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/lit/ - Literature

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13559015 No.13559015 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of CJ Hauser's piece, "The Crane Wife?" Shit's apparently blowing up like it's the second coming of "Cat People."

>> No.13559118

Jesus Christ, this shit. Fiance sounds like an autistic and a cunt, and the author sounds like either a total narcissist (the last psychiatrist kind) or like a low energy borderline.

The question that never comes up as it should for the author is "why did you choose him?" She almost gets it by raising the matter of her being needy for love but never seems to reflect on it or on why she looked for it from someone who doesn't sound like he was very trustworthy from the beginning. She can recognize that there's something vacuous about his reasons for loving her (though she's real quick to dismiss seeming like she'd be a good mother, as if it didn't have anything to do with her person or qualities), but she doesn't seem to notice that her reasons, best we can get anyway, are "Because I want him to love me/choose me", like she jumped at some arbitrary person demanding that they arbitrarily choose her back.

Is this sort of unreflective shit seriously catching on?