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13582338 No.13582338 [Reply] [Original]

She has read 2200 books - https://www.livelib.ru/reader/Aureliana

>> No.13582343 [DELETED] 

Favorites include Bataille, Lev Shestov, Deleuze and Borges

>> No.13582365

She must either be Bloom-level reading speed or has been reading for a long time. In any case, good on her.

>> No.13582371

2000 is a little amount. I've seen more than 10000 but I still have seen slightly under 4%. Well to be fair I read most of the long-runners and serializations.

>> No.13582422

There’s a difference between reading seriously, which entails reading classics closely, and hoovering pulp like a fat bitch with fast food. A cursory glance looks more like the latter case, though I did glimpse Gogol—but sort of obligatory for a Russian, probably read it in school. Not impressed with quantity for the sake of quantity.

>> No.13582436

She looks fucking mad as fuck. Look at those absolutely untrustworthy eyes. Stay the fuck away from this monster.

>> No.13582437

These are books read since 1995.

>> No.13582464

Most of them seem to be enjoyable novels, Vathek being a good examples. It's pretty impressive because it requires a lot of time and dedication, but it's not quite the same as being a scholar. Basically she really enjoys reading and does it all the time. Props to her, no reason to be jealous or to worship her.

>> No.13582471

She looks like she'd cut off my balls if she saw me looking at another girl

>> No.13582477

That's sweet. I wish I enjoyed something that much.

>> No.13582484

All those books and nothing of value read, might as well have been watching television.

>> No.13582524

I read 10 000

>> No.13582527

There's reading and then there's "reading", anon

>> No.13582569

I have played over 2200 hours of Minecraft. I can build much better redstone machines than her.

>> No.13582963

name some books with value

>> No.13582967

Difference and Repitition

>> No.13582980

She’s read 2200 pieces of crap !

>> No.13582998

Some women just like attention.

Think about Butterfly. I got her to masturbate in front of everyone and she loved it. She loved being owned by me, essentially


>> No.13583008

philosophy book

>> No.13583126

>She has read 2200 books

I fucking hate Americans

>> No.13583134

That still quite a lot per year.

>> No.13583139

She's Russian.

>> No.13583141

>most modern books are aimed at women
>go to good reads and most posters are women
Why did reading become a feminine hobby?

>> No.13583153

A good male is supposed to be stupid.

But if you’re smart you can still get pussy. Think about how Butterfly most likely bought a collar for me. She probably gets extremely horny thinking of herself as my property.

Now I don’t know if she has a girlfriend, I posted a vocaroo of mine, I have never seen any proof of hers, but regardless there is a big chance she is lying (despite what the pessimistic virgins on here are saying). Basically though I’ve used my intelligence to convert her from a lesbian to someone who only wants my dick. She probably spends like 10 minutes per day thinking about my cock still. I know she does.

>> No.13583162

she cute!

>> No.13583194

I’m :3 ofc

>> No.13583233

OP isn't
I don't give a fuck about her

Americans are this min/maxing, quantity over quality, appearance over substance degenerate subspecies that have completely taken over everywhere with their cheap advertising and easily digestible mass-produced garbage

>> No.13583238

Who the fuck cares about reading? It's no better than consuming, do any of you consumers write?

>> No.13583244

Yeah but you're not a cute girl so shut up

>> No.13583246
File: 239 KB, 586x398, Smug Nakamura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13583249

Americans treat themselves and everything around them as products. It's the world of complete consumption. Consumption of experience, goods, status, etc. Ruled by the petite bourgeois who power it with their insatiable need to normalize and compete with thy neighbor.

>> No.13583285

Um can you please post videos or photos or her masturbating or point me in a direction to find them myself?

>> No.13583311

so what's real reading? I get it that if this chick read thousands of YA and romance commercial bullcrap then that's low-brow shitty mass produced literature; but what if I read classics/good authors for pleasure, and finish their books kind of quickly?

should I be artificially reading slower and force myself to read essays about them to really be considered a good reader?

(I'll read however the fuck I want, but I don't get what people exactly mean about reading vs "reading")

>> No.13583321

why can't she use lit :'(
all we have is butterfly

>> No.13583325

No :3

>> No.13583359

No one wants to hang with a bunch of anonymous misanthropic white supremacists.

>> No.13583421

except you

>> No.13583504

You’re being a good girl :3

>> No.13583532

Why is everyone spouting that she only reads crap. You can look at her profile and she she's got better taste than most of you.

>> No.13583537

She’s like thirty years older than you

>> No.13583541

That’s part of it for us, yes.

Trust me it actually makes my domination more enjoyable. :3

>> No.13583584

Don’t feed the troll, please.

>> No.13583598

she's russian

>> No.13583626

bloom didn't even read a lot of books, he only read the summary

>> No.13583627

I could have guessed with that architecture.
Language barrier being why she doesn’t hang here, but any girls that do come by here are usually made to feel unwelcome

>> No.13583691

that was supposed to be an anonymous misanthropic white supremacist joke.
honestly, you're hopeless

>> No.13583759

most the boys are made to feel unwelcome as well though

>> No.13583811

Okay yeah sureeee.

Butterfly literally everyone is aware you masturbated to me. EVERYONE :3

>> No.13583819

i'm not.

>> No.13583834

Well she did. Now you are.

She says she has a girlfriend but I believe she is lying

>> No.13583880


>> No.13583924

He’s a troll
He actually hates my guts but has fallen in love with this stupid stalker persona

>> No.13583926

Gave 5 stars to game of thrones.. lol, fucking putinian russia, we need the Tsar back

>> No.13583970

i see

>> No.13583986

Awe I don't hate you. I never said I hate you.

The problem is, you can't do sexual things in real life. I think we all know you really like me. No trolling here, miss. :3

>> No.13584019

Sperg-tastic posting

>> No.13584029

I unironically have that many in my personal library

>> No.13584039

He still reads

>> No.13584040

come back when you've read the,

>> No.13584061

>No one wants to hang with a bunch of anonymous misanthropic white supremacists.
I do, you guys are funny sometimes.

>> No.13584108

Wow, 2,200 books! Can you imagine how knowledgeable and wise she must be?! Jk niggers. She is a woman and thus cannot grasp, let alone apply, anything of use from her readings. She could read 100,000 books, but for what point? This useless whore will never impact the world.

>> No.13584125

There is no way you are past the age of 14.

Stop responding to this fat and autistic attention whore.

>> No.13584145
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Some how you managed to be worse that butterflyfag, also i'm pretty sure "signaturing" you posts is against the rules you dumb newfag.

>> No.13584148


>> No.13584160
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>> No.13584220

>OP isn't
I'm Russian.