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13558055 No.13558055 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think the defining philosophical trends of the 2020s will be?

>> No.13558069



>> No.13558070

I don't care about your shitty trends.

>> No.13558084

uhm...thats /mu/ anon

someones gotta respond to acc and the general anti-anthropocentric bend of the past two decades or so.

>> No.13558107

Statism, catholicism, metaphysical realism

>> No.13558120


Whoops, I didn't know she was a pop singer. I thought it was /tv/-esque ... you know

>> No.13558393

Something that can complement neo-nationalism

>> No.13558396

Probably materialism and futurism, and Christianity as an antithesis.

>> No.13558407

Metafiction as guide to reality, a resurgence in Bernays-style propaganda, but metaphysicalized, with a flavor of speculative-fiction-made-real (think Borges). Fantasies of an omnipotent elite reshaping reality according to its whims, and the embracing of fake news, outright and invented historical events. Past fictions become a guide to future actualities – holograms of fucking Johnny Bravo wandering the streets alongside those of Odysseus making his voyage over and over again in the Aegean (tickets will be sold to this). Realism recast as vaguely reactionary at first, then outright fascist. Post-meaning, the medium is the only message. The trajectory of sense becomes tied to what you want to hear, not what I want to say: language screaming through us from the future in self-fulfiling prophecy, using the human body and our digital creations as vehicles. The world falls back to ur-tribalism, mysticism and sacrificing goats: the luxury flat of the future middle class becomes a bunker.

>> No.13558408


>> No.13558615


>> No.13558635

Metafiction and probably philosophy about culture that embraced all irony about itself as a culture - we lived in post-secular age, I think it will took about 20 or 30 more years before the general liberal idealogy will looked dated.

>> No.13558680

>holograms of fucking Johnny Bravo wandering the streets alongside those of Odysseus

dude what the fuck are you saying

>> No.13558694

hopefully antirepresentationalism

>> No.13558700

No more post-post-irony and "deconstruction", everyone's sick to death of that. Instead, a return to sincerely and simply engaging with the material reality of daily life. This will lead to either A) unironic Communism, B) some sort of Gnostic Christianity a la William Blake, or C) both at once.

>> No.13558712

>ome sort of Gnostic Christianity a la William Blake,

but what did he mean by this

>> No.13558740
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>Thinking as I do that the Creator of this World is a very Cruel Being & being a Worshipper of Christ, I cannot help saying: "the Son, O how unlike the Father!"
>Jesus Christ is the only God, and so am I, and so are You

>> No.13558743

Who she

>> No.13558751

Materialist psychology of crowds - ethology in advertising, behavioral models for quasi-AI personal assistant spyboxes, addiction driven AI models to promote best social network spammers.

It delivers - thus wins on the market grounds.
Is it right?
Who knows?
It's like evolution, we can quantify and replicate how it works.

>> No.13558779
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Clairo, the savior of lo-fi indie pop

>> No.13558785

the ßible

>> No.13558791

Holy shit she's 30. I thought she was like 19.

>> No.13558798
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Esoteric Islamic mysticism

>> No.13559003

Aren't most accelerationists pro- anthropocentric ?

>> No.13559042

Some kind of suicide cult

>> No.13559570

she's crap though, at least billie eilish's brother has written some decent songs

>> No.13559583
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>Portraits by Deb

>> No.13559603


Self-flagellating, militant eco-spiritualism. Greta Thunberg combined with Joan of Arc.

National capitalism with totalitarian characteristics. China basically.

Militant transhumanism.

Applause-lightism. Ridiculing whatever the funny-looking people on television ridicule, praising what they like.

>> No.13559808

Maybe if malcolm x didn't die anon.

>> No.13559844

I just listened to Sofia. The autotune is bad, the quality is bad, and I guess that's deliberate. Lofi is trash, anyway, because it's ugliness, not art, even if it's for an "aesthetic." Ugly is not aesthetic, the opposite.

>> No.13559879

Unfortunately with the rise of the Internet and technology, people became self centered, losing their sense of wonder about how the world works and the motivation to learn more.

One may argue that this is because younger generations are flooded with information but that is not true. The older generations just didn't put emphasis on critical thinking and how to properly filter it. So the younger generation is just confused and lost. All humans share the same trait which is to adapt to a situation and always choose the simplest ways to achieve their goals. So called laziness is just energy efficiency.

By the looks of it, the future may appear that bleak, but like in nature, only the intelligent and those who are most adaptable will survive.

The shift is now towards ecology, saving the planet, being a mindful consumer, minimalism in general.

>> No.13559931
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>> No.13559950
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2many frecks

>> No.13560030

Nationalism, aesthetics rebirth (neo-neo-classical), fitness becoming even more widespread than this decade (obesity will decrease), producers will stop rishing CGI in movies, there will be a return to gender polarity as thousands of now adult psychologically ruined "transexuals" come forth as not being such at all wanting their bodies back, death of analytic philosophy as we discover that consciousness is integral to quantum physics.

>> No.13560050


Metamodernism and hopefully the death of the postmodern condition

>> No.13560052


>> No.13560418

Eco Fascism
A return to Freud

>> No.13560553

i'm hoping atemporality takes off and all of you jabbering assholes shut the fuck up.

>> No.13560886

All those things are so passe

>> No.13560888


>> No.13560892


>> No.13560923

Philosophy aims at truth or it's just poetry

>> No.13561006

The hell is wrong with freckles? They’re awesome.

>> No.13561084

butts has an opinion I agree with? huh, guess you're alright, titfly

>> No.13561128

Why do we take words and throw neo in front of it, as if it means something?

>> No.13561132

They are the cutest on black women :3

I flirted with a bisexual black with them all the time and made her question her relationship

>> No.13561156

Progressive Traditionalism
Speculative Nihilism
DoubleMarxist Generationomics

>> No.13561172

Or Marxist-Egoist Subgenerationism

>> No.13561177

neo means new, and refers either in essential differences or marginal differences, like in said case, changes in tactics and appearance.

>> No.13561181


>> No.13561188
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>respectable opinions

>> No.13561200


>> No.13561206
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>anything besides shit

>> No.13561209

At what point does the idea became entirely new, and no longer justifies the use of "neo"?
Can you have a neo-neo movement? How many neos can a wors have before becoming absurd and why?

>> No.13561215
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Neologisms are the most high-IQ aspect of philosophy.

If you can't into it you're a pseud.

We're already in the 2020s.

>> No.13561245

Neoromanticism or neo-neoclassicism, probably.

>> No.13561274

Nationalist populism.

Centralism vs. Subsidiarism.

Accelarationism vs. Primitivism.

>> No.13561446

I mean what is the defining philosophy of today? It's too varied and indeterminate to say. Therefore how would it be possible to determine what 2020 would be like?

>> No.13562041

a take no prisioners no holds barred capital-F Fascism

>> No.13562073

Some form of utopianism, as today.

>> No.13562188

I kind of agree anon.

>> No.13562190

Absolute pleb.

>> No.13562199



The first functional brain interfacing computers will be available around 2027

>> No.13562231
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It's not even going to be nihilism, you won't actually see any coherent philosophical view emphasized except meme culture (which includes pop culture - it's already in the middle of merging with meme culture), in which actually random things become popular for no reason, people meander through nonsense that others deem funny and they learn to condition themselves to find it funny or exciting as well. The trend of people going "i have all the knowledge in the world at the reach of my pocket, so why would I actually invest time in learning anything deeply if I won't get money from it? Just have fun bro". Reddit-tier herd mentality will continue increasing among the knowing ones - upper-middle class westerners who have access to internet - and if you are not aware of all the things that are "in" at the moment you will be deemed a bad person and ostracized.

>> No.13562239

>Self-flagellating, militant eco-spiritualism. Greta Thunberg combined with Joan of Arc.
I want this now

>> No.13562251

It seems like crypto-occult spiritualism with headnotes of accelerationism are starting to bubble to the surface, and personally I'm all for it

>> No.13562262
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It will be very fun for the actual knowing ones - people who have self-discipline, are smart enough not to fall into the meme trap and exploit it for their own gain. The corporation/common people dichotomy in terms of presentation is shrinking, subreddits like r/fellowkids are merely chasing spectres. Smart corporations will (and already have) start manufacturing memes for advertisement purposes without putting their nametag on it, similar as you could see in a Nathan for You episode about the zoo who engineered a viral video to attract customers.
The fun thing about the devolution of the internet culture in general and standards for humour and thought is that corporations won't even have to try in order to appeal to the masses - they're a herd of brainlets and will eat up anything you'll feed to them.

>> No.13562284

If you dont think thats a fertile woman you are a fag

>> No.13562344



google "nick land"

>> No.13562371


this completely

>> No.13562458
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We will all be fucking dead, man, there will be no philosophy then

>> No.13562630

Eugenics and transhumanism. Might not be until the 2030s, but either way soon they will start mass producing 200 IQ+ people and we all become fucking obsolete

>> No.13562644

Return to Christianity among the youth. Increasing divide between traditional peasant class immigrants and the global capitalists trucking them in. Sharp shift leftwards of political discourse. All these are not incompatible.

>> No.13562669

statist left-occult ecofascist cosmic consciousness perspectival multinaturalism

transhumanist crispr future neural lace LOL what a meme. The real question is, while promissory materialist positivism fails yet another generation of mortals for whom the crypto-christian eschaton (Musk-Bezos Bogdanoff, singularity, or technojesus of your choice) will continue to remain just around the corner, where will millennial and gen-z stemlords turn for solace?

>> No.13562690

>they will start mass producing 200 IQ+ people
As much as i would like that, that's not going to happen. If it were it would be much longer than "soon". Very little research is going into improving our own intelligence. We're all too focused on disease, space, and humanitarian issues, which is stupid, if we made ourselves smarter first, we'd be able to come up with solutions to the other problems sooner.

>> No.13562747
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To anticipate defining philosophical trends is to follow the most important problems of human action in the present. Process-relational thought is very promising, as it allows for the clarification of the problems of the present, which are ecological both in the environmental and most general senses, including epistemological. Singularitarianism and capitalist futurologies have been fully exposed as the sham ideologies they are, as tech corporations have been revealed to be just as nihilistic and exploitative as any other.

>> No.13562785

patheme-matheme assemblages

>> No.13562808

I hope to god sincerity comes back

>> No.13562818

It's already on the way.

>> No.13562845

climate change is going to get real and we’re going to play the blame game while we die because the answer to our problems is antithetical to our beliefs

>> No.13562848

yeah, hopefully it doesn't end like last time...with a hanging :^)

>> No.13562866

I'm actually really excited to see us move past our post-irony phase. It's been annoying, sure, but a lot of really good development of new kinds of humor came out of it, and I think there's a lot of potential in applying those techniques to honest, genuine humor and culture

>> No.13563170

accelerationism and then big surprise capitalism is still not collapsing

>> No.13563197

I don't think you know what accelerationism is

>> No.13563209

>Return to Christianity among the youth
as much as i would like it this is wishful thinking
only kind of christians kids these days could become is the type which claims to love jesus, but doesnt care about any rules or teachings of the church
>Sharp shift leftwards of political discourse
wrong, the political discourse will redefine into making radical left the centre

>> No.13563218

contemporary islam is trending away from mysticism into legalism

>> No.13563241

>big surprise capitalism is still not collapsing
Until we have profitable space travel capitalism is collapsing

>> No.13563286

you mean this isn't post-post-post irony?

>> No.13563312

What is the defining philosophical trend of the 2010's? Because that's what will define the 2020's. Culture has been plateauing since the 90's with the only great change being the growth of the internet. Think of the shift in culture from the 50's to the 70's. Now think about the 00's to where we are now. Has the change in the latter been even a modicum as prominent as the former? I'm talking about all things: thought, literature, cinema, music, technology, fashion.

>> No.13563322

Post-irony, anti-traditionalism, and personal subjectivity

>> No.13563355

Fap fap fap fap fap

>> No.13563364

>Instead, a return to sincerely and simply engaging with the material reality of daily life
This process has already started.

>> No.13563366


>> No.13563367

The acontextualization of social norms, mores, movements, and institutions.

>> No.13563370

Wrong. "profitiable space travel" is tantamount to post-scarcity (and necessarily so)

>> No.13563373
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I was thinking the same thing 20 years ago. It really is stale refried beans. The nation has been on the slide since the 1970s “stagflation” energy crisis. The empire is slipping out of our hands, but it seems they don’t know it or they’re going to go down swinging at everybody.

>> No.13563387

>the only great change being the growth of the internet
that's a pretty major change to absorb
everybody use to to be somewhat on the same page, but now we're splintered even more

>> No.13563398


>> No.13563403

I still don't understand what post-irony is supposed to be. There's irony where you do something that runs opposite of your true thoughts/intentions, and then there's sincerity running opposite of irony. Wouldn't post-irony just be surreal sincerity? The way I've seen the term post-irony used is in a sense where one person says or does something that looks like ironic but in fact isn't. In other words, someone says or does something exaggerated, extreme, or nonsensical without trying to subvert anything.

>> No.13563412

this post but ironically

>> No.13563418

Xi Jinping Thought

>> No.13563500

Leftism is over sweetheart, you’re the old guys, just look in the mirror

>> No.13563563

that is just continuing the trends of the 10's. I think the post would be better if it said what would be the next major philosophical trend, or rather when does anti-traditionalism eventually turn to traditionalism, and subjectivity into objectivety; when will enatiodromida kick in? A decade is too short a time for the gradual change we have been seeing now, but it could be accelerated with a catalyst of some sort.

>> No.13563578

>Nick is green like the "green lion" used to refer to the sun as a technical neologism within alchemy
>Nick was into occultism and British occultism in particular, so he probably knew that symbol
Bravo image maker

>> No.13563639

Is this lit, just making fancy words up, to make yourself feel better??

>> No.13563749

>that is just continuing the trends of the 10's
Read the post I was responding to

>> No.13563794
File: 110 KB, 611x491, FF7FEC28-A1D1-411D-BD5C-211542D41D67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep telling yourself that. Steady those knees, champ

>> No.13563800

>if I say it first it can’t be said to me!
I feel like this is the philosophy of most of your posts

>> No.13563806

the solution is to go further to the right

>> No.13563809

Butterfly you are a female autistic. You never earn your smug images with your posts, you just attach them to be the value of the post themselves, like how redditors post pepe to attempt to substantiate their posts. There’s something you’re fundamentally missing from being a genuine person.

>> No.13563842

The “right” is a reactionary direction aimed at going back in time to repeat something that’s done and gone. If you pay any attention to history you’d know this never happens. The future has to be something new, something that can work for us all
For instance, look at the popped balloon of the “alt-right” now some are trying to kickstart nazbol or this eco-fascism thing. Its just retarded skins of the dynamic leftism. We all want out of the grip of the liberal capitalists, its just you buys want to keep capitalism, bring back gods and emperors and it’s just not going to work.
Please. Read Stirner.

>> No.13563853

>The future has to be something new, something that can work for us all
like salafism and orthodox judaism which are the rising societal trends currently
dont assume that progress always goes towards the direction youd like it to go

>> No.13563860

and neoreaction/accelerationism

>> No.13563873

read zizek

>> No.13563877

Yes, in a world of freedom (if we can get it in time) will allow the freedom to worship. But also the freedom to not worship, and those who don’t will likely flourish better. Who knows though.

>> No.13563878

Nick Land has yet to be refuted by leftist academics

>> No.13563884

He fucked it by zapping himself with research chemicals and cozying up with the proto-kinda-maybe-alt-right, which is enough for most of academia to justify writing him off entirely

>> No.13563891

its not clear what "refuting" nick land would even look like. most academics probably just think hes a freak anyway. he has no real credibility. that being said his friend mark fisher had some conclusive things to say about him

>> No.13563899

Anti-clout, anti-materialism, pro-rational and pro-individuualism is bound to return or at least that our the themes I work with with my current artistic endeavors that I feel are contrary to the current movements

>> No.13563933

>its not clear what "refuting" nick land would even look like

>> No.13563955

I sincerely hope God comes back.

>> No.13564327
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More strains of unstable and experimental LGBT Mandatory Islamic Consumerism escape from the underground laboratories of Neoliberal Managerialism.

Rise of an explicitly anti-academia leftism as more and more people on the far left realize that their bargain with various social institutions is faustian. Tacit acknowledgement of Moldbug's cathedral in that efforts toward leftist goals that take place within the confines of academia are only ever captured and rerouted into ever more liberalism.

Nick Land loses his monopoly on reactionary futurism as the notion that western civ is no longer worth saving, that it is so deeply compromised that efforts to save it merely help the enemy, increasingly permeates the far-right, and the desire to build a successor culture takes hold. See popularity of Nick Land, Bronze Age Pervert, David Myatt/O9A, and Ted Kaczynski, Evola and Spengler. All in someway theorise a passing out of our current civilisation and in to another yet the idea of somehow "saving" the west remains default among the far-right.

The refinement of psychometric profiling algorithms combined with gamerfication of mundane tasks to create a kind of "life on rails" where your Amazon account will know what actions, tasks, conversation topics with friends, food to eat, movies to see, shows to watch, will make you happiest. All you have to do is follow the prompts. Maybe not the next decade, but a move toward such a system now doubt.

>> No.13564651

dont know if anyone will read the ramblings of a man who has been drinking but here we go

I am completely bought into this idea that the world is going to shit. I have three young kids who are going to grow up in this world.

To me the most important thing philosophically is the idea of soul and beyond this life. If we can accept that this life is flawed and intentionally full of suffering, like the jews, christians, greeks, romans, egyptians, persians, etc believed, then we can evade the doom mindset of everything is going to hell and this is our only chance at finding joy and it doesn't matter how well read you are and how many stories you have enjoyed when the planet is fried by the ever growing sun.

end rant

>> No.13564652

Nostalgia for the 20th century. Just look at some of the musical trends like vaporwave

>> No.13564805

underrated and "i was gonna post that" pilled

>> No.13565322

You are a fucking moron. History is not a linear scale, upon which two parties, the left and right, have waged war. It is a bit more complex than this ultimately vague tug-of-war notion you seem to be giving out in your posting.

If you think the Republican party in America is about going 'backwards in time' you've got to be kidding me.

I neither think that the Democratic Party is completely about Progressivism or trying 'new things'. Your retarded take on politics threatens to throw us all into fifth grade social sciences if we don't watch ourselves. Watch as the LITERAL representation of you, Bernie Sanders and more specifically Elizabeth Warren, are specifically shunned by the rest of the party in favor of more down-to-earth measures.

You are an absolute moron, and a laughing stock of anyone who actually cares about politics, let alone political philosophy. :3

>> No.13565652

Ethno-nationalism, the works of Julius Evola, and of course Trans-humanism. With a dash of Homofash.

>> No.13566195



>> No.13566230
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pro-cunnyism, anti-pedophobic

>> No.13566834

I keep seeing you people post about how he used drugs in the past, but I've never seen a single source to confirm it so I'm just going to assume you're making shit up.

>> No.13566885

I think transhumanism and weirder body modification is going to be more and more of a thing. Many humans are going to stop looking like humans.

>> No.13566887

namefag so I can track your posts.

>> No.13566891

Antisemitism hopefully lol

>> No.13567061

Lmfao only good answer in the thread

>> No.13567073

I think there's potential for a pretty big religious revival imo. Especially I think most leftists by the year 2030 will bite the bullet and basicallly become either libertarians or full on communitarian Catholics. But that's more a political prediction than anything else

I think on the ball philosophers are going to step away from either rigid scientism or ascientific historicism since both have run their course. They're going to start interrogating the bases of enlightenment science and come to some radically new understanding of the scientific project, informed in large part by a rejection of Baconionism. This will either mean a lapse into a sort of monism/spinozism, or something genuinely new, tho it's impossible to say what

Less and less philosophy will be done in the academy, more and more will be done through loose collectives outside the university.

Neo-cartesianism, port royal des champs arrives from the future, revival of Jansenism and Calvinism in response to climate crises.

Philosophy will still revolve around questioning the enlightenment, but this will be done in a more sophisticated way than it was by 20th century thinkers, who just said that the enlightenment didn't live up to its goals but they still more or less assumed its first principles.

There will be a Heidegger but for patristics rather than for the presocratics.

Charles Sanders Peirce will continue to grow in significance, attracting both followers and detractors.

Idk, maybe a cognitive turn in the same way we had a linguistic turn (1900s) and a historical turn (1800s)

>> No.13567078

Romantic anti authority (of any kind, left or right) spiritualism

>> No.13567088
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>Whig history

>> No.13567089

Genetics doesn't make you prone to world domination

>> No.13567098
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the source is his own recollection in the book he wrote himself

>> No.13567137
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>breathes in

Anti-technological terrorism as right-wing performance art, with newspapers and underground zines dedicated, first, to the satirical emulation of academic gobbledegook as a response to these attacks, while later considering them as a serious counter-cultural art form with different schools of thought each offering different discursive methods through which to explain the artist's rationale.

>> No.13567211
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>> No.13567245

>implying I wasn't at p4k when everyone in the crowd was asking if those were real tattoos on claire's forearms or not and then lindsay came out and they kissed and I excused myself limbing my way through the crowd to inhale vape carts in the baño and jerk a nut out

>> No.13567337

This, but without catholicism

>> No.13567370


> LARPing a pedo to own the libs.

>> No.13567445

Endless critiques of neoliberalism that will be recuperated by neoliberalism itself - ie all new political "forms" (Trump, gilets jaunes and so on) and things like Houellebecq's et al. Also stuff with a "return to nature" and an ecological theme, but with a neoliberal garnish. Something like Walden but with an emphasis on the idea of adaptation to the new socio/political/climatic environment

Probably not about AI or anything like that. It's just nerd and wannabe internet hipster's masturbation material

>> No.13567552
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Literally just more "white man bad" neoliberalism

>> No.13568478

God I wish that were me.

>> No.13568528

imagine the smell...

>> No.13569051

No one actually thinks that. You just want to feel like the victim

>> No.13569256

She probably smells like Argan oil or Frankincense

>> No.13570303


>> No.13570312
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This one for sure.

>> No.13570327

The guy sure was ahead of his time, I can tell you that.

>> No.13570340

Damn dude, you’re retarded.

>> No.13570399

David Foster Wallace already tried to do Neo-sincerity in the 90s and it never caught on.

>> No.13570405
File: 226 KB, 2000x1000, 44679CA3-C99D-4A97-BBF9-5A0C79863770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neoliberalism is white man rich and savior of the human race with wonderful capitalism. Some of them are under the impression capitalism can spread to the whole world and make them all rich too. Left neoliberalism is just as horrendous as right neoliberalism/neoconservativism.
The whole sjw versus alt-right thing is just another distraction

>> No.13570419
File: 105 KB, 1200x804, 1200px-Greek_philosopher_busts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI ethics. The exploration and mapping of consciousness. Ethical Eugenics. The implications of the internet age. Globalisation and interconnectivity.

>> No.13570428

Imagine using words this big while saying this little.

>> No.13570430

globo-homo and multikult on steroids.

>> No.13570435

China is literally working on the genetic components of intelligence and ethical eugenics right now. Watch the evolution of us on Netflix.

>> No.13570438

Her this hoes music in Chipotle in Jew York the other day. Had me a hearty chuckle.

>> No.13570444

Total ignorance, I provide as evidence the last 100 years

>> No.13570445

To be fair it's necessary to distinguish liberal-conservative """""nationalism""""" i.e. selling out one's country to the world economic order and revitalised nationalism that exists in many different strains today and rejects the former more than anyone else. The former also seamlessly shifts between ethnic and civic at the convenience of said sellouts.

>> No.13570448

She's 20.

>> No.13570451


>> No.13570456


>> No.13570464
File: 65 KB, 452x678, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this.

>> No.13570501

>watch netflix propaganda

>> No.13570505


>> No.13570521

It's not propaganda. Take off the tin foil hat for a few minutes bruh.

>> No.13570523

catholic acceleration

>> No.13570530

I don't think the laws of reality would allow for a netflix documentary about Chinese eugenics to not be propaganda.

>> No.13570542

Did you know that the army demanded that a planned scene where Robert Deniro's character was shown to have torture manuals be removed from Meet the Fockers?

>> No.13570603

>torture manuals
honestly how complicated can it be

>> No.13570622
File: 99 KB, 750x703, soy philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think metaphysics will regain favor as consumers will start realistically believing in the fictional realities they consume.
An informal philosophy will emerge where Harry Potter's reality exists somewhere "out there", along with the Star Wars universe, Marvel, etc.
Pop Culture will morph into a type of new age religion; corporations will make a lot of money from this. Purveyors of pop culture will be the new high priests and "commune", producing sacred works of regarding these worlds.
The soi will flow with the tears of millions of soulless losers.

>> No.13570659

Pretentious Pedantism

>> No.13570714

Does this mean the next religious extremists will bomb buildings dressed up as Ironman?

>> No.13570731
File: 59 KB, 552x662, holmes aurora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're already there m8.

>> No.13570778

>National populism
>State capitalism
Both will lead to the end of the neoliberal/neoconservative world order that has existed since the 1980s.
A Brussels-Moscow-Beijing axis will lead to a multipolar world.
>Splendid isolation
Lead by Britain, the Commonwealth realms will seal themselves off from the world. Bad things will happen to non-Anglo Celtic minorities.
>Hispanic acculturation
The dominant culture in the USA will be Spanish, Catholic and reactionary, Democrats will go back to being the right wing party.
A last gasp effort by communists and fascists alike to overturn modernity, resulting in the synthesis of both ideologies into distributism.
>Ecological spiritualism
With Christianity all but non existent in Northern Europe, ecology will combine with a resurgent pagan LARP to save the environment.

>> No.13570796

Oh god my dick. I think I'll focus on internet pornography as the world is just moving towards more and more surveillance capitalism.

Also this desu.

>> No.13570878

>A last gasp effort by communists and fascists alike to overturn modernity

The precise opposite definition of acceleration

>> No.13570934

No, it sounds fairly apt.
It's a Hail Mary play when the masses don't buy into your ideology. You try to burn the buildings down in hopes of a collapse, fight over the ashes, and then gambling again that you'll somehow turn out the winner.

I'm sure there's some high-falutin Landian semantics over what "acceleration" really means but in a nutshell, it's wishful thinking.
Complete bottom feeder tier of neoractionary responses. Like flipping the board when you're losing a game.

>> No.13570973

>You try to burn the buildings down in hopes of a collapse, fight over the ashes,
Again this isn't Accelerationism. You have bought in to a pejorative/misappropriation that arose during the trump election that conflated accelerationism with bane memes (crashing the plane with no survivors).

All accelerationism, actually accelerationism as theorized by Land and friends, is acknowledgement of capitalist production as the motor of modernity and the desire to see it continue unimpeded. It is a complete defence of the modernist project.

>> No.13571026

>I'm sure there's some high-falutin Landian semantics over what "acceleration" really means but in a nutshell, it's wishful thinking.
>All accelerationism, actually accelerationism as theorized by Land and friends
Like I said.
Land didn't invent "accelerationism". He co-opted the term and applied his own paint to it, making this a dull semantic argument. It's virtually indistinguishable from traditional accelerationism except to ideologues who always apply their moralistic nuance why their brand is acceptable (marxists, fascists, techno-anarchists, whatever).

All the neoractionary movements are a joke.

>> No.13571031


It will be a lot less politically correct; we will be facing more urgent issues, real or imaginary, and won't have the time to worry about equity. Probably there will be a strong back-and-forth argument about automation and transhumanism. The propaganda will calm down a little bit, but mostly because the average man is becoming immune to the sickness. I'm assuming, given the kind of memes that are popular now on social media, there will be a minor absurdist movement that will die off fairly quickly.

>> No.13571081

Same desu

>> No.13571301

You want to ground it in semantics because you don't wish to acknowledge your own sloppy use of this terminology. If you can frame everything as semantics you can dismiss and never have to actually engage.

Acceleration is rooted in the work of Land and the CCRU and the fact that you would bring up moralizing is perplexing considering accelertionism in all varieties except the vulgar misappropriation of the term you initially used are diagnostic not prescriptive and completly distinct from neoreaction, of which the majority of accelerationist factions would share you opnion on it being a joke.