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13568270 No.13568270 [Reply] [Original]


Patrick Bateman from the novel American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis is closest modern (not contemporary) representation of Nietzsche's man overcoming himself and striving to grow the seed for the Übermensch to come.

The novel depicts perfectly how Patrick is stuck in the cement that is conformity and the need to conform to the moral standards and customs of this apollonian social structure we live in.

Later on we come to know the character better and realize that he manifests his psychopathy in the little details of the world that he angers over. He wants to be the best and always stand out from the societal ladder.

His true self came out as he was the most accurate representation of how an extreme nihilist has to take the fundamental steps in his life in order to finally overcome what man is. Unfortunately for Patrick, he revealed himself to be a psycho killer; this is what substantially gives life to the plot of the story.

Please remember that Nietzsche is a prophet, not a philosopher.

>> No.13568405

Stop embarrassing yourself and Nietzsche with such abhorrent posts.

>> No.13568644

Care to explain?

>> No.13568659


>> No.13568911

I like the comparison OP.
It's actually a very good example of nihilism, although it would be hard to know what modern day total nihilism would look like in a book or a movie.

By the way did you set a bot? I think it's the third day I see a daily reminder thread about Nietzsche.

>> No.13569070

He has a need to engage in homocial behaviour on a massive scale that cannot be corrected, and has no other way to fulfill his urges. Yet he is self-aware of this and practically begging to be caught and punished because he knows he is pathological, which means he’s not a psychopath. So what is he?

>> No.13569109
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>> No.13569534

Sociopath= are made
Psychopaths= are born

>> No.13570503
File: 196 KB, 817x762, 1564301761922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You went pretty far to come up with that.

>> No.13570526

>customs of this apollonian social structure we live in.
Was it Apollonian?

>> No.13570537

I believe so. Remember all the little details such as obsessive care for his body and the famous business card scene? These moments show how much one can be attached to conform as, if not better, his peers do.
There's basically an invisible leash to society (morals is the atom of our society).

>> No.13570545

The difference between psychopaths and sociopaths is nothing more than the subject of click bait psychology videos; they are synonymous, and both of them have been replaced by Anti-Social Personality disorder

>> No.13570549

hmm, but they certainly aren't Apollonian ideals, right? They are third estate at best. I think, anyway. Lets define Apollonian, first, so that we aren't talking past each other. I thought it meant high ideals and values ordained by something transcendent. What do you think it is?

>> No.13570551

Daily reminder that Bateman probably isn't a real character in the context of the book but some entity that Ellis used to project all the worst aspects of Yuppie culture onto.

>His true self came out as he was the most accurate representation of how an extreme nihilist has to take the fundamental steps in his life in order to finally overcome what man is

How does he do that if he spends his entire life trying to conform?

>> No.13570585

I always figured the killings were a fantasy of his. He is a product of his society he knows it and it angers him hence the fantasies.

>> No.13570592

>He is a product of his society he knows it and it angers him hence the fantasies

That's basically the gist of the novel. He never gets caught after killing hundreds of people and all of his fantasies are a reflection of the dark, sexual videos that he watches.

So then what makes him the Superman?

>> No.13570595

Our society is apollonian no matter how close we are to the many ideals in this world. That has been default for over 2 millennias.
Unlike his peers he started doing drugs, prostitutes were a norm for him and in the end also became one of the first of his victims. He slowly derailed from what was built around the ''I'' between ''Them'' to become an ''I'' that does not care about any system anymore. We see this in particular when he goes on a killing spree.

>> No.13570600

Who said he's the Superman? OP didn't mention that.

>> No.13570657
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>Unlike his peers he started doing drugs

You didn't read it, did you? Also I was under the impression that that Nietzsche himself didn't think we lived under an Apollonian society and used Alexandrian as a term instead

>> No.13570739

I only watched the movie, but I'm not OP.

>> No.13570745

Even your movie analysis doesn't make any sense

>He slowly derailed from what was built around the ''I'' between ''Them'' to become an ''I'' that does not care about any system anymore.

But he's deathly afraid of being captured and gets pissed off that someone breaks an unspoken rule about business cards.

>> No.13570789

If I remember correctly, regarding the business cards, he was shocked from the guy that showed his business card for last, the one that was of a different colour and design. I believe he was envious of not coming with that idea first.

>> No.13571393
File: 11 KB, 220x272, 220px-Christoph_Bernhard_Francke_-_Bildnis_des_Philosophen_Leibniz_(ca._1695).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my answer.

>> No.13571402

He's trying way too hard to for anything you just said to click. Seems like everything you know about Neechee comes from school of life videos.

>> No.13571418

oh god i bet you talk about nietzsche all the time don't you
breakfast = my cornflakes are not a fact, but my interpretation of cornflakes
waiting for the bus = this is so nietzschean
lunchtime = you know, nietzsche ate sandwiches
having a wank = oh god i'm cumming no wait god is dead aahhhhhh
i hate you fucking pseuds

>> No.13571423


get the fuck out Wagner

>> No.13571425


>> No.13571498

but why was he wearing sunglasses indoors? WHY?!

>> No.13571571

Because they were expensive.

>> No.13571582

This is on par with Bateman's analyses of shit tier music

>> No.13571585

GG Allin is a real life example of a total nihilist

>> No.13571591

GG was larping to shitty dadrock for attention

>> No.13571599


if this is the case, Nietzsche's philosophy sucks. getting seduced along the way to reach a terrible conclusion doesn't make you smart or great, you're still a loser

>> No.13571763

>Nietzsche 'sucks'
>Great or smart

Judging by your immense and mature vocabulary, I'd say you should keep your head on your high school books instead of posting here, my young friend.

>> No.13572058

Please refrain from using this website if you're not 18+.

>> No.13572097


>wasting precious brainpower on something as ridiculous as this

I stand by what I said, losers

>> No.13572099

So your understanding is that the main factor of Apollonian ideals is that it's masculine?

>> No.13572122

I don't see your point, what does masculine and feminine have to do with this?

I can understand the underlying duality concept but not not what sexuality has to do with this.

>> No.13572141


This is the real reason he wrote it. Like all books, you can never seperate the message from what the author feels themselves. This is just as much Ellis's own thoughts than it is a base critique of society.

>> No.13572179

Interesting video but notice how he emphasizes on the fact that his personal reasons for writing the book are only the beginning of the book. I'm sure you know better than me that a book is not written in a matter of a day or two.

>> No.13572224

That's because it wasn't exactly what he set out to do. I'm just here to point out that it was never this big critique of yuppie culture but instead a broad struggle to come to terms with how people value perception over substance.

>> No.13572227

I'm anti-social but not a psychopath/sociopath, cunt.

>> No.13572241

>...a drug dealer on Thirteenth Street who offers me crack and blindly I wave a fifty at him and he says “Oh, man” gratefully and shakes my hand, pressing five vials into my palm which I proceed to eat whole and the crack dealer stares at me, trying to mask his deep disturbance with an amused glare, and I grab him by the neck and croak out, my breath reeking, “The best engine is in the BMW 750iL”

>"She placed the file on top of the desk before asking, "Doin' the crossword?" dropping the g in "doing" -- A pathetic gesture of intimacy, an irritating stab at forced friendliness."

The entire book is amazing

>> No.13572247

Look up what anti-social means in the context of mental illness, cunt. It means extreme behavior like stealing, violence, manipulation, lack of remorse, etc.

>> No.13572280
File: 53 KB, 620x642, xd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Props for the very well picked quotes from the book! I'm glad there is at least one person in this thread who has read the book for real.