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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 211 KB, 540x386, Screenshot_2019-08-02-19-54-24-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13573190 No.13573190 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ on public transport

>> No.13573206

i love reading on trains because it's a nice quiet captive time without (hopefully) too many distractions, but i'm always worried that people are judging me or thinking i'm a pseud, so i tend to try and obscure the cover if possible and if i have to go the toilet or something i always leave the book face down

>> No.13573228

>Caring about what others think
The true mark of a pseud

>> No.13573230 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.13573233

not boldly showing off the cover of what you're reading, giving off an intensely charismatic and intellectual aura

>> No.13573246

Well for whatever it's worth, the only date I ever got was because she saw me reading on the train. Pity she left the country shortly thereafter. (She actually did, I checked.)

>> No.13573287


must be nice to live in the first world

>> No.13573301

>not constantly obsessing about every tiniest thing to the point where you're constantly drowning in your pathetic neuroses
lol brainlet

>> No.13573305

>i have to go the toilet or something i always leave the book face down
That's a lie. It would get stolen by nogs.

>> No.13573309

Not caring what other think at all is pretty dumb. But nobody is going to think bad of you for reading a book. Stupid people might even think you are clever.

>> No.13573312


>> No.13573337

>implying nogs would want to steal a book

>> No.13573344

>constantly drowning in your pathetic neuroses
A biography.

>> No.13573367

I was reading something in English, which isn't the native language here, it must have been either Pnin or essays by Tennis man. So right in front of me, we have these four people seat groups which are really awkward most of the time, is another woman also reading something. She's really awkward and afraid of being in the wrong train, I commute daily so I tell her it's fine, her train will take her where she wants. Silence. Eventually I have to look up some word, I try to use my phone but she notices, offers help. She doesn't know the word either, but we get talking. All way round she's kinda awkward and a bit scared, people would probably call her ugly in a plain way but I thought she was cute. Things go from there.

Though nowadays that wouldn't happen, I now read with big ass noise cancellation headphones to silence out the crowds.

>> No.13573389

That's actually really nice. Congrats.

>> No.13573393

if you managed that then how have you not gotten a date since?

>> No.13573527

>See unattended book
>Think "Ooh wee, free rolling papers!"

>> No.13573679

Same. I do read for enjoyment but I feel anxious if I get stared or looked at in a weird way because not a lot of people around here read on the train. Mostly people are on their phones. It's most likely just in my head but I still feel that way. Sometimes it makes me want to put the book away.

>> No.13573688

You are not alone, Anon, I do the exact same.

>> No.13573695
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i love long train journeys. i live in the south of england and sometimes have to travel to scotland for work. i could fly but i prefer to take the train. i read and snooze and read and snooze. it's awesome.
at the moment i'm reading some paul theroux and i like that he describes the books he's reading while he's on the train too

>> No.13574017

Anon, the fact that he visits this website should be enough of a reason why he hasn't had a date since

>> No.13574039
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>> No.13574049

lol there are litizens who don't take their most imposing volumes and flip to the back third of them and study them intensely for a few minutes at the bar and then furtively glancing around at the awestruck patrons?

lol are people even living?

>> No.13574221
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Literally me

>> No.13574231
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>> No.13574255

Reading the Recognitions, which I never bring on the train or bus because it’s fucking massive. I did that with IJ years ago and it was not worth it, it wasn’t the stares or the intruding questions I had no intent to answer - it’s just bloody cumbersome.

Let me read at home, in a cafe, library or in the open air. I try to engage in my situations when among the public, not exclude life away to my own misanthropy.

>> No.13574259

Go digital bro.

>> No.13574274

Name my band /lit/

>> No.13574336

Ever get the sleeper?

>> No.13574344

the crazy crowd

>> No.13574392

Crazy Train

>> No.13574395

literally me on SEPTA

>> No.13574409

It really is, you should come some time.

>> No.13574432
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only a brotha could pull that off desu senpai
whitey btfo

>> No.13574439

From left to right

1.) Go crazy AAA Go stupid AAA
2.) Noir Morpheus
3.) The Blind Reader
4.) Fishnet Cyclops

Together, they form the

NYC Subway Surfers

>> No.13574460

>he thinks people pay any attention to him in public

>> No.13574472
File: 157 KB, 741x747, meontheleft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quit 4chan because i'm depressed
>try to live a real life but no girl will spend time with me
>have to hide my true suicidal self from my friends, grow lonely
>return to 4chan where i don't have to pretend anymore
>reply "have sex" to posts where anybody appears to genuinely care about something
>quit 4chan because i'm depressed

it does not end

>> No.13574480

Sorry about not being handsome

>> No.13574481
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>> No.13574492

have sex

>> No.13574496


>> No.13574500


>> No.13574529

It might get better, bud

>> No.13574537

>implying niggers think before they steal something

>> No.13574563


>> No.13574568

Last train ride I took a drunk and an Abo (also drunk) where yelling at each other down the carriage the whole trip.
It was funny but not inductive to reading.

>> No.13574654

>Not caring what other think at all is pretty dumb
Honestly, why?

>> No.13574692

nah. i'd only really be happy if i could get the club room, and for the same price i can get a first class daytime seat and stay in a top hotel and still have money left over for chips on the way home

>> No.13574705

About two years ago I actually got approached by a girl while reading The Castle by Kafka on my train back home from university. She was pretty cute and awkwardly told me that she loved Kafka and that The Castle was her favorite. I told her that I hated the book (not true, it was alright) and she went away, seemingly embarrassed. Since then, I have probably masturbated at least 50 times to the thought of fucking her.

>> No.13574739

yeah public transport is weird

>> No.13574748


>> No.13574766

When I see young people reading highbrow literature in public I always think of them as pseuds who are, at this very moment while I think of them as pseuds, self-conscious and afraid about the possibility that other people at this very moment may think of them as pseuds.

>> No.13574826
File: 252 KB, 1024x682, istockphoto-1035496492-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be pajeet
>sit on top of train with 10 million of my cousins
>reading the Lolita
>hold book with right hand flip pages with left, leaving little brown smudges on the pages
>Abdul walks up to me after finishing the rape orgy of local little boy
>"Hello Abbo, i didn't know you could read."
>I say "I can't. but the man who sold this to me said it was about little girls so I thought maybe if a little girl saw me reading this she would get close enough to me that i could beat her into being my wife
>a flying cow rams into Aguu and knocks him off the train
>kek, he should have been reading like a real intellectual and cow God wouldn't have killed him
>notices someone over heard me say little girl
>jump off train into water below
>heap of plastic garbage breaks my fall
>they rape Abdul instead
>see one of them slip in one of my shits

>> No.13574838

>implying niggers wouldn't just steal it for amusement

>> No.13574841
File: 217 KB, 1080x1077, 1564329884387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nogs stealing a book

anon I..

>> No.13574845


>> No.13574848

Fun fact, this is literally impossible. This really is a nigger intimating man.

>> No.13574856

why are racists always retarded?

>> No.13574870

one of the better pics i've seen in some time

>> No.13574875

Unironically this. I get major anxiety when i leave literally anything unattended because I know nigs steal, it doesn't matter what, a book, a charger, old candy rapper. I would sometimes ask people nearby to watch my book(only once to be honest, i don't read out side very often) because all my life, if something got stolen from me it was by a nigger. This is what it means to grow up in a city

>> No.13574892

You quite literally cannot read two books at once. Multitasking is a myth which has neurological reasons to why we can't do it. Sorry nogger, your "based blackman" is just as retarded as you by pretending to read two books at once. They look like some YA garbage too.

>> No.13574900

But why did you lie?

>> No.13574913
File: 23 KB, 1024x892, terraarouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13574919

Are you sure one isn't just being used as a reference/supplement for the other book?

>> No.13574932

I thought so, the smaller book looks like a note book. However retards seem to want to choose to believe he's reading both simultaneously

>> No.13574944
File: 489 KB, 839x744, d78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you reject her?

>> No.13575014

It was a gut reaction and I don't think that much would have come of it either way. Also, having rejected her amplified the pleasure I derived from masturbating to her, so there's that at least.

>> No.13575038

I remember doing this when I was 14. I did attract a female heroin fiend at one point who begged me for spare cash though.

>> No.13575041

Uh where did you get this picture of me asking for a friend

>> No.13575044

>someone posts a picture of someone doing something
you're pretty stupid anon

>> No.13575046

God I wish that were me

>> No.13575051

He held his frame and negged her ofc. Agreeing with a woman would be beta and the witch would then proceed to divorce rape him.

>> No.13575054

Did u fuk?

>> No.13575057

>he bought a 4chan pass

>> No.13575060
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>> No.13575066

No, I told her I have no cash at which point I ceased to exist for her. I guess I wasn't the suitable betabux she was looking for. Still, one of the few rare instances where a woman gave me a spurious attention.

>> No.13575071


>> No.13575109
File: 185 KB, 800x1159, akagi-532466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have had that happen to me, but I think it ultimately comes from a place where you fear being vulnerable. I have been working on trying to be more vulnerable. I think the TRP concepts of frame is bull shit and only attracts women with cluster b personality disorders.

>> No.13575199

this lmao

>> No.13575289

imagine being this dumb

>> No.13575294

tell me anon when you were a kid did you believe it when someone "got your nose"?

>> No.13575316

I always try to let other people see what I'm reading. I just assume they want to know, because I always want to know what they're reading. I'm one of those assholes who'll peer over your shoulder to read what you're reading.

>> No.13575372

What the fuck else is there to do on the train? Stare at the homeless man jacking off? Play along with the group of black teens defacing public property?

>> No.13575376

>What the fuck else is there to do on the train?
Molest unsuspecting high school girls like a properly functioning human being.

>> No.13575380

Gaze blankly into your cellphone like a good social atom.

>> No.13575606

Quebec's roads and solid rear axle make reading impossible

>> No.13575682

begrudgingly kek’d

>> No.13575694

I read every day on the metro. The most frequent comments - oddly enough - are from black dudes about how big the books are. They never care to know what any book is, just express some weird respect/fascination at the size of it. Pleasant enough but unsettling to be cold called like that when you're focused.

>> No.13575772

Absolutely based thread!

>> No.13575799

I only read things I'm not super invested in or that aren't plot heavy, like history. Public transport is too distracting for anything fictional or that requires thought like philosophy. I don't think people really care if they see me reading- in fact people seem to stare at me even more when I'm not, but that might just be me being a schizo

>> No.13575811

I probably become more conscious and adjust my posture but I don't alter the way I read. If anything I hide the title and text more instead of trying to display it because I hate the feeling of someone reading over my neck.

>> No.13575823
File: 82 KB, 540x720, 1559547202329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading while commuting on trains/metro is probably one of the most productive things you can do. I used to waste time just sitting there like a dork listening to music. I managed to read a lot after starting it. It's eerie how I just progress faster when I read on the train no matter how rowdy it gets.

>> No.13575825

Man that made me laugh like nothing on 4chan has since like 08 /b/ or early greentexts. Fuck I miss greentexting stories

>> No.13575829 [DELETED] 


>> No.13575840 [DELETED] 

I agree I get quite a bit of reading done on the train, it's somehow easy to concentrate in that environment. My headphones broke and im too poor to buy new ones so I cant listen to music anyway, and music sounds better at night to me if i havent been hearing it all day.

>> No.13575852


>I don't know what rolling papers are

>> No.13575909
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>tfw motion sickness prevents you from reading on the train

>> No.13575913

Literally me.

>> No.13575936
File: 4 KB, 318x159, nixonwtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe this because I would have done the same thing.

I go into work at 6am so the train's quiet enough to read. Last summer I started seeing the same qt redhaired girl every morning but I never even thought about talking to her at first because I'm a wizard loser. After a couple months and a few instances of eye contact I decided I had to either try talking to her or sit on another train. So one day I got an excellent chance to talk to her when we got off the train at the same station... only I froze up like a sperg who hadn't tried hitting on a girl in 5 years. I consoled myself with the fact that I could just try again tomorrow.... only she never showed up tomorrow or any other day and I never saw her again. I still get furious when I think about it.

That summer I was reading a ton of Gene Wolfe. How would she have reacted if I tried to talk to her, /lit/?

>> No.13576014

please dont post gore on this board

>> No.13576024 [DELETED] 

your image made me laugh

>> No.13576060

My favourite Paul Theroux bit is when he goes to Japan, takes the bullet train and he leans over to look at what the schoolgirl net to him is reading.

>> No.13576415

I’d totally steal it. I’m an incurable book thief. Fuck you, gibs.

>> No.13576438

Somebody post the “I would like you to perform the transaction now” pasta

>> No.13576443

She would have called you a fucking dork, you fucking dork.

>> No.13576629


>> No.13576712
File: 85 KB, 1080x1266, 1548283631173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, yes, I do read hentai magazines while in public transport. How did you know /lit/ ?

>> No.13576899

I just stole a bunch of German learning books from a room vacated by a flat mate, AMA.

>> No.13576926

This picture makes sense if you consider what the books are.

>> No.13576930

old copypasta

>> No.13576934
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>> No.13576950

supremely based

>> No.13577068

No, I just posted it once or twice before in similar threads

>> No.13577096

i can't read on trains because looking down is submissive and i can't focus with crotches and butts in my peripheral vision

>> No.13577097

This actually happens to me everyday. Am I not a pseud then ?

>> No.13577102


By that definition reading anything at all would you a pseud since you necessarily need to care about the thoughts of someone else (the author).

But I think I know what you meant. That caring about how reading makes you appear to others, is the motivation of a pseud.

>> No.13577261

Pretty sure some anon found the books. One of them is a Bible and the other some sort of Bible commentary.

>> No.13577281

Und, wie viel haben sie dir genützt?

>> No.13577309

t. dog

>> No.13577809

> Books
> References
> Reading
> Negro

You guys are going way over your heads here. Let's slow down for one moment, please.

>> No.13577827
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>that faggot that dresses like Camus, has the same haircut, has an unlit cigarette in his mouth and is always holding the stranger book despite not reading it and using his phone
if i see that faggot again i will unleash all my wagie slave anger on him.

>> No.13577846

trying way too hard

>> No.13577851

Wait, so are you pajeet or abbo?

>> No.13577865

The joke was that the names were arbitrary, but i fucked it up by using Abdul twice.

>> No.13577990

Absolutely this. Also a southerner, and I always prefer to take the train to France. I remember drinking shitty train wine and eating salami while reading War and Peace for the readalong thread while France blasted past me.
When all that check-in faff is done, it's gonna have taken you most of the day either way, so why not travel more comfortably?

>> No.13578423

Has anyone ever been able to make out the books he's reading?

>> No.13578519
File: 37 KB, 272x245, 1333498144928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you reading?
How do you respond to this without seeming like a loser, dork or a tryhard? I just say I read travel books. I'm not telling anyone I read Nick fucking Lang or book of disquet.

Thank god for ereaders.

>> No.13579179

Proof that DFW readers are absolute chads

>> No.13579342

>I'm not telling anyone I read Nick fucking Lang or book of disquet.
why not?

>> No.13579611
File: 93 KB, 611x425, 1564150652651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone was going to think you were a try hard for reading they already were, reading is a try hard hobby in the first pave, might as well own it. Just say what you're reading and give as many autistic details in casual way as you can. Retards will swoon and pseuds will weep. Pussy retard nigger

>> No.13579613

What a son of a bitch made my laugh desu
Im still laughing

>> No.13579719

Fünfzehn Minuten mein neger

>> No.13579774

>>quit 4chan because i'm depressed
wtf man, that sounds awesome, when I get depressed I spend way too much time shitposting here

>> No.13580358

i travelled to japan once and seeing qt high school girls reading books peacefully on the train just about crushed my soul
it was the countryside as well, and we were passing through hills and valleys
it was beautiful to say the least.
>ywn be that girl

>> No.13580514

I can't because the bus is too loud with the sound of dozens of chinks talking at 80 decibels each.

>> No.13580549

you should have replied with: "oh yeah, tell me the ending if you love it so much?"

>> No.13580889

I feel this, which country?

>> No.13581776

I was once at a bookstore browsing when this girl walked up to my side. After standing there for a while she asked me if I could hand her a copy of Wuthering Heights from the top shelf (I'm above average in height). I complied and she said thank you and stood there for some moments flipping through the novel. In a moment of weakness I considered jokingly mentioning that I had tried reading the novel twice but could never make it very far. Thankfully I pulled myself together and walked away instead.

I've since tried reading it a third time and gave up once again. I'm not the type to drop books like that, don't know what it is about that novel that prevents me from finishing it.

>> No.13581831

Vancouver, Canada.

>> No.13581874

>trains because it's a nice quiet captive time without

>> No.13581884 [DELETED] 
File: 451 KB, 976x1532, mfw eternal suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I read the Diary of Anne Frank while on an Air Force C-17 Globemaster III on its way to Somalia in 1993.

In retrospect, it was probably a mistake to read that particular book given the shit I saw over there.

>> No.13581927

Tell us what you saw there Anon

>> No.13581971 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 269 KB, 500x282, 1564904967090.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lots of sick, dead, and dying kids, one of my friends get blown to bits by a car bomb, a Somali gunman whose arm I practically blew off with an M203.

desu the latter two didn't really affect me all that much (it's hard to describe but the training kicked in and I basically turned into an emotionless robot in combat, didn't feel panic or exhilaration, only thought about stuff like "cover that sector" or "clear that room") but the dead kids... That's something they can't prepare you for.

I know this sounds weird coming from a former elite light infantryman (well, not that elite), but I really feel for Anne Frank. Not in a sexual kind of way that Jeff Mangum and a lot of the posters on /his/ seem to, but a situational one I suppose. A little girl having to live in abject terror of something she can't really understand (the political aspect of war). I saw a lot of young girls (and boys) the same age as Anne or even younger, wasting away from the same shit that killed her (starvation, cholera, malaria, typhus, etc.). Probably asking the same question that she did. "Why?" They had no say in any of it, no means of escape, just like her.

>> No.13581997

What about the off time when you were all at the barracks or whatever relaxing, how was that like, what did you do?

>> No.13582042 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 1280x710, Panamanian qts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I my first assignment was with 5-87th (193rd Infantry Brigade) in Panama just prior to Operation Just Cause. It was pretty intense for the first three days but after the fighting ended, it was pretty nice. Panamanians are very nice people and the beer and cigarettes are a lot cheaper than in the US. Even the Panama Defense Force guys we fought weren't all that bad once they surrendered.

My second enlistment saw me reassigned to the 1-87th (10th Mountain Division) Fort Drum and ugh... On top of it being too cold, my platoon had a had a bunch of 14/88ers who were always fucking blaring Skrewdriver, Johnny Rebel, or Tom Metzger's Race and Reason talk show where he does nothing but shout about "muh niggers" for three hours from their room at 3AM. And the officers basically looked the other way to that and their other antics like using the base copy machines to print out KKK propaganda.

God, they were fucking annoying.

>> No.13582431

>Read ebook
Problem solved
>Bring a book with me to a bar
>Read it for a while then want to read something else
>Start reading an ebook
Problem unsolved

>> No.13584184

That you're not able to just switch between books is one of the greatest perks of reading in public with only one available book imo

>> No.13584209

yo wtf is his phone in braille or something

>> No.13584474

someone post the edit with him reading ij and rupi kaur

>> No.13584912

I do believe that the larger book is "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren, and the smaller is a Bible.

Went to a Christian school for a year.

>> No.13584995

How the fuck is there a train from England to France?

>> No.13585007

>What's a tunnel?

>> No.13585287
File: 78 KB, 506x572, DVATQkYUMAEOlAv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's never heard of air trains

>> No.13586235

I enjoy having two or more selections to read from at any given time. While a novel might fulfill the need for beauty, sometimes you just want to read something for reading's sake, or non-fiction.

>> No.13586398

You didn't peek what people are reading on their phones, I take it then. Quite often, guys read hardcore loli porn. Girls read surprisingly degenerate shota yaoi. It's fascinating to see half a train of people reading hentai manga in public, in a desperately sexless society.

>> No.13586430


>> No.13587294

It is like ten fucking minutes on my trains anywhere. You can’t just be in the Fucking moment for 10 minutes? Jesus.

>> No.13587300

But that’s you anon, and all of us.

>> No.13587331

based schizoid poster

>> No.13588114

cringe overload

>> No.13588652

maybe, doesnt change the fact that its pretty comfy place to read
i wish britbong or burgers can set up their transportation system so as to allow such thing to take place
i saw one guy reading seven deadly sins
also the girls i saw were reading small books, like a small bible, i am not even sure what those are all about.

>> No.13588662
File: 21 KB, 319x499, 41DNNw5F8eL._SX317_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read this on train like a chad

>> No.13588876

>not observing everyone on the train yourself
>not listening to people's conversations
>not seeking to understand how people are in their quiet and restful moments
I get reading during excessively long journeys but for shorter stuff, it is best to look around.