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13566998 No.13566998 [Reply] [Original]

I finished Crime and Punishment after two weeks and now I don't feel like reading anything. I downloaded some samples of books in the Kindle app to see if something puts me in the mood and so far nothing. It's just as if that Dostoevsky's prose and characters were so good and distinct and the overall feeling the book conveyed resonated with me so much that now everything else feels out of place.
I want to keep the habit of reading 20 pages every day but now I have nothing to read.
Help me out lads.

>> No.13567014

Read the other books of the author that resonated with you.

>> No.13567016

stop reading fiction, retard. whad did you actually gain out of it? some fairy tale about a retard who kills inocent people and the moral is that we all should worship sky daddy? kys, that's exactly why you're still a fucking NEET fat failure. you waste your time with fairy tales instead of actually getting knowledge about the world, knowledge that could help you have a better life

>> No.13567027

Try reading one chapter a day regardless of how long it is. More episodic and engaging.

>> No.13567030

I actually have a pretty good job in IT and I'm ripped so stop seething so hard bucko. Now recommend me some non fiction you delirious rascal.

>> No.13567034

The Bible

>> No.13567044

I usually read 2 chapters and it rounds out at 20 pages most of the time. >>13567014
I wanted to read The Idiot but some idiot here spoiled the ending and that put me off a little.

>> No.13567110

The Iliad or the odyssey

>> No.13567121

damn that sucks

>> No.13567165
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Read notes from the underground, i think it will fit perfectly

same author

>> No.13567171

You are right, and I thought c&p was shitty, but fiction is entertainment, so I read fun stuff sometimes, like Finnegan's wake.

>> No.13567263

Just keep the ending in mind while you go on a journey. It doesn't make the book less enjoyable because here and there you may find something others were missing.

>> No.13567310

Read it already. It was good but nowhere near c&p.
I might do so. I enjoy Dostoevsky's characters enough to let that go.

>> No.13567541

Read some good short stories. Then you can keep up your twenty pages or so a day and feel that you've actually finished something instead of puttering around aimlessly.

>> No.13567554

Good short stories are the crocodile and a little hero