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13575076 No.13575076 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13575107
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>> No.13575113
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This is probably my favorite image from /lit/, along with this

>> No.13575136

I thank God this man got to live a long and healthy life, his legacy will resonate for generations

>> No.13575795

What does he replace it with? Leaving a God-shaped hole in our youth will only bring about more suffering and other assorted degeneracy.

>> No.13575806
File: 942 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-12-26-12-51-32-468_com.aonhub.getmanga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Einstein's quote is basically pic related. Pretty cool.

>> No.13575816

based schrodinger

>> No.13575885


>> No.13575903


>> No.13575958

The religion of Progressivism.

>> No.13576209

Dawkins can only make buck off of those who don't know any better.

>> No.13576217 [DELETED] 

I've met atheist hedonists women who would say something like "lol you must be fun at parties" if you challenge them at all and they tend to only have read neil degrasse tyson and richard dawkins at best.

Dont waste your time on this. Life is short. Read meister eckhart.

>> No.13576256
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Every day, every darn day, atheists and christians compete fiercely with eachother to try get the title of world's most stupid belief system.

They do a good job too, my opinion of which one is stupider bounces back and forth from day to day. I may have to start considering them as one group, like I do with Football. All football teams are stupid. I don't ever ask myself who's dumber, the brooklyn stampeders or the New York Generic Footballers. (I'm not very familiar with team names, I don't watch sports)

>> No.13576266

>being this much of a centrist

>> No.13576276
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>being a binary thinker

>> No.13576280

for a centrist you like normie anime

>> No.13576282


all these nu-atheists are irrelevant old miseducated farts, and the zoomers who worship them today will be the Gen X retards of tomorrow. there is forming now a groundswell of reactionary philosophic sentiment that regards metaphysics as worthy, something these tired old dinosaurs never learned because they were too busy thinking about politics and appearances.

>> No.13576292

>should I voraciously believe in god with no evidence because the bible said so?
>or should I fiercely believe god isn't real because some book said so?

uh yeah real great options

>> No.13576295

Is it 2011 again?

>> No.13576298

>because the bible said so?
wrong. siri, explain to this brainlet about Aristotle.

>> No.13576299

God isn't even taught to children anymore so what's the point of this

>> No.13576329
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the point is destroying any semblance of a moral order completely. the point is capitalism and centralizing control. if all social and sexual norms are "glass ceilings" and "discrimination" that should be destroyed, and morals aren't allowed to exist, then where should the average serf in our oligarchic feudalism find his guide in life? who will inform his genius, the voice of his conscience? I'll tell you: his employer, or his best interest as regards personal income, which in these social media days includes what he thinks or dares to say. And then 1984 will have been fulfilled.

>> No.13576344

Why do you feel having god is even slightly necessary. only the unintelligent require the threat of the supernatural to live a meaningful, virtuous life.

>> No.13576348

>he doesn't know there is an absolute morality
Alright bigshot. If you say one can be virtuous without God, then this should be a secular question you can answer:

Can you tell me where virtue comes from? Can you even say what it is?

>> No.13576356


And it's virtue

>> No.13576358

Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.


Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheist


Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.


Daily reminder religious people are less educated


Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human

>> No.13576364

>he thinks being anti-religious suddenly makes him a smartboi

>> No.13576376

I already have an answer, and I'll share it, but I want to hear your answer as well. Here it is:

Virtue is that which is good. Good to whom and for whom? Man of course. Virtue is not applied to animals or the inanimate except by anthropomorphising them.

So where does good come from? Good comes from God. God is the Form of the Good, as we know from starting with the Greeks.

Any of our first-world social norms that enforce virtue as something praiseworthy are simply vestiges of a religious social order that is very nearly completely dismantled. Virtue is still sought by women for its romance and by all for its utility under capitalism -- early bird gets the worm, honest is best policy, a fit appearance is a better impression than being a slob -- but these norms do not acknowledge their origins. They are praised for themselves, for their earning or promotion power. But the source of their authority is no longer respected. If they were not useful under capitalism, I promise you... I promise you... they would be dropped and you would be living in a first-world that more likely resembles a Chinese sweatshop where virtue is derived from your lord and how much money you can earn for him.

>> No.13576379

Why should one base their morals on something that cannot be proven to exist? Its completely unreasonable. Besides anybody who needs god to be a good person is a psychopath.

>> No.13576381

>virtue is yourself, or comes from yourself
wow that's some good reasoning there I'm glad you dropped into the thread

>> No.13576386

>Is it 2011 again?
I think you mean 2008, senpai.
Curious this would deal almost exclusively with Christianity.
Really makes you think.

>> No.13576391

>there is forming now a groundswell of reactionary philosophic sentiment
no there isn't retard. get off 4chan

>> No.13576392

where would virtue come from if it isn't yourself?

>> No.13576398

God has been proven. Read Feser.

>It's completely unreasonable.
Divine metaphysics does depend on a faith in something unobserved, but not unknown. And definitely not unreasonable. You call it that because you haven't actually figured it yet and take it on faith from others.

>Besides anybody who needs god to be a good person is a psychopath.
Virtuous people don't need God to keep them in line. They know they are worms, unworthy, and they WANT to be good. They depend on him wholly, not to keep them from breaking laws or doing whatever they want, but for the most excellent virtues of faith and charity and hope. We want to be good, but our bodies and actions are imperfect.

>> No.13576400

read Plato. seriously. you shouldn't even be in this argument if you don't know about the form of the good.

>> No.13576403

>God has been proven.
no he hasnt

>> No.13576409
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sorry, I don't need books to tell me what to think. In fact, anyone who does isn't really thinking, they're just being brainwashed.

>> No.13576412

Probably evolution that what they want to be their God.

>> No.13576419 [DELETED] 

>God is the Form of the Good
thats why he created evil huh

>> No.13576431
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>> No.13576447

If you need that translated:

He is saying that goodness is the natural disposition of all things. Genesis bears this out, when God saw his creation and said it was good. As does Plato, in Republic, when he derived the form of the Good.

Humans, being created beings and fallen besides, are capable of failing to fulfill that disposition completely. This is how good can cause evil.

>> No.13576450

how childish and ignorant does one have to be to think that God = good and therefore because the world isn't 100% good then God can't be.


>> No.13576454

In general, more niche religions have higher average IQs. Jews, Episcopalians, etc. Atheists used to be smart but the average IQ if an atheist has plummeted 20 points over the last few decades as hoardes of midwits in typical midwit fashion believe it will increase their mediocre intellect.
By the mid 21st century in the West the religious minority will regularly trounce the atheist majority and the process will start to reverse again.

>> No.13576457

not only that but "100% good according to my (mortal) judgment"

yikes. truly toddler level understanding.

>> No.13576472

Evil is a privation of good, i.e. is not ontologically real in itself

>> No.13576497

>Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.
This might interest you

>> No.13576501

Dawkins is poisoning the minds of youths, his books should be censored.

>> No.13576513

based and redpilled, all sins are pardonable except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit

Dawkins should be whipped in the stocks at midday and excommunicated

>> No.13576533

No, the comparison was between observing 1000 trees and still not seeing the forest. It is not an analogy of tunnel vision or failing to see the bigger picture, but one of understanding the deeper meaning behind the observation itself. These concepts only share in their observation of trees. They are not basically the same, they are significantly different.

>> No.13576538

>all sins are pardonable except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
I went through and edgy atheist phase before growing out of it in college. How fucked am I?

>> No.13576545

I don't know. Ask a priest. I think how fucked you are depends on how truly contrite you are. I.e., how much sorrow you feel for having actually offended God and perhaps even misled others away from him.

>> No.13576571

You are not fucked, God forgives all who ask.

>> No.13576592

Protestant garbage. Luther's demonic horde may have been about sola scriptura once, but now they just make shit up. Listen to the words of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 12:31
>And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.

>> No.13576595

When those scientists were alive you couldn't even be friends with a black person, much less admit you didn't believe in god.

>> No.13576598

Is there anything stupider than believing the world was stupid the last few hundred years

>> No.13576628

Read parable of the lost sun, see peters multiple transgressions aginst even Jesus. And so on. Saying someone is doomed is completely anti Christian. As long as you repent an atone for you actions you can be saved.

>> No.13576633
File: 68 KB, 735x660, pepesadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean the prodigal son? and

>hey yeah I know those are the words of Jesus but like he contradicts himself over here and over there because I said so

>> No.13576644

What are you even trying to say there.

>> No.13576646

talk to a priest and read about the distinction between a formal sin vs a material sin.

>> No.13576648
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Dawkins going for 10/10.

>> No.13576656

You don't need God to have a purpose. Even if you are a believer you're still the one that's supposed to the care of your life, not God.

>> No.13576660

I'm saying you're a brainlet. Peter's transgressions against Jesus were not transgressions against the Holy Spirit. The parable of the prodigal son is about reconciliation and forgiveness between family, men, mortals.

>> No.13576668



Grow the fuck up

>> No.13576669
File: 171 KB, 1124x1165, bowden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people in Western societies now are so dumbed down and so degraded by almost every aspect of life that nearly any philosophical speculation about life is indeterminate and almost completely meaningless. It’s a channel which they never turn on.
>[...] the society that we have now is the result of the fact that every politician in all of the parties represented in the major assemblies, including radical Right parties essentially of a populist hue actually, believe in Homo economicus. They believe that man is an economic integer and nothing else matters. Immigration? It’s good for the economy, don’t you know? Everything is based upon the freeing of people from prior forms of alleged servitude due to economic enhancement.
>What is life really about? Is life really about shopping? Is life really about making more and more money? Is life really about eating yourself to death? These are the sorts of things that Evola’s viewpoint pushes before people, which is why the majority will always push it away.
>I personally believe, as with Evola, that people are hardwired for faith. Maybe 1 in 10 have no need for it at all. But for most people it’s a requirement. The depth of the belief, the knowledge that goes into the belief, the system they come out of, is slightly incidental. But man needs emotional truths.
>George Bernard Shaw once said, “The one man with belief is worth 50 men who don’t have any” Philosophical, quasi-philosophical, religious, semi-religious, philosophical melded into religious and vice versa. Without the belief that there’s something above you and before you and beyond you and behind you that leads to that which is above you, we seem as a species content to slough down into the lowest common denominator, the lowest possible level.

>> No.13576677


>God has been proven. Read Feser.
>language games proving anything

Pathetic. You godfags should just give up and admit to be the delusional fucktards you are

>> No.13576681

wowza good argument guess i'm btfo

>> No.13576685

It makes sense that he'd aim it at younger readers, given that his arguments against theology are at about the level of a 13 year old.

>> No.13576686

You Live in a fantasy world.

>> No.13576688


There's nothing to BTFO of. You offered nothing but pathetic language games. You don't offer any evidence, any results, anything of substance, and neither does Feser, or Aquinas, or any of the other sophist muppets you worship. All they try to do is define God into existence. Imagine worshipping a concept so pathetic that you actually need to wish it into existence for it to work. Truly bottom of the barrel, absolutely pathetic

>> No.13576689

You can't argue about God, in any denomination, with a atheist because they'll never admit that hierarchy has a moral component. A mercenary is lower than a soldier; a soldier is lower than a warrior. When a pack of wolves attack a herd of deer, the herd scatters thinking only of itself, but the wolves will work as a unit to bring the prey down, so even in nature there is a moral component.

However, we have (as a species) totally disregarded this, atheists more than any others. Because if you accept that hierarchy is natural and good, you will eventually get to the point where no higher power and morality is possible, maybe only impossible, like the terminal velocity of a falling object where it can not go any faster.

>> No.13576692
File: 195 KB, 1001x1600, joshuagraham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy Purgatory

>> No.13576695

Whenever I see this image I think it would make more sense and would be more funny if the second and third one were switched

>> No.13576699


>enjoy my empty threats

I won't, I'll be dead by then, nice try though

>> No.13576702

Don't conflate centrism with this moron's perspective.

>> No.13576704

>The parable of the prodigal son is about reconciliation and forgiveness between family, men, mortals.
Wtf man how can you call others brainlet when you don't understand the most aright forward parabal In The Bible?
Pls read this.
Wtf next you are gone tell me the parabal about the vineyard is not against the Jews

>> No.13576705


>they'll never admit that hierarchy has a moral component

That's because it doesn't, hierarchies are mostly based around utility and dumb luck. If a hierarchical system loses its utility, it will simply fall in disrepair, in spite of whatever Platonic fantasy you think it's supported by

>> No.13576714

So the wolves that work as a single unit for their own betterment as a group are morally equal to the deer that run away and don't care what happens as long as they're not the slowest one?

And do you think that the "falling in to disrepair" has something to do with a failing moral standard? And if not, why not?

>> No.13576721

>he thinks being anti-religious suddenly makes him a smartboi
On the contrary, he's saying being a smartboi makes one less likely to be religious. Quite different.

>> No.13576732


I'd like to see an actual study on that pack of wolves. Sounds like you just pulled that one straight out of your ass.

And no, disrepair usually has very little to do with moral standards. Stalin beat Hitler in the second world war, but I wouldn't call him more moral than Hitler

>> No.13576750
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>I'd like to see an actual study on that pack of wolves.
What do you mean "that pack", and what do you mean "study"? Do I need to go into the wilderness, find the one pack that can be properly aligned with my analogy, and then what? Give them that test where you show people's faces and measure the emotional response?

Also, by the time both Hitler and Stalin came on the scene the moral hierarchy was totally destroyed as a result of WW1 which almost totally eradicated the aristocratic class and they took Noblesse Oblige to their graves with them. Once you remove the moral component a bloody ruler like Hitler and Stalin, and the wars that result, is the only possible outcome. Joseph de Maistre was saying this even during the French Revolution.

>> No.13576770

I think you’re the childish one here. A life without purpose is not worth living.

>> No.13576787

What’s wrong with those Dawkins quotes?

>> No.13576793

lmao you're all a bunch of fucking idiots

>> No.13576845


I mean an actual study, instead of a bullshit anecdote you just pulled from your ass

>> No.13576854

You're asking for "a study" that shows that wolves hunt in packs to bring down separated members of a herd abandoned by the rest to its fate?

>> No.13576868

I think i saw the Sophist Muppets on the second stage at Glastonbury some time in the 90s

>> No.13576882


Considering how inane his previous work is, what would "bringing it to younger readers" mean? Emojis?

>> No.13577292

There is a lot of unintelligent folks though.

>> No.13577297


>> No.13577342

I’d call it a story rather than an anecdote.

>> No.13577366
File: 86 KB, 745x478, corgan10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he still doing this? Is he still laboring under the delusion that it is the highly religious who are guiding our society and making everything so darn terrible? That if only people didn't still share a few common myths, our society would be a little better?

His side won. Hardly any one in the west believes in anything so grand anymore. They still of course have their blind faith in a few things, maybe. Democracy, equality, silly things like that; the dominant ideology of our time is the sort of amoral liberalism coupled with Progressive notions of justice and history which is his ideological primordial muck. Only bizarre foreigners and people who never go to a university have escaped this process whereby any notion approaching conflicting with the Program is quietly eliminated and replaced with other equally ridiculous ideals more congenial to massified life under modern industrial capitalism.

Based. Dawkins is just a snowflake in an avalanche though. He is a cheerleader for something which is as inevitable as the the sun rising in the morning.

>> No.13577381

Yes; believing it was stupid the last 2000 years.

>> No.13577546

feck off with this fascist bullshit

>> No.13577571

all you need to know about metaphysics can be found in the garden of earthly delights. remember bois, hell is real

>> No.13577578

This is a pretty based video. I'm not into nationalism at all but this guy is a pretty good and effective speaker.

>> No.13577586
File: 737 KB, 2048x1500, 8C2DD470-12CC-46B7-9FFE-76780C414D82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me correct you:

all you need to know about metaphysics can be found in art

>> No.13577600

You have so much Abrahamic cum in your head that you wholeheartedly believe you must have particular function to reach fulfillment.

>> No.13578001


This. You need at least a 130+ IQ and light autism to even deeply contemplate all morality at that formative age much less take the time to read and educate yourself in this.

>> No.13578011

Einstein famously went to black colleges and gave classes there to protest racism.

Marx and Nietzche were already dead.

Please read more before humiliating yourself by sharing your ill-formed opinions.

>> No.13578107

dawkins and krauss are not mere pop scientists like the other two. they have both been influential

>> No.13578272

You mean wolves fight against each other to steal each others' food while deer bravely sacrifice their lives to save the rest of the herd?

How the fuck even a retard can think animals are moral actors is beyond me. And ascribing their own human morality to them on top of that.

>> No.13579163

Jonathan Bowden was amazing. Watch some of his videos on writers like Wyndham Lewis. His best is the Punch and Judy one, but that's a bit "much" for an introduction.

>> No.13579573

>reading means you're brainwashed
Based fedora