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13554962 No.13554962[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books to understand the female nature without having to actually interact with women? I want to write a female character, but i have no idea how to proceed in doing it, since i literally never talked to a female that wasn't my mother for more than 5 minutes.
Please no meme books like Sex & Character or On Women. These are boring and stale answers.

>> No.13554974

Woman: A vindiction, Anthony Ludovici

>> No.13554988

The Bible

See: Eve, Delilah, Jezebel, Salome, etc.

>> No.13554992

Are women really that bad?

>> No.13554997

>the female nature
If you're the only man in the world, she'll be dying for your attention. Even if you're Goonies tier ugly.

If there's a more handsome man, she'll fuck him instead. Now imagine a child in an adults body. There, now you understand women.

>> No.13554999

They're worse

>> No.13555001


>> No.13555016

No man ever worth his salt ever thought of women as anything but trash

>> No.13555017

Honestly the best book on women there is. you can read it for free on his fan website

>> No.13555023
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That guy is pretty good looking 2bh

>> No.13555025

cuz, you're asking to have men to explain women and their experience to another man to write that representation women as defined by man. your shits all mixed up. it's gonna be shit. read the female eunuch and be done with it.

>> No.13555028

I think otto weininger addressed it in some work

>> No.13555030

If you ask a woman to explain the female condition, they wouldn't understand

>> No.13555037
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>> No.13555042

As long as there are women, there will be alcohol.

>> No.13555057

The manipulated man by Esther vilar,

It's brutally honest and written by a woman.

>> No.13555124

If you're writing a story and you want a woman for superficial purposes (so the protag has a love interest, or because it would be unrealistic to only have males) then just write a dude and call it a girl. If your story focuses on the nature of women as female, why bother? You don't know anything about them anyway. Just write whatever you want because it's not going to have any basis in reality so you can do anything you want.

>> No.13555131

But it will be cringe. I want people to talk about my female character like they talk about Anna Karenina, and how it's actually a good rendition of the female condition. However i want to satirize females, but i need a good grasp on their soul. Is reading female twitter a good representation of the female way of being?

>> No.13555135

>but i have no idea how to proceed in doing it
And you came here for advice....
They’ve never talked face to face with any woman besides their moms either.

>> No.13555139

men value sex and claim to be good at sex (which they aren't, ie with virgin girls) only because they know it is on sex and harmless fun that a woman bases her decision to let men continue to care for her.

If a woman was able to acknowledge a man in a non sexual way, then men would care more about this way than sex. But it's not the case, women center their life on sex and they love to let compete for them, take only the men who show how well they can entertain women.

The blow back for women is that repulsive, poor men continue to try to be noticed by women and men do not know when to stop.

a problem for women, is that once a man is chosen by a woman for the fucking and caring, the man thinks he no longer competes against other men, and that woman no longer has any orbiters. The man thinks his victory is perpetual. Then the woman gets less and less harmless fun that she craves, so she choose a few other disposable orbiters. Then the current provider no longer feels acknowledged and begins to seek the validation of another woman.

Also, women do not have babies because ''muh genes'' muh evolution.
Women have babies because
-they love to spread their legs
-their parents push them for grand children
-they get bored and they see the family as a way to keep the relationship alive
-they see other women having babies and being okay with it

This stuff about ''tough healthy males'' comes from the male love to interpret anything through their fantasy of dominance and submission, but this is because they love to confuse dominance with being active and submission with being passive so that they delude themselves that they are not the weaker sex by being so active, whereas their activities turn out to be only making women comfy and make life harder for men.

Women know this male clinging to power fantasies by heart and they have no problem using it to avoid being as destitute as a men can become, while still thinking that those women realize the female fantasy of intimacy, of going beyond passing for and knowing to be slutty goldiggers, by being devoted to the realization of the fantasy of grandiosity of a few men or more commonly by having children and creating a family.

What women want the most is harmless fun and intimacy. THey get to realize their fantasy first when they are young with men, by trying to let their ''ego'' on the side and realize the sexual fantasies of the men who fuck them. WOmen quickly learn that the only healthy way to relate to men is to be capitalistic on the male market.

But The fantasy of being intimate is realized with having children. THis is what men do not understand. Women love ''to be selfless'' by caring about children and they delude themselves that their compassion and unconditional love for the children is a good thing. Childless women direct their retarded compassion towards animals and children they do not know.
So women love children for the intimacy. Women rely on men for the sex and care they give.

>> No.13555141

I doubt it desu. 4chan is full of normies. My case is unusual for nu/lit/. I rarely if ever have any contact with the opposite sex, not even small talk. Most faggots here have 'oneitis' and girls they talked to but were "friendzoned" or some shit like that.

>> No.13555148

Literally just write a man who is more concerned with social harmony and being liked than functional reality and being right, who has never been forced to be accountable for anything or have hard convictions about anything.

>> No.13555156

>they wouldn't understand
they would lie

>> No.13555163

Change that.
Women are all kinds of differences, like any men. A book like de Beauvoir’s Second Sex may be of interest, it’s not going to help you interact any better. Like reading a book on swimming I guess.
Sharpen your friend making skills, which I imagine are pretty dull too

>> No.13555168

Write a man and remove the ability to self-assess.

>> No.13555170

they will always defend themselves
women are the syndicalist parasite sex

>> No.13555181

If you actually explore incel memes, you will learn everything about womens personality/behaviour/desires.

>> No.13555184

I have many friends though, and no problem socializing with men. It's women that dislike short, ugly and beta males. But it's whatever, i don't care about females anymore. I'm merely interested in them as material for fiction.

>> No.13555188

Let me restate: why bother? Why do you want to satirize something you don't understand? Catch-22 is a perfect satire of the military because Heller served in the air force; Dr. Strangelove works because the cold war was a day to day reality of living in that period. Look at this thread and you'll see that everyone has their own concept of what makes a female so female. Of course you're on 4chan so the general consensus will be negative, and on top of that this is /lit/ so most people will trend towards "immature and reads Harry Potter". If you read a book about the female nature all you'll be capable of is writing a character from somebody else's opinion of women. What you can do is write about how you don't understand women because you've never spoken to them, but that's exactly what you would be writing even if you learned about the female nature from reading about it.

Just remember that the most cringe thing is to not b urself :^)

>> No.13555193

>In 1975 she was invited to a televised debate[2] by WDR with Alice Schwarzer, who was considered as the leading representative of the women's movement in Germany at that time. The debate provoked controversy, in particular for its high degree of aggression. At one point, for example, Schwarzer claimed Vilar was[3] "not only sexist, but fascist", and compared her book with the Nazi newspaper Der Stürmer.
Absolutely nothing has changed.

>> No.13555211

As long as that understanding is somewhat correct to women's nature, i don't see a problem. We rely on expert opinions about things we don't understand every single day.