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13569348 No.13569348[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people who read books also tend to smoke tons of cigarettes?

>> No.13569349

it looks cool

>> No.13569353

it keeps you from diverting your attention

>> No.13569397

because they tend to be from the Humanities, and people in the Humanities hate themselves.

>> No.13569405

they know that they're inferior to STEM

>> No.13569412

It help you focus like fidget spinners and chewing gum

>> No.13569415

Reading causes smoking .-.

>> No.13569434

I'm a reader and a smoker and I can tell you, I've been smoking before i started to be a reader, I started to smoke because it feels good asf just like any drug, alcohol, weed... You name it
maybe it's a trend, if you see, the majority of writers are smokers so the reader may get a impression out of it and starts smoking too
Or maybe they just enjoy smoking like everyone else, for me it's clearly an addiction, but I'll try to stop soon

>> No.13569447

Cause smoking is like coffee u smoke u write and read better, especially on 8 hour reading marathons u process the information better. It's not a meme anon

>> No.13569481

If you did either you would know.

>> No.13569488

I started smoking this year bc it gives me something to do
& it’s a good way to start conversations with girls

>> No.13569494

because we're more aware of how heavy reality is and smoking lightens the load a bit

it's also aesthetic

it's also about living in the moment and trying to optimize one's capacity to appreciate

>> No.13569511

Jorge Based Borges said those kind of writers habits sucks lol

>> No.13569523

That's a strong delusional cope right there

>> No.13569532
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You're more weak.

>> No.13569582

smoking is terrible for you in every sense. stop it, faggot.

>> No.13569680

you’d be surprised how little that scares you

>> No.13569703

you say that as if every smoker doesn't already know that

>> No.13569717

It's stimulating. I got on, jumped right off and haven't looked back since. Don't do it.

>> No.13569809

I’ve been smoking 6 months and I still don’t even really like it

>> No.13569822

He was trying to motivate and be goodboi badanons

>> No.13569843

if someone said that to me I’d smoke to spite him

>> No.13569966

Nicotine helps me do everything better. I never got addicted to cigs though, went through like half a pack a year. Fucking Juul got me though six months ago, and it's honestly worth it

>> No.13570025

Everyone in my family did (male/female on both sides, using chewing tobacco, pipes, you name it), as well as some other students during later years in elementary school. I can't really consider it a vice, and all potential or aesthetic "influence" of writers who have smoked is secondary to actual experience.

>> No.13570384

Give us an example of your smoking-oriented conversations

>> No.13570391
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I only smoke slim cigars. Big cigars wouldn't fit in my holder anyway.

>> No.13570393

"hey you got a lighter"
"ill suck your dick to use it"

>> No.13570418

monkey see monkey do.
it's just striving for the image of an intellectual or writer. you'll notice most people here are only concerned with that. not their fault the world didn't give them a proper culture and worldview so they have to roleplay (engage with subcultures) to feel any sense of internal stability.

>> No.13570553

its a repetitive dopamine releaser and stimulant, compulsively consuming caffeine and nicotine helps with concentration and stamina in repetitive monotonous tasks like reading.

>> No.13570567

Romanticization leads to habits

>> No.13570712

17 cig a day i might have a problem

>> No.13570713

They are dumb

>> No.13570716

i used to smoke like 20ish a day. I decided to cut out smoking during the day, so now I just chainsmoke while drinking every night, which is usually like 10-15.

It is absolutely fucking up my ability to run and workout, i kind of hyperventilate when doing more intense exercises now.

>> No.13570719

smoking cigarettes is based and intellectual

>> No.13570729

Substitute for a personality.

>> No.13570767
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Never cared for it.
Caffeine addict since 35 though

>> No.13570794

Is 30 a good time to start smoking?

>> No.13570804

cool mugs, where'd u get those?

>> No.13570837

>since 35

You must be like 58 by now
Kill yourself, you whore

>> No.13571166


>> No.13571414
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Except for maybe 3, all the mugs in my collection are made custom for me. Mostly I just take images of the characters holding mugs off the internet but if there is no examples of them doing so, I just commission a drawing.

I haven't ordered a new one in a while though, I should get on that.

>> No.13571420

why do "people" on 4channel immediately buy any premise of an op

>> No.13571624
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>two people outside smoking
>"Hey do you smoke?"
>"Yeah, obviously"

>> No.13571627

wonder what it's like to be this unbearably cute for 4 years and then go downhill steadily for 20

no matter how hot she is, it's like starting life as an A+ and then going to A, A-, B+, B, B-, and so on. must suck

>> No.13571628

None of the readers I know smoke

>> No.13571630

Dare I smoke a cigarette?

>> No.13571631
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You're more in danger of killing yourself directly you dumb tranny. I'll blow smoke in your open "wound"

>> No.13571635

lung cancer is /lit/

>> No.13571636

I used to be a social smoker until I saw a 35 year old guy die in front of me because of lung cancer. I even have a pipe which I don't use anymore.
t. Med student

>> No.13571646
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Everyone used to smoke, so a lot of writers in the past used to smoke, so we see a lot of their characters smoke as well. As readers we're often influenced by the thoughts and actions of these characters or perhaps become more inclined to find smoking appealing as we enjoy antiqued mind sets from older books. Also it's fucking cool; walking behind a beautiful babe while she's smoking a cigarette and sucking up her second hand air is how i cope with my crippling loneliness, makes it hard to walk with a boner though.

>> No.13571653

>social smoker
This term is aids. Just say you smoke occisionally, "social" anything is just how fags and roasties justify stupid habits. "Oh I'm just a social binge drinker" "I'm not a slut I'm a social dick sucker"

t. social masturbator

>> No.13571674

Yeah, but it is kind of the agreed upon term for my past habits. Anyways I don't know how someone could get addicted to it; 2 or 3 cigarettes are relaxing, but at the 4th or 5th you start feeling like absolute shit.

>inb4 muh tolerance
I was a "social"/occasional smoker for 8 years.

>> No.13571698

better to have loved and lost etc

>> No.13571735

It be longer than 4. And it's better than starting at a D then working towards an F in less than a decade

>> No.13571737

and smoking supposedly causes cancer
therefore reading causes cancer

>> No.13571830

are you me? I drink about a half a whisky bottle to a full bottle each night and mostly with some extra wine because I feel it might be "healthier" while smoking one to two packs of cigarette each night. I read and go to work during the day and relax in the night to the point where I forget to walk and have to crawl to the bathroom but mostly I just wake up on the floor the next morning and the cycle continues.

>> No.13571917
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I know all that and I'm not phased the slightest bu it, and that's probably the saddest part of it all

>I started smoking this year bc it gives me something to do
>& it’s a good way to start conversations with girls
literal cringe

Then stop faggot, before it becomes a full on addiction. I started smoking as a dumb 14yo and drinking at 13 and it's been a bane since

It did enlighten me in some sense so idk, but there's so many more drugs you can take and not develop a life-long addiction to like tobacco

>walking behind a beautiful babe while she's smoking a cigarette and sucking up her second hand air
based, girl smokers are wifey material

>> No.13571976

I only smoke weed and forget most of what I read the second I put it down

>> No.13571995
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>smoke weed
Cigarettes are based. Weed is for fucking losers and brainlets

>> No.13572014

This may be true.

The slave in Greek society was well fed, he had place to stay and a work to perform. His body was in healthy condition. He had no worries because everything was arranged. He just had to work and follow the rules.

Now look at his master. Head filled with worries, constantly arguing with other masters over the nature of reality, worrying about survival and income for him, his family, slaves, constantly reading and growing fat, his hair balding, health declining.

No wonder many if not all of them philosophers are bald.

>> No.13572030

This board gave me cancer so you might be on to something

>> No.13572284
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smoking is aesthestic, and the fags that guilt trip smokers are hypocrites because they never shame people who drink alcohol

>> No.13572295

>I know all that and I'm not phased the slightest bu it, and that's probably the saddest part of it all

>> No.13572310

>smoking is aesthestic
you must be 18+ to post here

>> No.13572314

Because we're french

>> No.13572324

I was able to stop smoking and just take 2 mg nicotine gum now.

>> No.13572330

>thing that hurts no one but yourself
>thing that can give other people around you cancer
>morally equivalent

>> No.13572377

Underage anon is right about alcohol being accepted and nicotine frowned upon. Alcoholics are way more disgusting than heavy smokers

>> No.13572391

smoke a bit more and you'll stop getting boners at all, problem solved

>> No.13572402

Probably fast food meat, antibiotics and processed food will kill any boner way faster than tobacco

>> No.13572417

thought puritans didn't like books

>> No.13572421
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I go through 2 lighters a day and I never finished a book in my life

>> No.13572424
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But it's true, all the males in my extended family smoke and end up getting hospitalised every winter without fail.

After a while, you just accept the dry mouth, the loss of taste, the coughing, and the impending cancer and early death as just aspects of daily life, which is one of the most defeatist and sad things in post-industrial human existence

It just kills me when I think about it honestly. I used to spawn a diamond rod over the mere thought of titties, and now I can barely keep it up during sex

>Probably fast food meat, antibiotics and processed food will kill any boner way faster than tobacco
Kek and tinpilled

>> No.13572440

The struggle for pleasure is the struggle for life.

>> No.13572476

desu the anxiety reduction effect you feel while smoking is caused by nicotine withdrawal in the first place. So that anxiety exists because of nicotine, and having a cigarette quells it for some time.

>> No.13572481
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>doesn't smoke cigarettes

Are you bullied, mentally handicapped, or both?

>b...but it kills you

And? Is life a contest about who lives the longest?

>its addicting!

It's not, as long as you're not under aged and you smoke in moderation

>its expensive!!!

Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel

>> No.13572485

It brings me closer to death and I see that as an absolute win (Avengers Endgame reference).

>> No.13572504

You're not suppose to smoke the lighter

>> No.13572510

can confirm

>> No.13572555
File: 167 KB, 1280x853, mate6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after quitting i replaced cigarettes with mate for reading and it's much better for focusing and relaxing

>> No.13572808

only when is cold outside

>> No.13572821

>he doesnt puff fat stogies and drink scotch while reading
Never gonna make it

>> No.13573048

>alcohol abuse doesn't hurt the people around you

>> No.13573062

Do Argentinians really do this?

>> No.13573107

>equating emotional abuse with cancer
In either case, literally just walk away.

>> No.13573116

Moderate drinking around other people isn't harmful. Unless you're covering your nose and mouth or wearing a gas mask, there is no way to not be harmed by someone smoking around you.

>> No.13573138

>he says as he huffs brake dust and gas fumes between tokes of smog
2nd hand smoke might matter if you're a waitress in a comedy club for 30 years like in that commercial, but it's a meme otherwise.

>> No.13573145


>> No.13573167


>> No.13573240

It's sad how you only want to hear what you already believe.

>> No.13573259

It's sad that you're such a neurotic faggot that you're scared of smelling someone smoking a cigarette.

>> No.13573507

that's rich, don't you think?

>> No.13573705

Yeah and they insist on making a big deal out of it and make everyone else cringe.

>> No.13574787
