same way? Like a moment of pure bliss?
Does anyone have the quote?

>> No.13588769

>We live in a society of the spectacle

>> No.13588791

Maybe not on the same level as a litre of vodka a day, but John Barleycorn by Jack London is one of the great alcoholic books.

>> No.13588792

stpeven king

>> No.13589174

>In June 1987, Pierre Bacher, deputy director of installations at Electricite de France, revealed the latest safety doctrine for nuclear power stations. By installing valves and filters it becomes much easier to avoid major catastrophes, like cracks or explosions in the reactors, which would affect a whole ‘region.’ Such catastrophes are produced by excessive containment. Whenever the plant looks like blowing, it is better to decompress gently, showering only a restricted area of a few kilometers, an area which on each occasion will be differently and haphazardly extended depending on the wind. He discloses that in the past two years discreet experiments carried out at Cadarache, in the Drome, “clearly showed that waste gas essentially is infinitesimal, representing at worst one per cent of the radioactivity in the power station itself.” Thus a very moderate worst case: one per cent. Formerly, we were assured there was no risk at all, except in the case of accidents, which were logically impossible. The experience of the first few years changed this reasoning as follows: since accidents can always happen, what must be avoided is their reaching a catastrophic threshold, and that is easy. All that is necessary is to contaminate little by little, in moderation. Who would not agree that it is infinitely healthier to limit yourself to an intake of 140 centilitres of vodka per day for several years, rather than getting drunk right away like the Poles?

>> No.13589854


Based druggo

>> No.13589890

Dostoevsky had epilepsy.

>> No.13589894

Hemingway wrote drunk but edited sober

>> No.13589928


>> No.13589945

i love debord and his silly walkathons

>> No.13589951

a litre a day might sound a lot to you, junior, but for a writer that's about par.
i know kingsley drank a lot everyday as well

>> No.13590022

its Dostoevsky and in The Idiot:

"That there was, indeed, beauty and harmony in those abnormal moments, that they really contained the highest synthesis of life, he could not doubt, nor even admit the possibility of doubt. He felt that they were not analogous to the fantastic and unreal dreams due to intoxication by hashish, opium or wine. Of that he could judge, when the attack was over. These instants were characterized—to define it in a word—by an intense quickening of the sense of personality. Since, in the last conscious moment preceding the attack, he could say to himself, with full understanding of his words: ‘I would give my whole life for this one instant,’ then doubtless to him it really was worth a lifetime."

I think he also describes something similar in The Possessed, but I can't remember where exactly

>> No.13590075


A liter of vodka is pretty standard for a real alcoholic. It's usually something like that or a full rack of beers every night.

What happens is you escalate from one drink to two drinks to three drinks and so on over the course of several years and your body acclimates to the level. You're still doing damage but you can function in a way somebody who just drank a liter out of nowhere can't.

>> No.13590184

>a liter of vodka a day is too much
thats nothing you light weight. I used to drink 2-3 during my college days

>> No.13590271

I can't write for shit drunk
Fuck me I wish I could drink to perform, as I am now I just do it the hard way by sitting at the keyboard until blood starts dripping from my forehead

>> No.13590314

i think most writers drank to help with all aspects except writing

>> No.13590328

I just cope by being such a shut-in that a monotonous physical life does nothing for me as long as I can do my thing in my own little world

>> No.13590350

fair. if you write though and take all that inner life and push it out then you'll have to fill the new emptiness with something

>> No.13590359
File: 1.73 MB, 2100x1200, Triumvirate City v3 downsized 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I built a world to fill the gap. The bigger the gap, the bigger the world for me to draw on for my work.

>> No.13590363

>yuros will really brag about this

>> No.13590371

A litre is hardly enough to keep you drunk all night but hey we aren't all weak light weights

>> No.13590379

How has no one in this thread mentioned Hemmingway!?

(Also, Churchill)

>> No.13590393

no, you're drunks

>> No.13590451

>yuros will actually, unironically, seriously brag about this

>> No.13590466

As a slav capable of drinking enough to give an amerimutt alcohol poisoning and waking up without a hangover the next morning

enjoy your cirrhosis you gopnik podčlovek

>> No.13590467

I was up to a litre a day for a few years, as an average it means he was fucked out of his mind at least half the day/night, the other half he was riding the slippery slope back to Oblivion, probably only 2-3 hours of clear enough thought for writing a day

>> No.13590481

I drink a liter of coffee per day.

>> No.13590509

coffee will not turn your liver into a rock or lobotomize your higher thinking

>> No.13590542
File: 98 KB, 455x626, 271348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just run out and demanding a litre of vodka from you. What do you do?

>> No.13590547

i give him a bottle of alpa and wish him good luck

>> No.13590555

what books do you like to read?

>> No.13590632
File: 22 KB, 399x400, 1554639525726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that bulge
So THAT'S the spectacle hmm

>> No.13590968

I've met Americans who do the same. Probably gooks, niggers and spics who do it too. Who cares. There are a lot of stupid people in the world. We are probably examples too (at some point).

>> No.13591265


Thanks frens

>> No.13591710

>Zoomers actually think a gallon of vodka is a lot for one day
sure is summer in here

>> No.13591736

I just had this happen to me a few months ago on LSD but without the euphoria part. Never doing hallucinogens again.

>> No.13591743

wow you're so cool i wish i was you

>> No.13591755

>diet of boogers

>> No.13591773
File: 99 KB, 459x550, 1549061401137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 liter = 1 gallon

>> No.13591815

Debord didn't write much--and he blamed the alcohol. " I have written much less than most people who write; but I have drunk much more than most people who drink." Read this, it's the best: https://biblioklept.org/2009/06/29/what-lies-beyond-violent-drunkeness-guy-debord-on-drinking-booze/

>> No.13591842

Truman Capote - his brain had basically dissolved when they did his autopsy

>> No.13592105

because you don't know how to spell the man's name

>> No.13593207

That sucks, psychedelics can be extremely powerful, for better or worse. I’m sorry you had such an experience on LSD, can you explain what exactly happened to you or what thoughts went through your head? LSD enabled me to finally really self reflect on all my issues and to finally stop drinking alcohol completely after years of on-and-off abuse. For me it saved my life. So I’m really interested in hearing how a psychedelic trip can go wrong to get some perspective

>> No.13593234

based Erowid posting

>> No.13593244

>a litre a day might sound a lot to you, junior, but for a writer that's about par.

This is such a hack affectation. When you say things like this I assume you self-publish bad detective novels on amazon.

>> No.13593714

>doesn't know the difference between a gallon and a liter
fucking zoomers

>> No.13593966

Get two litres of vodka and roam Paris with him

>> No.13594408


>> No.13594934


Fucking weed degenerates, at least liquor is sophisticated and not just DUDE WEED LOOOL XDXD LE MUNCHIES AM I RIGJT???? XD PLS UPBOAT MY BONG
One day you degenerates will get what you deserve

>> No.13594970

He just meant that he didn't drink himself into oblivion while writing, as he did the rest of the time.

>> No.13595014

seething alkie. go have a drink sweetie.

>> No.13595058

The CDC reports that nearly 88,000 alcohol-related deaths occur each year. And binge drinking accounted for about half of these deaths.
In comparison, the number of deaths caused by marijuana is almost zero. A study found that a fatal dose of TCH, the potent chemical in marijuana, would be between 15 and 70 grams. To give you an idea of how much marijuana that is, consider that a typical joint contains about half a gram of marijuana. That means that you would have to smoke between 238 and 1,113 joints in a day to overdose on marijuana. That’s a lot of joints.

When it comes to what substance will put someone at risk for getting hurt or hurting others, alcohol is considered to cause the most harm.
A study on marijuana use and intimate partner violence found that couples who used marijuana had lower rates of intimate partner violence in the first 9 years of marriage. In fact, men who used marijuana were the least likely to commit an act of intimate partner violence against a spouse.

>> No.13595075

Several studies have pointed out the relationship between alcohol use and declining IQ; as you drink more, you become less intelligent. The research on marijuana rarely shows any relationship between marijuana use and long-term IQ, but even when there has been a relationship found (this only happens in small sample sizes and is very rare) IQ wasn't even decreased by a single standard deviation; the same is not true of alcohol.

>> No.13595092

It is if youve never worked in a bar. Literally every fuckhole town has multiple people who do that.

>> No.13595433

Those would certainly be my choices

I have a Hemingway room in our home

>> No.13596176

It is not hard to drink a liter a day without getting shit faced. You wake up, take a good sized shot and sip away through the day, the hard part is exercising enough restraint to make sure you have enough left in the bottle for that time before sleep takes over, when you are lying in bed with nothing but the booze in your belly. If come bedtime there is not enough left in the bottle, you can not just take a little from tomorrows bottle or you will run out before bed tomorrow, and the day after that, and so on, and lets face it, if you start cracking two bottles a day, you are going to start drinking two bottles a day. The day is one bottle long and the case is your calendar,seven empties on the counter, take out the trash and check how many bottles are in the case.
Five Bottles - Grocery Day
Ten Bottles - Pay Day
Three Bottles - Liquor Store, two more cases
Eight Bottles - Pay Day
One Bottle - Grocery Day
Six Bottles - Liquor Store, two more cases and a couple shooters since it is also payday...
The structure that makes life possible, a simple pattern repeating every 3 months. There is only one thing to be done, this has started to happen regularly, three times a week or so. Or is this just the third time? No matter, nothing changes the fact that it happened and it has happened before, the next few days are a vacation, pure excess until the case of 1 liter bottles is gone, complete relief from everything, just drunken blissful nothingness, it really is the easiest and quickest way to prepare for your new 1.5 liter life after all.

I do miss the simplicity of those days, once you decide to just live for your addiction, life becomes very simple as you stop caring about everything else, but eventually life forces you to make a choice.

>> No.13596270

I smoke weed with tobacco while sitting on a nearby riverbank daydreaming, maybe listening to love songs that make me dream about my waifu or a familiar audiobook. It's the only place I really want to be aside from the things I dream about; but I love just being there in my perfect place dreaming about them. I'm drinking a beer right now but it doesn't help much in bringing me where I want to be.

>> No.13596298

Why are drugs that kill you so aesthetic? Alcohol, cigarettes, heroin.