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/lit/ - Literature

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13562918 No.13562918 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a horrible callous person
I'm self-centred and narcissistic, yet have a poor and unstable sense of self and also hate myself
I'm very detached and dissociated
I'm cruel and sadistic to others, yet I want to fix myself some how
what literature will help me

>> No.13562951

this is water - dfw

>> No.13562959

If this is tru you don’t need and likely don’t deserve to spend time reading and indulging your mind
Go out and treat the people you know better and force yourself to change your habits, dick

>> No.13562962


>> No.13562975

Literature of realism, including magical realism.
Tolstoi, Kant, Rousseau, as philosophers.
Goethe, Byron, any social poetry from your country.
Read bios, travel books.
Nothing better, yet, than going outside and look, talk, listen, try.

>> No.13562978


>> No.13562981

I'll see if those are useful to me
Shutup cunt, kill yourself

>> No.13563011

lol you’re gonna die and people are going to laugh and then forget about you
Enjoy learning how to be decent from books you subhuman waste haha

>> No.13563024


>> No.13563072

dostoyevsky. probably The Idiot in particular

>> No.13563093


>> No.13563275

I’m exactly the same and I don’t want to change. All this obsession with goodness and morality is dumb. You don’t need to be a good person ‘who is good to others’ to enjoy reading or writing

>> No.13563282

enjoy dying alone desu

>> No.13563336

What’s so scary about living or dying alone? Besides I’ve had enough fucked up relationships to know that being alone is actually better than being with someone shallow or for the sake of it

>> No.13563342

Cope, we all are going to die alone either way.

>> No.13563404

You need to read the Holy Quran to find the answers you need

>> No.13563439

how so

>> No.13563532

I'm willing to put money on the belief that you are not currently "living-" or looking at the prospect of soon "dying alone"
I work with elder care facilities and those are some people realistically facing the prospect of dying alone and they are (no pun intended) shitting themselves over it
to answer your question though, being alone is scary because we understand huamns more than we understand the neverending storm of misery that is flung at people with no apparent reason, and so they make good companions when facing horrible events
but by all means, embrace the unpredictable tragedy that will be your life- that is ultimately all of our lives- and snub your nose at all the people suffering with you out of pride or convenience, people do it every day and, since they have no one, no one remebers them- they effectively never existed. if thats what you really want thats the easiest thing in the world to attain, so lucky you i guess

>> No.13563535

You aren't. You wouldn't even ask these questions or be worried if you were. Pride is the root of all those terrible traits and it can only be remedied through suffering and patience.

>> No.13563537

This is what you need, look under the narcissism tag.

>> No.13563574

Read it and find out. It's based af.

>> No.13563601

Mr. OP, I’m sorry but Mr. Woznyk called and he said he doesn’t want to pay for that $3.00 surcharge for the gasoline, so were going to be cutting back down to 30 yards, not 31.

>> No.13563615
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Based Akhi.

>> No.13563645


>> No.13565124

Alone or not, I’ll enjoy dying all the same

>> No.13566377

anything more on this? How do I be less self-focused and nasty?

>> No.13566449
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Hey, Eric, sorry to do this to you man, I gotta take off early, my daughter's got a basketball game

>> No.13566467

At least you're aware of your own predicament, which is a lot better than most people. Literature won't help you (at least, not directly). What you need is to fall in love, i.e. experiencing the utmost shattering of your ego and your 'heart' being 'stolen' from you.


>> No.13566470

You're beyond salvation only Jesus can help You.

>> No.13566472

All I do is create an identity for them to love, they never love me. And I just love and idea of them that fuels my own ego. I'm shit.

>> No.13566495

Probably this type of literature


>> No.13566515
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Take it easy man

>> No.13566520

Try to go all the way until the end.

>> No.13566524

The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Mirror by Tarkovsky. Learn what it means to be a human being.

>> No.13566525

i usually cut relationships off before they can get any where
mostly because i'm a coward

>> No.13566543

It's okay. You will be like that forever until you die.

>> No.13566635

not if i try

>> No.13566681

Yes, but only for a while, until you go back being the same person you are right now.