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File: 69 KB, 600x450, TRINITY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13561222 No.13561222 [Reply] [Original]

monotheism is a fundamental misstep
it's an authoritarian fantasy
it's central banking for philosophy

it is to say: I have seen all and quantified all and have all power.
It is to claim to be the 'God' you invented.

It's of much more utility (to anyone who would be free and survive) to symbolize forces of nature hierarchically according to the actual succession of evolution that motivates them, instead of abstracting it into a big blackbox and cherrypicking aspects of nature to emphasize as your agenda goes on.

Focusing all of people's superstitious perceptions (spirituality) on one object simply makes it easy to control their spirituality, and in turn every aspect of their lives. A neat parcel to be picked up and used at will.

TL;DR you retarded kikes and christcucks will be wiped out either by your masters or by us

>> No.13561242

There is only one God and his name is Allah

>> No.13561248
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Checked and AntiChrist-pilled.
Christianity is simply based on a minor god thrust into rule without the capabilities. It's an ironic tale considering the history of Jews.

>> No.13561249

Who is "us"?

>> No.13561282

Yes, a lot of people misinterpret Zoroastrianism as being monotheistic, but it was in fact cosmological dualist and overall better than Abrahamic faiths. Ahura Mazda is all-good but not omnipotent. States of mind that embody compassion are naturally closer to Ahura Mazda's spirit, Spenta Mainyu.
This entire world is a battleground between Spenta Mainyu (good spirit) and Angra Mainyu (evil spirit that descends from Ahriman).
The world was initially aligned with Ahura Mazda's order (Asha), but due to a cosmic accident, Ahriman attacked with his chaos (druj), which thereby caused the on-going conflict between good and evil.
The only Western philosopher that came close to this was Empedocles, who I consider enlightened. Heraclitus was bad though.

>> No.13561363
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Following this, we might ask, 'Is evil hated by the gods because it is evil, or is it evil because it is hated by the gods?' Or, 'Can Zeus ever become worthy of the Death of Man?' The Socratic form of Evil lacks a sense of dominion beyond itself while the Nietzschean opposes all laws of time within a powerful fetish for eternity. We must instead cultivate that question where each part is whole, all while being determined by the force which gives rise to it. What is willless evil? What is the Evil which exists beyond the laws of dominion and eternity?

The greatest moment of this cosmological stillness, at least for human understanding, is the binding of Prometheus. He for whom eternal punishment cannot be enough; he for whom time becomes a void within his eternally regenerating liver; he for whom Tartarus appears as a deepening of all foresight and essence. Zeus mobilises the entirety of ethereal forces against the will of Prometheus, and all descends as the brutality of acquiescence - to which Prometheus resists until the very end. The Titans who live beyond Tartarus destroy all conception of Eternity, thus confinement has no meaning for them. And so Zeus appears here, for the first time, as an end of his own power - at once the ossification and dissolution of heavenly dominion.

Within this timeless form we hear the laments of earthly nature, the chorus of Oceanids. But Prometheus recognises that the crying out of the Oceanids - both in horror of their song of capitulation and pleading for it as a sacrifice against earthly devastation - are not of themselves, they occur in a turning of their nature within an unknown dominion - as if they rise from an outside element, where nature forms and returns in opposition to all laws of genealogy. In this we see the true power of Evil: a force which turns opposing dominions into an Antistrophe.

But here we must ask ourselves whether or not the sensual power of evil is Evil in its total form, as any true Evil would oppose any recognition of its being - at least by anyone outside the immediate Promethean family. Beyond this, we can say that the loss of nature and the elements is a force of necessity, Ananke presupposes that the Oceanids will lose dominion within this fight, but also, in the end, Zeus will lose his own sovereignty after his marriage to Thetis. Prometheus knows this, he senses necessity in its future form, and thus we are compelled by necessity to sacrifice all Good to him if we are to cultivate a knowledge of Evil. Here we can form a definition: Evil would be the void dominion in its eternal form, where all forces are mobilised against primordial will. Or further, Evil is the end of the dominion of those gods who reside in time beyond eternity.

>> No.13561411

Monotheism is a necessary and fundamental step in the progression of the human mind and of its language. Inescapably, an objectification of the world takes place through the subject's separation from it. This separation must first be seized as a whole for it to occur at all. Although it is then perceived -- the whole -- it is done so absolutely, without limits to its totality, consuming the subject as a consequence. It is how these limits are traced that give "exposure" to Man, sustaining him as particular through his intimacy towards himself. Monotheism represents a complete fracture between man and his God, and although God is still the apex of man, he is not the vortex of it all. And when it is, it is so in its mystery.

The Being of man has an evolution of its own, and we can't see the world-time for what it is. As for today, the apex is void, and man is in holy mourning, full of expectation.

>> No.13561434
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>> No.13561452

What is your point?

>> No.13561467
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That’s just another word for god.
His name is Yhwh, and he wants you all to chop the tips of your dicks off and deny all other gods exist. Because he’s a nasty jealous vengeful bitch.

>> No.13561479

the answer is clear, that 'the gods' are the archetypes of the forces of nature rendered into a intelligible symbolization for whoever has need of the religion.
Therefore evil is that which the gods hate; evil is degeneration of the gods' influence into voidness. Evil is any void space, especially one that was previously filled.

Hence gravity, a chief Good, which fills each void as quickly and precisely as may be.
Gravity may be the ultimate will of the gods, or the character of the chief of gods, or maybe the jews are right, there is an ultimate god from which all others succeed.

But they sure haven't proven it, or even tried to, as far as non-jewish scholars know.

But I think ultimate good and evil are never manifested and have never been, because there is always something else as a result of one thing being destroyed, and ultimate good and evil (by the above definitons) would converge to the same - all matter in one body with all else as void ('the big bang bomb'). If such a state is approached, it would be undone before it reached the theoretical point of no return, how else could there be perception here and now? The would-be problem undoes itself. It must have or nothing would ever exist.

>> No.13561509

>Monotheism represents a complete fracture between man and his God
yes that is the whole point, that is how it is used as a weapon

>man must be separated from god
do you have an argument here?
I must use some one else's weapon against myself for my own good??

do you smell the judaism??

you have so many other assumptions that aren't substantiated that i rest here

>> No.13561524

sorry I meant to say more:
Yes, man must separate himself and cultivate his own will, but this must not be a permanent arrangement, he must always turn back and listen to the past and re-interpret it with new knowledge.

>> No.13561526
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>It is to claim to be the 'God' you invented.

Indeed, people do not realize how awesome Christianity is.

>> No.13561596

>or maybe the jews are right, there is an ultimate god from which all others succeed.
The god of death. The void. The end. The underworld god of the volcanic fury. Yhwh. He wants you to cower before he kills us all.

>> No.13561602

whats your point?

>> No.13561605

You sound like some retarded pagan or something.

Take off your dunce cap and believe in God like you know you should, Butterfly, before it’s too late.

>> No.13561614


>> No.13561636

Anyone with an IQ over 100 knows that ostensibly polytheistic religions are actually monotheistic. IN other words, they all have a hierarchically-arranged series of deities, at the top of which sits the "unmoved mover" of Aristotleian philosophy.

>> No.13561639

Enjoy Hell, unironically.

>> No.13561648

If there are multiple gods, which came first?

>> No.13561652 [DELETED] 

All monotheism logically entails Satanism. It is you who is going to hell. It is impossible to have both an all-good and omnipotent god. This is why the "black nobility" have historically done creepy rituals; it is because they believe in higher levels of realization that there is a unity of Good and Evil in the "Godhead". All sacrifice to God, even those that were initially deemed evil, is considered just. The Abrahamic faiths are about fetishizing and validating sacrifice, which is the greatest of all evils. Monotheism logically entails Satanism and a temptation for evil. It facilitates the temptation for evil in that it is claimed on higher levels of realization it is has no true distinction from the Good.

>> No.13561656

Here^ we see the faithful zombie minions of the death cult gleefully wish ill will on the life affirming brethren. Supposedly they will be forgiven these lapses by their Cthulhu like gods, but they too will be tormented as they aid the capitalists in heaping us all into the furnace of New Earth.

What can we do with them?

>> No.13561657

The only one that exists. :3

It’s so funny how you can’t realize that there really is a God that works miracles and punishes those unworthy every single day. This God has shown himself time and time again.

Only against this pessimistic, materialistic state does a God such as he become obscured. One must take pains to believe and have faith in this world, for the life to come is beautiful indeed :3

>> No.13561663

decide for yourself what is a god and what isn't

>"anyone knows"
>"you sound like"
>no argument
this is why someone, if not us, is going to kill you all you know

you are evil
there is a void in you where there wasn't in your ancestors
you are utterly degenerate and abominable

Your lack of reasoning and explanation is simply a reflection of your utter hollowness

Gravity wielded by true men will smash you down into the dirt to be the mortar for the new foundations of true civilization

>> No.13561669

first argue why one must have come first

>> No.13561678
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They’ve always just been figments, symbols. The different tribes and their differently developing languages probably pointed to a variety of different corners of the natural world.

>> No.13561681

You won’t be able to do anything Butterfly, God is real and I proved it to you. Now die in a fitful rage of Political agony, never being able to muster up any political communist movement on an image board which contains roughly 95% rotating users on a day today basis :3

Please read Job. Evil is necessary to show those of us what is truly easy and bad in life. Good is hard to nurture, create, and maintain, but ultimately rewarding spiritually and idealistically.

>> No.13561699

>Your lack of reasoning and explanation is simply a reflection of your utter hollowness

I could say the same to you. Do you even realize why there is a meme for being like ‘durrrr evil exists’ or ‘durrrr bad things happen’. They don’t do that for things which are logically tenable like socialism or capitalism in general, and the discussion of these types of governments. Typically Memes are made to point out the things that are truly awe-inspiringly idiotic or vapid. Such would be atheism, but more specifically the atheists criticism of God that is essentially a whiny child screaming to Mami or Papi : BAD THINGS HAPPEN, IS GOD REALLY THERE DURRRRR.

Shut the fuck up :3

>> No.13561715

>appeal to memes
this is probably the worst fallacy possible

>> No.13561722

I’m just trying to show you why everyone makes fun of the particular argument you were making before you deleted your post in ignominy

>> No.13561726

>I’m just trying to be right without any reasoning
are you a nigger? be honest, what race are you?

>> No.13561746

anyway I am OP and i did not write what was deleted

come at me

>> No.13561751
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The gods are gods, not archetypes or forces of nature. Humans cannot create gods, that is hubris.
The gods cannot hate anything if they are merely archetypes. Your formulation would simply make them middlemen for our understanding of the forces of nature.
Evil is not a void space, although that may be an instance of evil.

The Jews/Christians are almost completely wrong, and create a form of religion where God is subordinate to Evil, perhaps even one of its machinations.
My own position on Good and Evil is not that of linear poles, it is closer to the Platonic idea that they exist within a single territory and Evil is the total corruption of the Good. Hence why Evil can never be an instance, a pure substance, but instead must rely upon the formation of the good, using its structures for its own ends. This depends on the realisation of its being, not a materialist concept of totality or completion. We have been enduring ultimate evil for some time, arguably perfected in 1950s America.
Gravity has nothing to do with good and evil, it is simply a minor force of nature, completely devoid of human intervention. Perhaps the moderns' worship of such arbitrary and lifeless qualities says something about Evil and its triumph, as if we are grounded to it out of necessity.
The Christian and the Nietzschean have apparently formal fatalistic attitudes towards good and evil, as if we could potentially hold dominion over them, or ground them within the abstraction of laws. But the abstraction of the law is not the law itself, this is a fundamental misunderstanding of the universe and simple life which has resulted in our runaway disconnect from nature and all that makes sense.

I appreciate your response, however, theology and myth cannot be approached from a point of naturalism. This is something of an evil contained within the form. Such questions are never clear, and if you jump to this conclusion you have missed the point. The administration of ideas denies their very possibility.

>> No.13561758

>Evil is necessary
No, it's not.

>> No.13561769

> Humans cannot create gods, that is hubris.
No one should read the rest of this

>> No.13561781


>> No.13561822

Source suggesting monotheists believe as you say? Or that your proposed solution is irreconcilable with monotheism? Or is this just baseless assertion?

>> No.13561876

>The gods are gods, not archetypes or forces of nature.
>circular definition
stopped reading right there

>> No.13561880

you haven't done any study or thought?

Okay fine, I'll answer, but you have to answer something first:
What is a god and why care?

>> No.13561912
File: 788 KB, 800x646, God the Father by Schnorr von Carolsfeld Bibel in Bildern 1860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your posts smell of pretentiousness and vanity. You want to sound like a profound person, but end up sounding full of yourself, not to mention the inability, to get your point across.

>> No.13561924

We're different people. This post was the only one made by me:

>> No.13561928

>circular definition
I didn't attempt to define the gods, genius. I just said they are not archetypes or any other secularization.

>> No.13561935

I only made one of those posts, sweatie.

>> No.13561941

Thanks for the recommendation, butterfly.

>> No.13561958

The midwit cope fallacy.

>> No.13561994
File: 3 KB, 150x104, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you reek of inferiority complex
if you're interested, which you are since you're here, ask questions instead of judging. There is nothing at stake here, even though you delude yourself that there is because you try to derive ego from your interactions here.

>i didn't try to define gods
>i didn't try to say what gods were or were not
>they are not archetypes or any other secularization
are you retarded bro?

>> No.13562009

dē + fīniō (“set a limit, bound, end”)

how the fuck can you have a conversation about deities when you don't even have a definition of what you're talking about?

are you just trying to define god as whatever emotional response you have to what you read here?

>> No.13562023


>> No.13562038

>man must be separated from god
I never said man must be separated from his God in all cases. I said the projection of man through God has as a consequence the separation of man from his God.
The past still exists, but it exists as the past, the presence of that which has come to pass. All the visual metaphors you try to apply to this don't apply, since we aren't operating in relation to the past, but from within the past. It isn't a "permanent arrangement", but it is also the arrangement from which new arrangements come forth.

>> No.13562090


>"I'm free because I don't believe your fantasy"
>"now let me fantasize about nature"

You sure are enlightened.

>> No.13562092

Semantics aren't definitions. Learn some basics before talking down to people.
Fuck off, Sam. Not everything has to have a definition, and not every sentence is trying to lay out these definitions.
Make an argument or take your slide-autism elsewhere.

>> No.13562104

>dē + fīniō (“set a limit, bound, end”)
Terrible definition of definition.

Where do you midwits come from and why do you always resort to insults against people actually trying to contribute?

>> No.13562109

"Understood [...] with reference to particular beings, essence and substance are in effect the same as the "form and "matter" of the scholastic philosophers; but it is better to avoid the use of these latter terms because, doubtless owing to an imperfection of the Latin language in this connection, they only convey rather inaccurately the ideas they ought to express [...]"

The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of Times, chapter 1: « Quality and Quantity », p. 12.

This immanent and transcendent reality present everywhere and always at least resembles the concept of Brahman, no? I do wonder if it qualifies as non-duality... I should say God's own intention, as an "eternal object" is actually what humans perceive as authentic objects as in the forms of ideas and res extensa. I dare say consciouness. is a field event and that humans have that in the grand unified field which is the expression of God's Own conscious ongoing intention. Debate. The finite cannot contain the infinite. However, containment would not appear as an immediate sharing. Finite cannot be entirely excluded from The Infinitude. Rather a merge of different hindu schoold of thought from the 6th ~ 3th century BC, than out right buddhism. Was Hegel Hindu?

>> No.13562116

Consciousness, awareness, intelligence, intuition, free will, etc., are all the result of the self-organizing property of matter.

Self organizing systems involves all forces acting in unison, better known as Leibniz's ;relational world', in which taken in isolation, space, time mass, force etc., means nothing, but taken together they convey a coherent theory. The 'universal spirit' representing 'universal consciousness', fine tuned creation and evolution of self organizing systems. At the big bang, dark matter and dark energy were created with opposite properties, followed by creation of particles and anti-particles, followed by creation of matter and anti-matter etc. Unity of Hegel's opposites, created elements, molecules, compounds, organic compounds, amino acids , genomes, cells, life and intelligence. Godel's incomplete theorem stems from incorporating the falsity of the true statement 'I am not a liar', much like 'God created Devil', deprives God the benefit of omnipotence, a source of confusion that seems insurmountable.

I believe in evolution, that is programmed to its own destruction, no matter how much you amalgamate eastern and western thought. As for a way of life, Buddhist contribution of nonviolence, human rights, rule of law, liberty, freedom etc., impressed the whole of civilized world, and its values accepted voluntarily, by subsequent thinkers. If modern civilization does not burn itself with radiation, a ten mile long rock will get us anyway. We are the product of the extinction of other species, after us new and improved life form will emerge and I will not repent.

Hegelian pair of opposites 'sequential and simultaneity', expresses everything, that time does not flow and space is a point from which everything emanates. Hegel also held that 'evolution is a dialectical process'. In the ancient Sanatan (eternal) religion preached by mortal Krishna of the Jadu tribe (to which I belong), recently dated to 11,000 bp, in which God Vishnu is attributed the 'cause of the evolution of the world' [Vishnu Purana, translated by H.H.Wilson, London 1840], with his three steps of creation, preservation and destruction. Science is the divine gift to mankind, that helps me not to be a nihilist, but a scientist, who has the capacity to grasp God's fine tuned universl creation in which he delivers life and evolution with probability ONE.

>> No.13562159

you're literally retarded
everything you said is retarded and you have no argument

>you weren't nice to me therefore everything you say is wrong
you are a beast fit for nothing but slaughter

>> No.13562163

>babbys first deabrahamization

>> No.13562167

he's trying to worm his way out by saying he wasn't saying anything about god while he was describing god explicitly

and by saying that its not necessary to define god to talk about god
or anything else

what is wrong with you people? you are in fact mentally disabled

>> No.13562175

>dark matter
stopped reading there

>trying to justify your philosophy circularly with purely philosophical interpretations of data

>> No.13562206

I can point out my arguments >>13561363
Where are yours? It just appears that you're samefagging because you got BTFO in the follow-up.
Don't bother calling 'make an argument' when you haven't made one yourself. These are weak strategies any actual readers here will see through.

>> No.13562217

Where did I define a god explicitly?
Saying something isn't the same as a definition. Again, learn some basics before trying to argue with people on a literature board.
Also learn how to greentext, /rdt/. It's been nearly three years, you should get it by now.
>define worm
>define god yourself
>define yourself
>define define
>define Sam
>define wrong
>define mental
>define disabled
>and finally define define again

>> No.13562219

>Terrible definition of definition.
not an argument and also stupidly wrong

>> No.13562224

>define retard
you've done a good job of that in this thread

>learn the basics
not an argument kid, you don't know shit and you have no insight.

You're trying to talk about something wh

>> No.13562229

you're trying to talk about something while being totally unwilling to say what that something is.

You are completely insane with your self-righteous show of ego you stupid animal.

>> No.13562235

I already responded to your statement which is really just an exhaustingly padded simple assertion to give you an excuse to reference greek mythology for your own ego

>> No.13562249

This is enough for anyone actually interested in this discussion, but please show how
>“set a limit, bound, end”
is a proper definition of "define".

>> No.13562255

Okay, so what was my simple assertion?

>> No.13562398
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Checked and STEMslider BTFO.

>> No.13562574
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Blessed digits.

>> No.13562697
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Baseless assertion, then.

>> No.13562700
File: 12 KB, 211x239, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monotheism instead of misotheism

>> No.13562797

The irony of schizoposters.

>> No.13562855

why is my thread being spammed by this psychotic NPC?

>> No.13562880

Okay, so what was my response?

you're a intellectually bankrupt animal

assert probably isn't the right word because of how weak and meandering and full of unnecessary references to stroke your retarded ego

I addressed the substance of your question and your explanation.
I cleared up your nonsense in one sentence.
Evil is the failure of the will of the gods, and I even defined what a god should be in physical terms

>> No.13562891

i mean to say, evil to one god is a failure of that god's will, and ultimate evil is the absence of the gods will

>> No.13562934

So this is what Christians do? When they read something they are too simple minded to understand they disregard it as pretencious and self-centered? Pathetic really.

>> No.13562965

It's a simple question that you should be able to answer in one sentence considering how certain you are of being correct.
What was my simple assertion?

And it's 'an intellectually bankrupt animal.' An and a. Learn them.

>> No.13562974

lmao talk about stroking ego

>> No.13562998

How would the gods have a failure of will? Do you have any clue what that would mean, O Great One?

>> No.13563035

if the god is all then he is by definition many. if the god is not all he is not worth following at all.

>> No.13563039

Take your autism pills, op.

This could have been an interesting thread.

>> No.13563123

>constantly bitching about ego
>also constantly talking about his/her 10 personalities and their feelings

>> No.13563135

>Anyone with an IQ over 100 knows that ostensibly polytheistic religions are actually monotheistic
Easily one of the most retarded things I've read on this board, impressive really

>> No.13563284

Why don't you ban this thread mods, isn't this fan-fiction? How does this poetry to literature?

Oh, wait, it's criticizing Christianity so it's fine with (((you))).

>> No.13563290

mods leave up retarded pro christian threads all the time even though they belong on /his/

>> No.13563318

So basically let's recap this thread.
Almost no one engaged OPs argument at all

but they sure did do a lot of bitching
they wanted to talk about god and gods
but they didn't want to talk about what gods should be or what gods are
so they really didn't get OP at all

so they just came here to argue about nothing to feed their delusional egos

this sums them up perfectly:
>waaah mommy i started a fight and got my ass kicked call the cops on this guy mommy WWWAAAAHH

>> No.13563396

op doesn't have an argument. just stating something is not an argument.

>> No.13563429

You were given a few longer posts and you just responded with insults, MUH EGOTRIPPING, and other accusations.

You got what you deserved, even though I was basically close to your perspective at the start.

>> No.13563443
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>> No.13563480

>you just responded with insults
this is the last defense of emotionally fragile children who usually don't let themselves come so close to perceiving how conclusively defeated they've been

just like a retarded woman your summary of the entire thing is that it was nothing but what emotionally upset you

you are an ANIMAL
you have no FREE WILL

literal jewish pilpul

ok well there are nothing but bots left in this thread

>> No.13563628

Saying that you resorted to insults doesn't imply that I am actually insulted. It is simply pointing out the poverty of the discussion as well as your hypocrisy.

>> No.13563711

Why couldn't they have all come into existence at once?

>> No.13563942

no it doesn't you absolute self-righteous retarded animal

how is it impossible that there was both substance and vitriol?
how is that impossible???

its only in your retarded perception because you blind yourself to anything that contradicts your psychotic emotions

if there was no point made, no argument, no statement then WHY DID YOU REPLY AND WHY HAVE YOU INVESTED THIS MUCH TIME

you do not have a soul, you need domination by strong men and a life of servitude

>> No.13563947

but what is a god to begin with?
how can you talk meaningfully about gods without knowing what they are or taking any time to account for the phenomena you associate with them?

>> No.13565428

He's got my vote

>> No.13566050

Because it would make a shit story and myth.

>> No.13566055

Lmao look at this dude.

I'm just going to assume you're a Christian falseflagging from here on out.

>> No.13566059

This is now pasta.

>> No.13566092

Please logically justify polytheism then
Or are you just an atheist who has a crucifix up your ass?

>> No.13566096

He can't because he's a retarded sperg.

But it is correct. Only polytheism makes sense.

>> No.13566123

Please explain then

>> No.13566284
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Because it is the only way to reconcile the problem of One and not-One, Being and non-Being, Total Dominion and the Fall/Becoming of man. Polytheistic religions, at least the best ones, already have myths of the One god but they do this in a way that essence is maintained. In Christianity the One god is partial, even divided against himself, and he is either without essence or his essence is in contradiction. From a theological perspective, this implies divine non-Being (just one of the many reasons why Christianity is a false religion).

The multiplicity of gods acts as a foundation, and without it the worlds of heaven begin in chaos. This may not necessarily be a bad thing, especially in a cosmology of conflict - but then we already see the problem that this is not All, it is merely a partial or divided cosmology. It is no mistake that Christianity falls to the weakest of positions against it and must create a whole taxonomy of theological doctrine to fill the holes. The story even begins in a world divided against itself, creation is a minor episode, an introduction, while the rest of the story is consumed by human activity and political genealogy. The question is, what does this say about dominion? In simple terms, if God is so obsessed with the human realm, does he even have dominion of his own? It is an interesting reflection of the Jewish story, they must return to a state, reestablish their own domain apart from that which has cast them out. And so one must ask, if God is so desperate to reestablish his dominion over the earth, what has caused him to lose it? And perhaps more importantly, what has caused him to lose his own realm? What has forced him out? Again, it is no mistake that Christianity has forever been consumed by these questions, if only indirectly and without a certain grasp of what the true questions were (most specifically the Katechon/Eschaton divide speaks to this uncertain realm of being, but also obvious is the very question of Christ, and the divide of the churches between law, faith, and eschatology).

>> No.13566288

Such a loss is not even possible in polytheistic religions, dominion is assumed, certain. The gods would not be gods if they did not have absolute authority over all territory, let alone their own. One can imagine this as akin to the birth of tragedy, the birth of a second order of gods perhaps, but in keeping with the Christian text we must say that it is the second fall of man which is most important. All that matters is the human fall from god, and this Sin replaces all other essence, even the essence of God. Hence his turning to the devil to deepen the fall - the contradiction is that only a completion of the Fall is capable of resolving itself. This is the essence of the Eschaton/Katechon divide, it presupposes the very end of god and man, a return or second creation which can only arise through absolute negation. All that had been risen must be turned against itself, and all that had been sacrificed was for nothing. If the Earth is the only realm of God then how will he return in its harrowing? The eschatology demands his being destroyed completely. This is its great power, combining being with loss, a syncretisation of opposites and contradictions - but this is also its weakness and great failure, a fundamental confusion of paradox with contradiction.

Thus we can imagine Nietzsche's madman as a fool. His reiteration of the very Christian doctrine as if it is a revelation is only met with dull faces because it has all become dull to the Christians. They are at the final point of the Eschaton/Katechon, yet they see no escape. 'Yes, God, is dead, that was the point all along. That was always the question, so why are you shouting it out in the eleventh hour?'

>> No.13566291

Christianity hardens the myth of the fall and turns it into a stone law which it was never meant to be. This leads to obsession, corruption, and finally inescapability from its death. Such difficulties are not a problem in polytheistic religion, the Fall and Void, faith and nihilism, contradiction and simplicity, are not considered as opposite poles which must be reconciled through theological war - that would destroy the whole myth of the Fall. Instead, the Fall is the very sense of our being, an inescapable and irreconcilable paradox which necessitates our humility. We must find peace in our own dominion to become worthy of it, to struggle in our own dominion as the gods struggle in their own.

The monotheistic G-d is a crystallization of the ineffable once man loses his purpose. It is great hubris before the paradox of man, hence the founding of law which turns him against himself. His libations become abstract, and all attempts to reconcile with the contradiction of human life form this non-being into a monster - that which will replace the gods in the eyes of men. A Third Man formed of invisible idols, from a Third Territory which man loses the sense that he is a part. He forms that hidden territory which only ever greater gods can return to its rightful place. Monotheism is essentially turning this fundamental misstep into legal doctrine, hence the perversion of all values and the turning of all religion into exhaustion. It creates its own death because it was death from the very beginning, it failed to grasp the essence of myth and religion as a force rather than an organisation.

>> No.13566305

get out larpagan

>> No.13566330

And a shorter version of all that.
In polytheism, even the most minor god is its own world or universe. Similar to the idea of gods controlling forces from a hidden realm of atoms, they have an entire creation all their own. They are everything, in themselves One, and thus can never be symbols - what becomes symbolized is simply their greatest acts, and we reduce them to a single image as we are divided from them.
This is why the minor gods and heroes in Greek mythology still hold an extraordinary power, often as powerful as entire texts all on their own. They exist as a pure essence while forming as an entire cosmology, and there is no contradiction - hence the lack of any need for theology or explicit moral law, it is already contained within at a deeper level and speaking it would only betray the sense of understanding. The cults existed in a similar manner, they were entirely of themselves while also being a perfect form of the entire religion. This is incredibly important when contrasted with the opposed churches in Christianity, or humanism's doctrine of diversity. The abstract laws of the Enlightenment, and its precursors in monotheism, are impossible for those who realise that Oneness can rise from the smallest formations, and that the perfection of being does not necessitate its totalisation or descent towards final synthesis and reconciliation.
Monotheism is merely the theological law of religious negation and non-Being.

>> No.13566331
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When was your last stroll in the desert?

>> No.13566333

Now say it so a brainlet like me can understand.

>> No.13566359

Maybe this.
I don't know. It's not something that can be stated well with introductory terms. Perhaps something like, 'the integrity of each is maintained while the absolute is in no way lessened.'
If we consider the founding principles of religion - the ineffable paradox, cosmological dominion, the chasm of knowledge and belief, and the reconciliation of transcendence and nihilism - only polytheism can reconcile these, while monotheism will fail at them all or turn one into law while sacrificing the others (or even the one it turns to law). This is behind the politicization of religions.
I might be able to come up with something better later on, but I need to do some things around the house and garden. In any case, thanks for considering what I wrote.

>> No.13566364

>The monotheistic G-d is a crystallization
>censors God like (((they))) do

>> No.13566373

>confuses criticism with collaboration
Time to read a book, /pol/shit.

>> No.13566391

>>1356 6373
No (((You)))

>> No.13566403

MAN jews that pretend to be pagans to insult Christians. Surely It has never happened. Clown world.

>> No.13566416
File: 72 KB, 600x450, 1497293968132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine dedicating your life to a Jewish book and then pretending that all the problems in the world are because of Jews.
You samefags are delusional. Pathetic argument, and astoundingly self-hating.

>> No.13566451

>Imagine dedicating your life to a Jewish book
Wrong. I dedicares my life to the king of the Universe. You, to the kinglets of This world. The Powers and Principalities in high places.
Your idols are lifeless stone and so shall You be.

>> No.13566587
File: 115 KB, 575x1024, Amazing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>empty moral law
>king of the universe
lmao. How's that working out for you? You realise that Jews don't understand power, right? How do you reconcile this with your attempt to live by a Nietzschean Christianity?
And why are you a self-hating anti-Semite?

>> No.13566594

>king of the Universe
>scared he will lose followers to other figures on a stick

>> No.13566626

Damn, when theological zionists start calling you a kike you know you must be onto something.

>> No.13566651

Nice Qtard religion, larper.

>> No.13566660

>How's that working out for you?
Charmingly. How's praying to graven images instead of eating the Flesh of God and drinking his Blood working out for you?
Oh look the pagan projects because he knows everything that survived of his culture was conserved (and baptized) by The Church!
Ad hominem.

>> No.13566672

See? That's why You're all retards.
6 posts and no one with a point.
Neo pagans truly are the cuckiest of cucks.

>> No.13566754

>I'm not going to make a point

>> No.13566757
File: 111 KB, 1330x1038, scandal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Charmingly. How's praying to graven images instead of eating the Flesh of God and drinking his Blood working out for you?

>> No.13566765


Actually: http://www.sofiatopia.org/equiaeon/henotheism.htm

>> No.13566775

I wonder (((who))) is behind this

>> No.13566777

>you're at fault for us poisoning the well
Christians are a cancer on this place, same as everywhere else. And your reduction into Hitchens-tier sophistry only proves that it's over for your fake religion.

>> No.13566780

You already posted that, samefag. Why do you want everyone to see how dumb you are?

>> No.13566787

I'm not the same person you retard

>> No.13566789
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Damn, may the digits continue

>> No.13566792

All Christians are samefags.
Same as trannies and accelerationists, One plague ruining this board. The father the son and the holy ghost.

>> No.13566813

fuck off laper, trying to accuse me of same fagging won't work. Go back to the hole you came from where you worship all your idols like they are real things. Regressive fairy worshiper.

>> No.13566906

It's an interesting idea, but I think it simply formalises what already exists as a natural force in polytheism.
What's the general thrust in the essay? It's quite long and I'm a little skeptical of scientific interpretations of theology.

>> No.13566913


One as plenitude, rather than singularity. You can stop at "neurotheology".

>> No.13566916

"For now truly is a race of iron, and men never rest from labour and sorrow by day, and from perishing by night; and the gods shall lay sore trouble upon them. But, notwithstanding, even these shall have some good mingled with their evils. And Zeus will destroy this race of mortal men also when they come to have grey hair on the temples at their birth. The father will not agree with his children, nor the children with their father, nor guest with his host, nor comrade with comrade; nor will brother be dear to brother as aforetime. Men will dishonour their parents as they grow quickly old, and will carp at them, chiding them with bitter words, hard-hearted they, not knowing the fear of the gods. They will not repay their aged parents the cost their nurture, for might shall be their right: and one man will sack another's city. There will be no favour for the man who keeps his oath or for the just or for the good; but rather men will praise the evil-doer and his violent dealing. Strength will be right and reverence will cease to be; and the wicked will hurt the worthy man, speaking false words against him, and will swear an oath upon them. Envy, foul-mouthed, delighting in evil, with scowling face, will go along with wretched men one and all. And then Aidos and Nemesis [shame of wrongdoing and indignation against the wrongdoer], with their sweet forms wrapped in white robes, will go from the wide-pathed earth and forsake mankind to join the company of the deathless gods: and bitter sorrows will be left for mortal men, and there will be no help against evil."

>> No.13566919

Okay, sounds interesting. Will give it a look. Thanks.

>> No.13567234

Burn in hell brainlet retard

>> No.13567281

Once again Christians are the eternal proof against their own religion.

>> No.13567328

I think kathenotheism is a bit more accurate:
>"a form of polytheism characteristic of the Vedic religion, in which one god at a time is considered supreme," 1865, coined in German by Max Müller from Greek kath' hena "one by one" (from kata- "according to" + en- "one") + -theism. Müller also coined the nearly synonymous henotheism (1860, from Greek henos "one") for "faith in a single god" as distinguished from exclusive belief in only one god, in writings on early Hebrew religion.
Sure, it's allows plurality to behave "as" a singularity.

>> No.13567363

All the smart pagans Obviously converted.

>> No.13567366

Thos thread is more evidence why Abrahamicuckery should be declared a mental disorder and why civilized people have an obligation to point and laugh at Abrahamicucks

>> No.13567392
File: 264 KB, 856x1128, lpt12-ouq6r9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monotheism is a fundamental misstep
Stop right there Patel
No one's got time to worship the subject of Kali, Shiva at her fucking feet, analyze the fact she is holding a head which is supposed to represent human ego, and whatever other subliminal messages are inserted in this photo let alone the other 6 gorillan gods in a religion like Hinduism.

The common man needs reassurance he's going to be good after he dies as long as he keeps building toilets and putting the toilet paper roll in the holder the right way.

Monotheism is the greatest (((shit))) to come out of India