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File: 63 KB, 960x960, 40112111_1804963472891667_8377356611613622272_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13566725 No.13566725[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>God? no such thing, simply a made up being from ancient civilizations
How old were you when you got out of this phase and what pushed you to?

>> No.13566734

Got out of Religion or got out of Atheism?
It's hard to tell because you're portraying neckbeards as Chad

>> No.13566776

Someone post the philosophical arguments for God's existence post.

>> No.13566791

Read it and was completely unconvinced

>> No.13566805

No, I just want to post it into your /int/ post too

>> No.13566807
File: 51 KB, 413x243, soyboy(19).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone post the philosophical arguments for God's existence post.

>> No.13566811

I'm not the same guy

>> No.13566815
File: 92 KB, 819x683, 1560834517139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Someone post the philosophical arguments for God's existence post.

>> No.13566816

there's a better one

>> No.13566831
File: 19 KB, 471x350, 1553795089281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing created something
t. atheist metaphysics

>> No.13566839
File: 132 KB, 782x758, 1559462952182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you mean there are philosophic arguments for g*d??!? NOOOOOOOOO
>what do you mean greeks were theists too!! the sky fairy man was invented by dirt-eating dark age peasants because they were afraid of dying
>what do you mean I have to understand intricate ontological and metaphysical systems, concepts, and terms in order to even begin to engage in criticism of theism? NOOOOOOO I'M SUPPOSE TO JUST BE ABLE TO SAY YOU HATE SCIENCCCCCCEEE
>what do you mean Dawkins didn't refute Aquinas or Pascal and had no clue what he was talking about?? Ghahghahg Dawkins save meeee
>save me, o wise and ancient hindus--us evil white westerners only ever ripped you off in the first place
>WHAT??! advaita vedanta is a religion too???

>> No.13566846

13, and reddit

>> No.13566847

Ever heard of quantum fluctuations? Something coming from nothing has been observed.

>> No.13566854

Hilarious strawman, nobody is claiming that all theists are stupid, uncultured or illiterate.
What we do have a problem with, is religious fundamentalism.

>> No.13566856

You guys are retarded. There are no philosophical arguments for the existence of capital 'G' God. The most you can get from these arguments, even if they were all granted, is that some sort of abstract deistic entity exists. This is so far away from any religious God that one wonders why religious people even bring these arguments up.

>> No.13566861

You're no better if you can't give any reason

>> No.13566873

"nothing" used there is not nothing, but a continuous flux of chaotic energy.

>> No.13566876

If you read his post, he never even specified a God of any religion.

>> No.13566892

Give any reason...for what?
Why Aquinas' arguments are fundamentally flawed?
Why I oppose religious fundamentalism?
I'm not OP

>> No.13566895

1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause of its beginning.
2. The universe began to exist.
3. Therefore, the universe has a cause of its beginning.
4. The cause is an Abstract object or A system of sufficient conditions to produce its effect or an unembodied mind with free will
5. Its not an abstract object nor a system of sufficient conditions
6. The cause of the universe is an unembodied mind that is atemporal, aspatial, nonmaterial and that is incredibly powerfull.

>> No.13566908

Well that's one of the problems with this debate. Religious people know that they can't win the debate by defending their god (creationists are a joke in academia) so they retreat to defending some abstract deistic entity who nobody has a problem with. They simply harp on the duplicity of the word "god" -- which can be used to refer both to a deistic "god" and to the Bronze Age war God who genocided the Canaanites and flooded the planet -- and, after making an argument for the former, act like they've justified the latter.

>> No.13566914

Again, all of these arguments can be granted and we still would not be brought a step closer to any religion.

>> No.13566922

most arguments are for the existence of the God of the monotheistic religions, yes. Is this wrong? Do you think it's impossible to have an argument for a particular monotheistic religion?

>> No.13566928
File: 64 KB, 475x518, 1497290382594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how were your phases anon? mine were like this
>birth - 13: god
>13 - 17: no god neckbeard
>17 - 20: god
>20 - now: lol who cares.

>> No.13566935

>he argues about the existence of God

please kys. religion is supposed to be something personal

>> No.13566937

so ignorance is your ultimate form?

>> No.13566938

no it's not

>> No.13566948

No, they aren't. All of the arguments people use -- the Kalaam, the Ontological Argument, the Teleological Argument, the Prime Mover, etc. -- only bring us so far as deism, which is scarcely closer to any religion than atheism or agnosticism are. If religious people were honest they wouldn't debate about "god", which they know is a duplicitous word, but about "Yahweh" or "Allah" or "Thor". They don't do this, of course, because they know that what they actually believe is untenable, hence they retreat to a place of philosophical ambiguity where they feel they are the strongest; i.e. deism.

It's kind of like a man driving a burning car. We (agnostics/atheists) point out to the man that his car is on fire and he turns around at us and says, "Well it still drives, doesn't it?"
Our point was never that the car doesn't drive, but that it's on fire.

>> No.13566967

Retard alert, you are talking about post Big Bang, or at least the first few seconds of it when the physics of our universe came into being. They did not apply before.

>> No.13566982

at first i believed in god because of religious family then i stopped because of online fedora atheism, dawkins, religious people btfo'd videos, that sort of stuff then i started believing again because i realized that science is god's method of creating the universe and that god gives people hope and god answers what science can't answer then i stopped caring when i realized its impossible to prove or disprove god with solid proof

>> No.13567156
File: 15 KB, 255x390, Religion_Explained_by_Pascal_Boyer_book_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17, but i went back to atheism after reading this based book

>> No.13567160

pls watch

>> No.13567196

this level of ignorance on the vast differences in religions shows how ignorant you are towards all of them! If you are an atheist show me your arguments, if you are an agnostic disprove mine so that you are still in the neuter position. Please read more and dont conflate deism with polytheism monotheism and pantheism/monism

>> No.13567206
File: 9 KB, 262x263, F6EA9163-AEB8-4006-AD21-C4B83E3936D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you mean there are philosophic arguments for g*d??!? NOOOOOOOOO
>what do you mean greeks were theists too!! the sky fairy man was invented by dirt-eating dark age peasants because they were afraid of dying
>what do you mean I have to understand intricate ontological and metaphysical systems, concepts, and terms in order to even begin to engage in criticism of theism? NOOOOOOO I'M SUPPOSE TO JUST BE ABLE TO SAY YOU HATE SCIENCCCCCCEEE
>what do you mean Dawkins didn't refute Aquinas or Pascal and had no clue what he was talking about?? Ghahghahg Dawkins save meeee
>save me, o wise and ancient hindus--us evil white westerners only ever ripped you off in the first place
>WHAT??! advaita vedanta is a religion too???

>> No.13567220

>something can always exist but that something can't be the universe cause... uhhh? A-actuality or something?

>> No.13567251

3-10 hmmmm
11-16 there is no god!
17-18 there is a god!
19-24 hmmmm

>> No.13567278

what happens after that ?
I'm 24 now

>> No.13567284

you die

>> No.13567389

About 13
I prayed once.

>> No.13567399

Reminder that Christcucks can inherently never be Chads since they uphold a weak slave morality

>> No.13567439

>Its not an abstract object nor a system of sufficient conditions
says who

>> No.13567484

god is a metaphor for things we don't understand. if you're too fucking stupid to get that then you're just a retard who's forever going to be stuck alternating between brainlessly believing in religion or never believing in anything unless a scientist told you about it

>> No.13568022

When I figured out Santa wasn't real. Everything else just followed.

>> No.13568379

I am convinced that I am being punished in my adult years for my edgy teenager atheist years.

It hurts.

>> No.13568388

What if the universe has always existed? You literally cannot prove to me using human technology that it has a birth date.

>> No.13569205

Not Christian but violence is intrinsically EVIL and if you would ever hurt another person or support them being hurt you are a terrible person and the true slave, albeit to a brute's nature. You have to be gentle and kind to everyone. Never harm any person.

>> No.13569222

18, Pensées

>> No.13569232

>one of the first results of collectiveness is supposed to be something personal

>> No.13569246

is this some kind of npc cycle?

>> No.13569254

maybe before they absorbed based greek-roman mythology and became crusader chads

>> No.13569260

unconditional pacifism is evil. you have to be willing to defend justice and good, with violence and harm if necessary. even christians knew this. dont try to pretend you are moral for being deathly afraid of confrontation

>> No.13569275

What the fuck are you talking about? I never conflated anything. The point was easy to follow you're just low IQ

>> No.13569324
File: 706 KB, 700x700, OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes, I've outgrown the existence of God and have embraced that I am a God. How can you tell?

>> No.13569326
File: 143 KB, 458x317, Isaac_Newton_laboratory_fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much the second the Enlightenment philosophers decided to think outside the box they immediately discarded traditional notions of the Christian God and dove head first into Pantheism, Deism and even Arianism.

>> No.13569335

>the sky fairy man was invented by dirt-eating dark age peasants because they were afraid of dying

Most of the Greek Gods were invented by dirt eating peasants though. Hesiod was a farmer whose Work and Days basically consists of begging the reader to not piss off Zeus. It's when they started to think more rationally about the concept that we ended up with radically different notions of the universe, including some atheists.

>> No.13569345

>How old were you when you got out of this phase and what pushed you to?
19 when a long period of spiritual dryness, clinical depression and (admittedly) a lot of Googling.

If you don't feel God, there is no point. You can't rationally justify his existence and expect that to provide the same comfort and religious ecstasy as feeling His divine presence in your soul. You would probably feel that a lot less if you didn't live in a society that told you this was your creator.

>> No.13569365

I was always a doubter growing up, which is more common than you'd assume for kids who go to catholic school, but as I get older I feel God's presence in my life more and more. St. Augustine's Confessions forced me to really think about it.

>> No.13569384 [DELETED] 

>the fake chad who only started lifting after his embarassing high school experience

>> No.13569407

We accept suffering so that we may enjoy the fruits of paradise.

>> No.13569436

You're the one who sounds like a slave, Anon. I'm here if you need support

>> No.13569451

Irrefutably true. Also, charming picture.

>> No.13569464

any act of violence can at best be a necessary evil, used to uphold the good - but it can never itself be good, and should ultimately be avoided and condemned as much as possible.

>> No.13569472

Christianity and spiritually is real and dictates earthly matters, but as long as you're looking for facts, instead of truth, you will be lost.

My advice to those who want to learn more: when you lay down in bed tonight for sleep, cmose your eyes and be brutally honest with yourself. Examine your motives, desires and solutions. And I mean brutally, until it hurts in your chest and stomach. Ask what you need, and why, and then ask again.

>> No.13569507

10-16: I don't see any reason to believe God might exist
17-20: I see very solid reasons pointing toward the possible existence of God

>> No.13569513
File: 11 KB, 263x400, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this?

>> No.13569519

0-13 casual Catholic
14-19 atheism is logical and you're stupid for believing in that shit
20-24 everything has meaning and nothing matters if there is no divinity/eternity, god or a creator is logical since nothing is random

>> No.13569690

You know what? It was honestly some of the 'victories made on this fucking place. Am I on reddit? I don't even mean that in a 'le reddit xd' kind of way, I sincerely feel like I have seen enough of these two shitholes to notice that they spew a lot like each other.

>> No.13569817

>can’t argue back so appeals to emotion with a time lapse youtube video
classic atheist

>> No.13569949

I was about 25 when I moved into housing in a church. a little bit before that I was homeless and the only place that would let me sleep on a bed were churches. it was around this time that I decided I had to let go of my atheism because looking back at my life christianity was always there to help me

>> No.13569961

-16-no idea
17-god is a myth
18-god is dead
19-21-no idea

>> No.13570134

10-15 God is real
16-18 God is a meme
19 God is real
20-21 God is a meme

>> No.13570145


>> No.13570285

Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.


Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheist


Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.


Daily reminder religious people are less educated


Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human

>> No.13570294

Eternalism, the dominant view among physicists and philosophers, makes this argument irrelevant.

Dilate & have sex

>> No.13570313

>thinking scientific innovation is always a good thing

>> No.13570322

I was about 11 when I stopped believing in God and told my parents to get me out of catechism classes.

Now 22 and wondering if a deity really exists. Not a Christian, but I do tend to say toward deism or gnosticism on occasion.

Atheism truly is for teenagers.

>> No.13570328

11-15 God is real
16-20 God is dead
21-23 God is real
24+ I am God if I want to

>> No.13570337

This post reeks of estrogen

>> No.13570352

What if me and other adults like to consensually beat the fuck out of each other (MMA)?