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/lit/ - Literature

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13560577 No.13560577 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that /lit/ is a pagan board. Each passage of NeoJudaism only serves to pervert everything you learned from Starting with the Greeks.
Stay with the Greeks, or become petrified within the death of wisdom.

>> No.13560585

Christianity was the first great psyops and it's amazing to me that it's still so potent

>> No.13560604

European paganism is more interesting. The Greek are kind of passé, honestly.

>> No.13560617

>have no non-christian records beyond a few Roman footnotes
I guess

>> No.13560623

Why not go before the Greeks?

>> No.13560629

It's interesting, certainly, but this is a silly and superficial argument against Greek myth. Such stories will never be passé, thinking in such terms is completely opposite to religious thought.

>> No.13560637

Why not make a case for it?

>> No.13560640

I'm not making an argument, just stating my personal preference.

>> No.13560643

I suppose Sumerians and Egyptians is the right way to start. After all Sumerians were the first civilization and they influenced Egypt which in turn influenced Ancient Greece. The problem is that Sumerians and Egyptians didn't leave us with many manuscripts so it's harder to start with them. I tried to start with the Egyptians but ended up being bored because we know so little of them and jumped straight into Greeks. I don't think I missed out that much, just read some journals about how ancient Egypt influenced ancient Greece and that's it.

>> No.13560644

> Pagans are those who say “Yes” to life.
What did Nietzsche mean?

>> No.13560654

Most of the Apocrypha is Hellenistic.
Especially Wisdom of Solomon written in last century BC, reads like a platonic/Pythagorean/orphic hymn.

>> No.13560673

>The Greek are kind of passé
sounds like the most basic book-group objection

>> No.13560685

well greece is the basis of our culture

>> No.13560691

/lit/ is a Christian board of the neo-platonic tradition.

>> No.13560698

I love how christians utilize the arguments of people they would burn

>> No.13560714

Christians just steal from richer traditions and then destroy them, and then act like the ideas are Christian.

>> No.13560722

I know. It's sad, really.

>> No.13560732

Weren't the Greeks Pagans??!?!?!

>> No.13560739

He's saying if you start with the Greeks and then read neo-judaic literature, your time with the Greeks will have been for naught, which is true

>> No.13560748

Isnt Christianity built on Greek mysticism?

>> No.13560754

Spengler would beg to differ. One could hard we have appropriated the greeks in the LARP that we call Western Civilization, while in fact we're at best the descendants of Romanized Germanic barbarians later converted to Christianity. The West is kind of a mess desu.

>> No.13560765

>steal from
Christianity formed organically, from Greek thought. Thats not "theft"

>> No.13560771

>tripartite soul
Not happening poopoopeepeelous

>> No.13560778

I can't. I don't know what was here before the Greeks. Which is why I suggested going back. To seek the origin.

>> No.13560811


It's like a combination of Platonic Idealism and Stoic worldlessness...

>> No.13560820
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, Crucifix - maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The legacy of crucified faggot will be that he opened up afterlife to shitlib normies and newniggers telling me to have sex.

Evangelicals did not exist in BC 30 or even BC 10 Now it's on all nations.

I remember getting excited when the convoluted infographic with circumstantial evidence that that sweet angel of heaven I never encountered (Helen the shitlib of Troy) browsed the ethereal plane, got me MAD EXCITED.

I remember squealing in spergy ecstasy when pic related was posted, but now the Church of Satan can openly admit he walks the earth and St Paul or St Peter salvation-posting is really just annoying.

>> No.13560925
File: 113 KB, 645x729, 4c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

power metal
i am le skyrim...
dude le tree

>> No.13560955

NeoJudaism has nothing in common with Greek thought, maybe a couple of the worst Greeks which it stole from.

>> No.13560959
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Cope harder, Christcuck.

>> No.13560978

Based and Truthpilled

>> No.13561020

Judaism also hellenized
The zohar and kabbalah is basically pythogrean mysticism
Edgy buzzwords like "neo Judaism" are in no way an argument nor do they constitute honest and educated thinking

>> No.13561023


>> No.13561027

>The Eastern Church Fathers are not the culmination of Classical knowledge.

>> No.13561044


>> No.13561055


>> No.13561056

>he didn't create his own Gods and values

>> No.13561060

Nice appeal against faith faggot.

>> No.13561068

Implying the Greeks weren't European.

>> No.13561070 [DELETED] 

Hmmm, funny how B*tterfly shits up every Christian thread with her hysterical, low IQ tranny philosophy and stench of dilatory fluid but leaves this thread alone. Almost like pagan larpers and trannies serve the same master

>> No.13561086

>Christians complaining about larping
How was your last walk in the desert?

>> No.13561095

>fucking shareblue kikes will never corrupt real pro-Trump NeoJudaism
Nice cope, reddit.

>> No.13561572
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>> No.13561766
File: 933 KB, 1600x980, 2599-Burning-of-the-Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine browsing /lit/ while being a Christian: the foremost destroyers of literature. Imagine knowing that the supposed greatest saints in your religion such as Shenoute, Basil, Cyril, Benedict of Nursia, Chryostom, Augustine and Ambrose etc, all advocated and/or took part in the destruction of the classical world while going to /lit/ every day talking about literature and memeing about starting with the Greeks.


>> No.13561778

We don't want these idiots.

>> No.13561803

Wew, now THATS a midwit take.

>> No.13561813

Hello, Isadore of Seville department?

It's like you people know nothing about theology or Church history, oh wait... you don't.

>> No.13561825


>> No.13561827

>this one guy therefore the overarching pattern is debunked
This is your mind on Christianity.

>> No.13561850


>> No.13561856

For real though, the Church didn't really "burn books" that often, they simply didn't copy the ones they didn't find important. The fathers of the Church would often quote ancient texts not entirely compatible with Christianity, showing that they were still widely available in late antiquity. The fall of Rome caused more literary destruction than the Church by a factor of 100.

>> No.13561877

>Still repeating this 18th century Gibbonian meme.
>Probably you believe that le evil Christians destroyed the Library of Alexandria.


Meanwhile, in reality: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibliotheca_(Photius)

>> No.13561927

>Christians didn't preserve literature that disagreed with their religion
>therefore you can't get mad at Christians for not preserving literature that disagreed woth their religion
Reminder that Gemistus Pletho, a Greek Pagan in the 1400s, is why the West has Plato, as he had given it to Italian bankers from his private library shortly after the Byzantine Empire had destroyed every copy of Plato's corpus in its official state library.

>> No.13561948

Yikes. Learn the basics, christcuck.

>> No.13561964
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>> No.13561967

>>13560623 >>13560637 >>13560643 >>13560685
Starting with the Persians makes more sense than Greeks. The ideas of truth vs. lie, good vs. evil, moral progress, and much more originated from the Gathas. The holy Gathas, which dates to ~1000-1500 BCE, are the unaltered words of Zarathustra. Both Piloo Nanavutty and Mary Boyce's translations are good, though it should be noted Boyce did not translate all of it.

>> No.13561980

>The substance of all such paganism may be summarised thus. It is an attempt to reach the divine reality through the imagination alone; in its own field reason does not restrain it at all. It is vital to the view of all history that reason is something separate from religion even in the most rational of these civilisations. It is only as an afterthought, when such cults are decadent or on the defensive, that a few Neo-Platonists or a few Brahmins are found trying to rationalise them, and even then only by trying to allegorise them. But in reality the rivers of mythology and philosophy run parallel and do not mingle till they meet in the sea of Christendom.
G.K. Chesterton, The Everlasting Man

Btfo'd completelly and effortlessly.

>> No.13561982
File: 83 KB, 720x523, mmmfeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was no argument, so you couldn't make me face anything.
Also, that would go against your religion, christcuck.

>> No.13561985

Why not start with the Jews then?

>> No.13561998

You seem very upset. I also don't think you realize how much I don't care about the opinions of white trash Wiccans.

>> No.13562019

Read up on this guy, didn't see any mention of the attempted destruction of Plato's works.

>> No.13562050
File: 47 KB, 958x600, c91b3624d888ffb4a140f245e60b4c24-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't understand paganism
>Christian appeal to knowledge
>doesn't understand Christianity
>resenting far superior myths and writing them off as capeshit
>would never be considered next to the lowest Greek but talks shit
Yeah, bro., Absolutely eternally BTFO in eternal hellfire...

>> No.13562052

Judaism was just a perversion of Zoroastrianism.

>> No.13562056
File: 110 KB, 750x750, trickle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anti-white Zio.

>> No.13562072

My favourite thing about Christians is how they take up the debating strategies of scumbags like Dawkins and Hitchens.

>> No.13562075
File: 20 KB, 407x454, nicker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok wignat.

>> No.13562085

There is literally not a single legitimate argument for polytheism.

>> No.13562094

Israelite religions have been around just as long, and are much more influential in Judaism

>> No.13562121

It's not Pletho, it's one of the Constantine's. He had the entire Byzantine library condensed into like 85 books. This also is why our knowledge of the Huns went from a 10 book series on their language, history, culture, religion, and society to about 5 lines. God told the emperor that the library's size made it too hard for him (God) to read the books, so he condensed it and used the space to make a dining room. Mobilefagging, I'll post my source later, feel free to look it up if you aren't dumb.

>> No.13562168
File: 157 KB, 600x534, 1561492499523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pathetic canned response from a NuRight Christian. What a joke you niggers are.

>> No.13562170

The majority of Greek classics known today are known through Byzantine copies originating from the Imperial Library of Constantinople.[2]

>> No.13562187

I'm happy You realize.

>> No.13562189

It predated zoroastrianism of about 500 years.

>> No.13562195

i seem to remember billionaires being all against Trump and all pro hillary.

>> No.13562202

Zoroastrianism originated somewhere around 1500-1000 BCE near BMAC complex in Central Asia. It's almost as old as Vedic beliefs.

>> No.13562233
File: 1.05 MB, 1365x2623, Christianity 666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. And notable continuation of the gets.
Christspammers are the /ptg/ of /lit/.

>> No.13562263 [DELETED] 

Alexander burned Zoroastrian texts, so you're not one to talk, faggot. Well, at least the Gathas survived.

>> No.13562276

Christians are such arrogant horrible people

>> No.13562293

You've obviously never met a pagan.

>> No.13562360

>I know you are but what am I
So THIS is the power of NeoJudaist pilpul...

>> No.13562387
File: 83 KB, 1023x789, sandalsisforlovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking gets.
Christshits BTFO.
“That man is best who sees the truth himself. Good too is he who listens to wise counsel. But who is neither wise himself nor willing to ponder wisdom is not worth a straw.”

>> No.13562472
File: 15 KB, 314x248, digits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check these dubs

>> No.13562477

/lit/ is a Hindu board