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13559386 No.13559386 [Reply] [Original]

Why can’t I make myself want to read?

>> No.13559389

Reading is boring tbqh

>> No.13559398

just do it, then you'll do it more, then you'll do it more

it's basically just forming a habit to where eventually, once you've read a lot, you'll wake up one day and ask "do i want to play video games or read a book" and you'll just default read a book. there is no miracle to it, there's nothing to "click". just do it and keep doing it and eventually it will grow into a habit.

>> No.13559631

Find a book that’s interesting . I started with clan of the cave bear by jean auel then moved onto shogun by James Clavell.

>> No.13559644
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Because you don't want to read.

You like the idea of being a reader, you like the concept of being that guy in the tweed coat reading a book that makes him look very intelligent. But the act of reading isn't enjoyable for you and that's ok. You THINK you want to read, you don't actually WANT to read. It's not your fault, you can do whatever you like in life, but you don't get to choose WHAT you end up liking.

>> No.13559651

you're distracted

>> No.13559686

Try reading something easy to comprehend (relative to your skill level) and entertaining (I'd recommend something like Jane Austen for this). If you still have trouble with boredom and such reading probably just isn't your thing; otherwise, you're either trying to read something too difficult or are rusty from not reading in a while.

>> No.13559920


>> No.13559928

You are not bored yet. If you lock yourself in a room with nothing but a book and you get bored from not doing anything, you will most likely read the book.

>> No.13559933

you read this thread faggot

>> No.13560593

Read better books. Don't be afraid to read 20 pages and then switch books.

>> No.13560779

Read Apathy by Paul Nielan
John dies at the end
Doomed and Damned by Chuck pahlahniuk
Then read shogun

>> No.13560799

Maybe you're depressed? Limit fapping to once a day when you're ready to go to sleep, work out daily, eat better, limit drug use to weekends, get a less exhausting job.

>> No.13561000

You don't make yourself want it sometimes. You just force yourself to read the first paragraph, and from there you roll into a slope of wanting to read more

>> No.13561050

then dont read you fuckin faggot

>> No.13561100

This. Every summer I go to the countryside to my parents' house with no wifi or service most of the time and I read a shit ton.

>> No.13561193

Breh I read every day, every chance I get and I still hate it
Stop living for enjoyment; embrace the tedium/ennui/entropy/pointlessness and transcend it

>> No.13561201

why the hell would you want to read if you dont even enjoy it? its not like we live in a world that values well-read people just go watch niggerball or some other normie shit if thats more your cuppa tea wtf is it with this board seriously

>> No.13561220

That's pretty sad, anon. Reading is supposed to be a lot of fun. Your loaded Goodreads log is never going to make you happy.

>> No.13561236

lol, I read to learn about things, not to brag about it on the internet
maybe that’s something that would making reading “fun” for OP though, who knows, don’t really give a fuck about social media faggots desu

>> No.13561332

Isn't there a catharsis in the process of reading for you? It's kind of like a brain massage. What about finishing a page, chapter, or book?

>> No.13561354

The development of my perspective and intellectual faculties is the ultimate and achieved goal that keeps me going- but in terms of a sort of catharsis or pleasure during the actual process, it’s so fleeting and inconsistent that I’ve simply decided not to chase it
I’m not telling OP to not read, I’m telling him that reading is actually really fucking boring but if he can’t accept the boredom he’ll find some great rewards, but probably not happiness or catharsis, the process of development is actually fucking stressful but worth it

>> No.13561367

Basically this.

>> No.13561402

Reading is not supposed to be fun. What kind of psycho has fun reading the trivium or the phenomenonology

>> No.13561427
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Don’t force yourself to read something you’re not enjoying, just because some people are telling you it’s a must read. Start with something easy, short story collections are good. Borges?