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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 120 KB, 608x710, Kendrick-Lamar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13557389 No.13557389[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Rap is the most relevant form of poetry today
>Rap records will outlast most white poets (a thousand years from now, people will reference kendrick lamar over any 20th cent. poet)
>The decolonisation/dewhitening of western literature is ultimately a good thing for the progression of society
>Quotas actually let POC/minorities have an equal footing against more privileged classes
>There is such thing as a value on a piece of art
>men SHOULD step aside and let women speak
>All /lit/ posters who see racism/sexism/transphobia or ableism on this board should report it instantly then HIDE the thread it came from.

>> No.13557395

really clever posting anon, keep it up, not cringe at all

>> No.13557404

>He thinks the world will last for thousands of years more and care for Australopithecus tier monkey noises set to a rhythm

>> No.13557407


>> No.13557410

Rap is such a dead end in music it’s getting replaced by fucking country

>> No.13557416

i don't think kendricks a poet. i think kanye west is a poet

>> No.13557417

Whats rap? Non-American here

>> No.13557419

Stop using expressions like "dilate" and "cringe" it does nothing to improve the level of board discourse. OP made an obviously idiotic claim, and the best way to counter it is to point out this fact intelligently. Join the Meme Jihad.

>> No.13557422

psyop nigger. you are whiter than your gf's pussy after a 'girls night out'

>> No.13557430

the virgin kendrick vs the Chad Kanye

>> No.13557435

>the best way to counter it is to point out this fact intelligently
that's what OP wants you to do

>> No.13557437

>bait this good
Bon appetite, OP.

>> No.13557439

Kendrick Lamar has nothing interesting to say. Any appearance of self-awareness or depth he has is phony.

>> No.13557445

Let him be an immature child. You should not lower yourself to the level of mentally challenged twitter posters. Join the Meme Jihad, and counter all mind numbing memery. It is the only way to save this board.

>> No.13557446

word up

>> No.13557458

you shouldn't sincerely argue with people who are trolling though

>> No.13557463

it's not really that good is it tho

>> No.13557465

>All /lit/ posters who see racism/sexism/transphobia or ableism on this board should report it instantly then HIDE the thread it came from.

>Rap is the most relevant form of poetry today
>Rap records will outlast most white poets
>men SHOULD step aside and let women speak

>racism/sexism ... report it instantly then HIDE the thread it came from.

You got it! :^)

>> No.13557468

There used to be a "don't feed the troll" policy on this board. The best thing to do is to leave an intelligent response, and if you see that they respond with more trolling to just ignore. Please do not spam mindless Twitter lingo or frog memes. Join the Meme Jihad, and help fix this board. Post intelligently.

>> No.13557484

Yo hum bo didda binna ma bix
Do dum hitta gon munna fa tix

>> No.13557504


Not an argument.

>> No.13557529

A thread died for this. Which is a shame because rap is obviously the most culturally relevant form of poetry today, but everything else is just dull pol bait

>> No.13557541

Ayo, you better flee hops, or get your head flown three blocks
L keep rappers' hearts pumpin' like Reeboks
And every year I gain clout and my name sprouts
Some brothers'd still be virgins if crack never came out
I got the wild style, always been a foul child
My guns go "BOOM BOOM!" and yo' guns go "pow pow"

Better than most lame poetry. It has balls. It has gusto. It has juice.

>> No.13557547

See only cringy people like rap

>> No.13557554

Wtf is after rap? Is it the logical conclusion of popular music?

>> No.13557560

that's rich

>> No.13557569

>>Rap is the most relevant form of poetry today
>>Rap records will outlast most white poets (a thousand years from now, people will reference kendrick lamar over any 20th cent. poet)
>>The decolonisation/dewhitening of western literature is ultimately a good thing for the progression of society
>>Quotas actually let POC/minorities have an equal footing against more privileged classes
>>There is such thing as a value on a piece of art
Be more specific
>>men SHOULD step aside and let women speak
More or less, yeah
>>All /lit/ posters who see racism/sexism/transphobia or ableism on this board should report it instantly then HIDE the thread it came from.

>> No.13557575

C’mon, if it’s liked by the politically correct it can’t be cool.

>> No.13557579

one more
>Existentialism was awesome because it elevated the concerns of intelligent teenagers into a coherent and serious philosophy. I’m going to die. The universe doesn’t give a shit. How do I go on?

>> No.13557590


Message to all POC's, to all Leftists, and to all who think jungle mumble music is poetry:


>> No.13557606


wtf ur an incel FREAK

>> No.13557607

There's no such thing as "decolonisation/dewhitening of western literature". Thats a completely false and absurd hypothesis because it implies Nigs have created Literature of worth in the West beyond what's already known, when it's clearly not the case and it implies Nigs are responsible for the some of the works written by Westerners, which is false and dishonest. Western Literature was never colonised, Western Literature belongs to the West itself.

>> No.13557610

that guy had to take 2 breaths in a 15 second sentence. can you imagine how fat he must be

>> No.13557618

Why do you consider that rap is a form of poetry?

>> No.13557629

well of course it is

>> No.13557631


black people are now part of the conversation you tried to alienate them to for so many years. they're exceeding at a faster rate then any white person ever did. chill out and 'lax cause we aren't going to stop.

>> No.13557632

Rap is still a thing? I stopped listening to pop music in like the early 00s.

>> No.13557641

no, rap music stopped when you stopped listening to it

>> No.13557645

>they're exceeding at a faster rate then any white person ever did
They still talk like monkeys, so not really that fast. ESL person here btw.

>> No.13557656

good to know

>> No.13557658


>racism outside of /b/


>> No.13557662

Not really, country is making a hilarious comeback in the void of talent

>> No.13557667

>well of course it is
i don't see it, can you explain me why?
>black people are now part of the conversation you tried to alienate them to for so many years. they're exceeding at a faster rate then any white person ever did. chill out and 'lax cause we aren't going to stop.
sorry but this doesn't answer my question. White people can rap too.


>> No.13557669

I like country. Johnny Cash, anyway.

>> No.13557676

>>Quotas actually let POC/minorities have an equal footing against more privileged classes
I used to think this way until I saw a examples of this in the real world and realized it doesn't work because the spots that are created get filled by lazy retards who didn't deserve the spot in the first place.

>> No.13557678

They do. The noises they make barely classify as English.

>> No.13557679

Yeah it’s not that country

>> No.13557681

>ayo check one two check one...ooga booga ayo muh dik bix nood

>> No.13557683

>White people can rap too.

you know you've lost where you post a person rapping in malaysian when english is hiphops native tongue

>> No.13557685


>> No.13557687

Any body else notice the general boredom most people have been showing with rap online lately? I find it very interesting seeing how it may mark a slow decline and inevitable death of the genre and I’m interested in what will come next.

>> No.13557692

This, things like feminism are progressing to the point where they’re hurting women by promoting the untalented on the arbitrary basis of identity

>> No.13557693

took your last advice, hiding this thread now

>> No.13557700

Isn’t a white guy the most successful rapper ever

>> No.13557704

i'd like to hear what definition of poetry excludes rap music?

>> No.13557710

Oh, so you admit it? Your finaly evolving to the level is white people have been ok for centuries and are entering your renaissance. Maybe your people will reach teh dominance you claim to hold, but so far it seems the light of this world will burn out before you move past the gang violence and substances abuse

>> No.13557714

>“If I was black, I would’ve sold half”

>> No.13557715

Rap can only go so far. Nigs have already spent all their "muh skin muh hood muh moneys muh crime muh fame muh white boogeyman" nonsense.

>> No.13557720

None. But just cause it’s realevent and popular doesn’t mean it’s good.

>> No.13557722

lol spaniards can't rap? is it rap an english monopoly? i can post some other white rappers if you like


>> No.13557728

High profile promotion of nigs is elite, urban white people making money off them, deriving amusement from them, and using them as a bioweapon against non-elite whites

>> No.13557733

i don't know. white writers have wrote about the same thing for millenia

>> No.13557735

and which one includes rap? as far as i know poetry only includes poetry, excluding all derivations

>> No.13557736

>everything that happens to the white man and is good is cause he’s white
>anything bad that happens to the black man is because he’s black
Ok retard

>> No.13557741

I bet that black artists are more popular with black people than white artists. Reality is black people are a minority, they hardly exist. They wouldn’t suffer these problems if they lived in a black ethnostate, and that’s a whole lot simpler than trying to maintain equal race populations all over the world. Speaking of why don’t you complain about the threat to equality posed by the sheer number of black people world wide? Aren’t whites the real minority? Can you tel me what your plan is for affirmative action for whites? Is there one?

>> No.13557745

that's true. but just because poems are respected & critically appraised doesn't mean they're good

>> No.13557748

White writers were smart. Nigs aren't.

>> No.13557752

do you ever listen to yourself?

>> No.13557756

Can you answer a single point? Or is the left basically just a facade, a big lie?

>> No.13557757
File: 89 KB, 457x482, frithjof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a single thing you said was true. Read Guenon...and then pic related.

>> No.13557768

why not robert graves': the more-or-less deliberate attempt, with the help of a rhythmic mesmerism, to impose an illusion of actual experience on the minds of others

>> No.13557771

Fair enough. But you can’t argue that one doesn’t have more substance than the other and modern mass produced repetition rather than individual expression of complex ideas is more interesting to me than another copy pasted African American preaching guns, girls, and gold. But that’s just for me

>> No.13557776

Not an argument

>> No.13557784

Are dr. Sues books novels?

>> No.13557795

no. really?

>> No.13557806

^ the pathetic and stupid left

>> No.13557814

Oral poetry has always been popular and will remain so. Rhythm and poetry is the highest form of poetry because it cares for syllabes and musicality, so it peaks both the soul and the ears, whereas a lot of poetry is horrendous and out of touch. However, poetry has Divine Comedy and Rumi whereas rap doesn't, but in a few hundred years or decades we'll probably see something of that magnitude. Even now, if you go to the underground there's some talented people. I don't actually care about poetry as a medium, only transforming rap to a higher art than what it is. I don't really care if some stiff guy in his 30s thinks rapper is 'ooga booga dr seus' because it's not an argument. It just shows how little they listen to rap. They probably think Eminem is the best still.

Dents, Nicks, Cracks, Splints and other Swedish laments
The best poetry barely makes sense - Canibus

Take a listen

>> No.13557815

i can argue that. that's just what i will argue. on the simple basis that we should take each thing on it's merits.
and you should consider, the main theme of all poetry has been girls, and guns haven't played a small part either

>> No.13557819

you can't write a rap though, it would be the most basic rhymes

>> No.13557824

>Rap records will outlast most white poets
No. Rap dates itself horribly with a bunch of pop culture references.

>> No.13557828

>rappers care for syllables

>> No.13557829

learn to use the internet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJ8g4FCNYtQ

>> No.13557833

i am what’s reflected
off a surface
a blend of several
imperfect blurry photos

if you write something with better rhyme and syllabes than this then you'll win the argument okay?

>> No.13557839

Rakim is already forgotten.

>> No.13557847

popularity fallacy fuck off

>> No.13557861

Rappers eat syllables liberally to force a rhyme, whatever your point is, that rappers have respect to syllables is retarded

>> No.13557868

The original statement was that rap will outlast. It's already fading fast.

Reggaeton is the new pop music. Rap's days are numbered.

>> No.13557872

pointing out how they use rhyme is not a critique. you can't write like it, if you wrote one it would be a white person saying 'cat and hat' as a joke to mock what they think rap is.

>> No.13557894

>with the help of a rhythmic mesmerism
rap hasn't poetic meters. Should be songs considered poetry?

>> No.13557895

While what you do say is true I must add that while they’re poems heavily centered around those topics poets have a higher tendency to explore more complex ideas whereas rap doesn’t as often. I also wanna clarify I see rap as the poor mans poetry not making it any less legitimate but still nevertheless not elegant

>> No.13557903

it's in a grey area between song and poetry.
i evolve in this higher dawn sunlit fly along
tumbling in this undertow that bluntly roams this sky of ours
i’m filled with molecules each stuffed with what’s inside a star
what fuels this aviation radiating from inside my heart
the magic conjured massive blossoms macrocosm popcorn
catalyzed by gravitons that magnified a lightstorm

poor mans poetry, look at the rhymes

>> No.13557907

>it's in a grey area between song and poetry.
so it isn't poetry

>> No.13557911

you don't know what poetry means.

>> No.13557918

rap does have meter.

>> No.13557924

which one? need sources on that
i do know nothing. i'm just here to learn from you guys

>> No.13557928

read the example >>13557903

>> No.13557934

>complex ideas
not really. not the very good poems. most often a poem is the resolution of a deep inner conflict.
and poetry's goal shouldn't be to be elegant. you've probably highlighted the main point people hold against rap music: their misunderstanding what poetry is.

>> No.13557936

Interesting. May I know the name of this artist so I can check out some of there work

>> No.13557939

pick any

>> No.13557944

it's a very obscure rapper i found on youtube that has mostly metaphysical raps.


>> No.13557946

I’m sorry but if your inner conflict is a struggle between hyper materialism and popularity I don’t think your a very interesting and meaningful person at all

>> No.13557952

yours is only one level above that, 'the existential'.

>> No.13557954

I’ll check it out and see what I think but thank you

>> No.13557962

Doesn’t have to souly pertain to existential but it’s something common people struggle with. There’s tons of other subjects that are regularly explored that are hardly ever even touched upon in rap and that’s blatant

>> No.13557964

Such as? Ill find a rap that says it

>> No.13557968

oh really you don't think kanye west is interesting?

>> No.13557969

Literally everything asides from your first opinion is objectively wrong.

>> No.13557971

which metre is it. i've counted an irregular number of sylabes in the stanza

>> No.13557986

Not generally no, but compared to his contemporaries yes

>> No.13557988

no my friend, look at the intricacy of the rhyme

>> No.13557993

The Alamo

>> No.13558000

i'm not talking about ryme, i'm talking about metres. you know, sylabes and all that.

>> No.13558004

well shakespeare wrote about that you know

>> No.13558006

The point isn’t whester or not you can find one obscure fucking rapper who mentions off hand a subject. It’s the point that the overwhelming majority of rappers are generic and boring to any one who doesn’t wanna LARP as a fucking gang member

>> No.13558013

the majority of poetry is overwhelmingly not true poetry

>> No.13558015

Not arguing in favor of Shakespeare

>> No.13558017

Not true, say what you want about the past, shitters didn’t get promoted

>> No.13558020

are you joking?

>> No.13558022

bix nood muh nigGUH

muh nigGUH

>> No.13558024

Only difference is now I have to hear the peasantry complain

>> No.13558025

no, of course. why would you do that

>> No.13558026

And yet most oral tradition is lost to time

>> No.13558031

Soundcloud is putting the final nail in the rap coffin, thank god.

>> No.13558036

Rap is a folk art. Please don't tie it into gangstar rap, the Jews are behind that, it's well documented. Nobody is saying those 90 something IQ rappers are worthy of being analysed, but the best rappers most definitely are.

>> No.13558042

well probably they have money

>> No.13558044

That’s what I meant when I called it poor mans poetry before. It’s poetry for the lower class and there’s nothing wrong with that but it’s a different thing than traditional poetry

>> No.13558049

that's such a stupid thing to say

>> No.13558054

Well I guess really it’s the rich trying to appeal to the peasantry but it’s diluting my aristocratic pursuits and I’m not having it

>> No.13558058

A lot of it is, as I've provided in this thread, not all of it is centered towars the 'lower class'. Btw most of the best poems were written by the 'lower class'.

>> No.13558065

well the real aristocracy have always felt at home with the working class, it's the middle class who don't

>> No.13558074

Yeah, there’s outliers but overall we agree

>> No.13558083

Of course they did, many still do. It’s when the guiotines come out and heads roll when the aristocratic find there true place

>> No.13558089

i dont like 90% of poetry either, but i dont like when people focus on rap like most poetry isnt vapid shit

>> No.13558091

Nice doggerel you posted

>> No.13558094
File: 59 KB, 400x582, 6A0F24B3-DBFA-4D8A-B912-1F44AC93CC25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t take anyone or anything that makes music videos seriously

>> No.13558105

>w-well let's ss-see you write b-better!
Quite simply not an argument.

>> No.13558117

never happened in england

>> No.13558118
File: 265 KB, 600x534, proveit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13558128

send better
show me a poet that rhymes like that, don't reply telling me you don't care about rhyme, i don't care that you don't care

>> No.13558149

>send better
Better what?

>> No.13558153

The English had a good colonial empire that kept all good and fat enough to ever want to rise against there handlers. It was only after the massive downsizing of its territories did the punk movement open up the discussion of anarchy in the uk

>> No.13558157

>show me a poet that rhymes like that
Why? His rhymes are awful

>> No.13558176

i'm sorry that you don't know what a 'multisylalbic rhyme' is and you still think rap is 'cat and hat', hopefully you'll stop humilating yourself and stop talking about a form you are not familiar with. if you have something to add to the discussion, feel free to show me a poet that has similiar rhyming technique.

>> No.13558196

Stringing together words that sound similar is hardly difficult but adding a splash of pashion and individuality in your art and I’ll respect you

>> No.13558199

are you ESL?

>> No.13558200

>arguing with shadows
It's ok to like doggerel anon, don't worry about it.

>> No.13558207

The ramblings of an afrocentric cultist will always be ugly.

>> No.13558209

>feel free to show me a poet that has similiar rhyming technique.
Why would I want to show you a poet with a bad rhyming technique?

>> No.13558218

Odd comment, the 'splash of passion' and individuality is an element in written poetry too, not sure why you are applying it here.
Why is it Afrocentric?
You still view poetry like it's Tudor England because you have no technical understanding of rhyme which is why you like cat/hat rhymes or poor couplets that are mere basic abstractions of a form that has been perfected via rap.

>> No.13558220
File: 48 KB, 658x687, avignon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13558232

>Why is it Afrocentric?
Rakim is a 5%er. When he asks "who is god?" the answer is the black man. How do you defend poems that you don't even understand?

>> No.13558234

>You still view poetry like it's Tudor England because you have no technical understanding of rhyme which is why you like cat/hat rhymes or poor couplets that are mere basic abstractions of a form that has been perfected via rap.
What a long way to say absolutely nothing at all. You appear to have no technical understanding of prosody whatsoever and have been singularly unable to prove otherwise in this entire thread.

>> No.13558237


>> No.13558254

When you really look into it, about 80% of hip hop is oral scripture for one cult or another.

>> No.13558255

No, it's very mystical though. 5% do not believe in what they show you.
You have no technical understanding of poetry so you think your Tudor cat in the hat rhymes are better than the most advanced multis, again, add to the discussion or leave

>> No.13558272

Women should not speak

>> No.13558274

>You have no technical understanding of poetry so you think your Tudor cat in the hat rhymes are better than the most advanced multis, again, add to the discussion or leave
Incorrect. You are blocking intellectual progress. Go back.

>> No.13558278

>Rap is the most relevant form of poetry today
>Rap records will outlast most white poets (a thousand years from now, people will reference kendrick lamar over any 20th cent. poet)
Lmoa sure
>The decolonisation/dewhitening of western literature is ultimately a good thing for the progression of society
The opposite is truth, but ok
>Quotas actually let POC/minorities have an equal footing against more privileged classes
No it doesn't. Quotas generally put less qualified people in positions due to unchangable factors. If you want POC to have equal footing against higher classes, educate them the way the higher classes are educated, don't say "accept this applicant due to being [non-white non-asian] race". Give them the same environments, don't funnel them upwards and expect them to know what to do automatically.
>There is such thing as a value on a piece of art
Not sure what this means
>men SHOULD step aside and let women speak
Women should have something worthwhile to speak in the first place, then they might deserve the platform after they earned the right to hold it just as men do
>All /lit/ posters who see racism/sexism/transphobia or ableism on this board should report it instantly then HIDE the thread it came from.
I'll report your thread for insinuating that POC/women are incapable of bettering themselves and need the bar lowered by [I'm assuming white] males to hold any notable place in society.

>> No.13558288


>> No.13558289

The definition of blocking intellectual progress is believing that one syllable rhymes are superior to multis. Don't bother replying again unless you have substance. I don't care if you keep repeating tudor cat/hat rhymes are better dude

>> No.13558296

>5% do not believe in what they show you.
The 5%ers believe that the black man is god. It's the central part of their theology. All the silly numerology comes later.

>> No.13558300

What part of the rap insinuates that?

>> No.13558305

>People will talk about Kendrick Lamar.
Not even close. The western canon is the western canon because of it's influence and staying power. Every rapper will be replaced.

>Dewhitening is a good thing.
Potentially, but not this way not by just being racist against white people to make up for their ancestors. That isn't equality. It's arbitrary victim politics.

>Value on a piece of art.
Define your terms.

>Let women speak.
Who isn't letting women speak? This again is not an issue. We have equality. Demanding that every man shut up for every woman or be accused of sexism, however, is just belligerent retarded sexism.

Here's some bad news for you to accept:
Equality cannot exist. Because people use equality differently and make themselves unequal. Further enforcing equality only makes it so that the hardest working of us see the least payoff and the most worthless of us see the most.

>> No.13558318


popularity fallacy, fuck off retard

>> No.13558341

Guess how I know you're an illiterate chimp?

>> No.13558343

Black rappers that subscribe to that idealogy openly

>> No.13558346

Don't ever talk to me again with your doggerel championing nonsense. Don't poison the discourse further with your lies and obfuscation. You have not made a single coherent argument about why your nigger nig nig is anything but a nigger nig nig even though anyone who is not a silly little boy like you can see that this is the case. The rhymes are poor: FACT. They lack sophistication: FACT. They do not scan: FACT. They are belabored and awkward: FACT. No grace. No artistry. Pure masturbation by a literary brainlet absorbed and fapped over by a disgusting little sponge like you.

Goodbye. I have blocked you forever

>> No.13558348

>It even tells us we are Gods in the Holy Qu'ran
>Wisdom Strength and Beauty, one of the meanings of God>
>G.O.D. you and me Gomar Oz Dubar
>Knowledge Wisdom Understanding Sun Moon and Star
>Man Woman and Child, and so is Allah

This part.

>> No.13558362

hahaha you used the popularity fallacy....hahaha man you cant use that
hahahah you didnt even point out the fucking line in the rap you just say some lemming view of 5%ers like you understand what it means. the east is far ahead the west in terms of philosophy.
mystical, not 'black'.
one syllable rhymes arent better than multis cmon man youre humilating yourself, bring an argument

>> No.13558378

>one syllable rhymes arent better than multis
not him I'm his twin brother. Multis are decadent garbage. Simplicity trumps complexity in poetical matters. You cannot refute this. You won' even try. Want to know how I know? Hmmm? I bet you do. I'm waiting.

>> No.13558394

Wow... Sweaty.... Self. Crit. Now. .... Fr*ckin' racists I fr*ck*n swear!!!!

>> No.13558400

>Rap is the most relevant form of poetry today
It is the most mainstream. I fail to see what this proves other than it's popularity, which I don't think anybody is actually contending. This is self evident.
>Rap records will outlast most white poets
Nobody can know. I'm sure many rap records will maintain relevancy longer than most poetry, and some poetry will outlast most rap records.
>The decolonisation/dewhitening of western literature is ultimately a good thing for the progression of society
You provide neither a framework for how you define "good," nor do you actually provide evidence to substantiate this argument. You have not because you cannot, unless you are some future seeing oracle. It is beyond your ability to correctly make a claim like this.
>Quotas actually let POC/minorities have an equal footing against more privileged classes
Nobody has argued that quotas produce equity. The false assumption of this philosophy is that statistical desparaties in populations are in themselves evidence of discrimination, which is simply incorrect. Nobody can know what the ehtnic population of a specific group or environment will be without discrimination, as different cultures and different people tend towards different occupations and interests. It is not within the power of the government, or any group of people, to divine what the statistical distribution of ethnic populations within a given field "ought" to be. Quotas, in essence, are the opposite of equal opportunity, which is explicitly what the Civil Rights Act of 1964 intended to exercise. If an employee suspects his employer of discriminatory practice, he should approach it as one would any other civil case, providing evidence and proof that this employer has violated the rights of employees to not be discriminated by race. Suggesting that issues like this should be resolved before they actually happen by a single person or group of people who assign arbitrary rates that they deem "ideal" for their vision of race distributions is completely backwards to the simple and plain meanings of civil rights laws.
>There is such thing as a value on a piece of art
It is subjective, just as any other commodity.
>men SHOULD step aside and let women speak
>All /lit/ posters who see racism/sexism/transphobia or ableism on this board should report it instantly then HIDE the thread it came from.

>> No.13558404
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>> No.13558405

>. Multis are decadent garbage. Simplicity trumps complexity in poetical matters. You cannot refute this. Y

aaaaa it takes more skill to say what you're saying within that frame than it does to give one sylalbe rhymes. thats like saying getting a kill in a video game 2 minutes apart is better than getting 4 in a row, youre an idiot :')

>> No.13558409

>>Rap is the most relevant form of poetry today
hahaha you used the popularity fallacy....hahaha man you cant use that

>> No.13558413

>Rap is the most relevant form of poetry today
>Rap records will outlast most white poets
You define both of these as the same thing and then immediately assert them as separate in the second line. What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.13558416

Is there something in rap the western edgelord tradition of De Sade,
Rimbaud, Bukowski etc... didn't do? Shieeet, even niggardry is white invention.

>> No.13558418

This, the most popular latin pop artists (J balvin, Bad bunny) are already equally, if not more, popular than the most famous rappers. And just wait until hispanic demographics explode

>> No.13558420

>poetry is like videogames
LOL you just refuted yourself zoomer brainlet! Back to the fourth form!

>> No.13558426

>aaaaa it takes more skill to say what you're saying within that frame than it does to give one sylalbe rhymes.
If only you had some skill to type this out coherently

>> No.13558429

>>men SHOULD step aside and let women speak
Yeah, not like there's a generations long history of oppressing women in rap music.

>> No.13558435

>mystical, not 'black'.
You don't understand his religious claims. Just look at this line:
>Bear witness to Allah, gave birth to all
>For Allah was all, and therefore, life itself
>And the universe gave birth to man
>The universe was man, and man was the universe
the 5%ers believe that the original black man is the original man and god, the "life itself" that he describes as "Allah." The white man is the devil grafted into existence by an evil scientist. Not the life he describes as "Allah." I've heard an other 5%er claim that white people like zombie shows so much because we are zombies.

His adherence to that religion can be seen by his constant references to the Supreme Mathematics (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five-Percent_Nation#The_Universal_Language).). You can't understand these lyrics without some knowledge of their theology. You don't understand why he's using the words that he's used, so I don't get why you claim to enjoy it.

>> No.13558444

no, its like sufism, rakim is more into that, he isnt racist

>> No.13558452

Niggers can play The Dozens on the go - that's rap. Whites can't, they need to write it down first. It's a bit like speed chess (surprise, GMs are black!) or jazz. No capacity whatsoever for anything long term, but can improvise on the spot.

>> No.13558463

maybe their mode of thinking is more exoteric whereas the pensive writer is an esoteric thinker? some of the best rappers tend to be introverts though

>> No.13558464

The "Supreme Mathematics" is exclusive to the 5%ers. Even the Sufis would call it shirk and bidah. The 5%ers also claim to not hate whites, but they still see us as grafted devils.

>> No.13558472


>> No.13558476

We already live in a culture that parses out good rap from bad rap. Statistically speaking, if the best "good rap" rises among the thousands upon thousands of wannabee rap stars, there's a chance that at least one rapper will be looked back on as one of the greats, who's likeness will be compared to Shakespeare. Granted, the comparison will be made with respect to how great we think Shakespeare is now to how we perceive a "great rapper" to be. Although, music and the written word are incomparable mediums for the reason that vocal quality and expression leads the comparison to be in-congruent. Odds are, rappers will be compared with other rappers, as it is the easiest medium to become successful in, as the minimum needed to rap is an ego and an iota of masculinity. Successful rappers are socially deceitful, as well as mentally unstable, prone to violence and crime, and the like. Some rappers demonstrate instances of clever wordplay, but let's face the fact that that level of wit is minuscule compared to some of the great poets. Whichever way you slice it, rap isn't a medium that currently lends itself to a rich traditional tapestry. It won't until the culture that propagates it develops far past self-sufficiency. Maybe the last part is a stretch, but I'd argue it in this context (with minor reference to a politics) to see how it goes.

>> No.13558477

he has an eclectic mix and doesnt subscribe to the racist doctrine, i hope you know that all religions have a flaw, you need to think perrenially

>> No.13558486
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>> No.13558503

Yeah the only difference is most modern religions aren’t tolerated if they express there prejudice

>> No.13558534

It boils down to impulse control. As for introverts, they can be extremely quick witted in public. But only for a brief (half a dozen hours or so) time period when they burn bright until exhausted.

>> No.13558545
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Sure, but the central claim of the religion he references the most directly in that song is that the black man is god and in turn, the white man is the devil. They don't have much else to them.

Here's some other food for thought.

>> No.13558556

it's basically black man freemasonry, its a big larp

>> No.13558561

>We already live in a culture that parses out good rap from bad rap. Statistically speaking, if the best "good rap" rises among the thousands upon thousands of wannabee rap stars, there's a chance that at least one rapper will be looked back on as one of the greats, who's likeness will be compared to Shakespeare.
As with other commodified art forms, this is self evident. No agency is subsidizing the works of artists in this field, thus they are subject to the preferences of consumers to dictate their level of success. This is natural amongst any medium or artist who's existence and work depends on their economic success. I fail to see, however, how this implies their works will rival Shakespeare. For one, rap and shakespeare work in traditionally different mediums and in different eras of human history. They possess different levels of desirability amongst different people and for different reasons. They are not congruent in their audience's preferences. We are not comparing a linear scenario, they are two fundamentally different systems. It is the measure of desirability by consumers that brings rappers success, and it may be that lack of desirability for Shakespeare which leads some to consume rap rather than Shakespeare. Any comparisons to Shakespeare, in truth, would only be speaking to the emotional appeal of asserting a specific individual as being profilic, or esteemed, despite how meaningless the statement would actually be.
>the minimum needed to rap is an ego and an iota of masculinity
You are confusing tendencies and requirements. The more fundamentally necessity of rap ability is charisma and the ability to emote. I do not mean charisma in the traditional sense of sociability, but in the form it takes in how actors and singers emote with their performance. Rap is performance, it has nothing to do with masculinity or ego, regardless of how you common you perceive these characteristics to be.
>Successful rappers are socially deceitful, as well as mentally unstable, prone to violence and crime, and the like.
Is this substantiated by evidence? Or is this another "notion" conceived without empirical evidence. This statement is very much identifiable with data, you are not pronouncing an abstract truth, but a literal tendency amongst a profession. It would, I think, be more accurate to say that rap, as a career, is more closely associated with criminal identities and activity, which can be proven both by the frequency of prolific rappers that commit crimes in comparison to musicians of different genres. This is far separated from saying that rappers are socially deceitful. This is a blanket statement devoid of any merit.
>Some rappers demonstrate instances of clever wordplay, but let's face the fact that that level of wit is minuscule compared to some of the great poets.
The desirability of both forms of work is subjective, as previously mentioned.

>> No.13558568

The only rap worth listening to is MF Doom and Death Grips

>> No.13558575

the paleface White teenager who is more black than you is telling you how to be black, just listen to MF DOOM and Death Grips he says

>> No.13558638

Holy...now that's a wrap

>> No.13558679

Thanks for pointing these things out. I don't really put much thought into comparing artistic mediums. I try to appreciate each for what they individually set out to communicate. I appreciate anons like you. How would you go about categorizing rap and poetry? Where are they similar? Where are they different? Are they more different than similar? Does this warrant them to be viewed as categorically separate art forms? Or is there another reason?

>> No.13558721


>> No.13558761

Rap is shit as a general rule, like most poetry. Its usefulness as an artform is, like poetry, measured solely by the people who perform with it, not by its actual form, content, or structure. There isn't a Shakespeare of rap, at least not yet.

Western literature is white. White people wrote it, preserved it, and it belongs to them. You can no more separate white people from Western literature than you can any other culture from its literature. Tying social progress to the destruction of a race's culture and history is meme-tier.

Quotas devalue art by creating a mathematical basis for quality, rather than allowing the quality of an artist's work to impact society positively. No one pays attention to quota-based work because there is no quality driven aspect to be admired.

Art is valued based on culture, not on any inherent value.

Women speak all the time.


>> No.13558762

Who fucking cares anymore

>> No.13558837

I love when rap is just a series of random non-sequiturs about how great the rapper is and whatever braindead observations occur to him while writing
not sarcasm btw i actually like listening to it

>> No.13558933

>Thinking Affirmative Action helps minorities

>> No.13558953

My point was to argue the opposite. Is the Civil Rights Act of 1964 an affirmative action bill?

>> No.13560061

>implying that's not ugly as hell

>> No.13560065
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>the best rapper is a white male

>> No.13560070

i used to like rap when i was a daily stoner and smoking my first joint immediately after waking up. once i laid off the weed i just couldn't listen to it anymore. to the sober mind, it instantly lost any sort of appeal it might have had while high.

>> No.13560073

>Rap is the most relevant form of poetry today
stooped reading there

>> No.13560116

based, it's actually Rupi Kaur and other Instagram poets

>> No.13560120

If you're writing poetry in an attempt to become relevant you're doing it wrong anyway.