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/lit/ - Literature

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13557533 No.13557533 [Reply] [Original]

I am doing an English degree. What am I in for /lit/?

>> No.13557613

Does your college have a curriculum/plan of study? That'll probably be your best information in regards to what you're in for. Also, might I ask why you chose English over Philosophy? From my knowledge Philosophy is a much more rigorous and applicable major. Also from the few classes I took in both, I found Philosophy classes to be more interesting.

>> No.13557621

reading & writing

>> No.13557622

doing faggot postmodern liberal takes on how black women might be liberated in wake of shakespeare

>> No.13557623

But you are in for lit

>> No.13557637

The catalog is currently saturated with idiotic images of frogs. Please stop posting them, and join the Meme Jihad

To answer your question, you are in for an academic environment that is probably not salutary to the acquisition of real and meaningful knowledge, particularly if you live in the United States where the academic world is in an especially pitiful state. I recommend you read Allan Bloom's "The Closing of the American Mind".

>> No.13557640

>A shitload of awful classes with decent reading lists and few good seminars taught by old guard tenure fucks
>General idiots and a few people who are poisoned academians-to-be but good classmates if insufferable/weird outside of it
>meme tier writing classes if ur doing writing of any sort, literally better off bath toastering than going into crewri imo
>Probably a cool gf as long as u aren't tism

Postgrad pick one of:
>Meme tier mid level office drone / wageslave, end up doing the shit you thought you'd like to escape except at the lowest level of the totem pole
>Go to gradschool for lit and die when you realize it's all a scan designed to make you do slave labor for strung out gen x academians who cucked you into liking post struct shit u didn't understand (btw, remain an unmarried/married and depressed adjunct/hs teacher for rest of life)
>Go to mfa and become the chapo scold you always should have been, end up bitching about being minimum wage despite it all being your fault for choosing the worst skill and likely also sucking at it (just statistically, you're probably gonna suck. Even if you're good, the whole thing is pointless and probably hampers your ability to actually do something beyond write lukewarm meme crap). At best become some jzhang adjacent retard who makes money but is such a raging narcissist that literally everyone around you hates you.
>Do law, commit to getting a real degree/job but also dying due to unending debt

>> No.13557646

Boy, do we have a positive dandy in here!

>> No.13557673

I mean a&d post grad aren't bad just stressful til 40. It's what everyone else does, deal with it, etc. Also if you work hard and look on the bright side of things you can have a good time both before and after college. Still I wanted to just rant that because people don't expect to do those and instead try to do grad (whcih all is mainly falling apart jsut because of funding) and end up regretting it, hence why I felt the need to be so vitriolic

>> No.13557684

It's better he's prepped for what's ahead instead of falling for the scam that the older pre-internet Millenials were subjected to. If he wished to do it anyway, at least he can't say that he wasn't warned.

>> No.13557694

Thank you for explaining, my friend. I felt your sorrow and I hope it will get better for you as I strive to get better at contemplating life. It is kind of hard and I appreciate your explanation, for it is reassuring.

>> No.13557746


You'll be fine. Just don't waste any time and work hard. Also, if you're doing english because you seriously fucking love books and like are /that/ nerd who read all of the Russian shit in high school, I'd suggest comp lit. All the students in comp lit are a LOT more serious/focused but the drawback is you do need an extensive background if you want to succeed in it. I'd say take the itnro to both and pick which one you like more. Either way if you don't LOVE it all, don't be afraid to do a, or d. Making money is fun. So is being an adult. Office work is not fun, but nothing really is that makes you money . If you lie to yourself too much about wanfing to do writing or academia you'll jsut end up broke and bitter about shit. Oh and No matter what, try to take a course on proust before you graduate. Good luck

>> No.13557765


>> No.13557780

Some good texts, some okay conversations, and zero job prospects/transferable skills without an extensive devotion to learning marketability, finding internships, generally building your resume, and crafting a public persona that will allow you to quickly brush aside any doubts employers might have to your judgement/ideals in choosing your degree. But I guess the latter is mostly true of any degree nowadays.

>> No.13557792

Thank you so much. This is what I wanted my school counselor to tell me, haha. I'm in Canada and the education system is very different, but I have one more year to binge-read philosophers and great writers, preparing for the day I will finally enter university, without having the option to turn back due to debt. So yes, I am quite anxious about the future, but minds like you help me. Thanks again.

And once again, I am going for the highest degree of studies in a serious field in hope for some serious learning. I don't feel like just ignoring pre-made courses in what I want to learn about, haha.

>> No.13557831


/Lit/ has gone to shit, this is a 10minutemail burner email I just made, shoot me an email there and I can give u my telegram or discord if u wanna talk more.

>> No.13557879

Huh, you're a cool guy.

>> No.13557893

Awful misreadings of Foucault and Butler filtered through three tumblr posts and one half-understood 200 level sociology class which is already just philosophy for brainlets with a heavy dose of bourgeois moralism.

>> No.13557948
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>What am I in for /lit/?
pain, meaninglessness, suffering, etc., etc.
or, the time of your life

>> No.13557957
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>> No.13558284

Get straight As, get TAships, join the honors society and literary magazine if there is one, apply for the Fulbright, ace the GRE and get into a great grad school and you will be fine.

>> No.13558660

Not him anon, but is this thought I had retarded?

A bunch of people from my late college studied philosophy, but to me they’re the opposite. I see philosophy as something which is, almost natural. A way of thinking and logic which is typically developed through individuality and a experience of life some don’t relate to. Maybe I’m completely wrong entirely and missed the concept, but I always looked at them bewildered when they spoke about it, or as my brother said, “what good is thinking outside the box whilst you’re in a bigger box?”

>> No.13558772

You'll kill your sleep schedule reading a 500 page book in a week, then spend one (1) hour discussing the most superficial aspects of it while the dumbest guy in the room asks a bunch of off-topic questions.

>> No.13558894
