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/lit/ - Literature

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13578159 No.13578159[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The are instinctually programmed to assign truth to anything anyone says in their trusted social sphere with no thought or judgement at all.

From having to watch over others constantly since the beginning of humanity, they became selfless. Because they were so close to all the needs and wants of their people, they developed the instinct to trust them absolutely and a true understanding of their people was taken for granted.
Their bodies and minds became dedicated to nourishing their communities. They would listen to the men speaking of what they've done in the wide world and translate the substance to emotional terms that can be understood by other women, and so used to guide the behavior of the children.
When they were relieved of many responsibilities to their people by the 'modernization' of society the trait of selflessness became hollow and so turned to nothing but self-unawareness, leaving the instinct to implicitly trust their social sphere intact to be turned to purposes other than what made it to begin with.

With the addition of 'the media' to modern society, with all of its inherent falsehoods, women are turned completely turned against their own nature.
Their nurturing instincts are used to nurture the interests of the upper classes as handed down from the media rather than those of the people they see and interact with every day, even their own children.
Instead of being warm with compassion they are cold with judgement calculated from the information they are brainwashed with; willing to go to any length to make their friends and families conform to dictates of the elite.

So it is that women are the primary tool of the elite to control us all, because men will do anything for their women.
So it is that love is turned against us and the very foundation of our existence is betrayed.

This is the great vulnerability in the mind of the human that is exploited to make empire by slavery.

The only solution is to overpower women completely; to overcome and/or capture the elite's front-line soldiers at any cost.
Life begins with women, without dealing with them you can't do anything at all and all planning is worthless.
This is not a matter of personal resonsibility. This is an abberation of society and it requires an organized collective solution.
Men everywhere have to band together in confederated groups, decide on what the law should be, and enforce it autonomously.
By setting our minds on this goal and accomplishing it we will gain the strength to contend with the next battle - 'politics'.

You will never accomplish anything other than the total loss of your humanity by continuing to work under this system.

>> No.13578167

Why repost

>> No.13578195

because this forum is a manipulated censorship shit hole.
Why do you post in threads before you delete them?

>> No.13578213

So... Did you just read East of Eden or what?

>> No.13578225

99.9% of this board is just coping with being pussywhipped in the most delusional ways possible

>> No.13578228


>> No.13578237

>99.9% of life in modern society

the "i totally already knew that" cope

>> No.13578251

>has a chance to contribute discussion to the only real and most impassable social problem
>drops a reference and runs in terror
this is Education, ladies and gentlemen, make sure you go to a Good school and get one

>> No.13578262

>the "i totally already knew that" cope
I'm guessing this is a "No, I haven't read one of the major English classics of the previous century and I have no intention of making this conversation about books" response. I doubt that will cope at all.

>> No.13578264

>programmed to assign truth to anything anyone says in their trusted social sphere with no thought or judgement at all.
while this is basically true, there is a hierarchy of sources, starting with the father and then any authority that derives from the function of the father (like media-government)

>> No.13578267




>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE SACRED HOLES








>> No.13578270

>Anon is scarier than Cathy Ames
I see you haven't read the book either.

>> No.13578275

>t. incel

>> No.13578276

I'm guessing this is a "No, I have no thoughts and nothing to contribute I just want to accrue delusions of status and dominance"

seriously you came and posted here, you read OP, you are just wasting your own time here.
and providing me an example of what I'm talking about

>> No.13578281

I've read it by the way.

>> No.13578287

its nice that you're so motivated, but you need more consideration and less cherrypicking

>> No.13578300

I assumed you were a retard who took the wrong message from the book, but back then I thought you might be a retard who knows what books are and what a literature board is for. I'm sure nobody's flagrantly reading books just to hurt your feelings and they really won't damage you if you try reading one yourself before making threads. I'd suggest starting with East of Eden but you'll not get through more than Cathy's childhood, so what would be the point besides the one made at the end?

>> No.13578307

If you've read the book, how on earth do you think that's how you get pussy?

>> No.13578318

>that I read a novel and bragged about it is an argument
enough of you

>> No.13578328

Well, it's clearly not enough, because if reading the book was enough why did they employ the council of Chinese men?

>> No.13578341

>So it is that women are the primary tool of the elite to control us all, because men will do anything for their women.
Solution: Stop doing anything for women

>Life begins with women, without dealing with them you can't do anything at all and all planning is worthless.
Solution: Stop grasping at immortality through offspring

>> No.13578344

Solution: stop.

>> No.13578359

That's very cute anon but can you back up your claims with even a shread of evidence? Nope. All of this blathering is pure ressentiment, and it's slowly killing you.

>> No.13578361

t. homosexual

>> No.13578383

>a shred of evidence
sexual dimorphism in humans

a little more than a shred.
do you have an actual objection or argument?
no you don't

>Solution: Stop doing anything for women
>Solution: Stop grasping at immortality through offspring
Problem: go extinct
Problem: you have no argument
Problem: you are an emotionally out of control victim of atomization without a logical procession of thought

>> No.13578389


>> No.13578397

Nah fags don't mind doing shit for women and they always wind up adopting Vietnamese babies like they collect toy dogs. Bash him for being Chad and not caring if his seed falls on fertile or barren land.

>> No.13578404

Going extinct really isn't a problem if you think evolution works.

>> No.13578419

God women are such non-contributing, stupid parasites. Thank fuck I'm gay.

>> No.13578424


>> No.13578425

>the homosexual is misogynist.

Why am I not surprised :3

>> No.13578428

Ew, dyke alert. Modesty towels back on in the sauna

>> No.13578431

I agree with everything you are saying.
I don't know what else to say. I only wish to embolden you, because you seem to be encountering a lot of resistance.

>> No.13578441

See >>13578361 I told you here >>13578397. This faggot knows he hates women and still offers to dine with them and pay for them despite saving up for his Vietnamese baby. Not what a Chad would do.

>> No.13578444

Nothing is going to change, at least not in our lifetime so why even worry kek

>> No.13578449

if you're so sure 'evolution works' then why haven't you just killed yourself already?

get an argument, but first it seems like you'll need to get a brain

>> No.13578450


>> No.13578453

women btfo

>> No.13578454

Because I'm helping tuberculosis evolve. It needs a host, you know. What have you done for evolution lately?

>> No.13578456

Why should we take advice from a board full of perma virgins on women?

>> No.13578459

You shouldn't want to embolden me, instead you should want to embolden yourself and all men to make demonstrations of the truth

"get out of your comfort zone"

>> No.13578467
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>> No.13578469

you shouldn't, you should keep doing everything the way you are so you're even easier to ride over for the few of us who take power into our own hands

>> No.13578483

/lit/'s mostly female. Hence the misogyny levels of an all female office. It's why /r9k/ kicked us out because we kept mentioning the novels we were reading and writing poems and eviscerating bitches who think they're all that.

>> No.13578498

>hoping for weak opponents
Nigger even if you're the last man on earth you should have some self respect

>> No.13578567

>wanting to feed your opponents your food while your starving so they become stronger
you really just like to say words, don't you?

>> No.13578582
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>everyone believes ANYTHING they hear in the social sphere they grow up in
>except some try to oppose it to look special by going into other social spheres where they believe ANYTHING they hear there
you will always be a typical predictable person following by the rules no matter what you do. once you see the limits and the rules you are on the right path

>> No.13578584

Andrew Anglin was right again

>> No.13578661

Holy shit stay away from guns OP

>> No.13578731

Get better at getting food. Maybe you won't be a hungryskinnyfag then

>> No.13578786

why are you responding to a version of the text i didn't post

>> No.13578793

>no argument
>no reasoning
>you can't be special because I have no soul and it makes me jealous

>> No.13578794

That post isn't even responding to OP, anon. I think you mean to ask
>whomestvest arest thou quoting?

>> No.13578800


>> No.13578803

you are literally responding to a version of the text I didn't post. It's not a coincidence. Looks like you tipped your hand.

>> No.13578806

You cannot be jealous of something you don't have. That is envy or covetousness, but jealousy is fear of loss.

>> No.13578814
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>"women have turned evil and we have to do something about it"

>> No.13578815

I'm not >>13578582
I'm just >>13578794 and able to see he didn't respond to any post. You can tell by him not including any other post number in his post. You don't seem to understand anonymous is not one person who is stealing your screen name.

>> No.13578824

No, it's because you reddit space. You should stay away from guns until you stop that. No guns for you. It's a clear insanity signifier.

>> No.13578825

>im not that poster i just take his messages

>> No.13578837

Do you want me to message him and tell him to haxxor the 4thchannel so you can turn his post into one that responds to one of yours? I'm sure you can sort it out between yourselves.

>> No.13578839

Yes, my friendly kikes, you have a problem on your hands.

>> No.13578847

Don't call OP a Jew just because he's whiny. He's clearly also not good with money or books, so he can't be a full Jew.

>> No.13578859

twinks>traps>>>>>>piles of shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>w*men

>> No.13578864

t. "Dadbod1982"

>> No.13578873

>whining screaming disruptive retards with no arguments
nice try OP, but I've never seen a real discussion happen on /lit/

>> No.13578951

there are a group of people on this board who consider it their job to police it and they work together. Seems like they have janitor powers.
I've seen this kind of thing on every forum. What's striking is their rate of success in getting moderation privileges.
Probably some kind of propaganda operation by some "totally not government funded in any way" advocacy group.

this poster is an example of that.
He's responding to a rought draft of this post that I made earlier and was deleted near instantly:

Women believe ANYTHING they hear in the social sphere they grow up in.

About the changed nature of women:
From having to watch over others constantly since the beginning of humanity, they became selfless. Because they were so close to all the needs and wants of their people, they developed the instinct to trust them absolutely and a true understanding of their people was taken for granted.
When they were relieved of many responsibilities to their people by the 'modernization' of society the trait of selflessness became hollow and so turned to nothing but self-unawareness, leaving the instinct to implicitly trust their social sphere intact to be turned to purposes other than what made it to begin with.

Considering the addition of 'the media' to the general social sphere, with all of its inherent falsehoods, the women go absolutely crazy. Literally insane; completely turned against their own nature.
Their nurturing instincts are used to nurture the interests of the upper classes as handed down from the media rather than those of the actual people they see and interact with every day, even their own children.
Instead of being warm with compassion they are cold with judgements calculated from the information they are brainwashed with.

So it is that women are the primary tool of the upper classes to control us all, because men will do anything for their women. So it is that love is turned against us and the very foundation of our existence is betrayed.

This is the great vulnerability in the mind of the human that is exploited to make civilization by slavery.

Men and women were never much different in their minds. Now even our men are being feminized so they too can be exploited and used to exploit in this way.
Feminism is really feminization.
By making women interchangable with men, men will be more likely to follow the example of a woman. This makes a man take on traits of a woman, and so he becomes more submissive and so he is a better slave to his master.
Humanity as crop has it's seeds feminized (to a certain degree) before germination to increase yield.

>> No.13578961

>/lit/ has mods

>> No.13578967

This is like a really shit simple English summary of The Wanting Seed by Burgess which leaves out the heavy vocab and dead babies of the original.

>> No.13578989

>because this forum is a manipulated censorship shit hole

It's a shithole alright
But it's not your blog
Stick your head in the oven already, toadie

>> No.13578996

I absolutely love women. The few I don’t like I can name, and tell you exactly what I don’t like about them. But they are not going to make me hate women. Women are beautiful.

>> No.13579012

They smell so fucking good too. Sometimes I think people are vaping near me they smell so good.

>> No.13579049

t. assblasted roastie

>> No.13579051
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that is actually really insightful

>> No.13579057

I'm not your wife, chickenhawk.

>> No.13579064

ew get away from me you disgusting creature

>> No.13579079

>nambla candidate turns up the gay lisp when called out
Yeah I ain't into you either.

>> No.13579105

Based and Cringepilled.
Somebody put this man on a watchlist.

>> No.13579107
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nice projection grill

>> No.13579159
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>> No.13579166
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>'women are acting like evil retards'

>> No.13579173
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>> No.13579174


>> No.13579245
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more projection lmaooo
you sound like a land whale, lose weight

>> No.13579256

The only thing women believe in is twerking and lapping up Chad's smegma

>> No.13579258

>From having to watch over others constantly since the beginning of humanity, they became selfless
Stopped reading

>> No.13579284

>frog poster
please try to understand what's going on here in terms beyond "ROASTIES"

>> No.13579306

>what is sexual dimorphism
>what are boobs
>what is a uterus
>what is a 9-month pregnancy term
certainly not things designed to give life to others at the expense of the individual female

women are designed to be selfless, that doesn't mean they are.

you are literally mentally retarded. seek humility

>> No.13579352
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>please try to understand what's going on here
go back to whatever normalfaggot cool and hip platform you came from and leave gay incel blackpilled faggots like me alone you fucking w*men

>> No.13579389

>trying to boil down something you barely understand at all down to one word
nice cope, but do you have anything to contribute?
besides your mental illness, I mean.
you're conflating your personality with a cartoon character. schizophrenia.

>> No.13579415

im a real boy

>> No.13579447
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>nice cope, but do you have anything to contribute?
i am replying to you rn. how do you know that i haven't contributed anything?
>mental illness
define normal first
>you're conflating your personality with a cartoon character. schizophrenia.
personality is meme

>> No.13579486

violence against women is an evolutionary imperative, more now than ever

>> No.13579491

what is evolution, in your own words?

>> No.13579510

from nothing to nothing

>> No.13579511

>The are instinctually programmed to assign truth to anything anyone says in their trusted social sphere with no thought or judgement at all.
I don't believe you. Though I am a man. Heh, imagine if I were to instinctually believe you and be a man, wouldn't that be ironic. Heh heh.

>> No.13579517

>women believe anything they hear

actually everyone believes everything they hear

evaluating the truthfulness of any statement requires belief, disbelief comes after believing the statement causes dissonances within the listener's image of reality, causing it to be rejected. But that's an active process. Everyone passively believes everything they hear.

>> No.13579534

no, men are supposed to have first-hand experience that brings up thought and judgement.

what I'm getting at is that females actually evolved to minimize friction in accepting what they hear because they never had the same means to achieve first-hand understanding, which is absolutely proven by the manner of their sexual dimorphism. They are physically incapable of exploration or contest.