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13585243 No.13585243 [Reply] [Original]

I buy a lot of used ones on the internet. Most of them look just like new. New I only get if it's impossible used or it's a good edition of a classic.

>> No.13585254

The only people who buy new books are housewives buying nonfiction paperbacks recommended by their retard coworkers and rich spoiled little faggots mass-buying books for their college classes with daddy's credit card because they've never found it odd to spend $700 every three to four months on books that could be acquired for free or for a fifth the price in a different edition. The former should be ignored and the latter should be ruthlessly exterminated.

>> No.13585256

Yeah I literally ONLY buy used.

I still end up paying like around $200 for three books or something. I guess I have expensive taste. :3

>> No.13585343

Used if I can find one in good condition. New only if it's a nice looking HARD COVER.

>> No.13585365

If I do buy a book, I give it away to a friend or acquaintance who I think will benefit from it.

>> No.13585384
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I check around the charity shops in my area and pick up a few books when something catches my eye. I only buy new if there’s no chance of getting it second hand.

Found Thus Spake Zarathustra and Ecce Homo in charity shops in last 2 days, spent £5 total.

>> No.13585388
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I love retarded annotations in used books

>> No.13585392

It really depends on the price difference. I'll take used if the savings feels like a significant percentage. Sometimes though, I'll see books on Amazon that are only $1 or $2 more for a new copy, and buy that.

>> No.13585397

someone wrote their grocery shopping list in true crime book i have. still cracks me up.

>> No.13585399

me too, or odd things you sometimes find inside: phone numbers, grocery lists, etc

>> No.13585412

I once read a copy of Walter Ong's Orality and Literacy where some girl had annotated it with little airhead quips and comments like "That must be why my bf doesn't communicate LOL!"

>> No.13585505

What the fuck? This looks like it was written by an old lady

>> No.13585564

I buy them new, if I can afford them. Otherwise I buy them used.

>> No.13585667

Used, mainly. New only if it's a rare and recent edition.
I don't have the money and used books are great anyways, why should I buy new books?

>> No.13585698

They last longer.

>> No.13585929

Bought used for years. Then started getting a near-allergic reaction to used books. My sinuses empty out, my eyes hurt and I start getting a headache. I can read them if I wear a surgical mask, but it's annoying, so I bought a kindle and just pirate books now.
I also read new books and lightly used books that are given to me. I think the used bookstore near me may actually be a haven for mold and it just spread across all my shelves, idk, but it sucks.

>> No.13585942

U good?

>> No.13585948

All the books I've bought used have always been cheap as fuck.
There used to be a second hand book shop in my local high street and they'd sell used hardbacks at the equivalent of 80 cents.
Only buy used if it's a specific book of limited quantity and you're unsure on whether you could get it easily years later.

>> No.13585954

Buy new if it's available; used for out of print. Price difference isn't much here usually.

>> No.13585980

Used, because I want to read the book and I don't care if it falls apart after. Plus, $0.01 paperbacks on Amazon are pretty nice.

>> No.13585993

Where to buy used books online?

>> No.13586015

My favorite is my copy of Macbeth that has poems and witticisms written by a high school boy in the 1920s.

>> No.13586082


>> No.13586300

What is this meme? I never understood library posters before I moved. Turns out most libraries (Even university ones) are shit. I was amazed when my local library actually carried the classics.

>> No.13586389

My favorite place is World of Books, a London-based site.

>> No.13587180

I got a used copy of 1984 that was clearly some girl's high school copy. Packed full with dumbass surface level annotations that abruptly stopped about halfway through the book

>> No.13587288

New. I've never seen an actual used goods shop. Buying online ends up being 6x as expensive.

>> No.13587289

Books also release volatile organic compounds; they "degas" these irritating smells from their materials. I also cannot stand reading books and use libgen now because of this. The convenience is fantastic anyway. Moving without boxes of textbooks is great. I can own thousands of books abd read from my phone, laptop, or desktop. It is invaluable.

>> No.13587297

I prefer old if they're in decent condition, mostly cause of the smell desu

>> No.13587402

I buy almost all my books from thrift stores. I don’t find something every time, but it’s unbelievably satisfying to get a book I’ve been looking for in a beautiful, older, hardcover edition, for under $5. They’ll have that great used book smell too. Highly recommend it for anyone with the patience to accept not getting something every time.

>> No.13587591

That's my favorite part of used books. Knowing that they tried so hard and got 2/3rds of the way through it but stopped.

>> No.13587656

Depends. I mostly read public domain stuff so Its easy enough to pirate or find a cheap release of something somewhere.

>> No.13587933

Candy-ass cheapskate motherfucker.

>> No.13587990

used. cheaper, older versions = better artwork, they're also more bendy (since they're been opened a lot) so you're not straining your hand trying to keep the thing open

>> No.13588009


>> No.13588068
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My nearest city has the most amazing used book store that exists. The owner knows me and gives me extra discount on everything since I was a student.

Buying new books would be completely retarded.

>> No.13588443

Mostly used ones as it's cheaper

>> No.13588485
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For me, it's local used bookstores and indigo.ca if I have a lil bit of money to burn. I usually use the former, or even thrift stores sometimes, and occasionally eBay. The large majority of my books I bought used.

>> No.13589560

Baby hand

>> No.13589775

bookfinder.com is a meta search engine that will find you the best price by currency and location criteria

there is no better

>> No.13589795

Depends on how much money I happen to have, whether the edition is in print or not, or if the new edition has something over an older one which I'd want (better notes, better quality binding or paper, though the latter two only matter if it's some abysmally made toilet-paper mess that was made in the years after the fall of the iron curtain.)
Usually I buy used, simply because what I'm looking for isn't in print (small country, small market.), or holds nothing over a new edition. (And I want to save money.)

>> No.13589881
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Up until last month I got my books from a local Bücherschrank. Now I buy used ones online.