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File: 685 KB, 2048x2048, C9B52746-4A48-4E13-8589-333C7273EA70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13554420 No.13554420 [Reply] [Original]

Are you part of the forming consensus?

>> No.13554423

where is kant

>> No.13554439

Lmao wat.

>> No.13554503
File: 846 KB, 2048x2048, 645C887E-E289-4F84-B5EA-9D4FC45AC5B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reddit consensus

>> No.13554525

>analytic jew below plato
Wat kind of shit is this supposed to be

>> No.13554526

>Spengler, ?, ?
>Hegel, Deleuze, Plato
>?, Bergson, Wittgenstein

>Russell, Singer, Dennett
>Sartre, ?, Nietzsche
>Dawkins, BSM, Sartre

Who did I miss? Help plox

>> No.13554532

bataille guenon whitehead jung

>> No.13554534

Thank you

>> No.13554560

that's camus not sartre

>> No.13554588

No. Get rid of Guenon.
This is unironically no worse due to the fact that Guenon is on about the same level of pseud as Tyson.

>> No.13554608

you havent read him, have you?

>> No.13554624
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mosaicguy is in lower right

>> No.13555197

No, no, no. That's Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Sartre.

>> No.13555204

I have, you'll have to come up with a better response. He isn't a philosopher.

>> No.13555225

have sex

>> No.13555300

I do. What are you gonna do now?

>> No.13555435 [DELETED] 

I recognized all of these guys. None of them speak to me on a deep level. I've just read them enough to the point where I understand their arguments and then threw it to the side after getting pissed over our disagreements. I respect them, but I do not like their overall visions. Honestly, the only Western philosopher to ever move me was Empedocles, but I don't agree with him on everything. Almost every other Western philosopher comes off as overly Faustian and disingenuous to me. I just don't like monism or monotheism. This obsession with the One is more of a psychological projection rather than any kind of sincere philosophical inquiry.

>> No.13555447

lmao imagine having sex
stop being a cumbrain.

>> No.13555482


>> No.13555504


>> No.13555516

in the center of
while he was young

>> No.13555559

the consensus that OP is a gigantic faggot? yes

>> No.13555597

Based for including Jung

>> No.13555878

fuck jung

>> No.13555986
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>fuck Jung

>> No.13556108

Dont forget gadamer you absokute buffoon

>> No.13556315
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>no Kierkegaard or Spinoza

>> No.13556352


>> No.13556586

got a problem kid?

>> No.13558325

Reminder for people to post who all they have in their 3x3s

>> No.13558335

why have you put aristotle instead of plotinus... seems like quite an embarrassing mistake

>> No.13558356


>> No.13558366
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>jung bad

>> No.13558372
File: 62 KB, 262x320, DADA-Evolagross.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is bad. He distorts a lot of the material he deals with from the world of religion/myth.

>> No.13558374
File: 1.44 MB, 920x920, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave the consensus to us

>> No.13558401
File: 65 KB, 850x400, Carljung2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know the very language we speak right now has roots in proto-indoeuropean religion/myths

>> No.13558512

Yeah why isn’t Wittgenstein above Plato

>> No.13560033
File: 208 KB, 920x920, mosaicfc59fa23dd297823807da29f7b10d76d5835f63b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, yes, yes I am.

>> No.13560529


>> No.13560569
File: 1.20 MB, 2048x2036, formula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13561157


>> No.13561542
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>> No.13561562

this one is all right

>> No.13561577


>> No.13561672
File: 174 KB, 920x920, mosaic7b3c9deaca4bc4d2056af2c477c3e04ab7b212cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last image is Benetar

>> No.13561682

The rest are good, these are gay

>> No.13561839

Dawkins as a biologist or ideologue? Or both? Same could be said about the other two.

>> No.13561976

reddit isn't a hivemind, you'll find redditors who agree with the philosophers in the OP.

>> No.13561986

No matter what you believe about Benetar you must concede that his unwillingness to evidence the image of his own person subtracts very significantly from the validity and candor of his philosophy

>> No.13562021

Pictures are suffering

>> No.13562026

plato covered everything wittgenstein ever said 2000 years earlier

>> No.13562921

and he didnt cover what heidegger had to say? ljl

>> No.13564133

Reading Benetar is suffering enough let alone having to look at his ugly face.

>> No.13564520

Schope is handsome

>> No.13564576

I associate Jung with well off bored californian type women of the boomer generation ( Marianne Williamson, Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna, Shirley MacLaine, or all seem like the sort of people who would take jung very seriously) or else joe rogan bros who can't stop talking about psychedelics. or else just lab rat zoomers who grew in the age of nerd culture and the internet completely detached from an organic mythical worldview or reasonable father figure, so they clung to Peterson, the 70s new age man. Even teen celebrities Kylie Jenner and Jaden Smith are getting into wilhelm reich and building sex magick orgone accumulators, so what are you waiting for? It would be a shame for the CIA and the forces of what william burroughs knew as '''Control'', if the turned on counterculture youth of america and to abandon Jung's reactionary teutonic and phallocentric metaphysics for full on Deleuzo Guattarian Schizoanalysis, militant antipsychiatry, gender accelerationism and the ideas of Dr Wilhelm Reich


>> No.13564589

Friendly reminder to always post who are in your 3x3s. Top left, bottom left and middle left? I think middle left is John Gray but with too much fucking zoom.

>> No.13564591

bottom left is ray brassier

>> No.13564599
File: 38 KB, 480x360, NickLandNickland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh I see you are a man of culture as well.

>> No.13564603

He's black.

>> No.13564721

best itt

>> No.13564741


>> No.13564838
File: 105 KB, 924x458, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13565198

Again 3x3s and post who is in them please.

>> No.13565254

>Bill Hamilton

truly based

>> No.13565256

this image was the funnest i've had in a while

>> No.13565292
File: 475 KB, 630x386, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at 12.59.12 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying western biology is not a totalitarian biopolitical discourse that has always been irrevocably connected to the management of human populations

biologists by definition are not only political ideologues, but also metaphysicians and theologists of deified nature and scientific reason. Foucault, Deleuze and Giorgio Agamben wrote extensively on von Uexküll's theories of the umwelt and their relationship to the nomos of modernity, and yes National Socialism.

>> No.13565385


Apart from the bottom row, that one is loads better than OP (with the exception of Witty, of course)

>> No.13565398


Why does everyone hate Pinker except for the fact that he's a Jew

>> No.13565438
File: 409 KB, 699x358, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at 1.34.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See Mr. Epstein's links to the highest echelons of the american scientific establishment. ''they'' have achieved the means to control the scientific consensus, or at least the perception of it(never devoid of biopolitical implications) through donation flows publishing, even complex prostitution and blackmail schemes.

>Desmond Morris, author of the naked ape, biologist and part-time surrealist painter.

>> No.13565445

God I hate singer so much

>> No.13565477


Pinker clashes with the consensus somewhat frequently, actually. Especially with regards to his evopsych shit

>> No.13565482


>> No.13565514
File: 236 KB, 491x340, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at 2.01.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm for poetic science, which is by necessity a radical political and utopian science. Deleuze- Nietszche, Whitehead, Second order cyberneticians such as Von forrester, Gregory Bateson, Stafford Beer, Maturana and Varela German Natur- und Lebens-Philosophie, Murray Bookchin, etc. have argued for it better than I have.

>> No.13565551

What are you on about?

>> No.13565594
File: 1.99 MB, 403x234, 1324485249780.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds real fucking u n f a l s i f i a b l e bro

>> No.13565655

Thomas Ligotti and Philip Mainlander?

>> No.13565746

Falsification<enactive ontological openess to complex phenomena expressed through anti authoritarian pragmatics

>> No.13566003


>> No.13566027

>, Second order cyberneticians
Whats this

>> No.13566355


>> No.13566362

It was just supposed to be a meme, guys.

>> No.13566878

Who is the schizo supposed to be mixed with top left? Recognize all the other ones.

>> No.13566899

that's plato bro

>> No.13566904

fuck off with guenon. good lord

>> No.13566970

Yes, I've read Edouard Musbodijk's "The Forming Consensus". It was a long hard but worth it. Now am part of the forming consensus.

>> No.13566974

>poetic science
>not also poetic physics, poetic geography, poetic medicine, poetic urology etc. etc.
read new science by vicus

>> No.13566999

They're all bad. Frued, Jung, Evola, Guneon, Campbell. It doesn't matter. The impulse is bad. Each one of them apostatizes their own faith in order to heresy a whole new faith that never belonged to them. They make themselves heterodox twice, thrice, and endlessly over. They are not preservers of anything, but are rather the stillborn shaman of netherborne modernism's never-born faith.

>> No.13567028

cringest shit I've read in a week, suicide is your only option desu

>> No.13567049

Nothing can be more cringe than synthetic mythology.

>> No.13567099

Immanuel Kant (or did you mean Nick Land?)

>> No.13567111
File: 7 KB, 244x206, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13567308

>forming consensus
>not just the most frequently memed thinkers of the week

>> No.13567411

I Kant believe it. You goblin be kidding me

>> No.13567434

they were memed for a reason
-> Actually <- the forming consensus is the one that memed themselves into being the meme thinkers. they're >part< of the forming consensus, they're not the forming consensus

>> No.13567486

The list OP wasn't supposed to be only philosophers you insufferable faggot

>> No.13567511

>I associate Jung with americans
>therefore jung is bad
mais ferme ton cul sale abruti d'anglo

>> No.13568135

jung is pure midwit

>> No.13568637

They're all philosophers except him.

>> No.13568669
File: 107 KB, 640x505, physiognomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is physiognomy so accurate?

>> No.13569674

Yes. When do we start our meet ups in our own /consensus/ general?