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File: 124 KB, 560x850, Proclus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13580433 No.13580433 [Reply] [Original]

Are Neoplatonism and mysticism literally magic? Will I gain powers from learning about them? Will I be able to fly? Live forever?

>> No.13580437

No. Read L. Ron Hubbard if you want superpowers.

>> No.13580455

They are essentially just another form of Metaphysics.

That man, Proclus, was essentially a metaphysician, his Elements of Theology essentially proves this fact. :3

>> No.13580461

yes my dick grow 2 cm after I read Plotinus

>> No.13580465

You have a meme, Wicca/hollywood understanding of magic

>> No.13580481

wow little buddy!! guess that makes your penis a grand total of 4cm in length now :)

have sex

>> No.13580687


brevity is the soul of dick

>> No.13580839
File: 105 KB, 295x422, plotinus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Olympius, a fellow-philosopher envious of Plotinus's intellectual superiority tried to harm him by magic spells. He did so by directing star-rays against him. But he had soon to give up, because he found that the soul of Plotinus was powerful enough not only to resist these spells but even to turn them back on his enemy so that they were harming him.

>> No.13580878

like a boss

>> No.13581470

absolutely based and hexpilled

>> No.13581498

This is the power of semen retention and celibacy.

>> No.13581522


I know you're being facetious but basically yes & no. Philosophy, magick, occult, mysticism, whatever, they're generally interconnected depending on their respective brands. I'm not sure what you consider "powers" but when you practice magick or have mystical experiences, metaphysics become more digestible and accessible because the concepts feel less like abstract concepts than goals of understanding to truly arrive at and grasp. There's a big difference between reading Plotinus without ever having had (or rather acknolwedged) a mystical experience, than reading it as someone who just finds philosophy interesting. The reality behind the words becomes more vivid. I don't know if that's necessarily a "power" but it is an advantage in comprehending metaphysics. Anyway, it's not as important as just putting to practice which aspects of metaphysical philosophy one can. Such as trying to harmonize with the Will of the One through cultivating Virtue, or contemplating the Beauty of the Good through its signs in nature, etc.

>> No.13581554

Jealous cumbrains irreversibly and infinitly blown the fuck out. They will never recover. They can never recover.

>> No.13581931


So far I've experienced: QUALITATIVELY different dreams with presences and extreme emotions, spontaneous remission of life-long ailments, serendipity in stumbling upon texts detailing what I was thinking about, one instance of sensation of bodily boundary dissolving in waking life.

>> No.13582108
File: 24 KB, 725x97, flight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will I be able to fly?

Flight is nothing to the wise man.

>> No.13582113
File: 100 KB, 927x452, DriDEmPU0AAh-NM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the power of semen retention and celibacy.

They knew.

>> No.13582124
File: 113 KB, 849x398, Cqo6YmhUEAAvzsL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plato understood these things.

>> No.13582126
File: 282 KB, 915x950, DwFG-JmXgAMDVsr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Flight is only the beginning.

>> No.13582141

For Proclus and Iamblichus: yes.
For the Egyptian Neoplatonists and post-proclean Athenians? Less so.
Ammonius Hermiae practically abandoned the religious aspects. Plotinus wasn't very pro-magic or divination, although he did acknowledge the last love that a Man can entrance the world with (manipulate fate and necessity); but that's at best only maxes out your luck stats.

>> No.13582148

Did at least acknowledge the love*...

>> No.13582836


>> No.13582869


another is "Nutritional Sex Control and Rejuvenation"

>> No.13582879


too much bullshit to get through, can you upload the pdf?

>> No.13582901


>> No.13582903
File: 213 KB, 1500x1356, echoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just create an account and log in, they're usually free to read


>> No.13582921



>> No.13583187

Absolutley based.
Pythagoras, Plato, Christ, Plotinus 1500 years of church thinkers (Augustine to Aquinas to Ockham to Copernicus), Newton, Kant, Tesla. Cumbrains will NEVER compete. These are the best people to ever live and yet they mock and scoff them and these beliefs. They shall be destroyed by their own venom as Plotinus directed the star rays back at his adversary who cursed him.

>> No.13583228


Is this an excerpt from his book about theurgy? I'm really intrigued now.

>> No.13583255
File: 120 KB, 620x832, 1556570152018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid magic powers couldnt stop your gay ass neoplatonists from getting btfo and eternally obliterated by Christian authorities. They were burned as heretics and the academy in Athens shut-down, no "woo-woo" power could stop them. You guys are fucking delusional. Christ is king and always prevails over Satanic sorcery and the evil nutjobs who practice it

>> No.13583284

They are all on the same side, nigger.

>> No.13583296

Imagine being this stupid.

>> No.13583297

Damascius repeats his doctrine of two kinds of Nothing: there is a Nothing that is the first above everything, including theOne and the Being, and a Nothing that is the lowest, the last and the worst, and this is what lies below matter (the latter seems to retain a shadow of being). Both prepositions'above' and 'below' are inadequate,

>> No.13583317

>dude Cicero is not a servant of God because even though he lived a pious life and saught the ultimate good uhhhhh, he wasn't a Christian. It doesn't matter that Augustine calls him that or was led to God through his hortenseus.
these men were all on the same path. the law of god is written in their hearts. paul said similar in ad romanos.

>> No.13583319
File: 170 KB, 618x634, 1564819250976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just a hunch, pls don't stone me, i haven't read either, but: is evola somewhat similar to plotinus and neoplatonism? as in theism+mysticism+magic? if not, are there some more contemporary writers in the vein of neoplatonism?

>> No.13583345

Of course not. Look around. Porn is everywhere. Sex is everywhere. People think masturbation is "normal" and "healthy". Only abstinence is on the path to infinite good and I doubt Evola was continent and chaste. Only one remotely resembling plotinus today is Ratzinger. His magic is in his writing.

>> No.13583374

Lust is the ultimate evil.

>> No.13583382
File: 8 KB, 194x260, download (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

>> No.13583398

They knew Christ before his existence. Origen said the truth was revealed to the Greeks where the law was revealed to the Jews. They are not incompatible with Christ but affirm him all the more. Christ is the word made flesh and ultimate personification of the so called philosophers God.

>> No.13583416

a heretic

>> No.13583464

You're right, no one comes to the Father except through the Logos.

>> No.13583487

>a heretic

>> No.13583510


This. People have continually been misinterpreting that line as if they forgot that "the Word became flesh". The Lord is the First Principle and the Word was the Second. Naturally, to get to the Lord you go through the varying degrees, and the Logos/Word is an important one. Anyway, i interpret it to mean that we must emulate the beauty of Christ through virtue and other means. I also think the Logos can be contemplated in a non Christ-centric context as well, and that this may also help when to get closer with their Lord.

>> No.13583543

"No one can come to the Father except as a child" correlates exactly with the ineffable union with God that Plato and others talk about as the summit of anagogical ascent; discursive reasoning has been overcome and the ego diminished.

>> No.13583558

Based and omnipotentpilled.

>> No.13583568

>Will I gain powers
If anything, anything at all allowed people to 'gain powers' whatever the fuck that means, it would be a secret for maybe a year, then tightly controlled, then everybody would do it. Then it would be part of culture like learning to read or write.
Secrets are corrosive and damage the people that try to hold them. We are social animals, there are no fuckin secrets, grow up.

>> No.13583595

t. materialist bugman stuck in the cave. NGMI

>> No.13583603

You're an animal alright. I am not. I am a soul.

>> No.13583664
File: 240 KB, 902x789, chan's cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13583715

too good.

>> No.13583736

Do you have the cumbrain cave one too?

>> No.13583763

Tibetan buddhist yoga...

>> No.13583765

J. Ratzinger? How so?

>> No.13583828

Yes. Cardinal Ratzinger was and is the only embodiment of a philosopher king in the past 70 years. Celibate and dedicated to wisdom. His writing has a divine quality to it. A product of this transmutation.

>> No.13583839

No but they will make you less retarded and increase your understanding of the Divine

>> No.13583933

That already is, just put porn sites as the shadows and real wholesome wives&families up on the surface.

>> No.13583937

Explain the Roman centurion who had such strong faith in Christ that his servant was saved.

>> No.13583942

Misinterpreting Plato is magic!
The early Academy was skeptic because it turns out Plato was a student of Socrates!

>> No.13583978

Celibacy is on the surface. Augustine had a child and nearly a wife but found them inferior goods compared to chastity and continence. Though he said his relation to them was far superior to that of his earlier reckless carnal indulgences with any woman who was willing.

>> No.13584030

the roasties want my soul fluid reeeeeee

>> No.13584036

Separate yourself from them.

>> No.13584037

Which of his books do you recomend? Is Introduction to Christianity a good place to start?

>> No.13584074

Yes. Excellent work.

>> No.13584874

Your own unguarded thoughts are your greatest enemy.

>> No.13584905

He was even buried in a CAVE.

>> No.13584910

Why are trad-Caths on this website so against Vatican II and all that comes after it if Ratzinger embodied the ancient virtues? Was he the exception? I do remember hearing how he promoted the Latin mass.

>> No.13584960

His faith in God and the Church exceeded his own will, rare, commendable even but it led to his error. The only thing Benedict did wrong was not doing. He was also biased by fear of succumbing to dementia as so many of his colleagues did so he resigned prematurely. Perfect reason argued Aquinas follows uniformity with the higher faculty of faith. His inaction was clearly the wrong move but at the same time those qualities that led to it made him the man and genius he was.

>> No.13585056

The New Academy was sceptic.
Not the Old Academy.

>> No.13585481

Well, the middle academy was probably the most Skeptic, capital s. But they were all more skeptical than the neoplatonists, who were just a bunch of unrelated other people.