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13584072 No.13584072 [Reply] [Original]

are there books that explain how people can be so malicious and do inexplicable things?

>> No.13584075

Because they are dumb

>> No.13584077 [SPOILER] 
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my diary desu

>> No.13584091
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The more intelligent a creature, the more he is able to do deplorable, unsepeakable acts that go against nature itself. It is the intellect that instructs us to do evil; it was the apple of wisdom with which Satan tempted Eve.

>> No.13584092

Maps of meaning desu

>> No.13584096

Stupidity isn't the cause. It's their pride. Fortunately God is just and the unrepented malice they inflict against their fellow man will be met with perdition.

>> No.13584106

The awful thing about life is this: Everybody has their reasons.

>> No.13584127

The World as Will and Representation

>> No.13584130

Fuck off, LARPer.

>> No.13584137

The brainlet response.

>> No.13584138

this is stupid and malicious

>> No.13584144

because kicking sheep is fun

>> No.13584146 [DELETED] 

The selfish gene explains it pretty well. but the deeper philosophical implications of why these things exist have been the subject of debate for millennia across cultures. It is immensely sad that reality is this way, in the same way that it is immensely beautiful that reality is this way.

>> No.13584178

the majority if not all of malicious intent is rooted in one imagining injury against oneself and then inflating it to justify whatever act they might commit in turn which they had desired to do anyway before the offense had been committed

>> No.13584212

>reading anything by Dawkins outside of his work on evolutionary biology

>> No.13584339 [DELETED] 

The selfish gene is his primary work on evolutionary biology. you don't have to read Dawkins if you don't like him, he's just a representation of the orthodoxy in the field who concisely summarized and synthesized the concepts that had been developing in that period. The selfish gene concept is largely still accepted by the mainstream academics in most universities, though Dawkins himself made adjustments to his understanding of the unit of replication in the Extended Phenotype and there have been various criticisms and elucidations from other scientists.

His basic point, to identify what reproduces, and therefore what is being acted on by natural selection, the primary mechanism of evolution, is very profound, and will alter your understanding of biology, and human society, as the implications of evolutionary theory in the shaping of our nature become more clear, even though always speculative and uncertain, because of the nature of the field.

It can also offer material for metaphysics, seeing the way this vast process has occurred over billions of years.

>> No.13584364

We're all going to make it boys

>> No.13584369

Take some time getting to understand the average American, and you'll understand why.

>> No.13585265

i think this makes the most sense to me
but why do persons blame populations of people?

>> No.13585266

Isn't this what maps of meanings is about?

>> No.13585267

1984 power for powers sake

>> No.13585520

Accept life as it is and live in the here and now.

>> No.13585710

yet most of them are unreasonable

>> No.13585724

really? I'm first few pages in. can't wait to get to that part.

>> No.13585835

cope. its because you are stupid.

>> No.13587200

The Bible

>> No.13587205


>> No.13587219

ordinary men - christopher browning

>> No.13587225

The Talmud

>> No.13587232

Extremely Based and Incredibly Redpilled

>> No.13587259

It does explain part of why people are so malicious. For the full story you have to read a bunch of history books on the things like the crusades, Islam and the butchery of the reformation.
But you probably need one more book to top it off.

Max Stirner’s The Unique and it’s Property

>> No.13587291

Remind me why we don't cull the trannies?

>> No.13587371

>reading Stirner is synonymous with being a trans

Shit meme christcuck

>> No.13587706

American Psycho
Ideological peer pressure clashing with an already unstable mind.

>> No.13587725

OP asked what the reasons pertaining to malicious deeds are, which would require that he already knew that those reasons existed. Your post is uninformative.

>> No.13587739

The gift of fear.

People think like you. They do malicious things because they see it as their only option. Its the rational thing to do in their warped world view.

>> No.13587775

Crime and Punishment. Also, everything else by Dostoyevski.

>> No.13587794


>> No.13587816

because they can you fag. don't you just feel like god when you realize there are people like you and you can just end their whole life with just one knife hit. simple answer is because of power. and what's the point in being good guy if you will die and nothing matters in the end, why not just have fun. even though i know my view is fucked up and childhood abuse and depresonalization played huge role in it, it still is answer to your question

>> No.13587839
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>> No.13587845

just chill out lol

>> No.13588653

I can tease and be mean but I cannot understand how someone can say something cruel out of the blue that isn't banter.

>> No.13588667

When the NPC coding breaks.

>> No.13588683

And he can see no reason
'Cause there are no reasons
What reason do you need to be sure