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/lit/ - Literature

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13561302 No.13561302 [Reply] [Original]

I've come to realize the only source of my depression is the disconnect between my verbal and performance IQ. I know I perceive the world around me on a level that's above most people my age, and yet I fail to apply my knowledge and insights in any meaningful way. Mainly because I lack the ability to quickly perceive non-verbal information, and react to it accordingly.
This has bottlenecked almost every area of my life: social interaction, music school, my science degree, my math abilities (geometry and graph theory), driving skills, practical organisation etc. etc.
Really, I can see the big picture, I have a good memory, I can reason abstractly at a high level and I possess far above average verbal capacity. And yet, when it comes down to it, I can barely function on a day to day level due to this mental bottleneck. It drains all my mental energy, leaving me a depressed wreck, knowing I know better, yet being unable to act it out.
In my eyes this is as close to a realistic curse as it's gonna get. Feels as if I'm paying the price for something that's gone wrong in my family a long time ago.
But finally, this shit will stop with me. I will never have children, I will be the last idiot to suffer through this hellhole of a life. I'm not wishing this upon my enemies, much less my own kid.

>> No.13561307

No, the source of your depression is that you're a dumb faggot and need to fuck off. This isn't about literature. Go to /adv/, you dumb god-forsaken piece of shit. Now shoo.

>> No.13561314

Are there really different types of Iq?
Maybe you just have social anxiety which makes you act like a retard when you are around other people.

>> No.13561325

I got an IQ test of -100. What does this mean? Whenever I come across incel Zoomer faggots, they start coughing, convulsing, and throwing up blood. As they babble their nonsensical narratives, a little black mouth opens in the middle of my forehead, and a black vortex opens as it devours the words of the IQ-worshiping Zoomer faggots. I like to take a moment and drink their tears as I whisper into their ears, "Where's your IQ now, bitch?"
This is how SJWs are created.

>> No.13561339

>performance iq


>> No.13561340

You ok retard?

>> No.13561341

yes, there most certainly are. That's why an official IQ test is split into verbal and non-verbal parts. Your verbal IQ determines your ability to organize letters, grasp the meaning of words and sentences, and to reason abstractly/metaphorically. the non-verbal part determines how you deal with non-verbal, mostly visuo-spatial information. An underdevelopment in this area of your brain can definitely bottleneck your ability to function in the world.
t. studied psychology for a while

>> No.13561349

Go to /adv/, dumb faggot.

>> No.13561350

>I know I perceive the world around me on a level that's above most people my age,

I used to think that too, except I realized I’m a genuine moron.

>> No.13561366

>Performance IQ is a score derived from the administration of selected subtests from the Wechsler Intelligence Scales, designed to provide a measure of an individual's overall visuospatial intellectual abilities. The Performance IQ is a measure of fluid reasoning, spatial processing, attentiveness to details, and visual-motor integration.

huh, so it actually is a thing

>> No.13561372

The different factors in IQ are highly correlated in the general population which is why you don't hear much about them in general psychometrics. Most people with high verbal have high spatial etc. In extreme cases though an individual person can have very different results between the factors.

>> No.13561375

holy shit that's exactly how i feel

>> No.13561386


>> No.13561396

When I sit down and try to think about what I genuinely like I come up blank. Is this depression or sociopathy?

>> No.13561415

What does sociopathy have to do with your empty head?

>> No.13561420

thanks for clarifying. the gap between my scores was just short of 40, performance IQ being 96. you can figure out the other one. i'm OP btw

>> No.13561431

I am similarly far above average verbally yet fairly average elsewhere (as is likely the norm for full devotees of this board) and I don't conceptualize it as being "bottlenecked" by my deficits so much as being able to trick people into thinking that I'm far smarter than I am solely via phonological hoodwinking, that because I talk good I am able to interview very well and acquire promotions very easily because I "seem" smart: he talks good so he must think good, no? But I do not think that my thinking is particularly above average, even if I habitually hobbyhorsically exercise my mental muscles with froufrou abstractions; I've come to view verbal intelligence per se as nothing but clever symbol manipulation without any particular substance behind it, akin in some sense to highly practised but uncreative/unvirtuosic piano or guitar playing, that I am merely well-spoken because I've practised speaking-well a great deal (even reading being verbal rehearsal) but that this does not at all reflect any sort of actual intellectual superiority. The implication of all of this is that you can in theory do the same with other skills: you could in theory reach the same level of aptitude in mathematics just by constant rehearsal: but really absorbing (physiologically becoming in a certain sense) a new skill requires utter devotion, countless hours expended, and the immense struggle of early studenthood is not nearly so rewarding as further exercising well-developed muscles. In college I somehow managed to induce myself to understand the life sciences at a basic level despite no previous substantial interest in or talent for it and I hope to induce myself to understand physics and calculus and biochemistry as well, to somehow synaptically horticulture myself a doctor, but I know this can only occur with long effort and I fear that I lack the patience.

Anyway, intelligence isn't static, particularly when it comes to domains deficited by lack of use. If you feel stupid in a certain area the onus is on you to grow beyond that.

>> No.13561432

So 40 visual spacial and 96 verbal?

>> No.13561478

>Anyway, intelligence isn't static, particularly when it comes to domains deficited by lack of use. If you feel stupid in a certain area the onus is on you to grow beyond that.
t. Brainlet who doesn't understand the difference between knowledge and intelligence aka the efficiency with which your brain can process information

>> No.13561496

it is quite static in my experience. I've tried for years to improve my spatial processing abilities through action-packed videogames played at high speed. I must admit it has helped me somewhat, but overall I'm still as slow as I used to be. I have developed muscle memory more than an ability to quickly read and reason my way out of problematic spatial situations.

I must also admit I feel I am almost entitled to achieve more than I currently have, because of my general social/cultural awareness of the world around me. But then the reality, the importance of rapid visual processing in everyday life, hits me again and I realize I will never be able to live a "happy" life. happy as in "at least temporarily free from suffering"

>> No.13561507

Train your physical IQ, and exercise sexual IQ.

>> No.13561513


>> No.13561528
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>I know I perceive the world around me on a level that's above most people my age
OP's an underage faggot and should fuck off of this national socialist Yeshiva imageboard

>> No.13561533

And also, to add onto this further, IQ is not a particularly neaningful measure for aptitude beyond identifying gaps between different domains and especially for identifying serious intellectual deficits in educational and/or clinical settings. I've handled standard cogntive testing materials a great deal, including the current "gold standard" WAIS-IV, and in my opinion the statistics are spotty and the test conditions arbitrary. They may be functional populationally, but I am skeptical of their case-by-case (i.e., individual) validity, as with so many statistical models. Old women with dementia who crochet a lot are good at spatial reasoning tests, for example, and some standard vocabulary samples seem to me to be biased towards certain reading interests: I know a touch of Greek and Latin, for example, so some of the "harder" test terms are immediately identifiable to me.

Building your identity around an IQ score is childish and reflects a very limited understanding of what IQ tests are and how they work and what they're for. Even if you're dead set on building your identity around being particularly intelligent, an e.g. ~95th percentile cumulative IQ score still only sets you above 95% of people on a planet with billions of people, not to mention the deceased. If you think about it, being "above average" is an incredibly trivial thing; the majority of college graduates are "above average."

>> No.13561556

The mind is a muscle, not a harddrive. "Exercise" in a certain domain will improve both fluid and crystallized intelligence. Cf. my crocheting example.
>action-packed videogames played at high speed
Stop playing video games.
>my general social/cultural awareness of the world around me
Inarticulate people are aware of things, too. Simply being able to string words together cogently and pleasingly is no great talent.

>> No.13561573

>The mind is a muscle, not a harddrive.
It is more like the cpu of your computer.
Can you find any study that proves that it is possible to increase Iq?

>> No.13561580


>> No.13561603

I haven't built my identity around an IQ score at all. I'm simply trying to create a meaning, purpose for myself, and I notice it's this problem I have that's stopping me from doing so. The test I took is just a concrete way for me to illustrate I really do have an issue, that it's not just another one of my made up concepts.

eh, many people are genuinely clueless when it comes to sociological issues. i do agree that the ability to just string words together is not a useful talent in any way.

>> No.13561633

>any study
I'm airing my opinions on the internet, not writing a research paper. To have a real conversation one would need to review at minimum dozens of studies and discuss their methodologies and their target domains and so on. It's a controversial topic, meaning that there are individual studies that indicate /yes/ and individual studies that indicate /no/, but skimming an abstract (or, worse, a title, or, even worse, a pop sci article, or, yet worser, a pop sci article title) is not sufficient to understand what the researchers may or may not have done correctly or cleverly. The controversy is particularly with adult intelligence, though; it is extremely well-established in developmental psychology that early educational interventions can have a lasting impact, and this is the premise that the entire education system revolves around, and the increasing depth and breadth of mandatory education in the US at least over the last century is the most obvious likely causal factor (except possibly nutrition) in the persistent increase of average IQ since the first IQ tests. But aside from all that scholarly dithering: how in the world do you think that a person develops aptitude in verbal IQ (literally just knowing many words and being able to comprehend and produce novel arrangements of words) other than by exposure to language?

>> No.13561654

By having a brain that is structured in a way that allows to process well verbal information and then being exposed to it.

>> No.13561661

it's a combination of nature and nurture, as is almost always the case in developmental psychology. people with a naturally more rapidly developing ability to process verbal information will have an edge compared to their peers. That's the important bit, comparison to people of the same age. Someone with a higher verbal IQ can acquire more advanced verbal abilities in a shorter amount of time.

>> No.13561705

The matter of degree between nature and nurture is still a topic of controversy, though, and would naturally vary by subject. To give extreme examples, a person cannot be "nurtured" into Downs syndrome any more than a person can be "natured" into knowing Chinese. Most things are not as extreme as these examples, and fall somewhere in between, but the direction or placement of that inbetweenness on more or less any given trait or capability is not at all a firmly known thing, and the direction of much of psychology and biology is away from the previously extremely prevalent concept that a person is unchangeably born in any given way, especially given our improving understandings of topics like gene transcription and synaptic plasticity. If any of your opinions are from books written prior to the last twenty years you should bear in mind that they may not match the present data.

>> No.13561713

136 verbal IQ is midwit-tier, maybe that's the real reason you feel incompetent.

>> No.13561717

seethe harder faggot, "oh boohoo i'll never be 99th percentile in spatial AND verbal intelligence now I can't live my life" fuck off cunt

>> No.13561739

There's no evidence you can train raw intelligence. Pointing out minor flaws in specific IQ tests doesn't change that. It's ultimately an approximation of the processing power of your brain which is overwhelmingly genetic.

136 is top 1% go fuck yourself.

>> No.13561801

>overwhelmingly genetic
Based on what, incredibly flawed twins studies in which twins are always assigned to families of the same socioeconomic and educational background?

>> No.13561811

This is literally what autistic incels think.

>I’m smart but I can’t apply it

No you’re just fucking stupid.

>> No.13561821

Adult response

>> No.13561865


>> No.13561968

I got a degree i classical studies from one of the most prestigious gymnasia in my country. I know I'm know I'm not dumb, it's just that all my crystallized knowledge doesn't mean a thing in a practical day to day setting.

>> No.13561987

sent from my phone with sloppy typing. I see I made some typos, don't start using that to "prove i'm actually an idiot" or some shit

>> No.13562007

The studies are fine you just hate the results. The same results have been reproduced with different methods over and over again for decades.

>> No.13562011

ur a brainlet

>> No.13562404

If you were intelligent you'd be able to figure it out. Just analyse social behavior into its constituent parts, then automate all the small parts, string them together into bigger movements, and bam, a year later, provided you practice dilligently, you'll be a chadman. Also, music? What are you talking about? If you're playing classical you dont have to absorb any information. Even if you're in an orchestra all you gotta absorb is the "bam bam bam" of the pulse as well as roughly how loudly everyone is playing. If you're playing jazz you pretty much just need to know which chord the rest of the people are playing, the pulse, and a few cues if people are trying to tell you when they're ending a solo. This is the same amount of information you need to lift a fork to your mouth. You either have ADHD or you're just slow.

>> No.13562711

Your lack of self awareness if why you're a moron like the rest of us.

>> No.13562743


>> No.13562760

>performance IQ.
complete meme

>> No.13562831

I prove my self worth to myself by speculating on crypto and being better than other people at Magic: The Gathering®

>> No.13562834
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I went to one of the most respected schools in my country as well, in the yearbook there were a ton of comments about me being a philosopher, I never liked those comments, because taking compliments did not fit well with me.
Later on when I willingly left before the 11th grade ended (I had good grades) then I realized that I had been an idiot who happened to be interested in arguing and dissecting subjects.
Now I am a worthless NEET, my "broad outlook" destroyed my chances in a life of success

>> No.13562861

Literally just go get a bachelors in engineering you lazy faggot

>> No.13562889
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read the dao te ching my friend, the way will help you. the te is within all of us you just need to use it to find the way

>> No.13562890

you've got such a superficial view on things I'm not even gonna bother responding to all that.
k believe what you want
if anything i'm too self-aware.

>> No.13562901

Nope you're just rationalizing your own failure. I am literally autistic, schizophrenic and have low iq and I am seeing things more clearly than you are.

>> No.13562916

Also, try fucking arguing against my point. Free jazz improv is the kind of music where you need to absorb the most information from your surrounding, and EVEN THERE, the ammount of infomration you need is minimal in comparison with the information you need to perform basic daily activities, like navigating a street, or cooking ramen noodles. Your meme is just a dumb rationalization.

>> No.13562931

all i can say is that i can tell you've likely never played any instrument seriously in your entire life.

>> No.13562937
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Sounds like a hassle, I'll better just keep studying on my own if my self-discipline holds intact.
I've contributed many years of my life to art so I guess that's my best way to achieve something more meaningful to my values

>> No.13562970

I play saxophone in a jazz band and play organ in church every week you absolute idiot. Its all about muscle memory, theory, and ear training. NONE OF THAT REQUIRES YOU TO ABSORB NON VERBAL INFORMATION QUICKLY AT ALL. Music is literally the dumbest possible example you fucking moron, because of all the kinds of infomation there is, music is the non-verbal kind the closest to speech. If you can hear the difference between "transparent" and "apparent" you could learn to hear the difference between chords with dominant function and subdominant function very very very easily, its faaaaaaaar less information, mostly just listening for tritones, the tonic, and listening to chromatic motion ect. but sure, tell me how i havent played an instrument in my entire life when you admit you yourself suck.

>> No.13563012

you know what, i'll admit I quit music school a while back because I was too depressed to go on. I was actually doing really well. So yes, the music argument probably doesn't hold, i just dragged it in because it's another thing I quit in my depressed, anxiety ridden state. srry i thought you didn't play an instrument, what you said sounded really superficial so I thought you had no clue.
I will say though, I've played basketball and studied engineering for a while, and in both of these I noticed I was at a disadvantage. So much so, that people started bullying me, and I just quit cause I was already depressed.

>> No.13563060

Use the pause technique.

>> No.13563061

Well, if you ask me, it sounds like depression is causing you to have problems taking up more subtle information and not the other way around. Depression and stress have been shown to decrease multiple measures of intelligence et cetera. I don't have actual depression, but when I'm in a bad state, not exercising, eating shit, not sleeping, not talking to people ect, stuff like studying and practicing becomes a lot more difficult and I get frustrated really easily. I might just be giving you patronizing garbage, but honestly, this is what it seems like to me.

>> No.13563070

you're not dumb, you're mentally ill. Go talk to a psychiatrist, hopefully get a job to take your mind off things. Also, start the music thing again, it can act like therapy. Stop playing video games, get off 4chan, go for a walk tomorrow. ok?

>> No.13563167

are you german?

>> No.13563203

dutch, but i'm european yeah. you could tell from the use of "gymnasia" I assume

>> No.13563319

>you could tell from the use of "gymnasia" I assume

I assumed pretension, actually.

>> No.13563347

i'm at least partly pretentious, i'll admit. mostly because i'm frustrated i spent all the time educating myself only for it to end in depression and misery.

>> No.13563385

I drank away my IQ LMFAO

>> No.13563392

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.13563408

this is why I don't drink. My intense and creative mind, chaotic as it may be most of the time, is the only thing to bring me occasional joy. Throwing that away would essentially be suicide. I don't wanna commit suicide, I just want a better life.

ok i'm sorry. HeY gUyS wHaT bOoK ShOuld I ReAd to HeLp me WiTh ThIs PRoBleM?

>> No.13563433
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>> No.13563436

You are *functionally* an idiot, anon i.e. one in practice. You might not *actually* be one (whatever that means), but you may as well be. Just accept your lot in life, it's the pragmatic solution.