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File: 135 KB, 685x900, What-is-truth02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13580364 No.13580364 [Reply] [Original]

What is truth?

>> No.13580368

Truth is the abstract human concept of a statement or reality that is factually or morally correct

>> No.13580392

It’s whats drawing you

>> No.13580396

truth is like... *huffs glue* ....whatever you feel like man

>> No.13580637

Truth is what is left in the absence of falsity

>> No.13580646


>> No.13580654
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truth is truthful if it's true

>> No.13580966

Reality, basically whatever happens

>> No.13580981

Beauty is truth, truth beauty

>> No.13580983
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>I don't know

>> No.13580999

the unknowable

>> No.13581012

not easy to define
we all have truths
are yours the same as mine?

>> No.13581030

Not OP but, anyone could recommend books on this topic? I've heard Wittgenstein was obsessed by this matter and in his Tractatus he tries to answer this. The thing is, would I understand the bastard? I've never read a philosophy book in my whole life, I only have read half of Plato's Symposium.

>> No.13581075

He straight up warns you near the beginning of the Tractatus that you won't understand him unless you already think like him, in which case you're only supposed to use the book like a "ladder" and throw it away once you've climbed and no longer have any use for it.

>> No.13581092

Did you understand when you read it? What do you think it's crucial to get his ideas?

>> No.13581184

imposing fact that doesn't depend on our interpretations

>> No.13581207


>> No.13581260
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Everything is true.
Even false things are true.
How this is possible, I don't know; I didn't do it.

When you look out into the world, you're viewing it through preconceptions caused by your upbringing and surroundings. You're looking through a grid, of sorts, to sort out and divide what into what (a culture, then, is a group of people with similar grids).
Some people try to look through and compare different grids, trying to find one that will make perfect sense and correctly order reality. This is the ANERISTIC ILLUSION. All grids have their pros and cons, but none is any more true than another.
Others say that there is no order to reality. But describing something by what it lack is still relating it to something. This is the ERISTIC ILLUSION.
Reality is deeper than any grid or lack thereof is capable of viewing.
Reality is the original Rorschach Test.

Hail Eris. The Goddess Prevails.

>> No.13581286

Two popular theories are the correspondence and coherence theory.

Correspondence is a parallelism between a statement and a fact. Wittgenstein's "picture theory" of meaning is perhaps an emblematic example. The statement maps to, or "depicts" a state of affairs, and if the statement is true, it means the state of affairs, has, does or will exist.

Then there is the coherence theory. A statement is true if it consistent with other statements within the universe of discourse. Truth here is entirely intrinsic to the language and depends on the inner relations between statements. A coherence truth would be for instance, a classical syllogism of logic, or an analytic proposition. It often takes on the character of a tautology.

In both theories truth is a property of language, either a property of language's relation to the world, or its inner relations to itself. There are surely other ways to view truth, but it is not likely to be s special substance, attribute, essence of itself independently of mental states or utterances. It is a secondary property of truth-bearing entities such as thoughts or propositions.

>> No.13581295
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>> No.13581354
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>> No.13581363

my views

>> No.13581365
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>morally correct

>> No.13581389

truth is a fiction that is necessary for life because it delineates the correct decision and thus the correct action to be made in our life. without this myth, without 'truth', we would be irrational barbarians or worse, twitch chat users

>> No.13581418

maybe even worse
better than above
lol read neech newfag
somehow it's getting worse
kys relativist
somehow the worst answer in the thread so far
finally someone who has at least read a little bit about it... but still bad because you didn't include the deflationary view :(
kys rortycuck
awful answer, you've just kicked the can down the road. What does correct mean here? Are you a relativist, a pragmatist, or some evolutionary-pyschology scum? (hint, they're all bad answers).

>> No.13581523

1. Truth can be described as the essence of something. Both "ideal" and "in-itself" can be applied to that which is true.
2. That which is true will always be true.
3. Truth cannot be generalized.
4. Truth is distinct from facts, as facts can be considered mere data to be used for any means.
5. It is possible to comprehend the truth fully, but impossible to express the truth in its entirety. It is possible to speak about truth, but nearly impossible to speak the truth directly.
6. Truth can only be known in a gradual manner, and only with the proper context (i.e. surrounding world of facts and allied truths).
7. Divine revelation is the surest manner of receiving truth, the closest method after is through study and doubt.

>> No.13581535

Jesus Christ

>> No.13581583

Historicity wise, yes Jesus existed and was crucified. This can be backed up with documented evidence from independent sources such as Tacitus and Josephus.

Though the modern attempts to unperson his existence, especially from "academic" cranks is pretty shameful; you can tell there's a narrative agenda behind it. Step 2 would be to convince everyone that Christianity never even existed.
It's absurd from an Occum's Razor perspective: What's more likely, that Jesus didn't exist and was a complete fabrication conspired by a handful of nobody jews to create a religion in which they'd get no material gain and would get themselves killed for evangelizing it... OR Jesus was real and people thought what he said was truthful and worth dying for. Because of modernity, we can't just pretend that Christianity was some conspiracy started in a vacuum.

>> No.13581937


>> No.13581947

If Pilate would of asked what is truth subjectively..

>> No.13582030

the great irony is that he was in front of it. Our Lord Jesus is the truth

>> No.13582138

Truth is that which isn't false.

>> No.13583332

greater than you but smaller than others

>> No.13584463

How can we say anything about truth when we can't even grasp reality? Truth becomes something relative to our experience and whatever things we can collectively agree upon seems to be 'true'.
I'm reminded of a phrase in that old Live song Lakini's Juice that goes: "... and from the earliest days, we've been dancing in the shadows."