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File: 295 KB, 852x480, gigachad dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13571798 No.13571798 [Reply] [Original]

>why yes, I did kill myself because I realized the anti-natalists were right, how could you tell?

>> No.13571823

There's a difference in preventing suffering by not reproducing and killing yourself.

>> No.13571828

whats the difference

>> No.13571858
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In one case you minimize suffering by not spreading the potential for it, in the other you maximize virtuous joy and pleasure in order to overcome the suffering enforced on you by your parents.

>> No.13571860

If you kill yourself you will never again make anyone suffer, that's the best option.

>> No.13571862

>the suffering enforced on you by your parents

>> No.13571865

How can I kill myself painlessly and without risking becoming a vegetable? I dont have access to guns, live in europe

>> No.13571874

You are wrong. Anti-natalism is all about convincing the others.

>> No.13571877

>Implying anti-natalists aren't just spineless, selfish, shit heads.

>> No.13571895

Does europe only have three story buildings or what?

>> No.13571901

Carbon monoxide poisoning. It's as easy as a garden hose and a running car.

>> No.13571904

i don't mind torturing someone to death for 80 years only so i can feel my cock pulsating in a pussy for 15 seconds

>> No.13571906

Gigachad doesn’t think so.

Gigachad took anti-Natalism to its natural conclusion. The very existence of Gigachad would have made women want to procreate, so he had to end it right then and there.

>> No.13571912

by making you exist?

>> No.13571915

i have always read that dying of severe massive frostbite is extremely comfy. go climb the alps

>> No.13571920

Gigachad lives a happy life with his wife, children and grandchildren, while enforcing anti-natalism on the others for fun.

>> No.13571923
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>Why yes, I have come to the conclusion that suffering is inescapable and that all my efforts to terminate it is in vain, how could you tell?

>> No.13571933

I'm happy to exist, life is so good!
Having children and grandchildren is so great, and knowing that anti-natalists won't have such a great life fills me with utter joy.

>> No.13571943
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>Why yes, I am the Demiurge and created the earthly world in order to increase suffering and evil, how could you tell?

>> No.13571959
File: 98 KB, 831x1024, 1537232499249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I am a disciple of the great German philosopher Philipp Mainländer and believe that this world is a rotting corpse of God, how could you tell?

>> No.13571964

Then why would Gigachad be in a coffin you moron? Stop pretending you know Gigachad.


Gigachad is a miserable nihilist and plays WoW at night

>> No.13571987

Fun fact: the anti-natalist movement was created by a happy family dad who wanted to convince losers to have a vasectomy, just for the lolz.

>> No.13571996


The true Chad faces suffering, finds meaning in hardship, he does not try to escape it.

>> No.13571997

This sounds legit and totally verifiable

>> No.13572000

I know a Chad. He’s a loser

>> No.13572006

>you moron
t. triggered anti-natalist

This particular flavor of butthurt is the very reason why we cretated anti-natalism.

You childless losers are so funny!

>> No.13572011

But there is more suffering in escaping suffering than facing it. So who's the real chad?

>> No.13572021
File: 69 KB, 478x656, a58d060137f7eaea5b38f17058859dc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>suffering is inescapable

>> No.13572022


He is not a true Chad

>> No.13572032
File: 74 KB, 554x426, conan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13572068

I don't understand. What's wrong with suffering? It feels bad? Ok, that's not an argument against it.

>> No.13572078

Depends on who.

>> No.13572083

You nailed it, most people are perfectly okay with anti-natalists suffering their miserable childless life.

>> No.13572093

You’re desparetely clinging to some kind of mentality dude. I have a gf and shit. Chads don’t exist.

Yes he is. His name is Chad.

>> No.13572096

You made your choice.

>> No.13572104

I don’t have children. I’m the true Chad anti-natalist

>> No.13572106


>> No.13572118

Yes, I know, we've bullied you into not reproducing. That's the law of the jungle. We feed on your very fail.

>> No.13572126

Didn’t you read the thread sweetie, Chad is an anti-Natalist.

>> No.13572142

Of course he is! Chad lives a happy life with his wife and kids, and he is also a fierce anti-natalist when it comes to the others. Convincing losers to have a vasectomy is so fun!

>> No.13572202
File: 68 KB, 947x1200, 1559818545285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes suffering makes us stronger and therefore is good, how could you tell?

>> No.13572256
File: 234 KB, 1500x957, 1_2ARZ5rVoVfX6He0zx4Rw_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but I always thought what doesn't kill you makes you very weak

>> No.13572276

>the absolute state of so'yism

>> No.13572283

this is what americans actually believe

>> No.13572308

you could also maximize joy by having children that can experience joy
and you could minimize suffering by killing youself today

seems pretty arbitrary big guy

>> No.13572309

That’s a basedboy quote

A basedboy would revel in pussy while drinking onions

>> No.13572325

*assrapes you*
How do you feel know?

>> No.13572328

Think of life as a video game, by committing suicide, you are just dying. You aren't clicking 'exit game'

>> No.13572353

bad. so?

>> No.13572362

>*assrapes your whole family*
What about now?

>> No.13572367
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x715, spider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I exit from my life without killing my self?

>> No.13572414

Gigachad Requiem?

>> No.13572419

How old are these posters? Seriously.

Post your ages :3

>> No.13572427

Im this old

>> No.13572454

t. Sunken cost faggot

>> No.13572455

why should you place any higher value to bad feeling than good feelings

>> No.13572460

now you and your whole family has a stronger anus

>> No.13572466

And you think you will never suffer in life? tut tut.

>> No.13572468

The real answer is pure helium. You feel giddy as you lose consciousness and the whole thing is over in two minutes, four tops. Hard part is finding an airtight way of getting it into you.

>> No.13572478

cope the post
your son probably has autism and you need to wage slave your entire life

>> No.13572520

>wage slave
now we have the answer.Western NEET loser trying to cope with his failures by embracing anti-natalism

>> No.13572837

this but unironically

>> No.13572840

>Chad killing himself
You got it all wrong, Chad. Anti-Natalism is a eugenics program that should only apply to beta losers. Chads should impregnate as many braphogs as they can so in a few generations the entire human population is composed of Chads and braphogs.

>> No.13572850
File: 409 KB, 600x418, Baby_in_hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I am a dystheistic antinatalist who was once a serious Christian and had undeniable revelation of the Christian God. I don't even support abortion because an aborted baby has no chance of getting into heaven. Life in Christ for those who exist, continued nonexistence for those who do not. That's my policy.

>> No.13572900

What's a catalytic converter?

>> No.13572908

Something is wrong with NEETs if they're anti-existence. It's an almost totally stress-free life, I find myself constantly wishing that I could live forever

>> No.13573345

>wage slave
>family allowances

>> No.13573359

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