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/lit/ - Literature

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13581764 No.13581764 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else here struggle with memory problems already in their 20s?

I never had a strong memory, but it wasn't until recently where I've actually started to become worried about just how bad it is. It was a struggle when I stopped being a NEET and went back to work to remember procedures and stuff but it's really most apparent to me when thinking about media I've consumed. I have next to no retention. I'm sure it's natural to forget most of the small/medium details after a few years, but things become hazy after a few months for me now, and I'm forgetting important big things like main character names or..the entire plot basically.

I'll use a few examples. It's been 3 or 4 years now since I read Lonesome Dove. Great story, loved it, it's quite long and I even watched the TV show about it after. I remember the name of Gus, my favorite character and one of the 2 mains, but can't remember the name of the other main character. A book I consider one my favorites, that I read 700 pages or whatever it is and a TV show and I can't remember the 2nd main characters name. Even more extreme, I read Death of Ivan Ilych only 4 months ago. Yet when I saw someone discussing it in a thread here, and I tried to bring up feelings of how I felt about it I drew a blank outside of very vague somewhat positive feelings. I couldn't remember anything at all about the plot, the characters, or just my own thoughts about it. All I could remember was that I read it essentially. Now once I kept thinking about it stuff started coming back to me, parts of the most memorable scenes would come to me and the plot bit by bit - I remembered oh right he was a judge, hit his side and could never get cured, etc, etc and a brief look at wikipedia was a good refresher for the plot. Obvious problem being, this is something I read only a few months ago, and yet if someone were to ask me my feelings about it or any involved question about it I'd just be at a total blank and loss. It takes a period of recollection to even bring up any real thoughts at all and obviously a conversation would be well past by then

Am I right in thinking this isn't normal? Should I be worried? I'm actually looking through my recent goodreads past right now and am struck by the fact I basically can't remember any main names from any of these only a year or two out. If you were to say the name it'd be instantly recognizable but I can't for the life of my remember it myself for a lot of these

>> No.13581783

holy shitpost

>> No.13581786

Embarrassment does that to people

>> No.13581793

Schools only seem to care about strengthening your short term memory. Just study the night before an exam, pass, and forget half of it in 2 weeks.

>> No.13581796

Stop eating the gmos

>> No.13581800

I am only concerned about my working memory, logic puzzle solving skills etc. I have done cognitive tests done by professionals and my capacity has increased: that being said my verbal and name association memory has gone worse from my youth, by a lot.

I don't care. In my opinion, it is an autistic trait to remember irrelevant information, I believe as I have grew older my brain has gotten more selective about the information it retains, so I am not worried about some sort of "losing neuroplasticity" while in reality I have only gotten more logical, better and wiser in many other skills compared to my youth.

I remember having strong images when reading when younger: extreme vivid imagery, same thing with music. At the ages I could not even tell what was good writing and what was not. Same goes for music.

I still enjoy music/literature 10-15 years later, but these days, especially with music , I tend to concentrate a lot more on the production, song structures and the instruments and players rather than the songs as some sort of cheap entertainment. Same goes for literature, I do still enjoy the story or main theme, but I put a lot more attention to the storytelling and writing and the aesthetic how the story is presented to my mind (or in case of music, to my ears)

>> No.13581897

Start sleeping 8-9 hours a night, going to bed around 8-9pm. No blue light after 9pm. Try be asleep before 10pm.
No caffeine after 2pm either.
Also cut out aspartame from your diet, diet coke and other diet drinks are full of it, it ruins your brain.
Start taking multivitamins, and get an hour of cardio exercise a day.
I assume you are not silly enough to take anti depressants or ADHD drugs, if by chance you are on these, get off them.
If you are still fucked after this, see a specialist. Doing the above will vastly improve your life regardless.

>> No.13581979
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>> No.13582003

Do you think about dripping penises often? Like oozing semen dangling down scrotum stuff? Like answer me this honest question. Have you ever looked at a guy and said to yourself, gee I sure would like to jam his cock in my mouth?