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13574983 No.13574983 [Reply] [Original]

The Catholic Church recently said he is ineligible to be beatified because he was antisemitic.

Meanwhile Muslims praise Roger Garaudy.

Why has the Catholic Church shown a better ability to stay flexible and relevant?

>> No.13574993
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>why yes I love the racist sexist anti semetic ass hole gk Chesterson, how could you tell?

>> No.13574994

Because they lack a spine and so do their followers.
Friendly reminder that the overwhelming majority of Australian Catholics voted in favor of gay marriage.

>> No.13574997

Vatican II was a mistake

>> No.13575015

lost people, really, who don't listen to Church teaching on things. they are as Catholic as the bricks in my house.

Hypocrisy. The Church in numerous councils made severe restriction on Jews and what they could do in Europe, even where they could live and so on. It all changed after WWII.

>> No.13575019

Well at least in Orthodoxy (the religion, not his book), the Church doesn't make saints, they only recognize them. Hence the term "glorification" rather than canonization that the Catholics use.The status of his divinity is determined by God, not by a bunch of moral relativists in the Vatican.

>> No.13575024


Makes you think.

>> No.13575034

God you are a pathetic Jew demon...and keep in mind, you are a Jew who would lionize Irgon, Die Stern Gang, Ariel Sharon, and the rest of the fucking terrorists who actually BUILT A STATE on terrorism and shaking down people. But.."Chesterton aid a few mean things about Jews***sniffle, sniffle*** What's that eternally correct phrase? "the Grand Masters of the Lie."

>> No.13575043

There's a difference between being anti-Semitic and being anti-Zionist. Being Christian already implies you're not anti-Semitic.

>> No.13575055

ignoring John 8 won't make it go away

>> No.13575086
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>Vatican II was a mistake
Stay away from it. If you are going to have kids, find a priest (getting harder now0 who was ordained before Vatican II. Follow Bishop Williamson and talk to other Sedvacantists. The Throne of Peter has been empty for half a century now.
Read about the miracle of Fatima. Lucia instructed them that in 1920 when she went into the convent that if she should for some reason die, the envelope she was giving should be OPENED IN 1961-- the year they were planning Vatican II, though obviously could not have known that in 1920. They are all heretics.
Find other Sedvacantists, listen to Bishop Williamson if you can find his videos now since they purged YT:


>> No.13575099

>There's a difference between being anti-Semitic and being anti-Zionist.
By it's very nature, Catholicism is opposed to Jews. It always has been, it is as it should be. when were all england's great achievmeents made, during their golden age of explanation? Between the time Edward i and expelled the Jews and cromwell let them back in during a puritanical delusion or due to a bribe. I tend to doubt 109 nations were all wrong...

"The Jews are enemies of God and foes of our holy religion." ~ Padre Pio

The Once-Chosen People are now the Accursed Race

St. Matthew Ora Pro Nobis
St. Matthew "Christ shall be slain, and the people who shall deny Him shall not be His." ~ Daniel 9: 26

Crucifiers of Christ ought to be held in continual subjection. ~ Pope Innocent III

The Gentiles ... have attained to justice, even to the justice is of the faith. But Israel ... has not come unto the law of justice. Why so? Because they sought it not by faith... For they stumbled at the Stumbling Stone.
~ Romans ix.30-32

Many shall come from the East and West and sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of Heaven, but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into the exterior darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. ~ St. Matthew viii.11-12

The Jews knew that Christ was the son of David. And even now they hope for His Coming. It is hidden from them that He has come, but it is hidden because they willed it so. For, not acknowledging Him on the cross, the knowledge of Him reigning in glory should not be theirs ... Why are the Jews hoping for what has already come, and not fearful for what is to come? For Our Lord Jesus Christ ... referred Himself as "the Stone" (Matthew xxi.44), that whoever stumbles upon it shall be bruised; but upon whom it shall fall, it will grind to powder ... Lying on the ground, it shakes whoever falls over it; coming from on high, it crushes the proud. The Jews have already been shaken by their previous stumble. What awaits them is to be crushed by His Coming. ~ St. Augustine

The "exterior darkness" is that of the Jews, who have heard truth but not believed. ~ St. Thomas Aquinas

Jews prefer to persist in their stubbornness rather than to recognize the words of their prophets and the mysteries of the Scriptures and thus arrive at a knowledge of the Christian faith and salvation. ~ Bl. Pope Gregory X

The Jews are deprived of these good things, for they are not brought to life by Christ; for sin remains unwashed away in them; neither do they advance unto the kingdom of Heaven since they have dishonored Christ Who is the Guide to Heaven. For they did not believe Him when He said: "I am Way" and "I am the Door." ~ St. Eusebius of Caesaria

>> No.13575108

Ehhh Sedevacantism is a bit much. How will there be another pope if the chair has been vacant for so long?

>> No.13575112

Sedevacantism is wrong. Basically Protestantism 2.0

Do not fall for it.

>> No.13575115

Jews are cursed and covered with malediction as by a cloak. The curse has penetrated them like water in their bowels and oil in their bones. They are cursed in the city and cursed in the country, cursed in their coming in and cursed in their going out. Cursed are the fruits of their loins, of their lands, of their flocks; cursed are their cellars, their granaries, their shops, their food, the very crumbs off their tables! ~ St. Agobard

I hold that those of the seed of Abraham who live according to the Law of Moses and who do not believe in Christ before death shall likewise not be saved; and especially shall they not be saved who curse this very Christ in the synagogues and who curse everything by which they might obtain salvation and escape the vengeance of fire. ~ St. Justin the Martyr

O most wretched man! You know very well that on the Day of Judgment the crucified God Whom you blaspheme will send you to Hell. ~ St. Theodoret of Antioch

Cursed shall you be in the city, cursed in the field. Cursed be your barn and cursed your stores. Cursed shall be the fruit of your womb, the fruit of your ground, the herds of your oxen, and the flocks of your sheep. Cursed shall you be coming in and cursed going out. ~ Deuteronomy xxviii.16-19

The Synagogue is a godless house, a collection of wickedness, and God Himself has damned it. ~ St. Ambrose (PAC, p.642)

Let their table be made a snare, a trap, a stumbling block, and a recompense to them. ~ Psalm lxviii.23

Having turned from the Jews, the Lord will now abide in the hearts of the Gentiles. Accordingly, they who hate Him are passed by, and they who love Him are preferred before them. ~ St. Ambrose
O Jews! Your impiety has served our salvation. The death of Christ liberates us; it accuses you. You alone, by right, lack that which should be lost to everyone.
~ Pope St. Leo the Great

The Jews, therefore, not only made themselves strangers to the covenants, but also dishonored the Father and killed the Son in envy. The Prophet invites the congregation of the House of Israel to praise Him, but they went about to kill Him and hastened to do evil. ~ St. Ephrem

It may be that the Jews, looking for another Christ, will laugh at our wisdom; for of them the Prophet has rightly said: "Their sepulchers shall be their houses forever" (Psalm xlviii.12). They laugh now, but they shall weep, for they shall weep when they look upon Him "Whom they have pierced" (Zacharias xii.10). ~ St. Amphilocius of Iconium

Well should the Jew mourn who, not believing in Christ, has assigned his soul to perdition ...The Jews have crucified the Son and rejected the Holy Ghost, and their souls are the abode of the devil. ~ St. John Chrysosto

Therefore, the Jewish system is destroyed, for it was only a shadow; but that of the Church is firmly established, for it is built on the Rock, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.
~ St. Athanasius

>> No.13575139

It isn't..If the pope is ex cathedra when speaking on matters of faith and morals, how else can we explain false teachings we KNOW are coming from the pope, other than that he is not legitimate in the eyes of Christ?
Have you noticed we just lost possibly the most amous church in christendom? They tried getting it 2x with pi[e bmbs (seach Notre Dame, Pipe Bombs) and now by
bad luck" it just all burned down? Ohh, and no investigation at all into it. Our societies call out for destruction as much as Sodom and Gomorrah EVER did...

>> No.13575146

I know this is OT but I'm amazed how few people know this. and this is from wikipedia:

French police arrested two persons on 8 September 2016 after a car containing seven gas canisters was found near Notre-Dame.[58]

On 10 February 2017, French police arrested four persons in Montpellier already known by authorities to have ties to radical Islamist organizations on charges of plotting to travel to Paris and attack the cathedral.[59] Later that year, on 6 June, visitors were shut inside Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris after a man with a hammer attacked a police officer outside.[60][61]

SO, they treid to get it 2x, but then the 3rd time, it was jus dumb luck it burned down?

>> No.13575150

Jesus is a Jew, think about that, the Eternal Son of God turned Himself into a Jewish Man. :)

>> No.13575163

We've had bad Popes before.

Sedevacantism is the abandonment of the idea that the Church WAS established by Christ and that she would endure until the end of times.

Perhaps these turbulent times are to separate the wheat from the chaff and to see who's faith is strong enough not to be scandalized by the conduct of our leaders.

>> No.13575172
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>in 2019
>1000 years after the schism
>500 years after the reformation
>2000 years after Christ establishes His church
I thought you fags (and I specify- FAGS) would have figured out the most obvious and apparent heresies in your little butt-stuffers club.

>> No.13575179
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>being a christian
>in 2019
like, i get it if you're a roman patrician desparately trying to reform rome and all that, but at this point it's just LARP

>> No.13575187

If Chesterton had lived to see it, I would have loved to have read his criticism of it.

>> No.13575206

Yeah, the only religions that voted against were Muslims, Hindus and the various Arab Christian churches and Orthodox.
Convert to one of those.

>> No.13575219
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>> No.13575226

based niqabis

>> No.13575233
File: 969 KB, 1184x718, luther1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus is a Jew,
you're either a Jew or an evangelical. There are thousands of scriptiral and papal bulls on this topic, which means either a. you don't know them b. you are equivocating....given that Luther was ready and expecting to be burned at the stake for his views, I'm going to give his arguments as he lays them out in that book (happy to give you a link if you want it, just ask) than I'd give you your own...

>> No.13575241

>>being a christian
>>in 2019
Wow, an Atheist In Current year plus 4! No, you can't be! You can't be, it's too much! Mom is gonna freak!

>> No.13575280

"The spirit of aristocracy is essentially opposed to the greed of the industrial cities. Yet in France there are actually one or two nobles so vile as to drive coal and gas trades, and drive them hard." The Duke of Windsor looked at the carpet. The Duke of Aylesbury went and looked out of the window. At length the latter said: "That's rather stiff, you know. One has to look after one's own business in town as well."

"Do not say it," cried the little Frenchman, starting up. "I tell you all Europe is one fight between business and honour. If we do not fight for honour, who will? What other right have we poor two-legged sinners to titles and quartered shields except that we staggeringly support some idea of giving things which cannot be demanded and avoiding things which cannot be punished? Our only claim is to be a wall across Christendom against the Jew pedlars and pawnbrokers, against the Goldsteins and the--"

The Duke of Aylesbury swung round with his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, I say," he said, "you've been readin' Lloyd George. Nobody but dirty Radicals can say a word against Goldstein."

"I certainly cannot permit," said the elder Duke, rising rather shakily, "the respected name of Lord Goldstein--"

He intended to be impressive, but there was something in the Frenchman's eye that is not so easily impressed; there shone there that steel which is the mind of France,

"Gentlemen," he said, "I think I have all the details now. You have ruled England for four hundred years. By your own account you have not made the countryside endurable to men. By your own account you have helped the victory of vulgarity and smoke. And by your own account you are hand and glove with those very money-grubbers and adventurers whom gentlemen have no other business but to keep at bay. I do not know what your people will do; but my people would kill you."

Some seconds afterwards he had left the Duke's house, and some hours afterwards the Duke's estate.

>> No.13575315

I never saw any proof that Chestie was antisemetic. The man didn't have a hateful bone in his body. But because he said whatever he wanted about whoever he wanted, Jews included, suddenly means he's anti-semetic. It's preposterous, especially when you compare him to others of his time. Retrograde opinions like that were the norm, and even one as enlightened as he would be bound to have some.

>> No.13575336

the real reason is because he was fat. the deity of Christianity was a severe critic of Jews, after all.

>> No.13575824

Not Pope ever denied the Jewishness of Jesus. You're delusional. Read the Bible and stop basing your faith on pol infographics and internet memes. Funny that Luther was a antisemitic heretic just as you poltards.

>> No.13575856

>Not Pope ever denied the Jewishness of Jesus
I just gave you 2 entire pages of quotes dumb fuck. See the Papal Bull "Remove the Unbelievers from the Boundaries of the Believers."
ppl like you make me want to get a swasi tattooed over my heart.

>> No.13575881

Why don't you do it since you're already so much into the LARP?
You sound like someone who'd be more at home on /pol/ that at Sunday service anyway.

>> No.13575883

Stay mad.

>> No.13575894

As a French Jew I find this very amusing and ever rather delightful. Chesterton is a very refreshing writer, almost any page of its fiction, even taken at random, gets the heart and the mind moving.

>> No.13575902

>expecting contemporary Catholics to care about papal bulls
Cute. The only person I've met who would actually read them was a Swendenborgian leftist, and I've met a fairly high number of Catholics.

>> No.13575910

Gay civil marriage makes sense. We let protestants marry after all.

>> No.13575920

Swedenborgianism is protestant. They're a Lutheran offshoot.

>> No.13575935

Give me an exact quote of a Pope saying Jesus wasn't religiously and racially a circumcised, Mosaic law following Jew who preached on Synagogues, the Jewish Messiah of the Old Testament Prophets, the Son of the King David, of Yahweh -and of the Virgin Mary, the Jewess- the God of Abraham and all the Hebrews. Give me just that. Oh, there's none, because that's heresy. You just gave me quotes of saints critizing Jews for not believing in their own Messiah, nothing about Jesus being a redpilled Aryan who hated kikes on racial ground. Jesus critized those same FAKE Jews, the Synagogue of Satan, etc. Denying Jesus Judaism is borderline lunatic and schizoid behaviour, almost every page of the NT is filled with AT recalls, the language of Jesus is the typical of the Jews of that time, he even used rabbinical terms from the pre-Christian Targumin.

>> No.13575962

>John 8
Yes, the same Chapter where Jesus said he came to fullfil Abraham's hope and complained about the Jews being faithless in His Messianic role unlike Abraham the first Hebrew, thus not being real spiritual sons of Abraham ("Spiritually we're all semites" Pius XI dixit); and then He claimed "I AM": YAHWEH. You fucking retarded clown.

>> No.13575967

She wasn't Swedenborgist (the actual denomination), she had Swedenborg-like spirituality, so a bit like Blake or Hugo. That's the simplest way I can describe it, it was a thing of her own. She was sympathetic to Communism and Anarchism and she liked to pray in churches (but not to Jesus although she told me she "felt" Jesus and Boudha sometimes).
Basically I'm saying papal bulls are a thing for weirdos.

>> No.13575988

Ah, and if that's not enough I will give you a CONDEMNATION of ANTISEMITISM from none other than THE HOLY OFFICE:

The Catholic Church has always prayed for the Jewish people–who until the coming of Jesus Christ were the depository of the divine promises–in spite of or even more because of the continual blindness of that people. With such charity has the Apostolic See protected this same people against unjust vexations! Because it reproves all hatreds and animosities between peoples, it condemns without reservation hatred against the people once chosen by God, a hatred that today is commonly called 'anti-Semitism'.

And Pope Pius XI stated in a speech to Belgian pilgrims in 1938: "Mark well that in the Catholic Mass, Abraham is our Patriarch and forefather. Anti-Semitism is incompatible with the lofty thought which that fact expresses. It is a movement with which we Christians can have nothing to do. No, no I say to you it is impossible for a Christian to take part in anti-Semitism. It is inadmissible. Through Christ and in Christ we are the spiritual progeny of Abraham. Spiritually we are all Semites."

Also Nazism is condemned in the Papal Bull Mit Brennender Sorge. :)

>> No.13576001

GK fans that want him canonized are such dorks. He's an amusing lay person not a saint.

>> No.13576047

>The (((Catholic Church))) recently said he is ineligible to be beatified because he was antisemitic.

>> No.13576130

Christianity is a dead religion and you neurotic fags needs to stop larping.

>> No.13577022

Good. Of everyone who would have been against the idea most loud would have been Chesterton himself .

There is even a father brown story where he is put in a poison induced coma and resurrected by some huckster in order to fake a miracle and create a pilgrimage site.
And father brown is Just really embraced about the whole thing.

>> No.13577047

>The gay devil pope strikes again.
That just proves he was even more based.

>> No.13577246

Vatican II was just another instance of the church bending to the status quo of the time as it had done constantly in the past. It just happened to be a worse paradigm to adjust to than those in the past. At least the Orthodox church is more honest about following state power, the catholics do pretty much the same thing but in a more abstract way that allows the impression that its their own reasoning instead.

>> No.13577387

>Stay mad.
don't worry, I will, since I have an inexhaustible supply to draw from.
For anyone interpreted in what the jews think of them here you are. Put gather bu several catholics professors of theology of spoke Hebrew, it's right there. Feel free to look it up.
They REALLY do noy like selling their Talmudic filth to non-Jews. Even though I had studied them nd told the woman at the JEw bookstore i was "secular, trying to redicover my jewish roots" her antenna was definitely up.
My adice Try to ue on online version of yhe Vlud o yhe almud wherever possibe. If you need help with spedific parts, guys like Israel Shamir (former Jew, not Russian orthodox, very cool guy) will help you out of you ask him nicely. BUT , yes, if you'd like to know what they think, start HERE:




>> No.13577395

>Our church is awful on purpose
It's entertaining seeing Catholics trying to cope with their own bullshit

>> No.13577523

>ineligible to be beatified because he was antisemitic
Uh wut? Half the Church Fathers made their career on antisemitic texts. Saint John Chrysostom's Adversus Iudaeos, Saint Augustine's doctrine of the universal guilt of Jews for the crucifixion, etc.

>> No.13577748

he wasn't sexist, was he?

>> No.13577752

that's ancient history

>> No.13578667

I can't tell which I dislike more:
>nepotistic elitist Jews who want to treat all goy like cattle and use advanced rhetorical techniques to undermine their sense of ethos (e.g., Susan Sontag)
>crazy White Christians who hate all Middle Easterners, without exception, while using mental gymnastics on how they've been "unironically" worshiping a Jew for over 1500 years
>batshit insane inflexible bloodthirsty Muslims who are against any form of liberalization and slyly push their gay-ass religion on everyone

I honestly hate all of you. I am glad at least my culture had something beyond all this filth, but ultimately, you faggots bit us hard. Maybe one day we will go back to our true religion and kick all of your asses in.

>> No.13580293
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>he thinks the year matters
read philosophical fragments and try again sweety

>> No.13580313

Is that Gus Johnson?